what lvls are wish and miracle....?

General Discussion

The starfindersrd does not say.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

They don't have levels. They are only available through the technomancer and mystic level 20 abilities respectively.

Level of what? Spell?

They're not so much spells, as they are special abilities gained at 20th level that require you to sacrifice spell slots and resolve points.

They count as 9th level spells for the purpose of save DC's or the like.

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The relevant description of wish taken from starfinder SRD:

"A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as normal, but the save DCs are the same as for a 7th-level spell. For the purpose of other effects that depend on spell level, wish counts as a 9th-level spell."

It also requires 2 resolve points and fusing 2 6th level spells, which would make it a 12th level spell, except for the phrasing above.

Miracle has identical wording in it's description.
So there it is. DC's are as a 7th level spell, everything else is as a 9th level spell.

Thank you for the correction.

Well dash it. Thanks guys.

Basically, they are 9th level spells, just like they've always been. Mystics and Technomancers just get the ability to "cast" them as a class ability, separate from their spell slots.

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