This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

The Triune Alliance Roundtable

Play-by-Post Discussion

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"Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!" -- Cervantes

The Drift engine doesn't seem to cost PCU all the time, like other things that say "PCU usage" ... for those it just lists a minimum requirement, which I interpreted as a minimum core size. You only use them for jumps, and have to have the main thrusters off, so maybe it uses a bunch of power briefly, but it isn't a maintenance type thing like the others... at least it seems different in the rulebook...?

Lashunta Technomancer 1 | SP: 2/4 HP: 8/8 | EAC:13 KAC:14 | Resolve: 4

It's still not entirely clear, but FAQ

TLDR: You don't have to run everything at once, so unless you're trying to jump in the middle of combat (where you'll be dead in the water since thrusters have to be off to initiate junp) you can power everything off to make the jump anyway.

Of course we're using Foldspace not Drift anyway, so GM's word may overrule any or all of this.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

All this talk of transferring power is making me think about FTL.

Scarab Sages

Male Thri-Kreen Mechanic (Spacefarer theme) 1

Well to be honest I'll be on charge of most of the power related things in space : P

Lashunta Technomancer 1 | SP: 2/4 HP: 8/8 | EAC:13 KAC:14 | Resolve: 4

Would you like more background on the C'tara name? I'm sure I can elaborate, Core rules has Lashunta as corporate traders for the most part, do you want to follow with this angle or go more traditional noble house? I was intending on asking how you envisioned Lashunta in the setting, but got sidetracked.

Looking at shipboard roles, I imagine Elai fits into science officer role with her computers skill (+9), though unless I've missed something the only limit's on multiples seem to be no more than one captain.

Alternatively she can fill out as a pilot (+6) or Gunner (can use pilot skill instead of base attack (for +3), or Captain (though she lacks Intimidate or Bluff).

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

I haven't even looked at the ship section overly much yet so have been quiet but on roles Arthur has

Computers, Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism, Piloting all at +7 and
Physical Science (Chemistry*) at a +7, does that lend him towards one or more areas? He's also got alright but not amazing diplomacy and perception but they just made sense for him to get.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Yep, the group needs a captain.

Lashunta Technomancer 1 | SP: 2/4 HP: 8/8 | EAC:13 KAC:14 | Resolve: 4

Computers for Science (shields, scanning etc) (I presume science skills do something here, but not for any of the combat actions)
Engineering for... engineering (Repairs)
Attack or Piloting for Gunners
Piloting for Pilot
Captain users Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, Engineering and Piloting (last two to boost the engineer and pilot), they probably don't need all of these skills, just if they want to do the associated actions.

Scarab Sages

Male Thri-Kreen Mechanic (Spacefarer theme) 1

I can switch between engineer and science officer, being skilled in both computers and mechanics. Although I'm only +8 in computers for now, that will only get bigger as I have bypass which will improve my skills with computers as we go. Not to mention I'm also equiped with a custom Rig, granting me all the requirements for all computer and mechanics checks.

Scarab Sages

Male Thri-Kreen Mechanic (Spacefarer theme) 1

Heh... I just realized, The custom Rig let's me make mechanics checks without having to find a kit. But my custom Rig is in my head :P so I use my head to build things!

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Stik-Tik wrote:
Heh... I just realized, The custom Rig let's me make mechanics checks without having to find a kit. But my custom Rig is in my head :P so I use my head to build things!

Okay. So your custom rig is in your head, and you use your head to build things.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

So does your character faceroll and build things?

CG Mul Soldier (Icon) 1

Or headbang to hammer things into shape?


Female Human Mercenary Soldier(Bombard) 1 // Hp: 10/11 |•| Sp: 0/8 |•| EAC: 13 |•| KAC: 15 |•| Fort/Ref/Will: +3/+3/+2 |•| Initiative: +3

I remember a post, can't remember if it was here on Paizo's or otherwise, suggesting that same way your rig or the exocortex is inside you have microdermal tools inside your hand or arm.

So basically Robocop without being as clumsy.

Lashunta Technomancer 1 | SP: 2/4 HP: 8/8 | EAC:13 KAC:14 | Resolve: 4

Part of me wonders if Chkcha's form-filling is going to bite someone later.
"Why'd we get this job?"
"Well, your profile said you had a dietary preference for gerbils"

Host Shirren Scholar Inactive

Ha ha. I thought of filling it out wrong, but I would have said that in gameplay if I did. I decided that at least this Shirren gets enjoyment from making the choices on the sheet, even if they are just copied.


Female Human Mercenary Soldier(Bombard) 1 // Hp: 10/11 |•| Sp: 0/8 |•| EAC: 13 |•| KAC: 15 |•| Fort/Ref/Will: +3/+3/+2 |•| Initiative: +3

Maaaaan... Well, buuuuuug actually...

Buuuug, you are right! Almost forgot Shirren delight on freedom of choice! Can we please let Chkchka do all sort of tiny choices like which colour we use for our uniforms, what do we get for breakfast and our commlink callsigns?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Shirren are addicted to the freedom of choice.

Scarab Sages

Male Thri-Kreen Mechanic (Spacefarer theme) 1

they revel in their individuality. even though they like to work with others.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

I have no idea what is going on round wise.


Female Human Mercenary Soldier(Bombard) 1 // Hp: 10/11 |•| Sp: 0/8 |•| EAC: 13 |•| KAC: 15 |•| Fort/Ref/Will: +3/+3/+2 |•| Initiative: +3

I saw Iamb go for round two and though I missed Elton giving is the go signal.

On retrospective I should have triple checked.

Host Shirren Scholar Inactive

I'm in one of his other games, and he doesn't usually announce the next round. You kind of have to wing it sometimes. The goblins will attack, or he'll delay your attack till after they do... just say in your post that you are posting for the next round, and he'll resolve it.

In this case, I think Glory was in kind of a surprise round from when he said that people could just jump in to go before the goblins, so perfectly fine for you to go again.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

Is it a new round? Just want to be sure this time.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Yes, its a new round

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

I can't wait to get my copy of the Alien Archive. I wish I was a starfinder superscriber right now.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

All the bits will turn up on the SRD sooner or later... I am just waiting on the book to ship before it gets sent my way.

So... one of Heavy's sticking grenades that Arthur has cast Supercharge weapon on... that'd basically be a frag sticky grenade?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay, where are we stuck?

Host Shirren Scholar Inactive

How many junk lasers were there? I think you said 9 for the ones outside the ship, but you didn't say for the inside. Also, someone asked if there would be money left over if we bought the light freighter that we last talked about in discussion. As far as I know (at work, and don't have the manual easily available), the ships are based on build points and not cash, so not sure how to translate that ourselves, especially when we aren't certain of the amount of money we started with.

We can hand-wave all joining in the cause, and selling and buying the ship if you like, but we would still need to know how much money we have left over.

So, I think those things are where we are stuck--? Just speaking for myself of course though.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay, I addressed your concerns, Zanbabe.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay, I got the alien archive today and I'm scanning it now.
It's an awesome piece of work.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1
EltonJ wrote:

Okay, I got the alien archive today and I'm scanning it now.

It's an awesome piece of work.

My favourites are the Endbringer Devil, Skittermanders and that really cool ooze thing I can't remember the right name for now.

CG Mul Soldier (Icon) 1

I am posting this to all my games (apologies if you see this multiple times):

I am going to be out of town for an work conference that I was asked to go on last minute. I will be out of town through Friday (the 27th). There will be internet a the hotel, but the schedule will be really hectic and I won't have a lot of time to post.

Please bot me if I am in your game, and if you are in my game, please note that I will probably not be making an update until Saturday at the earliest.

Apologies and thank you for your patience.

Scarab Sages

Male Thri-Kreen Mechanic (Spacefarer theme) 1

I have access to the alien archive(and the 20 playable races inside), and might be able to share it with you(on a view only basis)

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay, so where are we stuck? Do I need to give you a combat encounter to get you guys going? We've been stuck on the perception roll, yeah. Glory and Elai C'tera have yet to post.

Host Shirren Scholar Inactive

Yeah... just thought since you asked for perceptions that there was something to see. And then we're off on a mission, but not sure if it was definite on which one... but feel free to throw us into something to get it going, I say.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

It seems the site ate my previous post.

Yeah it got a bit confusing. I could honestly live with any of the missions.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Arthur d’Cannith wrote:

It seems the site ate my previous post.

Yeah it got a bit confusing. I could honestly live with any of the missions.

Yep, you need a captain.

CG Mul Soldier (Icon) 1

Any Volunteers? If not, I'll do it.

Host Shirren Scholar Inactive

I'm cool with you doing it, but... Looks like DM opened up recruitment instead.


Female Human Mercenary Soldier(Bombard) 1 // Hp: 10/11 |•| Sp: 0/8 |•| EAC: 13 |•| KAC: 15 |•| Fort/Ref/Will: +3/+3/+2 |•| Initiative: +3

Sorry for the delay, I've been sort of bed-ridden with a bad case of coughing and feeling quite like s$+!.

I'll post right now.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

I've no issue with Iamb being the captain though for Starship combat you need diplomacy and things, I could do those til you get yours up if needed? Just thinking long and short term.

In my mind captain doesn't always mean in charge but we do need one mechanically for combat and ideally as a tie breaker on decisions if it becomes needed.

If we do get a new character with the Captain roll in mind it'd probably be more natural for us in character to hire on a character who is specifically skilled at Starship combat. It'd be odd for someone to be bossing us around on our ship. But seeking out someone with a skill set we are weak in to join us makes sense, particularly if we can tie their background into our own.

As for mission. My order of preference is.

1) Salvage is needed in the asteroid belt. A derelict passenger liner in the deep field needs to be reclaimed.
2) Someone has broken the law of Cyre and is hiding on Eberron 2. The man is considered armed and dangerous and carries stolen experimental technology.
3) A rogue Scro ship has been spotted around Eberron and is harrassing shipping.
4) A ship is needed to take cargo back to the Greyhawk system. The cargo is prefabricated housing.

We may run across that Scro ship from 3 doing 1 or 2. Honestly I can live with whatever but although I appreciate having options I think four left a little too much to have us chomp on straight away but if we can nail it down it sounds like we can proceed.

CG Mul Soldier (Icon) 1

In deference to Glory, I thought we were going to start with the scro problem.

Host Shirren Scholar Inactive

The problem is that no one can break a tie if they are one of the ones arguing for a certain course of action. I'm voting with Iamb (and Glory) on this one. I don't really care what we do first, but we *have* to make a decision and stop talking about it. The perception roll doesn't seem to have resulted in anything, so let's just make the call and go after the Scro.

Scarab Sages

Male Thri-Kreen Mechanic (Spacefarer theme) 1

I'll agree to go after Scro

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Alright, someone still needs to accept the mission. That's part of the rules. The mission pays out 4,000 credits.

CG Mul Soldier (Icon) 1

Okay, Here's the quick breakdown on starship combat:

*There are three phases in starship combat: Engineering, Helm, and Gunnery. These three phases are conducted in order by all parties of the combat, and once all sides have finished with the phase, the combat advances to the next phase.

*The PCs each take a role, which has a key skill and a phase of combat in which they act. The roles (with their key skill and phase) are:

1) Captain (Any Phase; Any of the other skills or diplomacy; limit One)
2) Pilot (Helm Phase; Piloting; limit one)
3) Engineer (Engineering Phase; Engineering)
4) Science Officer (Helm Phase; Computers)
5) Gunner (Gunnery Phase; BAB or Piloting)

The Captain can act in any phase, because their actions are primarily support based (they can encourage someone who is going to act, primarily through using aid another).

You can change your roll before the engineering phase, but no one can take the pilot or captain's chair unless it's empty.

The actions for each role start on page 322 of the rulebook. Keep in mind that some of them require minimum ranks in the key skill for that role (or diplomacy, in the case of the captain).

A typical round goes something like this:
The engineer boosts a system or repairs shields; The science officer scans, redistributes shields, or improves gunnery; the pilots roll opposed piloting initiative checks (each round, as it becomes important) then the slow ship moves first, allowing the ship with the better initiative to attempt to position themselves in such a way that it puts their biggest guns where in a place to fire on the enemy; finally, the gunners fire and the process begins over again.

That's the nickel tour. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

Thanks Iamb, it looks like Arthur will be the groups main pilot. I had been thinking more science or engineering but he's a pretty solid pilot as it is and I will focus on bringing it up as we level, perhaps even getting skill focus at some stage.

Male HP: 33(Temp 7/7)/33, AC 17, Saves Str +0, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Will +0, Cha +5. Bardic Inspiration 3/3 Day. 1st Level Spells 4/4. 2nd 3/3. Inspiration 1/1

I think partly due to it being a new system it'd be good if we get a bit more prompting and feedback.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Alright. I'm waiting on a gunner to actually shoot the enemy. It seems that your primary gunner disappeared. ?Because he was sick or something.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

New players can scheck out 0-hr ships on drivethru. Although they are for d20 future, they can come in handy for Starfinder. And they are beautiful starship plans.

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