A Terrible Idea

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

In my group I've developed a bit of a reputation for multiclassing a lot, and it got me thinking. What could be made out of a character that took a different class each level? As such I am now trying to figure out all of the classes that offer very good benefits at 1st level, and here's what I have so far:
-Fighter (bonus feats are always useful)
-Bloodrager (id rager with the hatred focus)
-Barbarian (speed boost and extra rounds of rage)
-Oracle (most revelations scale with character level instead of class level as does the curse to my knowledge)
-unchained monk (master of many styles for the free style feat)
-Medium (not actually very good but gives an excuse for this stupidity)
-Occultist (versatile and can give a +2 to a physical ability score)
-Skald (spell warrior offers a buff that stacks with rage)
-Alchemist (mutagen and all manner of tricks depending on archetype)
-Cavalier (disciple of the pike to not have to worry about a horse)
-Brawler (snakebite striker for sneak damage)
-Rouge (sneak damage and a bit of skill monkeying)
-Investigator (gives large bonuses to many skills if needed)
-Slayer (studied target is wonderful and has a high number of skill ranks)

I'm giving it a martial focus because it's a lot more viable than having many level one spellcasting abilities, and I'd like to hear other peoples ideas for this little project of mine. I haven't taken a look at prestige classes yet as they all tend to have demanding requirements, but odds are I'm missing something wonderful.

Silver Crusade

Swashbuckler definitely needs to go on that list.

Heck, given the various archetypes EVERY full BAB class should be on the list.

Pretty much every 3/4 BAB character gives you something quite interesting. Depending on level you're aiming for, Hunter and Animal Companion are pretty good, Dawnflower Dervish rocks, etc.

But I think you're going about it wrong. You should decide what level(s) you're interested in (it WILL affect your choices) and come up with at least a vague character concept. Eg, Natural weapon fighter, archer, reach build, etc. Otherwise there are just too many good choices.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

These can be fun exercises. Martial focus is much more viable than a caster, I agree.

On your build, I'd recommend the mutagenic mauler archetype for Brawler over snakebite striker. If you opt to keep the sneak attack, you'll want to maximize that as best you can — Alchemist (vivisectionist), Magus (greensting slayer), UnRogue, Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat — but I think as you level up you'll find it lackluster if you can't tack another d6 on every other level.

I've theorycrafted something like this building up to Mammoth Rider; still have a pair of levels (7 and 8) that I haven't put together yet.

1 Barbarian (mad dog) animal companion
2 Brawler (wild child) +1 animal companion
3 Bloodrager (bloodrider) +10 ft. mvmnt for any mount, Boon Companion feat (class level +4)
4 Fighter (unbreakable) Endurance/Diehard bonus feats
5 Cavalier (gendarme) Spirited Charge bonus feat (Mntd Cmbt & Ride-By Attk prereqs)
6 Hunter +1 animal companion (maybe primal companion archetype for evolution pool points?)
7 < please hold >
8 < please hold >
9 Mammoth Rider

At this point the character qualifies for the prestige class even if nothing else taken advances the animal companion.

Caleb The Cold wrote:
-Oracle (most revelations scale with character level instead of class level as does the curse to my knowledge)

The curse goes as (oracle level + half other levels), so not quite character level. AFAIK revelations all go by class level, can you point to something that shows it the other way?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Back in 3.0, a friend of mine designed a character that took 11 classes in 12 levels. It had base saving throws in the mid teens, and got to add Dex, Int, Wis, and Cha to AC. (There were prestige classes involved). It also had a terrible BAB, and like three different spell lists all at CL1.

Your example list has 14 levels and a BAB of 7.

Because there aren't as many full BAB classes as we would like for this, consider using a natural attack build, where your iteratives are less important than whatever attack bonuses you can pile on.

Then, stuff like the Champion Medium becomes much more relevant.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Caleb The Cold wrote:
-Oracle (most revelations scale with character level instead of class level as does the curse to my knowledge)
The curse goes as (oracle level + half other levels), so not quite character level. AFAIK revelations all go by class level, can you point to something that shows it the other way?

This is somethinq that could be argued and would ultimately be up to the GM, but in the advanced Player's guide most revelations scale with "level" and do not specify if this is class level or character level. As such something like Fire Breath (from the flame mystery) is described as "this flame deals 1d4 points of fire damage per level" which, for the sake of this little project, I interpret as being character level

pauljathome wrote:

Swashbuckler definitely needs to go on that list.

But I think you're going about it wrong. You should decide ... at least a vague character concept. Eg, Natural weapon fighter, archer, reach build, etc. Otherwise there are just too many good choices.

The reason why Swashbuckler wasn't on the list was because, aside from the initiative boost, there isn't anything monumental unless the build is mostly thought out.

As for character concept, I am dangerously indecisive about such things until I'm actually writing down the stats. The general plan is for the character to be a 1V1 melee fighter with a handful of extra tricks/ghost powers as both justification and as a means to add a bit of versatility. Plus, ghost powers let be take the Possesed Hand feat which is always useful.

Caleb The Cold wrote:
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Caleb The Cold wrote:
-Oracle (most revelations scale with character level instead of class level as does the curse to my knowledge)
The curse goes as (oracle level + half other levels), so not quite character level. AFAIK revelations all go by class level, can you point to something that shows it the other way?
This is somethinq that could be argued and would ultimately be up to the GM, but in the advanced Player's guide most revelations scale with "level" and do not specify if this is class level or character level. As such something like Fire Breath (from the flame mystery) is described as "this flame deals 1d4 points of fire damage per level" which, for the sake of this little project, I interpret as being character level

Most things in all classes everywhere just say "level," and yours is a common misinterpretation of what that means.

CRB wrote:
Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class.

Multiclassing would be insanely powerful (particularly dips) if it were the other way around.

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a thread like this pops up every month or so, so if you want lots of stuff you're welcome to find them.

But 1 levels can make an okay character, you're able to have a full animal companion pretty easily (boon companion helps to reach higher levels of full companion.

full bab don't really care as much about dipping

splashing 1 or 2 0 bab classes isn't the worst idea if they are useful dips.

Dark Archive

I love Multiclassing, it always allows my strange builds to work (earlier). So let's see, only a single level allowed, right? And Martial focused.

Alchemist: First Level Extracts are nice, but mostly the Mutagen is the real winner here. I would pick an archetype that loses the bomb feature though, since you have no scaling. If you are not interested in the Mutagen (or gain it somewhere else), you could also look at the Eldritch Poisoner or the Vivisectionist. It is another source of sneak attack.
Barbarian (Unchained): Rage and fast movement, but more importantly, the extra health you gain during Unchained rage consists of temporary hit points (which are lost first). Especially at higher levels, that is a godsend.
Bloodrager: As already mentioned, the Id Rager allows for some fun extras, like those of the Anger Phantom.
Brawler: Snakebite Striker gives some more Sneak Attack, and the Mutagenic Mauler grants another level of Mutagen.
Cavalier: The Gendarme gains a bonus feat at level 1 (can pick Power Attack).
Cleric: Crusader archetype allows only 1 Domain, but grants a bonus feat from a small list.
Fighter: Full BAB and a bonus feat, which is always nice to have.
Gunslinger: If you have the Charisma, You could take a single level of Mysterious Stranger and take a backup pistol/musket with you, just in case. The archetype stacks with the Maverick, which allows a sort of "derring-do", but then with Bluff, Prof. Gamble and Sleight of Hand.
Hunter: Be a Hunter without an Animal Companion (either trade out with Feral Hunter, or the "make Flutter poke you with a pointy stick" method). As a swift action, trade out Darkvision (bat) for Evasion (mouse), or become more perceptive (falcon) out of combat. It is seriously handy to gain those abilities through this method, since you don't allow yourself to gain them by having multiple levels of a single class.
Inquisitor: The Domain must be the same as that of the other classes which gain them, so keep that in mind. But Monster Lore is nice to have if your Wisdom is any good.
Investigator: Inspiration is a good skill booster.
Medium: Just always channel the Champion Spirit, and gain a +2 on to hit and a +3 on damage (spirit bonus + seance). Also a floating Exotic Weapon Proficiency which can be changed every day.
Monk: Everything an Unchained Monk gets, except a lower BAB and an higher Will save. I would pick the normal Monk because Will Saves might become your bane if you multiclass to much low-will classes. Also take a look at the Far Strike Monk archetype, it gains Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot in its bonus feat list, and trades Stunning Fist in for Quick Draw, all on lvl 1.
Occultist: The Transmutation Implement gives a nice +2 Enhancement bonus on 1 physical stat of choice, plus Sudden Speed grants some incredible movement increase. The Conjuration Implement grants access to healing wands, but more importantly, a 1 minute summon to trigger traps.
Oracle: The Nature/Lunar/Lore Mysteries give a revelation that allows you to use Charisma on AC instead of Dexterity. It is one of those revelations that does not require multiple levels of Oracle to function properly. Do select your curse with great care, though.
Paladin: Full BAB, good Will save. Check the Gray Paladin to get out of the LG Alignment.
Ranger: Pick up a favored enemy, favored terrain (Warden), or declare everyone your enemy (Freebooter). A Dandy is capable of increasing/decreasing rumors, which in certain campaigns could be useful.
Rogue (Unchained): Free Weapon Finesse, Sneak Attack die, and Trapfinding (if you are the Magic Trap disposal unit). In case you do not want the last ability, there are a lot of archetypes that trade it out. Special mention for the Makeshift Scrapper, which grants Catch Off-Guard and Throw Anything instead of Trapfinding.
Slayer: Although the Studied Target bonus is nice to have, it will never be a swift action (although still free when sneak attacking). Check out the Ankou's Shadow, which trades out Studied Target for an at will Mirror Image (although a single one and a full round action every time, but awesome pre-combat buff).
Spiritualist: Never ever let your Phantom out, and gain some sweet bonuses. A +4 vs Mind-Affecting, 2x Skill Focus (based on emotion of phantom), and if you pick the Dedication Phantom, also Iron Will.
Swashbuckler: Weapon Finesse for light/one-handed piercing weapons. The real draw is Parry and Riposte, though. So you'll want Combat Reflexes and a small amount of Panache.
Vigilante: The Avenger-focused vigilante is a full BAB with a good Will save, so that is a good thing. Forget the Dual Identity ability, it does nothing. Maybe pick up Social Grace as your only Social Talent?
Warpriest: Free Weapon Focus (and an increase of the damage die to 1d6 for small die weapons).

Okay, I've figured out how to get to at least level 12 while staying completely full-BAB, with some options for variations to boot. Also completely Charisma-based.

Paladin. Take the Grey Paladin archetype and become Neutral Good. This allows multiclassing with Neutral/non-Lawful classes. Or don't take it, and replace the Barbarian level with something else.
Barbarian. For extra oomph. Maybe take Unchained version or an archetype that doesn't boost CON (Savage Technologist, Urban Barbarian) so you don't suffer from Sudden Death Syndrome.
Bloodrager. See Barbarian.
Gunslinger. Take Mysterious Stranger to key off Charisma. Or if your Wisdom is okay, vanilla Gunslinger. You'll need your Wisdom, 'cause your Will save is terrible. You'll get a different pool later on, and IIRC, you combine pools under one main stat.
Cavalier. Purely a gap-filler. As Mr. Bonkers said, Gendarme gets to choose Power Attack as a bonus feat.
Fighter. Another gap-filler, but maybe take some feats you'll need for prestige classes. Otherwise, skip this one and take a different prestige class instead.
Slayer. Same as fighter, really. You honestly don't get a lot out of this other than some sorely-needed skill points. There's a few cool archetypes that can spice things up.
Brawler. See Slayer. Purely BAB-fodder, but Unarmed Strike could be nice.
Ranger. Favored Enemy is always useful. Also, skill points.
Swashbuckler. Panache to parry attacks is always nice.
That's all the regular classes. You'll be rocking a Fortitude of 18, Reflex of 10, and a Will of... 2.

And now, prestige classes! There are a few to choose from.
Shieldmarshal. You'll only need quick Draw as a feat, and some skills. You should qualify for Gunsmithing as you're a Gunslinger. You can get some cool tricks from it at level 1. Also, boosts Will by 1.
Stalwart Defender. You get some defensive bonuses, but you'll have to take 3 feats to qualify for it. But combined with some other options, you can make a pretty tanky character.
Scar Seeker. Requires you to worship Vildeis and have Toughness (which is also a prereq for Stalwart Defender). You get some more tanky goodies and keys off Charisma. Also, bonus to Will saves.
Sentinel. Requires Deific Obedience and Weapon Focus, but you get a sacred bonus to attack and damage.
Ulfen Guard. Only requires a few skills, and you get more tanky powers in return. And, Will saves!

There's also the option of going Hellknight instead of taking Barbarian, but that locks you out of a whole lot of other options. Other possibilities include Aldori Swordlord (doesn't give you anything good, to be honest), Asavir (same), Crimson Templar (requires Ragathiel, being LG, and some feats you'll probably pick up anyway, but is pretty cool), Darechaser (Kurgess, doesn't do anything for your build, TBH), Devoted Muse (Shelyn, doesn't do much), Duelist (meh), Golden Legionaire (meh), Horizon Walker (meh), Knight of Ozem (Iomedae, meh), Lantern Bearer (meh), Low Templar (requires a feat for a horse you don't use, but get extra powerful against demons), Pain Taster (requires nongood, so Grey Paladin, but get more in flavour with Scar Seeker class. Powers are kinda lacking, though), Pure Legion Enforcer (requires you not to have a deity, and is crap), Sacred Sentinel (pretty cool, requires Torag), Sanguine Angel (doesn't mesh with Paladin very well), Steel Falcon (meh), Student of Perfection (Lawful, meh), Student of War (meh).

So, you can be a Paladin, who's also a Hellknight, Golden Legionaire, Eagle Knight, Knight of Ozem, and many more. He'll have so many conflicting beliefs and masters, it'll be insane.

Character Concept... it's a thing
d20pfsrd random background.

thunderspirit wrote:

I've theorycrafted something like this building up to Mammoth Rider; still have a pair of levels (7 and 8) that I haven't put together yet.

1 Barbarian (mad dog) animal companion
2 Brawler (wild child) +1 animal companion
3 Bloodrager (bloodrider) +10 ft. mvmnt for any mount, Boon Companion feat (class level +4)
4 Fighter (unbreakable) Endurance/Diehard bonus feats
5 Cavalier (gendarme) Spirited Charge bonus feat (Mntd Cmbt & Ride-By Attk prereqs)
6 Hunter +1 animal companion (maybe primal companion archetype for evolution pool points?)
7 < please hold >
8 < please hold >
9 Mammoth Rider

At this point the character qualifies for the prestige class even if nothing else taken advances the animal companion.

For real stupid power in a Mammoth Rider, two levels of Fighter (Drill Sergeant), make the Barbarian a Savage Technologist, and go up to Hunter3.

Go crazy with Teamwork feats, and share them all with your huge pet monster.

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