Marvel's Black Widow solo movie


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Natasha Romanoff is finally getting her movie!

‘Black Widow': Blacklist Alum Jac Schaeffer to Write Marvel Movie

(After ScarJo's repeated box office performance as an action movie star and Marvel hero...
After Wonder Woman and the new Star Wars films proving female leads can succeed...
After Atomic Blonde and now Red Sparrow...)

Edit: Oops, link fixed.

Great news. Can't wait.

That's exciting news! But your link leads back to this thread, for some reason.

Here's an article about the "news" (still mostly rumour, alas): d-1821969727

While I'm glad to see more action/superhero movies with female protagonists, I never really liked movie BW much and am at best lukewarmly inclined towards Scarlett Johannson. Still, given Marvel's track record, the worst we will probably get is boring and uninspired rather than actively bad.

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Hopefully, it can be a prequel with Nat bioenhanced with the Red Room longevity formula, and thus include Agent Peggy Carter, Dottie Underwood (squee!), and Winter Soldier Bucky.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Hopefully, it can be a prequel with Nat bioenhanced with the Red Room longevity formula, and thus include Agent Peggy Carter, Dottie Underwood (squee!), and Winter Soldier Bucky.

I am hundred times more excited for this possible movie now than I was when I first heard the news. Make this happen, Marvel!

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Someone give Ambrosia Slaad a few million dollars to write and produce that movie!

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Sounds fun! I'm in.

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As long as she is a redhead again I don't care what time period it takes place or what it is about.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I think the bleach job in Avengers 3 is just to [strike]cosplay as Dottie[/strike] indicate she's been laying low for a bit.

If it was a prequel she'd almost definitely be a redhead. If it took place present day I don't see why they wouldn't go back to her more recognizable look.

I know it's what a lot of people want, but I'd actually rather it not be a prequel, as I want some of Nat's past to be a mystery. The mystery is fun to me.

Personally my own fantasy Black Widow movie is a present day Marvel-takes-on-high-stakes-spy-noir (the way say Ant-Man was a heist film). Dottie is the wildcard former SHIELD consultant who helped debrainwash Nat when she joined SHIELD, aging slowly due to Black Widow serum, whom Nat feels she owes and could either help or hinder Nat, depending. Villain is Yelena Belova, the last Widow ever "produced" from the Red Room, trying to "usurp" Nat and her reputation, and manipulating Nat's desire for redemption to get her in bad situations.

Alternately, if those characters aren't involved, just a movie version of the Mark Waid written miniseries a couple years ago would be pretty kickass (though I found Recluse lacking as a nemesis).

I'm not super into black widow, but I understand others are. The movies have made her into a character distinct from the all of these movies have done, truth be told. Still love ant man movie, i hope falcon gets a movie too.

Dark Archive

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Definitely looking forward to it. Black Widow was never a favorite comic book character, but Scarlett has really brought the role to life.

I wouldn't mind, if they want to go all spy thriller, for her to team up with the Winter Soldier, but for him to remain firmly in the 'sidekick' position, with her as the main focus. (Just not Hawkeye. I like the comic book character a lot, but Jeremy Renner's version of Hawkeye is deadly dull and I'd prefer to never see him again.) One of the Dorje Milae (preferably the one from Civil War who told her to "Move. Or you will be moved.") could also be cool, if going with a more international spy-thriller angle (and add more lady-power, which I'm a fan of).

One thing that I would definitely like, and feel that the Black Widow's power level better suits, would be a more down to earth threat. No alien invasions or extra-dimensional whatever or Infinity McGuffins, just some Atomic Blonde / James Bond-esque fun.

A story set in the past could also be cool.

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I kind of wish Silver Sable wasn't tied up with Sony. She would make the perfect antagonist to Black Widow.

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Gosh dangit, Stark! You're so damn eager to stuff young Peter Parker in your chock full o' tech Spidey Suit in SM:H and Iron Spider upgrade in A:IW, but Nat just gets upgraded tasers? Seriously?! All this time, you couldn't loan her the Silver Centurion briefcase armor or some custom lightweight high-agility armor for high-threat, non-spy Avengery situations?

Spidey has enhanced strength, reflexes, and healing. Hawkeye I can almost excuse as a mostly ranged dude. But Widow? She's a completely human frontline melee-er when sh!t goes south.

Tony Stank indeed.

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MMCJawa wrote:
I kind of wish Silver Sable wasn't tied up with Sony. She would make the perfect antagonist to Black Widow.

oh hells no, we cant have silver sable vs. Black widow, we need them teaming up.

Dark Archive

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Gosh dangit, Stark! You're so damn eager to stuff young Peter Parker in your chock full o' tech Spidey Suit in SM:H and Iron Spider upgrade in A:IW, but Nat just gets upgraded tasers? Seriously?!

Yeah well, Spider-Kid also got a parachute in his Spider-Suit, which is probably something War Machine could have used, since he, yanno, *flies* and stuff. :)

Set wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Gosh dangit, Stark! You're so damn eager to stuff young Peter Parker in your chock full o' tech Spidey Suit in SM:H and Iron Spider upgrade in A:IW, but Nat just gets upgraded tasers? Seriously?!

Yeah well, Spider-Kid also got a parachute in his Spider-Suit, which is probably something War Machine could have used, since he, yanno, *flies* and stuff. :)

Yeah in the case of War Machine it would have to have been something he could have triggered manually since his internal systems (power and OS were just down). I get the impression that the armor (at least the War Machine armor) is fully dependent on power for movement since in that scene he's just falling like a rock. That coupled with Rhodes passing out from the G-forces a few seconds after his initial plummet...

Freehold DM wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
I kind of wish Silver Sable wasn't tied up with Sony. She would make the perfect antagonist to Black Widow.
oh hells no, we cant have silver sable vs. Black widow, we need them teaming up.

Nah you introduce her as a villain in the first Black Widow movie (although one with a moral code), then have them team up in the inevitable sequel movie against a bigger/more reprehensible threat...

Sovereign Court

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I want the hairdo from Iron Man 2

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Hama wrote:
I want the hairdo from Iron Man 2

Still my favorite Black Widow haircut to date.

I've never been one of the people clamoring for a solo movie for her, but now that it's a thing, I hope that they do a good job with it.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Gosh dangit, Stark! You're so damn eager to stuff young Peter Parker in your chock full o' tech Spidey Suit in SM:H and Iron Spider upgrade in A:IW, but Nat just gets upgraded tasers? Seriously?! All this time, you couldn't loan her the Silver Centurion briefcase armor or some custom lightweight high-agility armor for high-threat, non-spy Avengery situations?

Spidey has enhanced strength, reflexes, and healing. Hawkeye I can almost excuse as a mostly ranged dude. But Widow? She's a completely human frontline melee-er when sh!t goes south.

Tony Stank indeed.

IDK, she may not be bulletproof, but she healed from that shot to the neck in The Winter Soldier awful fast.

Anyway, see, Amby, Peter Parker is Tony's chance to prove he could be a better Dad-Uncle than Howard ever was. Howard never built HIM a suit of armor after all.

On the other hand, Natasha spied on him once 10 years ago and that hurt Tony's fee-fees. Plus she has this really bad habit of being right when he's wrong. It's really annoying.

So obviously, no armor for her. (end Stark logic.)

On the OTHER OTHER hand... speaking of Stark logic, given it's something Stark himself made, it's entirely possible what he calls "upgraded tasers" means in normal human language, "can summon lightning like Mjollnir." You never know. I was just happy at her name drop in Spider-Man: Homecoming--it means that after their rather last, terse interchange in CA:CW (aka Iron Man 4/Avengers 3), HE at least is still considering her part of the team.

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I could also see her refusing Stark's armor, since accepting it would give Stark the opportunity to monitor her/interfere with her. I'm pretty sure he can just track all that stuff, and has demonstrated before that he can remotely command it.

No, Nat would never be stupid enough to wear Stark's gear full time. But the briefcase armor could be biometrically keyed to her so no one else could wear it, and it's portable enough she could stow it like luggage in her hotel room or aboard the Quinjet. Just a little extra firepower and protection in case aliens invade or a Stank invention turns into an Ultron level threat. If the briefcase armor has bootjets, it'd be handy for emergency situations where the Quinjet is about to crash and probably quicker/safer than trying to get into a parachute properly.

It just bugs me as all. And I'm really getting anxious to see Rescue* or Ironheart in the MCU.

(* Preferably not the current PaltrowPotts. Bethany Cabe could be an excellent choice.)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

No, Nat would never be stupid enough to wear Stark's gear full time. But the briefcase armor could be biometrically keyed to her so no one else could wear it, and it's portable enough she could stow it like luggage in her hotel room or aboard the Quinjet. Just a little extra firepower and protection in case aliens invade or a Stank invention turns into an Ultron level threat. If the briefcase armor has bootjets, it'd be handy for emergency situations where the Quinjet is about to crash and probably quicker/safer than trying to get into a parachute properly.

It just bugs me as all. And I'm really getting anxious to see Rescue* or Ironheart in the MCU.

(* Preferably not the current PaltrowPotts. Bethany Cabe could be an excellent choice.)

no paltrowpotts? Why not?

Also Bethany Cabe? Woooooow. That put me on the way back machine.

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There's also the more basic superhero trope problem. Pretty much anyone on the team, except the Hulk and Thor, maybe Vision, would benefit from a set of power armor, but then you've got a team of Iron Man clones, some with their own gimmicks. Boring.

Even if it would be more effective to have a team of Iron Men, it's not how superheroes work.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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"Guys? I think my suit's broken. It's just sealed me up inside and I can't move."

"No, Clint, working as intended."

Dark Archive

thejeff wrote:

There's also the more basic superhero trope problem. Pretty much anyone on the team, except the Hulk and Thor, maybe Vision, would benefit from a set of power armor, but then you've got a team of Iron Man clones, some with their own gimmicks. Boring.

Even if it would be more effective to have a team of Iron Men, it's not how superheroes work.

There was a What If where the Hulk and Namor, IIRC, sort of teamed up to kick the team's butts back in the day, and to even the odds, Tony made suits of armor for the Wasp and Giant-Man, so it's an idea that has occurred, even if only in a What If. That said, this is the continuity in which Tony went all Armor Wars and attacked people like Stingray (whose battlesuit is made from electrified *shark cartilage*) and blew up a bunch of Guardsman armors that *he'd sold to the government* because he was worried people were stealing his tech, so it's at least in-character for him *not* to be armoring up his allies willy-nilly.

Heck, a good chunk of super-heroes would benefit from just wearing second-chance Kevlar, since tons of them aren't even bulletproof. There are a lot of glass cannons, like Hawkeye, or Cyclops, that can dish out some hurt, but have all the defensive capability of a dude standing in a field with a target on his face. :)

[tangent] That all said, I wouldn't mind seeing an all-Iron Man team with some of his variant armors (like the stealth armor and the Hulkbuster, fighting alongside more standard armor, and some of his other designs like a Guardian armor or a Mandroid). There could be a heavy firepower 'War Machine', a Hulkbuster 'tank', a command-and-control armor that's all about ECM, machine interfacing and computer-assisted-coordination and targeting, etc. In some parallel universe, I could see a more-paranoid version of Tony annoyed with the various Avengers, each with their own agendas, political, social, mutant, whatever, or prioritizing Asgard / Wakanda / Atlantis / wherever over Avenger-ing, throwing his hands up and *making* his own team of 'Heavy Metal' Avengers, using his own supporting cast and employees, like Happy, Pepper, Rhodey, etc. whom he'd presumably trust more than people like Captain America or Hawkeye. [/tangent]

Liberty's Edge

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Dragon78 wrote:
As long as she is a redhead again I don't care what time period it takes place or what it is about.


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Black Widow teaser trailer (May 2020)

Liberty's Edge

So thats what happened to Hopper.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Yes, please, and thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Not sure what to think so far.

I LOVE Black Widow in the various Marvel Movies and I’m certainly a fan of Scarlet Johansen, but I’m not very excited for this movie so far, and that trailer didn’t do much for me. I certainly didn’t dislike it, but I also didn’t come away thinking ‘that looked awesome, can’t wait to see it”. I had more of a “eh” feeling.

The movie may end up being amazing of course, that trailer just left me sort of ambivalent ...

Had the right mix for me of background drama, action, and humor to work. May comes around, I will go see this for sure. The dinner table scene was fun, and seeing Widow do her thing doesn't get old.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Watching the sky dive makes me think of the opening of the Mark Waid comic run a couple years ago. "She turns a 30,000 feet fall into a g!&@**n ballet." (or something like that.) Probably an homage, though not quite the exact plotline (though looks like the general gist of she discovers the Red Room has been restarted and she works to stop it is part of the plot here).

What I wanted to see more of was Taskmaster. He's like my third/fourth favorite B- villain. But I do love this trailer and I think Pugh and Scarlett Johanson have some good chemistry going.

Also found out that Rachel Wietz will be doing an MCU version of Iron Maiden. So there's that.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I think Taskmaster and exactly who he(?) is and what he is up to is going to involve some major twists in the film, so they are not going to reveal a lot in the trailer... especially a teaser trailer like this. Costume looks good.

Yes, Rachael Weisz is playing Milena Vostakoff. I'll be curious to see if she has an Iron Maiden costume.

Dark Archive

DeathQuaker wrote:
I think Taskmaster and exactly who he(?) is and what he is up to is going to involve some major twists in the film, so they are not going to reveal a lot in the trailer... especially a teaser trailer like this. Costume looks good.

I really thought that was Grillo/Crossbones there in the mask, and that this might be set before his death in Civil War... But if it's Taskmaster, even better!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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The movie is set after Civil War.

Some eagle eyed fans pointed out the vest Yelena wears in the trailer is the vest Natasha wears in Infinity War. Between that and the blonde hair, seems like Natasha was using Yelena's identity as a cover while on the lam at the beginning of that movie. Some are speculating that it could mean Yelena dies in the movie, but I think it could also be that Yelena in turn was masquerading as Natasha to confuse their trail.

I just hope they don't make Red Guardian into a joke character*, and that he'll kick arse, in support of Natasha (as she kicked arse in support of title characters in other movies)

Looking forward to it.

*as in weak/dumb/useless to the point of being a burden, not as in funny banter (like the criticism of his physique in the trailer)

All I care about is Taskmaster and if he's still got the moves. :p

But yeah Red Guardian as less of a joke and more of a kind of Minsc character would be good.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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KahnyaGnorc wrote:

I just hope they don't make Red Guardian into a joke character*, and that he'll kick arse, in support of Natasha (as she kicked arse in support of title characters in other movies)

Looking forward to it.

*as in weak/dumb/useless to the point of being a burden, not as in funny banter (like the criticism of his physique in the trailer)

I expect one doesn't cast David Harbour to play "useless." And Natasha wouldn't recruit/work with someone she'd consider unable to help.

Oddly, Thomas, I would consider a Minsc character to be a useless joke character. But I got tired of miniature giant space hamster jokes 20 years ago.

DeathQuaker wrote:
KahnyaGnorc wrote:

I just hope they don't make Red Guardian into a joke character*, and that he'll kick arse, in support of Natasha (as she kicked arse in support of title characters in other movies)

Looking forward to it.

*as in weak/dumb/useless to the point of being a burden, not as in funny banter (like the criticism of his physique in the trailer)

I expect one doesn't cast David Harbour to play "useless." And Natasha wouldn't recruit/work with someone she'd consider unable to help.

Oddly, Thomas, I would consider a Minsc character to be a useless joke character. But I got tired of miniature giant space hamster jokes 20 years ago.

That's what I'm hoping, but Hollywood has a history of making male sidekicks joke characters, as if the female leads can't be kickarse action leads if there's also competent kickarse male characters about.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

For example? The only one I can think of is the second Bosley in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle and that was an extremely silly movie.

Various TV series, from cartoons (like, say, Kim Possible) to live action (the supporting male characters on Xena, as examples), even the latter seasons of Castle made, well, Castle a joke (switching most of his insights to supporting cast like his daughter and Haley). Others just make the male characters complete idiots, like the 2016 Ghostbusters movie.

It is similar to the feckless Dad/super-competent Mom family trope.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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LOL! Oh my god, it happened once on a children's cartoon, so it will definitely happen in a dark and gritty MCU take on a spy-thriller!

Xena: Warrior Princess... Joxer was comic relief, sure. But I remember Boraias, Autolycus (who was funny but also competetent), various of the centaur main characters (who were an all male race), and any number of other male members of the cast being intelligent and competent contributors to the crew. And even Joxer had huge amounts of character development and was deeply valued as a good ally to the heroes by the end of the series. The show also had its share of ditzy women in the supporting cast... Aphrodite comes to mind, as does Xena's doppelgangers Meg and Diana... and they were not afraid to laugh at Xena and Gabrielle themselves (Here are a few examples, and no, these are not bloopers. Warning to the sensitive, there also a few funny Joxer scenes in here). So no, no unfair gender disparity there.

I was just watching Ghostbusters (1984) last night. I hate to break to to you, but all of the male characters in that movie are idiots, a!$$%$#s, or both of some kind too. Well, except Winston, who was just given zero character development instead. Peter's a giant, narcissistic a%&!*#+ with a ridiculously inflated sense of self importance and who treats women terribly. Ray's bumbling. Egon has laughable social skills. And Rick Moranis's character? Talk about dumb sidekick. The few female characters don't do much better (Janine might be smarter than Kevin, but she's not exactly a genius, and she thinks she's psychic when she's clearly not, plus she got a major IQ downgrade in the second film). Ghostbusters 2016 everyone, male or female, are largely just as much doofuses in their own way. Erin's obsessed with her public standing and like Peter treats the opposite sex horribly, Abby's an overenthusiastic doofus obsessed with soup, Holtzman has laughable social skills and sets things on fire (although she still someday will be my future wife), Patty shouts a lot (arguably she is the least silly of the four however). Yes, Kevin is a ridiculous idiot who ends up being possessed... almost exactly like Rick Moranis's character in the original. Oh my god, Ghostbusters 1984 was so unfair to men!

And I would argue that neither film is arguing men or women are stupid, but rather both films are slapstick comedies which require bumbling protagonists as well as supporting characters.

Given Black Widow is very likely NOT going to be a
a) cartoon
b) satirical television series where most of the characters get made fun of at some point
c) Schlock comedy film where actually all the characters are idiots

I think we can be assured the characters will be competent (with various characters providing occasional moments of levity because Marvel knows how to keep that balance between dark and light).

But if you should feel some deep sense of injustice because one male supporting character might have a comic relief moment, you can go back and watch... oh... let's see.... Iron Man, Iron Man II, Iron Man III, Captain America: the First Avenger (though be warned, some of the male sidekicks in that movie are treated with some comedy, like DumDum--I mean look, it's in his name!), Captain America: the Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Thor, Thor: the Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok (be warned: has comedy moments featuring male characters, but they are leads), Doctor Strange, Black Panther... oh, and The Avengers and the Avengers: Age of Ultron.... what am I missing? You may also be offended by Ant-Man or Guardians of the Galaxy films, there's a lot of comic relief, and Drax is kind of a silly male sidekick to male lead Starlord (who's also a bit silly), and Luis is same to Scott. But fortunately there's a lot of films that will perhaps be more to your liking--and indeed, more to come. Another Thor, another Black Panther, another Doctor Strange, and on Disney+ Hawkeye and Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Loki.... Don't worry. It's gonna be okay.

Wow, what a condescending attitude....

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Atavar wrote:
Wow, what a condescending attitude....

Ummm ... which post does this connect to? (It's not clear from the placement.)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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KahnyaGnorc wrote:
Various TV series, from cartoons (like, say, Kim Possible) …

Did you and I watch the same series? Ron Stoppable was awesome!

Liberty's Edge

Final trailer

Looks good.

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