Changing the size of a weapon?

Rules Questions

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Is there a way to take a small or medium weapon and permanently change it to a giant sized Large weapon?

kind of, impact weapon enchant will make it count as large size for damage but will still be a medium weapon(or count as medium while still being small)

Yeah, I was looking at Impact, but my character can use Large weapons, so I was kind of hoping there was a spell or something that I could cast on it to grow it...

It grows if you cast Enlarge person on someone HOLDING it... but I'm not seeing anything that lets you target an actual object without the person....

only way i see is to just buy a large weapon, unless you can convince your dm to let you go on a quest getting materials and finding some one that can fabricate them onto the existing weapon

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Simple: buy Iron Lord's Transforming Slivers. 1000gp per use, "If a metal or partly metal weapon is covered in the entire contents of the pouch and placed in a hot forge overnight, it slowly grows or shrinks by one size category toward the size of the creature who applied the powder."

So just make sure you're large then you apply the slivers and you're set. this might mean you'll have to buy a spell casting, scroll, potion, ect to get large per use.

EDIT: if you don't want to look like you're carrying around a tree trunk all the time, you can buy the shrinking enchant. It's only 1000gp and it will shrink your weapon down to "the size of a standard dagger".

That's not bad.

I also just found 'Resize Item' in the Giant hunters handbook

Source Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. 33 (Amazon) wrote:

School transmutation; Level arcanist 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (silver calipers worth 25 gp)
Range touch
Target one weapon or suit of armor weighing up to 25 lbs./level
Duration 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)

You alter a magic weapon or suit of armor to be up to two size categories larger or smaller. If the spell on a resized suit of armor ends while the armor is being worn, the armor falls off harmlessly. If the spell would cause an item to grow too large for the area containing it, its growth halts just before that point.

Resize item can be made permanent with a permanency spell for 7,500 gp, in which case the affected object is set at one specific new size within two steps of its original size.

The transforming slivers would be cheaper, just need to jump through a few hoops...

phantom1592 wrote:

That's not bad.

I also just found 'Resize Item' in the Giant hunters handbook

Source Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. 33 (Amazon) wrote:

School transmutation; Level arcanist 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (silver calipers worth 25 gp)
Range touch
Target one weapon or suit of armor weighing up to 25 lbs./level
Duration 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)

You alter a magic weapon or suit of armor to be up to two size categories larger or smaller. If the spell on a resized suit of armor ends while the armor is being worn, the armor falls off harmlessly. If the spell would cause an item to grow too large for the area containing it, its growth halts just before that point.

Resize item can be made permanent with a permanency spell for 7,500 gp, in which case the affected object is set at one specific new size within two steps of its original size.

The transforming slivers would be cheaper, just need to jump through a few hoops...

Also don't forget that a permanency spell can be dispelled, meaning that the 7,525 gp worth of big weapon could vanish in an instant if you go that route. IMO the Slivers are much better as you can't dispel those, even if you have to buy a one time way to get large size.

Silver Crusade Contributor

If I recall, there's a weapon quality that'll do it too. It's pretty cheap (and not plus-priced, so it won't raise the cost of future enhancements).

EDIT: I found it, but it syncs to your size, so it won't help after all (barring GM cooperation). Slivers it is.

Kalindlara wrote:

If I recall, there's a weapon quality that'll do it too. It's pretty cheap (and not plus-priced, so it won't raise the cost of future enhancements).

EDIT: I found it, but it syncs to your size, so it won't help after all (barring GM cooperation). Slivers it is.

Kalindra, what's the name of the size-syncing weapon quality, and where do I find it?

Although I've seen examples of unique weapons with such a quality, I've never seen it as a discrete quality, and I've long thought the game should include such.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Resizing. I believe it's from Giant Hunter's Handbook.

Kalindlara wrote:
Resizing. I believe it's from Giant Hunter's Handbook.


Instead of resizing the weapon, another option is to get a new large weapon and transfer the enhancements over, but that requires 3rd party options, like this. I believe there are other options that do it, but that's the one I found in a quick search.

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