Hurricane Harvey 2017

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Cat 3 at the moment, as far as I can tell. Will very likely strengthen to 4. The tricky part is whether it keeps strengthening or weakens before it reaches the US.

About a week before potential landfall in the southern US. Mid week for the islands. We'll know more pretty soon.

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*nods* Fingers crossed for everyone.

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The Mad Comrade wrote:
Kirth, keep us posted on your situation. If things are as bad as they sound like they are, I've got a bunch of gaming stuff that I'm happy to ship to you if you like.

This morning I parked 6 blocks from the house, waded through sewage to the place, and finally got a look inside. The carpets and laminate floors are a loss, but then again, it's a rental house. We'll lose our dressers, bedside tables, easy chair, and so on, but I think most of our other stuff that was up off the floor will be OK. Of particular importance is the fact that my gaming books were not destroyed!

So I moved everything out of the master bedroom suite, the landlord tore up the carpet*, and we mopped the concrete.

*At my insistence -- he told me to do it and I refused point-blank, because the lease says I pay for anything I damage, and I suspect he's just nasty enough to press that.

Mrs Gersen had already put in our 30-day notice. Meanwhile, I'd jumped on looking for another residence, and found one before they all disappeared from the market -- signed the lease today! Now I just need to wait for the streets to drain and see if I can get my hands on a moving van.

So, overall, things are working out a lot better for me than I had any right to expect... and far, far better than they did for thousands of other people.

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Good to hear!

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Glad to hear it!

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
Kirth, keep us posted on your situation. If things are as bad as they sound like they are, I've got a bunch of gaming stuff that I'm happy to ship to you if you like.

This morning I parked 6 blocks from the house, waded through sewage to the place, and finally got a look inside. The carpets and laminate floors are a loss, but then again, it's a rental house. We'll lose our dressers, bedside tables, easy chair, and so on, but I think most of our other stuff that was up off the floor will be OK. Of particular importance is the fact that my gaming books were not destroyed!

So I moved everything out of the master bedroom suite, the landlord tore up the carpet*, and we mopped the concrete. ** spoiler omitted **

Mrs Gersen had already put in our 30-day notice. Meanwhile, I'd jumped on looking for another residence, and found one before they all disappeared from the market -- signed the lease today! Now I just need to wait for the streets to drain and see if I can get my hands on a moving van.

So, overall, things are working out a lot better for me than I had any right to expect... and far, far better than they did for thousands of other people.


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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Someone want to get out and push Irma towards Florida?
As a Floridian, let me quote Palpatine...

OK, BNW, I know you meant it in jest... but I blame you. :) All the local weather folk say Irma is gonna get Florida, but as of this morning, no one knows if the state will just get the outer bands or landfall. By early Friday Wednesday night/Thursday morning we should know if it's SW FL (Fort Myers, Naples, Sanibel) or SE FL (West Palm, Miami, Delray Beach) getting the brunt. Also in the cone are the Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and Cuba.

All otherwise quiet here. Runs on gas, water, and other essentials started yesterday afternoon. My family will shelter in place, and we're as prepped as can be for a hurricane.

Silver Crusade

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*hugs Amby*

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Rysky wrote:
*hugs Amby*

Thanks. We should be fine though. My parent's house survived Hurricane Donna intact, and we didn't get any flood damage from the recent rainstorms. Mentally, I'm totally unstressed by it; storms don't make me anxious at all.

I've got friends and family on the SW coast, and friends on the SE coast, so someone(s) I know is likely to get it. I think Moorluck and Solnes (of FaWtL fame/infamy) might also be on the SE coast of FL, but I haven't talked to them in a while. There's a few other Paizo Floridians that might be affected too, but I can't remember their screennames.

I'm about as central state as it gets, and surrounded by hills, so I'm at least somewhat with Amby. Flooding is a possibility, but not one I'm overly concerned with. Definitly keep the rest of the state in prayer, though!

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Bissau <- I don't know what that is, or why autocorrect thinks I mean that instead of "Huzzah" - but whatever: Huzzah for Kirth! Losses are painful, but I'm glad to hear the good news! We will be keeping you - and all the victims - in continued prayer!

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Please be safe, dear Slaad. We need you whole. And unspoiled.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Rysky wrote:
*hugs Amby*

Thanks. We should be fine though. My parent's house survived Hurricane Donna intact, and we didn't get any flood damage from the recent rainstorms. Mentally, I'm totally unstressed by it; storms don't make me anxious at all.

I've got friends and family on the SW coast, and friends on the SE coast, so someone(s) I know is likely to get it. I think Moorluck and Solnes (of FaWtL fame/infamy) might also be on the SE coast of FL, but I haven't talked to them in a while. There's a few other Paizo Floridians that might be affected too, but I can't remember their screennames.

Have people been inviting each other to shelter in place in safe places? They could bring supplies, Scooby Snacks and fresh egging targets. ;)

Stay safe there everyone! Hopefully those choosing to evacuate do so earlier rather than later...

Edit: Irma's hit category 5 as of 8 a.m. this morning with a track bearing on southern Florida and the Keys. Stay safe everyone!!

1 person marked this as a favorite. smart, stay safe, and good luck folks, looks like this nasty washing machine ride is not over for the southern US.

I have a bad feeling we will be seeing this often...far too often.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
OK, BNW, I know you meant it in jest...

absolutely did not spend the weekend as durkon doing this

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hehehehe....if only.

I have a good Wis score, why the hell can't I cast druid a druid damn it! ;)

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The Mad Comrade wrote:
Edit: Irma's hit category 5 as of 8 a.m. this morning with a track bearing on southern Florida and the Keys. Stay safe everyone!!

Still strengthening - ~180 mph as of 11 and likely to keep getting stronger. This is looking like a record breaker.

Still fairly small and fast moving, which may be its only saving grace, though it's widening out somewhat as it strengthens.

With all due concern for Florida and the Keys, I'm really more worried about the islands right now. The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are almost certain to get hit hard tomorrow and the Dominican Republic very likely soon after. And they mostly don't have the resources Florida will get to prepare or recover.

If Irma goes ashore in Hispaniola or Cuba, it'll likely be greatly weakened before reaching Florida, but the island will be devastated.

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thejeff wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
Edit: Irma's hit category 5 as of 8 a.m. this morning with a track bearing on southern Florida and the Keys. Stay safe everyone!!

Still strengthening - ~180 mph as of 11 and likely to keep getting stronger. This is looking like a record breaker.

Still fairly small and fast moving, which may be its only saving grace, though it's widening out somewhat as it strengthens.

With all due concern for Florida and the Keys, I'm really more worried about the islands right now. The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are almost certain to get hit hard tomorrow and the Dominican Republic very likely soon after. And they mostly don't have the resources Florida will get to prepare or recover.

If Irma goes ashore in Hispaniola or Cuba, it'll likely be greatly weakened before reaching Florida, but the island will be devastated.


So it's up to category 5 in just 3 hours ... yikes. The northern Caribbean is in some deep trouble it seems ...

Edit: 2 p.m. Irma's packing 185 mph sustained winds gusting to 220 mph!

Tagging along behind Irma is cat-2 tropical storm Jose ...

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Here in Ocala seems people are more worried than I!

There is literally no more water in the four nearest stores...

WELP! If I'm annihilated by bad weather, just remember my life was happy, I love you guys, and Jesus loves you even more!

(Pretty sure we'll all be more or less fine, though.)

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By the way, ^^^this^^^ is not to make light of either the people who will actually suffer, are suffering, or any such thing. It's not to say that the storms are not dangerous, nor is it to suggest that I'm in any way invulnerable or immune. Far from it!

I'm an overweight white guy in late summer Florida!

But there are many, many more vulnerable people than I, and we've prepared well enough (though we could do with more water) that I'm not too concerned about the ultimate outcome. I mean, we're solid enough that it's unlikely that all infrastructure will totally collapse, and, you know, even if it does, Florida isn't that big - we'll probably just go somewhere else after getting mugged for our gas in the post-apocalyptic landscape of broken ice machines.

And, you know, I never have ice in my drinks anyway (unless I'm explicitly trying to make it weaker), so...


That said, the above post is totally true! XD

Tacticslion wrote:

Here in Ocala seems people are more worried than I!

There is literally no more water in the four nearest stores...

WELP! If I'm annihilated by bad weather, just remember my life was happy, I love you guys, and Jesus loves you even more!

(Pretty sure we'll all be more or less fine, though.)

don't even joke. Even a cat 1 storm can kill.

See my follow-up post that ninja'd you, my dude. ;)

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Freehold DM wrote:
Please be safe, dear Slaad. We need you whole. And unspoiled.

Yeah, because otherwise the sacrifice just won't go off.


...and by that I mean stay safe Amby!

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I read an article that said Irma's winds are so strong they're setting off seismographs.

Everyone of you who lives in the area buckle down or get the hell out. This is not going to be an easy ride.

Prayers for everyone in the storm path.

Irma and Seismographs

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We'll do our best!

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Hourly weather forecast for my zip code right now: partly cloudy.
Actual weather conditions for my zip code right now: heavy rain.

Something doesn't seem quite right here...

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Tacticslion wrote:

By the way, ^^^this^^^ is not to make light of either the people who will actually suffer, are suffering, or any such thing. It's not to say that the storms are not dangerous, nor is it to suggest that I'm in any way invulnerable or immune. Far from it!

I'm an overweight white guy in late summer Florida!

But there are many, many more vulnerable people than I, and we've prepared well enough (though we could do with more water) that I'm not too concerned about the ultimate outcome. I mean, we're solid enough that it's unlikely that all infrastructure will totally collapse, and, you know, even if it does, Florida isn't that big - we'll probably just go somewhere else after getting mugged for our gas in the post-apocalyptic landscape of broken ice machines.D

And this is why, despite concern for Florida, I'm much more worried about Puerto Rico and the other islands. They're smaller, so there's nowhere to go. Their infrastructure isn't nearly so robust - there are warnings parts of PR might be without power for months. And they're not likely to see the same scale of government response as Texas or Florida.

And that's just the US islands. The other island nations will be even worse off, with less support.

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thejeff wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

By the way, ^^^this^^^ is not to make light of either the people who will actually suffer, are suffering, or any such thing. It's not to say that the storms are not dangerous, nor is it to suggest that I'm in any way invulnerable or immune. Far from it!

I'm an overweight white guy in late summer Florida!

But there are many, many more vulnerable people than I, and we've prepared well enough (though we could do with more water) that I'm not too concerned about the ultimate outcome. I mean, we're solid enough that it's unlikely that all infrastructure will totally collapse, and, you know, even if it does, Florida isn't that big - we'll probably just go somewhere else after getting mugged for our gas in the post-apocalyptic landscape of broken ice machines.D

And this is why, despite concern for Florida, I'm much more worried about Puerto Rico and the other islands. They're smaller, so there's nowhere to go. Their infrastructure isn't nearly so robust - there are warnings parts of PR might be without power for months. And they're not likely to see the same scale of government response as Texas or Florida.

And that's just the US islands. The other island nations will be even worse off, with less support.

Yikes ... and Jose is tagging along behind Irma like a disobedient puppy ...

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

...and Katia maybe forming in the southern part of the Gulf of Mexico and head north...


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Good grief.

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Tis the season!

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A third one ... quite the peak hurricane season here in '17 ...

2004 was pretty bad, up 'til 2005.

I've lived through those (and more). I want to assure others, I am (and we all are) taking the dangers seriously.

But in life you do what you can, pray for the rest, and don't fear what you ultimately can't do anything about.

The islands are much likely to be worse off than we are - especially the non-US islands. Those are the ones you want to keep in prayer.

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FEMA's already shipped significant supplies to Puerto Rico, something about 800,000 gallons of water and a half-million meals are ready to go.

NICE! Good that preparations are being made!

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GM_Beernorg wrote:

hehehehe....if only.

I have a good Wis score, why the hell can't I cast druid a druid damn it! ;)

Lawful Evil alignment?

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
GM_Beernorg wrote:

hehehehe....if only.

I have a good Wis score, why the hell can't I cast druid a druid damn it! ;)

Lawful Evil alignment?


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Gorram it BNW who let that slip....;)

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