Wannabe Demon Lord |

Sorry if their's already a thread like this. I figured it would be a good idea to separate these from the Bestiary wishlist thread, as that seems to be better suited for actual monsters than real-world creatures.
I'll start; I'd like to see companion stats for a Daeodon. Much like the saber-tooth, the Daeodon was made synonymous with the Dire Boar, and is thus out of the league of companions. I feel like a Daeodon is distinct enough from a normal boar (technically they're actually closer to hippos) to get its own companion stats (unlike, say, the Megalodon, which companion stats for would be identical to the Great White Shark.)
I'd also like to see companion stats for all the remaining giant vermin in the bestiaries that didn't receive stats in Ultimate Wilderness, and for companion stats to accompany any and all further vermin in the bestiaries. The Tumblr Blog Creature Codex has provided very nicely done stats for them all, but I think it's kind of an oversight not to have official ones.

Dragon78 |

It is hard to remember every animal, plant, and vermin companion/familiar we have so far.
As for improved familiar
I would like to add the atomie, soulbound doll, and a few other creatures I think would have been cool options.
Also would love more dragons and fey ones of course.
Could use some aberration, ooze, monstrous humanoid, and undead improved familiars.

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In GURPS, you just paid the appropriate points for your familiars abilities, and so you could essentially have anything you wanted as a familiar, and I went kind of hog wild. Miniature versions of pretty much any monster in the Bestiary were an option, scaled down to have abilities that the character could 'afford' to pay for (since every point spent on familiar abilities was a point you weren't spending on your own spells and abilities!).
I loved that freedom, which obviously wouldn't work as well with d20, but would love to see some 'scaled down monsters' as familiars, such as diminutive and tiny dragonlings that don't have the raft of abilities that come with a tiny true dragon (and yet have actual 'dragon abilities' like spitting fire, unlike pseudo-dragons). Tiny versions of other monstrous beasties, like golems or griffons or owlbears or sphinxes or yeti or chimera could be similarly cool to see.

Dragon78 |

I would love a whole category of dragons called "domesticated dragons" that could be used as mounts, companions, and familiars. Basically dragons that are (magically and/or mundane)bred as pets, guard creatures, mounts, hunting beast, etc. Then we could finally have dragons like the ones from How to Train Your Dragon, an actual dragon horse(or at least a dragon with hooves), and all kinds of interesting things. Some would get breath weapons, some could fire spikes from their tails, poison, acid spit, chameleon skin, etc.
I would love more types of griffons from tiny size familiar types, medium size human intelligence talking ones, and huge size CR8-12 ones with wind control powers.

Dragon78 |

It would be a good idea to list what animals/plants/vermin we have as companions, mounts, and familiars so far.
Would love rules for magical beast companions/mounts both as templates for regular animal companions and specific magical beast like griffins, unicorns, etc. I know we have some stuff for this but I would like to see additional rules and expanded rules for existing stuff as well.
Could use more archetypes with construct based companions.

Wannabe Demon Lord |

Some prehistoric ideas:
Carnotaurus, Dilophosaurus, Deinocheirus, Gastonia, Pachyrhinosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Tropeognathus, Coelophysis, Plateosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Olorotitan, Dsungaripterus, Edmontonia, Torosaurus, Megalosaurus, Masiakasaurus, Rajasaurus
Andrewsarchus, Procoptodon, Siamogale, Sarkastodon, Astrapotherium, Macrauchenia, Aepycamelus, Sivatherium, Kubanochoerus, Megalictis, Amphicyon, Dinofelis, Eusmilus, Teleoceras, Platybelodon, Diprotodon, Palorchestes, Bullockornis, Archaeoindris, Barbourofelis, Osteodontornis
Estemmenosuchus, Gorgonops, Scutosaurus, Postosuchus, Desmatosuchus, Mastodonsaurus, Erythrosuchus, Chasmatosaurus, Armadillosuchus, Elephantosaurus, Moschops, Anteosaurus, Ticinosuchus, Ornithosuchus, Smilosuchus, Diplocaulus, Nundasuchus, Rubidgea, Titanosuchus, Silesaurus
Liopleurodon, Squalodon, Leedsischthys, Odobenocetops, Pontolis, Placodus, Tanystropheus, Cymbospondylus, Shonisaurus, Palaeophis, Hesperornis, Ceresiosaurus, Dolichorhynchops, Dakosaurus, Ocepechelon, Xenacanthus, Hybodus, Livyatan, Henodus, Teleosaurus

The Sideromancer |
Some prehistoric ideas:
Carnotaurus, Dilophosaurus, Deinocheirus, Gastonia, Pachyrhinosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Tropeognathus, Coelophysis, Plateosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Olorotitan, Dsungaripterus, Edmontonia, Torosaurus, Megalosaurus, Masiakasaurus, Rajasaurus
Andrewsarchus, Procoptodon, Siamogale, Sarkastodon, Astrapotherium, Macrauchenia, Aepycamelus, Sivatherium, Kubanochoerus, Megalictis, Amphicyon, Dinofelis, Eusmilus, Teleoceras, Platybelodon, Diprotodon, Palorchestes, Bullockornis, Archaeoindris, Barbourofelis, Osteodontornis
Estemmenosuchus, Gorgonops, Scutosaurus, Postosuchus, Desmatosuchus, Mastodonsaurus, Erythrosuchus, Chasmatosaurus, Armadillosuchus, Elephantosaurus, Moschops, Anteosaurus, Ticinosuchus, Ornithosuchus, Smilosuchus, Diplocaulus, Nundasuchus, Rubidgea, Titanosuchus, Silesaurus
Liopleurodon, Squalodon, Leedsischthys, Odobenocetops, Pontolis, Placodus, Tanystropheus, Cymbospondylus, Shonisaurus, Palaeophis, Hesperornis, Ceresiosaurus, Dolichorhynchops, Dakosaurus, Ocepechelon, Xenacanthus, Hybodus, Livyatan, Henodus, Teleosaurus
No prehistoric invertebrates?

Wannabe Demon Lord |

Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:No prehistoric invertebrates?Some prehistoric ideas:
Carnotaurus, Dilophosaurus, Deinocheirus, Gastonia, Pachyrhinosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Tropeognathus, Coelophysis, Plateosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Olorotitan, Dsungaripterus, Edmontonia, Torosaurus, Megalosaurus, Masiakasaurus, Rajasaurus
Andrewsarchus, Procoptodon, Siamogale, Sarkastodon, Astrapotherium, Macrauchenia, Aepycamelus, Sivatherium, Kubanochoerus, Megalictis, Amphicyon, Dinofelis, Eusmilus, Teleoceras, Platybelodon, Diprotodon, Palorchestes, Bullockornis, Archaeoindris, Barbourofelis, Osteodontornis
Estemmenosuchus, Gorgonops, Scutosaurus, Postosuchus, Desmatosuchus, Mastodonsaurus, Erythrosuchus, Chasmatosaurus, Armadillosuchus, Elephantosaurus, Moschops, Anteosaurus, Ticinosuchus, Ornithosuchus, Smilosuchus, Diplocaulus, Nundasuchus, Rubidgea, Titanosuchus, Silesaurus
Liopleurodon, Squalodon, Leedsischthys, Odobenocetops, Pontolis, Placodus, Tanystropheus, Cymbospondylus, Shonisaurus, Palaeophis, Hesperornis, Ceresiosaurus, Dolichorhynchops, Dakosaurus, Ocepechelon, Xenacanthus, Hybodus, Livyatan, Henodus, Teleosaurus
I was doing this in categories. Vermin, prehistoric or otherwise, coming soon!
Dragon78 |

As for plant companions we have...
Carnivorous Flower
Crawling Vine
Puffball(Floating Fungus)
Sapling Treant
Corpse-Eater Fungus
Creeping Puffball
Gulper Plant
Hunting Cactus
Rash Creeper
Slithering Sundew
Snapping Flytrap
Sniper Cactus
Would love to see ones that are shaped like dogs/wolves, fish, deer, birds, and other vertebrate animals. Also some humanoid shaped ones would be cool.
Also a palm tree one that uses coconuts as ranged weapons.

MindFl*yer98 |
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I would like to see more good vermin companions. A giant onycophore would be nice with its ability to shoot glue.
So would a giant tiger beetle (the best sprint in the animal kingdom) or a giant butterfly/moth.
Other ideas would be:
Giant Ichneuomon (an animal companion with a spawn mechanic? Yes please)
Giant Dragonfly larvae.
Giant mole cricket.
Giant anomalocaris.
Giant opabinia. (give it reach and grab)
Giant hallucigenia, for when you really want to get weird.
As for animals companion i agree with anything Wannabe Demon Lord prosposed, especially the gorgonopsids.
Also the fact that pathfinder lacks an Anteater after six bestiaries is untolerable, they are some of the most fantasy-looking animals in existence.
I would also like to see:
Giant pangolin
Sea lion

Wannabe Demon Lord |

I agree with all of those MindFl*yer98. Giant Opiliones would be great Vermin companions as well, as would giant Stinkbugs, and more Hemiptera in general. There are giant cicadas (and giant stick insects) in an AP but not in a bestiary yet. Giant wetas, Macleay's Spectres, and weevils would be cool, and I was very surprised when I realized that we don't have giant earwigs yet, or at the very least there are none on the Archives of Nethys. Terrestrial flatworms, woodlice, nudibranchs, sea spiders, isopods, and hermit crabs would be cool non-insects and arachnids In terms of prehistoric vermin, how about giant versions of Gigatitan, Ceratomyrma, and Manipulator, as well as Nectocaris, Wiwaxia, and Aegirocassis.

Avoron |
The thing about jellyfish is they could be both a familiar and animal(well vermin) companion depending on what type of jellyfish.
Honestly, loads of animal companions and familiars are like that. And plenty of creature types actually are represented in both (archaeopteryx, bat, cat, centipede, cockroach, crab, dolphin, lizard, mole, monkey, octopus, owl, rat, raven, scorpion, skunk, slug, spider, squid, toad, turtle, viper, and weasel, to name a few).