The Triune Alliance (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

A campaign set in our galaxy. Ships either warp space to get from place to place, or they use Time Travel.

The Bahamut Sector

The Bahamut sector is dominated by the constellation of Bahamut, as seen in Eberron's night sky. Set in Bahamut's middle is the star Liga and it's planet Oerth. The Bahamut sector is dominated by an Alliance of six worlds -- Oerth, Eberron, Krynn, Athas, Aebyrnis, and Io. Each world pledged themselves as a part of a grand alliance.

The Alliance is devoted to Space Exploration and mutual assured defense. So far, a couple of Near Space worlds have applied to join the Alliance. These include Dinora, Tigeron, Lashunta Prime, Shiron, and Veria.


There are several races in the Alliance. But to keep things easier, I'm only allowing the Core Races from the Starfinder Core. Other races include feline races, a race descended from the dinosaurs (specifically, Utahraptor), a Canine race, and a few more.

Looking for Jobs
One can look for jobs on the computer, with the Mercenaries Guild (which means joining them), or the Merchant's Guild (which means also joining them). Players looking for more lucrative jobs can check with a fixer, which usually found in the bar.

Player Ship
The Sky Fire