Grumbaki |

Racial Abilities
+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha
+2 Perception
* Bestial Features (pick 1, but can get more with Feats)
+10 foot racial bonus to base speed
- Gore attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
- 2 hoof attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage
- Scent to a range of 30 feet
Lvl 1: Extra Feature Feat. You now have 2x hoof attacks and 1x gore attack. Play a bloodrager, or feral Champion Warpriest for 2x claw attacks. That is 5x primary natural attacks at lvl1, with perfect ‘tear-your-face-off’ Stats.
Or hell...a vivesectionist alchemist with feral mutagen. That would push him up to 6x primary natural attacks at lvl2...with full Rogue Sneak Attack damage.
Am I wrong in seeing this as being far too good?

Wheldrake |
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Plus, you'd smell like swine. Don't go thinking that "Scent to a range of 30 feet" ability only goes one way. Nooooooo!
Seriously, if a player *really* wants to go through his fantasy life looking like a mutated warthog, maybe you should let him... just move carefully a few steps further away. <g>

SheepishEidolon |

Lvl 1: Extra Feature Feat. You now have 2x hoof attacks and 1x gore attack. Play a bloodrager, or feral Champion Warpriest for 2x claw attacks. That is 5x primary natural attacks at lvl1, with perfect ‘tear-your-face-off’ Stats.
You get either the hoof attacks or the gore attack for being a ragebred. Since hoof attacks are only secondary attacks, that's roughly in line with the ocassional bite attack or claws that other races get.
Now you can add the remaining attack (gore or hooves) via a feat - but a feat is a precious resource, especially at level 1. Since Haunted Heroes Handbook, a gore attack is not that hard to get anymore - the Spirit Oni Master feat gets you covered at level 3, with some alignment restrictions.
The special thing about ragebred is that you can get these hoof attacks. There is nothing wrong with a race that has something unique - and nothing wrong with being rewarded for spending important character options (race choice, first feat) on a certain concept.
Played in a society game, where there was a 4th level barbarian wereboar that could solo every melee. Where's the fun in that if your the 2nd level guy?
Wait a moment - they play a level 4 PC, you a level 2 one. Why do you think it's entirely about their race pick? As a GM, I wouldn't have my players such a level difference...