Nylanfs |

Distant Scholar |

In the "Select Sources" box, click the seldom-used "Install Data" button at the center bottom. Click the "Select" button and wend your way through the directory tree until you find the .zip file you downloaded. Choose it, and it should install.
It will talk about data being "outside ..." something or other (I forget the exact message); that's fine. It will create the needed subdirectories that weren't there before.

Spacefarer Redelia |

I've been putting the characters I built by hand into PCGen just to test things out a bit, and I think I've found an error. Where do I report it?
(My character is a mystic, and PCGen is not letting me add enough spells, because it's including the connection spell in the spell allotment. I'm supposed to have three level 1 spells known, plus the connection spell, but it's only allowing three level 1 spells, including the connection spell.)

Nylanfs |

I've been putting the characters I built by hand into PCGen just to test things out a bit, and I think I've found an error. Where do I report it?
(My character is a mystic, and PCGen is not letting me add enough spells, because it's including the connection spell in the spell allotment. I'm supposed to have three level 1 spells known, plus the connection spell, but it's only allowing three level 1 spells, including the connection spell.)
Either here, our user FB group (below), our support chat (below below), or our yahoo group or our forums.

Spacefarer Redelia |

Spacefarer Redelia wrote:Yippee!!
I've been putting the characters I built by hand into PCGen just to test things out a bit, and I think I've found an error. Where do I report it?
(My character is a mystic, and PCGen is not letting me add enough spells, because it's including the connection spell in the spell allotment. I'm supposed to have three level 1 spells known, plus the connection spell, but it's only allowing three level 1 spells, including the connection spell.)
Either here, our user FB group (below), our support chat (below below), or our yahoo group or our forums.
Actually, there is not a problem, I was misinterpreting the rules. High casting stat gives more spells per day, not more spells known.
Thank you for the info on reporting errors, I will certainly use them if I find anything.

Mynex |
Unless I am missing something, the insight bonus from the Mechanic's Bypass class feature does not seem to be added to the total skill modifier. No idea if the same happens with other classes, such as e.g. the Operative's Edge ability.
This is not the actual problem.
The thing is, the soldier is _proficient_ with light & heavy armors and X category of weapons... Which, if you click on the 'Qualified' button on equipment, the equipment in those proficiency categories show up... i.e. you can take said equipment and equip it and have the benefits that any given item has without the non-proficiency penalty.
The actual issue is that being proficient in the items is different than actually have the feat that grants these proficiencies, so since you don't have the actual feat, you don't 'qualify' for other feats that use them as pre-reqs.
This is a 'as the rules are written' problem that has existed since D&D 3.0... granted, most people, including myself, grant that if you're proficient with a category of an item (light armor for example) that it counts as having the feat for purposes of meeting the pre-reqs for other feats (like Heavy Armor reqs Light Armor, Power Armor reqs Heavy Armor).
I don't remember if I suggested to the head Data Monkey to allow proficiency in a category to count as meeting the pre-reqs for other things, but I will.
W. Robert Reed III

LegacyKing |

Unless I am missing something, the insight bonus from the Mechanic's Bypass class feature does not seem to be added to the total skill modifier. No idea if the same happens with other classes, such as e.g. the Operative's Edge ability.
Thanks for the report. That is now fixed and will be in the next release.

LegacyKing |

Operative Specialization does not add the two free skills per level. Does add the skill focus. Have logged in jira.pcgen
Addressed. Please avoid the regular reporting on JIRA under Data Bugs. The data set isn't tied to the PCGen release being a standalone. The only group suited to handle would be 'https://pcgenorg.atlassian.net/projects/NONVERSION/issues/?filter=allopeni ssues'. The FB groups are actually best since we can address and update the issues pretty quickly.

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Matsu Kurisu wrote:Operative Specialization does not add the two free skills per level. Does add the skill focus. Have logged in jira.pcgenAddressed. Please avoid the regular reporting on JIRA under Data Bugs. The data set isn't tied to the PCGen release being a standalone. The only group suited to handle would be 'https://pcgenorg.atlassian.net/projects/NONVERSION/issues/?filter=allopeni ssues'. The FB groups are actually best since we can address and update the issues pretty quickly.
What is the preferred method for those of us who do not use Facebook?

Nylanfs |

LegacyKing wrote:What is the preferred method for those of us who do not use Facebook?Matsu Kurisu wrote:Operative Specialization does not add the two free skills per level. Does add the skill focus. Have logged in jira.pcgenAddressed. Please avoid the regular reporting on JIRA under Data Bugs. The data set isn't tied to the PCGen release being a standalone. The only group suited to handle would be 'https://pcgenorg.atlassian.net/projects/NONVERSION/issues/?filter=allopeni ssues'. The FB groups are actually best since we can address and update the issues pretty quickly.
Either here, our user FB group (below), our support chat (below below), or our yahoo group or our forums.

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F. Castor wrote:Thanks for the report. That is now fixed and will be in the next release.Hmm...
Unless I am missing something, the insight bonus from the Mechanic's Bypass class feature does not seem to be added to the total skill modifier. No idea if the same happens with other classes, such as e.g. the Operative's Edge ability.
The Mechanic's Exocortex is also not providing it's level 1 abilities "Combat Tracking (Ex)" and "Memory Module (Ex)", the biggest problems are that Longarm and Heavy Armor proficiency are gained through Combat Tracking and a bonus "Feat Skill:Focus" is gained through Memory Module.

Nylanfs |

I have full Herolab access. Why would I need that? :P
Cause we have better documentation to make your own data, classes, feats, abilities, & etc.? :)

BenignNeglect |
Very nice and thank you for the work you and the PCGen team have done.
Couple of things:
- racial language does not seem to be added for free. (for example if I choose Elf as race, I am not given Elven as a free language)
-Extra language for each culture rank is not being given
-Feat Skill synergy is not letting me choose which skills to make class skills/get bonus in (I am assuming I am doing something goofy here)
- Having a home system choice is not present. (again your home system will give you a language)
- Not seeing a way to purchase/build a computer. (Turn Comm unit into tier 1 computer, miniaturize it, etc...)
Again, thank you for the work that has been done. This will make creating and managing characters much easier and I am overjoyed this is out.

ShinHakkaider |

TriOmegaZero wrote:I have full Herolab access. Why would I need that? :PCause we have better documentation to make your own data, classes, feats, abilities, & etc.? :)
Yeah I just asked about this very thing for Pcgen in another thread. One of the reasons why HeroLab is a go for me was that they sold packs for the Pathfinder books pretty much already done.
20 years ago I would definitely be using PCgen and entering everything myself.
20 years ago I had more time on my hands. Now I'd rather pay someone else to do it.
now that I've glanced at the documentation for PCgen and entering your own material? I may start using it for Starfinder unless the HLOnline can win me over (although that's unlikely).

Nylanfs |

Dang, no Space Goblin. I might have to actually put it in myself =/
Space goblin was the first thing i looked for,that and the Contemplative. I've been trying to figure out to add but no luck so far.
Here's a video tutorial series that our main data monkey made.
Here's an online documentation (which also ships with each copy).
If you look under List Files > List File Classes it explains all the files, and the List File Tag Index is a list of all known tags that is used in the data and examples of how to use it.
Is it possible in pcgen to load pathfinder elements with starfinder as well?
That is going to be challenging, because while the systems are close enough for the human mind to easily convert. From a programming standpoint they are mechanically very different.

Nylanfs |

Nylanfs wrote:TriOmegaZero wrote:I have full Herolab access. Why would I need that? :PCause we have better documentation to make your own data, classes, feats, abilities, & etc.? :)Yeah I just asked about this very thing for Pcgen in another thread. One of the reasons why HeroLab is a go for me was that they sold packs for the Pathfinder books pretty much already done.
20 years ago I would definitely be using PCgen and entering everything myself.
20 years ago I had more time on my hands. Now I'd rather pay someone else to do it.BUT...
now that I've glanced at the documentation for PCgen and entering your own material? I may start using it for Starfinder unless the HLOnline can win me over (although that's unlikely).
And I sent you a PM with the above info since it was definitely off-topic for the HL thread.

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You probably can get away with putting this in your scr_races.lst file for the Space Goblin:
Just make sure the tabs are done right.

Mortis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've installed the files, but can't seem to find starfinder under sources to load. anyone know what i might be doing wrong? thanks
On the Select Sources window, follow the steps below:
1. Click on the Advanced Tab.2. Click on the down arrow on the 'Game' drop down menu and select Starfinder
3. Click the 'Add Selected' button
4. Click the 'Load' button
And, hopefully, you should be good to go...

Nylanfs |

All I am able to download is v. 60.06.01
Go down to development versions you need 6.07.03 to use the Starfinder data.
Once you have that installed, you install the Starfinder data set listed above. Just like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY3jsMl3jo4&index=13&list=PLLa5A1qj BOPekqEC_R9BAZW-8q5IT-klM
Note: You have to restart PCGen after installing the data.