We are under attack!

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

They've started a new technique: They're adding comments to ongoing threads, not just opening new ones.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They've got a new twist: adding spam to ongoing threads, not just starting new ones.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

My god, they are changing, evolving...soon we cannot tell the spammers from the posters.

I think it's time for Exterminatus, or at least ask the Aboleths for another meteor.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Richter Harding wrote:
soon we cannot tell the spammers from the posters.

Even worse: posters are making the spam headlines permanent by replying to them with snarky jokes.

When there is a reply to the spam thread, the headline becomes permanent in the forums, so that even if staff 'delete' the thread, the reply becomes the OP and the subject lines stay visible.

If there is no reply, both the OP and the headline are removed

2 people marked this as a favorite.

God, how I hate hackers.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And now it's an autoimmune system attack: someone, somehow, posted the identical post 10 times within just a couple seconds.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Nuke em from space its the only way to be sure.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I also see that they've started diversifying: I just flagged 1 in Rules Questions, 1 in Forum Games, and 2 in General Discussion.

Edit: Added 1 more in Off-Topic Discussions.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"The Spammers are getting better at anticipating our moves.
I underestimated the hacker. The previous attacks were clumsy, but this one was swift and overwhelming."


2 people marked this as a favorite.
CrystalSeas wrote:
Richter Harding wrote:
soon we cannot tell the spammers from the posters.

Even worse: posters are making the spam headlines permanent by replying to them with snarky jokes.

When there is a reply to the spam thread, the headline becomes permanent in the forums, so that even if staff 'delete' the thread, the reply becomes the OP and the subject lines stay visible.

If there is no reply, both the OP and the headline are removed

Yep, if you just flag the offending spam post, eventually your flag of spam becomes marked as flagged- so you can tells that you already got to it, in case you forgots that you gots it. ;)

PS. Whenever them spammers show, I invoke my internal mental autoplay of Donny Osmond's version of Disney's Mulan's, I'll Make a Man out of You I'll Flag that Spam outta here. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Flagged 3 more in General Discussion -- back to their favorite place, but still all different user names.

Edit #1: Added 1 more there and 1 in Forum Games.

Edit #2: Added 4 more in General Discussion.

Edits #3, #4: Each added 1 more in General Discussion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just took a look at the message boards after a restroom break and flagged ten spambot droppings. I now view these as the equivalent of digital dog shit. A disgusting thing to wake up to. Spammers should get fines for littering. If not them, then the people they advertise for.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
God, how I hate hackers.

Please don't misuse the word hackers in this way. The term 'hackers' refers simply to people who enjoy messing around with the internals on their own computers. It's like the way we use the term 'gamers' to refer to our own hobby. Hackers are not 'crackers' (those who break into others' computers for fun or profit) or spammers.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Redelia wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
God, how I hate hackers.
Please don't misuse the word hackers in this way. The term 'hackers' refers simply to people who enjoy messing around with the internals on their own computers. It's like the way we use the term 'gamers' to refer to our own hobby. Hackers are not 'crackers' (those who break into others' computers for fun or profit) or spammers.

A noble attempt, but in vain.

Language shifts and this fight has been lost. The meaning of hacker has changed.

Silver Crusade

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thejeff wrote:
Redelia wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
God, how I hate hackers.
Please don't misuse the word hackers in this way. The term 'hackers' refers simply to people who enjoy messing around with the internals on their own computers. It's like the way we use the term 'gamers' to refer to our own hobby. Hackers are not 'crackers' (those who break into others' computers for fun or profit) or spammers.

A noble attempt, but in vain.

Language shifts and this fight has been lost. The meaning of hacker has changed.

No, it does not work that way. The media does not get to take one group's term of self-identification and apply it to someone else's bad behavior, and the rest of us just have to smile and accept it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Richter Harding wrote:
...soon we cannot tell the spammers from the posters.

As a poster, I'm offended. I am easily an order of magnitude more obnoxious than any spambot.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Things were going clean for a while, and then all of a sudden had to flag 3 more in General Discussion and 1 more in Forum Games.

Suddenly, I wish I could flog them . . . .

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have personally wished for the ability to reach through a computer and Slap someone for a long time now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seems like they come in waves. Flagged 2 3 4 5 7 more in General Discussion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Flagged 14 more.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I have personally wished for the ability to reach through a computer and Slap someone for a long time now.

You could stop at just slapping? You're a better man than I, Gunga Vid.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Redelia wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
God, how I hate hackers.
Please don't misuse the word hackers in this way. The term 'hackers' refers simply to people who enjoy messing around with the internals on their own computers. It's like the way we use the term 'gamers' to refer to our own hobby. Hackers are not 'crackers' (those who break into others' computers for fun or profit) or spammers.

Redelia, I am a programmer. I know full well the origin of classical hacking, starting with that noble-minded bunch at MIT working with the TX-0 and the DEC PDP-1. I know how the word was hijacked by criminals. I know the difference between the two. Please don't lecture me. Please.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And I have never heard the word 'cracker' used outside of academic discussion.

Probably a contraction of criminal hacker.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The academic texts claim that it refers to 'cracking' systems.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

And they're back as of about 5-10 minutes ago.

I second the idea of blocking posts in certain characters (unless that would screw up using the page through translation software).

As for "hackers," everyone knows those are labor horses that pull transports such as Hackney cabs, or "hacks." Duh.

TOZ wrote:
And I have never heard the word 'cracker' used outside of academic discussion.

And I've never heard it used in one.

Or maybe I'm just hungry?


Was hoping the new site might be spammer proof. At least the flagging function is working fine..

Steve Geddes wrote:


Was hoping the new site might be spammer proof. At least the flagging function is working fine..

It is indeed a great sadness.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Bear in mind that on some level all forms of communication are just random grunts and noises that people just sort of agree on what means.

Hacker means what the person hearing the word hacker believes hacker to mean, and to claim anything else is to forget that one's cognition is a more important part of reality than reality itself.

Which is basically a fancy way of saying 'lol nothing matters,' I guess, but what ya gonna do?

DeathQuaker wrote:

And they're back as of about 5-10 minutes ago.

I second the idea of blocking posts in certain characters (unless that would screw up using the page through translation software).
{. . .}

That will just induce the spammers to use non-blocked characters. Now, if you were to moderate the 1st 5 posts of new users, or even just the 1st 1 post + any following posts made before the 1st post was moderated, that would really put a crimp in their dirty work. (of course, you would need to have a decent user interface so that the moderators could Shift-Click a whole range of spam posts to deny their posting much faster than the spammers can make them.)

Edit: And here I have had to flag 8 13 14 16 18 21 of them in General Discussion (they seem to have stopped experimenting with branching out, but they still seem to come in waves).

^And 3 more.

^And 6 8 9 more.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
UnArcaneElection wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

And they're back as of about 5-10 minutes ago.

I second the idea of blocking posts in certain characters (unless that would screw up using the page through translation software).
{. . .}

That will just induce the spammers to use non-blocked characters.

They could also have been already posting in roman characters and made their posts fit in more. They're clearly a Korean group looking for Korean targets and this would put a wrench in their plans. Even if only temporary, I'd say it'd at least buy the dev team time to devise better solutions.


Now, if you were to moderate the 1st 5 posts of new users, or even just the 1st 1 post + any following posts made before the 1st post was moderated, that would really put a crimp in their dirty work.

I would support this. I would also support measures that prevent posters from posting more than once every, oh, three minutes or so. This would also force trolls to maybe stop and think for a second before posting the same argument over and over again within 30 seconds of each other (they still will try, but still).

I would also support better account screening techniques, e.g., a new user cannot post until an admin manually views and approves their account. They could use the store but not post.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

One thing that is really strange is that the only non-Korean characters in these spam posts appear to be referencing websites owned by Montenegro in Yugoslavia.

I also can't really believe they're actually a looking for Korean targets. Are there enough Korean readers here for that to make any sense at all?

I've never been able to fathom spammers though.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

None of this targets people here on the forums. All of it is targeting the aggregators that search engines use to gather information about what terms have the most hits. The more sites an online casinos name appears on, the higher it is rated by search engines and the higher up the list of results it is displayed.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:


Was hoping the new site might be spammer proof. At least the flagging function is working fine..

Unfortunately I'm waiting on an update that lets me see the aggregate of flags (my Flag Queue tab accidentally disappeared when we updated to the new design). In the meantime, definitely flag stuff that's a problem as the more flags it has, the more I am likely to see it from my Forum Overview.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:


Was hoping the new site might be spammer proof. At least the flagging function is working fine..

Unfortunately I'm waiting on an update that lets me see the aggregate of flags (my Flag Queue tab accidentally disappeared when we updated to the new design). In the meantime, definitely flag stuff that's a problem as the more flags it has, the more I am likely to see it from my Forum Overview.

I’d flag posts even if nobody was watching. I find it strangely therapeutic. :)

DeathQuaker wrote:

{. . .} I would also support measures that prevent posters from posting more than once every, oh, three minutes or so. This would also force trolls to maybe stop and think for a second before posting the same argument over and over again within 30 seconds of each other (they still will try, but still).

{. . .}

That wouldn't stop the spammers, since they only seem to use each account once (originally they used each one twice, but they seem to have quit doing that a long time ago).

(Ongoing edit) Flagged 7 11 15 17 more in General Discussion, 2 in Community Use, and 1 in Ultimate Intrigue Playtest.

Suddenly, I realized that The Last Jedi missed a major opportunity when they had the expedition to the Casino planet, especially when they got the underdog code-breaker -- after this, spam should have been popping up all over the remaining Rebel Alliance ships.

^And 2 more in General Discussion.

And, after a long absence of paired posts, 2 more in General Discussion from the same user name.

at least its easier to ignore with the new format.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

UnArcaneElection wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

{. . .} I would also support measures that prevent posters from posting more than once every, oh, three minutes or so. This would also force trolls to maybe stop and think for a second before posting the same argument over and over again within 30 seconds of each other (they still will try, but still).

{. . .}
That wouldn't stop the spammers, since they only seem to use each account once (originally they used each one twice, but they seem to have quit doing that a long time ago).

I still endorse that for discouraging trollspam.

Silver Crusade

DeathQuaker wrote:
...I would also support measures that prevent posters from posting more than once every, oh, three minutes or so. This would also force trolls to maybe stop and think for a second before posting the same argument over and over again within 30 seconds of each other (they still will try, but still).

Though it would make asking multiple questions to some Ask-Me-Anything threads, as some of the thread starters want each question to be a separate post.

Liberty's Edge

It still seems like not allowing foreign characters in posts would go a long way toward stopping these kinds of attacks

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A lot of PbPs use foreign characters, though, for other languages. Plus, what happens when someone quotes me? Or someone asks a legitimate question in another language? A blanket ban on foreign characters would just mean our new spam would be in English.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

{. . .} I would also support measures that prevent posters from posting more than once every, oh, three minutes or so. This would also force trolls to maybe stop and think for a second before posting the same argument over and over again within 30 seconds of each other (they still will try, but still).

{. . .}
That wouldn't stop the spammers, since they only seem to use each account once (originally they used each one twice, but they seem to have quit doing that a long time ago).
I still endorse that for discouraging trollspam.

This would be a major inconvenience for people involved in several PbP games. It doesn't always take 3 minutes to type up a basic attack. I at least open in a new tab each game where there have been new posts, and read them all. Then I go and type up and submit my actions in each, and these are not often 3 minutes apart.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marc Radle wrote:

Good lord, it looks like there are hundreds of them!

Spam really Infuriates me - it’s a scourge and I wish there was a way to stamp it out.

In Paizo’s case, it seems like disallowing posts using foreign characters might be a good first step ...

I hope never disallow posts in foreign characters: they’re a mainstay of Play-by-Post!


Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sara Marie wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:


Was hoping the new site might be spammer proof. At least the flagging function is working fine..

Unfortunately I'm waiting on an update that lets me see the aggregate of flags (my Flag Queue tab accidentally disappeared when we updated to the new design). In the meantime, definitely flag stuff that's a problem as the more flags it has, the more I am likely to see it from my Forum Overview.

How about some way of flagging without opening the message?

Or, how about a flag icon that appears outside the message?
Similar to the (1 New) it could be (1 Flag) with an actual flag instead of the word?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Redelia wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

{. . .} I would also support measures that prevent posters from posting more than once every, oh, three minutes or so. This would also force trolls to maybe stop and think for a second before posting the same argument over and over again within 30 seconds of each other (they still will try, but still).

{. . .}
That wouldn't stop the spammers, since they only seem to use each account once (originally they used each one twice, but they seem to have quit doing that a long time ago).
I still endorse that for discouraging trollspam.
This would be a major inconvenience for people involved in several PbP games. It doesn't always take 3 minutes to type up a basic attack. I at least open in a new tab each game where there have been new posts, and read them all. Then I go and type up and submit my actions in each, and these are not often 3 minutes apart.

I post to a lot of PBPs too. Personally I'd be willing to make the sacrifice to just wait, if it otherwise improves quality of life elsewhere on the boards. I recognize others may NOT be willing to make the same sacrifice, just making my preferences known. The admins may not want to make the change for any number of reasons anyway.

As regards characters, I think people could live without at least Korean characters--IF and ONLY IF it doesn't bork a genuine user's translation software. (I also don't really see the point of using other scripts for other languages in PBPs, but that is a conversation for another time and different forum.) (Edited for unnecessary commentary.)

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