What are people using for ship battle minis?


Scarab Sages

So I've been searching for a cheap way to get a bunch of model starship miniatures for Starship battles, and nothing I find seems to work. The OLD micro-machines star trek and Star Wars ships are too big (to mention nothing of the attack wing ships) and I don't have a 3-d printer to just make my own.

A local game store found a small stash of Star Wars ships online that work just about perfect, but I don't know what game/company/toy line they are from, and he only has a few. Those are the only ones I've found that work.

What are other people doing?

I remember Mongoose Publishing had Traveller and Armada ships a while back, Firefly board game has a ships pack you can but separate from game, may also try Ironwind miniatures or Reaper

I've heard good things about Battelship Galaxies. It comes with 20 ships and a starfield hex board for around $40. I've also been looking at a lot of the Fantasy Flight Star Wars board games as they seem to have a lot of ship pieces that seem like they might work.

I'm using the starship pawns from here for the time being.

Long term I'm hoping for prepainted minis, but for the time being I'd rather have 2D models using Starfinder's art than spend money on 3D models which are unlikely to match (aesthetically or by scale) once the real thing arrives.

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These Are not that bad looking and a pretty good price and you get a small bundle of different ships.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

i have old traveller, bablyon 5 wars and full thrust ship minis

I know nothing about any company on this page, but I found this while trying to find SF minis:


Just following up as I made a purchase. The unpainted ships are from Ravenstarstudio.com. The painted one is an xwing ship I put in the picture for scale.


They are pretty cheap, as little as $3 per ship. They took about a month to ship, but they threw in a few extras.

Honestly - find some starship images you like from any given source, print them on cardstock (optional: glue to stiffer stock), and use just like the Paizo pawns.

Schoon wrote:
Honestly - find some starship images you like from any given source, print them on cardstock (optional: glue to stiffer stock), and use just like the Paizo pawns.

Thast what we did. Used copies of the orange and green ships from page 318 of the Core Rulebook.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

0-hr ships are very nice and include hex platforms. The designer even has Starfinder ship specs for them and deck plans on his website.

Scarab Sages

Captain J.T. Kirk wrote:
These Are not that bad looking and a pretty good price and you get a small bundle of different ships.

I spray painted a few and hot glued them to bases. Work pretty well!

Silver Crusade

I don't even know where to find hex bases.

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