Alchemist 23 |
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So playing in a homebrew where Orcs and Dwarfs whipped each other out completely but we just found a emergency bunker full of dwarf skeletons. Is there any way to bring them back short of a true resurrection? They are probably not willing in any case but my character would love to revive the race and enslav- I mean bring into the light of his god. Any spells or alchemical items that could do this?

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Not that I'm aware of, except for rituals. (Occult Adventures) That doesn't mean that there's a ritual that you can use though. You and your GM will probably have to come up with something. Keep in mind that if your GM says no, he probably means it won't happen.
Maybe you can bring them back as intelligent undead?

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I do not know how you look at tech in your game, but there is a Clonepod which does not care how long someone/something has been dead. Even better, if the soul has already be judged (or you do not use the Neurocam) it comes out as a mindless, 1 charisma/wisdom, cloned creature. Easy to rule over, difficult to have them do things.

Pizza Lord |
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Polymorph any object to turn the orc and dwarf skeletons into orcs and dwarves? Depending on whether your GM considers bone to still be classified as animal kingdom you have a good chance of getting 9+ easily enough on the duration chart to make them permanent. Presumably you can then start breeding programs (you can even choose new genders in case some of the skeletons were not sufficient numbers of the appropriate type; all males for instance). They would likely have 10 base physical and 5 mental stats (before racial adjustments, since bones typically have no such abilities). Their children if any may turn out more 'normal' racially speaking.

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Polymorph any object to turn the orc and dwarf skeletons into orcs and dwarves? Depending on whether your GM considers bone to still be classified as animal kingdom you have a good chance of getting 9+ easily enough on the duration chart to make them permanent. Presumably you can then start breeding programs (you can even choose new genders in case some of the skeletons were not sufficient numbers of the appropriate type; all males for instance). They would likely have 10 base physical and 5 mental stats (before racial adjustments, since bones typically have no such abilities). Their children if any may turn out more 'normal' racially speaking.
It would probably only last 3 hours. (Same size, related.) A wool coat isn't in the same kingdom as a sheep, so a skeleton wouldn't be in the same kingdom as a humanoid.
You could study the temporary faux-dwarves and then make simulacrums of them.
Edit: Am I missing something or do you no longer need a physical part (lock of hair, nail clippings.) of a person to make a simulacrum? Why was that removed from this spell?

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Tools :
Captured Commoner 1.
Witch 15-17/Scrolls.
[8] False Resurrection; costs 10 000gp minus Scroll costs.
[8] Trap the Soul (preferably the Trigger Object version); costs 1 000gp minus Scroll costs.
[1] Beguiling Gift / [8] Sympathy; latter costs 1 500gp minus Scroll costs.; (optional : Trigger Object method).
[7] Soul Transfer / [9] Parasitic Soul; former costs 1 000gp minus Scroll costs / latter costs nothing but is 9th Level.
[8] Clone; costs 500gp + 1 000gp (optional) minus Scroll costs.
You do not need True Resurrection since you have body parts, (bones), as such Resurrection works too in this instance, (both work at 10 years/C.L.). However, these methods rely on Willing souls that have not moved on, which you have indicated is unlikely. So, what can you do? Use other souls. Firstly, find some low-level schmucks to capture with Trap the Soul; having a Witch on tap/in the Party is handy in this case since they can usually debuff the Targets to pretty much ensure success. Then use False Resurrection to raise the Dwarven bodies with Shadow Demons in possession, following this up with Soul Transfer/Parasitic Soul once the Demons have departed, leaving the bodies as living, (as stated by False Resurrection), to act as receptacles. You are not stated to be in control of the Shadow Demons so they will need to be … contained. Alternatively you can wait until the Demons leave the soulless bodies, using Gentle Repose as you take your time collecting souls. You will not get found out for the use of False Resurrection as it is is always identified as Resurrection, (Ruse Descriptor perk). If you do not care about diversity you can raise a male and a female, then whilst inhabited by a Shadow Demon or schmuck soul you can take “samples” for the Clone Spell, producing multiple bodies. This will slightly reduce overall costs compared to repeated use of False Resurrection, whilst still providing potential (limited) breeding stock for later.
Additionally, if Dwarves were wiped out less than 100 years ago, you could try your luck at raising any willing souls – try a combination of [2/3] Speak with Dead to gauge your chances with each near-full skeleton, then apply some Restoration Dust (2 000gp) to appropriate skeletons, finally followed by a [7/8] Resurrection Spell (10 000gp before Scroll Costs). Both Spells are available to a Witch, (3rd and 8th Levels respectively).
To conclude, my business rates are pretty competitive …
Disclaimer : I take no responsibility for any inaccuracies, instances of uprising, unintended demonic possession, deific retaliation, curses from beyond the grave or betrayal. All payments to be made upfront, with a 10% expenses fee for upkeep.
EDIT : @theDavid I am not sure why they changed the Simulacrum Spell from the 3.5 version but it has always been this way since the Pathfinder Core Rulebook came out. I have not played anything before Pathfinder so I do not really have much of an opinion, yet at least one staff member has acknowledged that it may cause problems when it comes to incorporeal Undead.

Coidzor |
If you've got any extant creatures with orc or dwarf blood, you should be able to Polymorph Any Object them into full-blooded members of that race.
On the topic of using Reincarnate, there are a few ways to get it for free, such as through certain Hag covens. If Blood Money is on the table, then an Unsworn Shaman could also defray the cost of doing it. Then from there the most efficient thing would be to find or create a whole bunch of murdered people or people who have died in battle and play the numbers game. If you can gain the services of a Cyclops that can cast the spell or use a scroll of Reincarnate, then you can immediately specify getting dwarves or orcs.
Of course, all of this assumes that the GM is using the standard Reincarnate table instead of a custom one that lacks any dwarves, orcs, demidwarves, or demiorcs.
If you've got any half-orcs around, you can Half-Blood Extraction them to make them into orcs.
Since Half-Blood Extraction sets a precedent that turning a half-x creature into a full-x creature is a 5th level spell, you can then use the spell Miracle to replicate it since it can do anything in line with a spell of up to 8th level on the Cleric list and Half-Blood Extraction is a 5th level Cleric spell.
Since you have 3 more spell levels of power to play around with, increasingly smaller fractions of orc or dwarf blood would work, and within the free version of the spell as well. Past a certain point it may cross into the realm where you have to pay money to use material components to do it, though, so whether this is the way to go ultimately depends upon just how much of a percentage of a person's makeup is of that particular race.
It also sets a precedent for using Spell Research to whip up a version of Half-Blood Extraction that specifically works on any Half-Dwarf creatures.
If you specifically need to acquire a source of dwarf souls rather than that situation sorting itself out naturally, then you're looking at some level of extraplanar shenanigans.