Curse of the Crimson Throne Chronicle Sheets

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 3/5 5/5

So, I just finished running Curse of the Crimson Throne for my group in campaign mode. (4 and 1/2 years when you play only once a month!) The PFS chronicle sheets are really confusing for this one. If they apply all of them to the same character, then they get the 8th sheet. And that one requires that they draw a card from a harrow deck. If they draw an evil card, they redraw and so on for each evil card they draw. The chronicle sheet says they have to spend 3 PP for each evil card they drew or they are permanently DEAD.

Now, the only way to even get this 8th chronicle sheet is to apply this all to a character that is only 1st or 2nd level. And they can't use ANYTHING from any of the other chronicle sheets because they're not of high enough level. So, if this is a brand new 1st level character, then they will only have the 4 PP from the 1st chronicle sheet available. If they draw more than 1 evil card, then they're dead with no options whatsoever. And this is after they've chosen to apply all these sheets to that character. If they have any other chronicles on that character, then they MIGHT have enough PP to cover additional cards, but they can't have enough chronicles to reach 3rd level or they could never have applied the AP ones to the character in the first place.

Am I the only one seeing this as a really mean way to hose over a player???

Silver Crusade 2/5

The eighth sheet is:

Fate of Many Things chronicle sheet wrote:

You gain this reward only once you have completed the entire Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path.

Fate of Many Things: The combined power of Venster Arabasti and Zellara Esmeranda has granted the latter’s harrow deck incredible power, turning it into a unique harrow deck of many things. You drew from the deck, which prophesied the arrival of a great hero. Draw one card from a harrow deck and record its name, alignment, and suit below. If you draw a card with an evil alignment, return the card to the deck and draw again; repeat this process until you draw a non-evil card. For each evil card you drew, a mystical calamity afflicts you and leads to your permanent death unless you immediately spend 3 Prestige Points per evil card drawn.

This means when it is used your characters are much higher level and potentially have far greater prestige to spend. The prestige is taken from the character that actually played CotCT.

It is the seventh sheet that is awarded at the same time as the first.

Edit: added the prestige target

I'm pretty sure you resolve the card draws on the character who went through the adventure path, after you've applied all the other sheets, and then apply the benefit to a new character. The cost is paid by the original character.

4/5 5/5

DesolateHarmony wrote:
The prestige is taken from the character that actually played CotCT.
MrBear wrote:
I'm pretty sure you resolve the card draws on the character who went through the adventure path... The cost is paid by the original character.

How is this resolved if the AP was played in Campaign Mode with non-PFS characters? Is the prestige penalty for drawing evil cards simply ignored?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Campaign Mode still applies the chronicle sheets to a character. Otherwise, you are just playing a home game, not connected to PFS.

4/5 5/5

DesolateHarmony wrote:
Campaign Mode still applies the chronicle sheets to a character. Otherwise, you are just playing a home game, not connected to PFS.

Correct. But the character that played through the AP is not a PFS character and is not the character to which the Chronicles will be assigned. Two posters (you included) stated that the prestige penalty for drawing evil cards is paid by the "original" character... the character that actually played through the AP.

In Campaign Mode, that character has no prestige with which to pay the penalty. Who pays it... or is it simply ignored?

Or are you saying that the cost is paid by the character to whom the sheets will be assigned? If that's the case, James's original concern is valid; the PFS character getting the Chronicles probably can't afford to draw more than two evil cards.

Unless the intent is to note how many evil cards were drawn, but not pay the cost until that Chronicle is actually assigned (between levels 16 and 18, I believe?). The character should be able to pay that prestige penalty then and, if not, the character is very close to running out of playable content anyway.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I am saying that the cost is paid by the character to whom the sheets will be assigned. Crown of Fangs is a module to be played at 16th to 18th level, and by that time, a character may have lots of prestige.

As I posted earlier, the Fate of Many Things chronicle, the eigth chronicle with the harrow deck draws, is only issued at the completion of the CotCT adventure path. So, a character who has completed the whole thing (character as in who was awarded all the chronicles) will be at least 16th level, and will have completed considerable material beyond CotCT.

It is possible to have a 16th level character with not much prestige, but my 15th level oracle who has played mostly modules (and thus gotten less fame than scenarios) has 46 prestige. Admittedly, deaths can cut into that, but there is a good chance that you have a considerable amount of prestige at that point. And, as you pointed out, it is close to running out of playable content at that point, so spending prestige is not that bad.

Edit: Ok, I think I see the disconnect. When I mention 'original character', I am referring to the PFS character who is receiving the chronicles, -not- the campaign-mode character that you played. That campaign-mode character has no standing whatsoever in PFS, and nothing really applies to it. It could be a manifestation of the PFS character who receives the chronicles, but it could be a character from a different rule system entirely.

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