This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

The Triune Alliance Roundtable

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

Um, GM, I seem to be unable to get to the Discussion thread for my game? Is there any way to fix this?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

I can ask if a separate Discussion page can be created to Paizo's Customer Service.

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

If it helps, I am seeing the same thing. Regardless of which discussion tab I click on, it brings me back here. If the other campaign is still running, this could be a problem. If we can just take over this discussion thread because the other game is over, I am fine here...

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

Reading through the discussion tab, there is some discussion of ship building. I found a cool site to build Starfinder ships easily here:

Sample Tier 1 Ship:

Small shuttle
Speed 10; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0); Drift 1
AC 14; TL 14
HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7
Shields Light 60 (forward 15, port 15, starboard 15, aft 15)
Attack (Forward) light particle beam (3d6)
Power Core(s) Pulse Brown (90 PCU); Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems budget medium-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 3 armor, mk 3 defences, basic computer (tier 1); Expansion Bays cargo hold
Modifiers +2 Piloting
Custom Components None
Build Points cost 55, max 55 Power Core Units non-essential 82, essential 82, max 90
A light and agile craft, this sleek modified shuttle is nonetheless capable of long-distance travel.

Input Deck for Sample Ship:

{"antiHackingSystemsId":"none","antiPersonnelWeaponId":"none","armourId":"m k-3","computerCountermeasures":{"alarm":false,"fakeShell":false,"feedback": false,"firewall":false,"lockout":false,"shockGridId":"none","wipe":false}," computerId":"basic-computer","crewQuartersId":"common","crewSkills":{"capta in":{"countOfficers":0,"hasRole":false,"skills":{"bluff":{"modifier":0,"ran ks":0},"computers":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0},"diplomacy":{"modifier":0,"rank s":0},"engineering":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0},"gunnery":{"modifier":0},"inti midate":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0},"piloting":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0}}},"eng ineer":{"countOfficers":1,"countOfficerCrew":0,"hasRole":true,"skills":{"en gineering":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0}}},"gunner":{"countOfficers":1,"countOff icerCrew":0,"hasRole":true,"skills":{"gunnery":{"modifier":0}}},"pilot":{"c ountOfficers":1,"countOfficerCrew":0,"hasRole":true,"skills":{"computers":{ "modifier":0,"ranks":0},"gunnery":{"modifier":0},"piloting":{"modifier":0," ranks":0}}},"scienceOfficer":{"countOfficers":1,"countOfficerCrew":0,"hasRo le":true,"skills":{"computers":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0}}},"chiefMate":{"cou ntOfficers":1,"countOfficerCrew":0,"hasRole":false,"skills":{"acrobatics":{ "modifier":0,"ranks":0},"athletics":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0}}},"magicOffice r":{"countOfficers":1,"countOfficerCrew":0,"hasRole":false,"skills":{"mysti cism":{"modifier":0,"ranks":0}}}},"customFrameBaseId":"light-freighter","cu stomComponents":[],"defensiveCountermeasuresId":"mk-3","driftEngineId":"signa l-basic","expansionBayIds":["cargo-hold","none","none"],"frameId":"shuttle","hasBiometricLocks":0,"hasC rew":false,"hasDataNet":0,"hasHiveJoining":0,"hasSelfDestructSystem":0,"isS etDefaultCrewSkillValues":0,"isUseStrictRules":1,"powerCoreIds":["pulse-brown"],"sensorsId ":"budget-medium-range","shieldsByPosition":{"forward":15,"aft":15,"port":1 5,"starboard":15},"shieldsId":"light-60","shipConcept":"A light and agile craft, this sleek modified shuttle is nonetheless capable of long-distance travel.","shipName":"Skyskimmer","thrustersId":"s10","tierId":"1","version" :"1.0.1","weaponMounts":{"forward":[{"weaponId":"light-particle-beam","weight":"light","templateWeight":"light","isFromTemplate":true,"canBeLinked":false,"isLinked":false}],"aft":[],"port":[],"starboard":[],"turret":[]}}

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6
Chiaiese wrote:
Okay, you've sold me on the Explorer. More HP + more shields is more good. I even like the name. Don't forget to add the common crew area.

Buncha stuff.

1) I too am sold on the Explorer. More HP and a turret for only 2 BP more is a good deal. For that alone it seems good.

2) Okay wait, so, we all, through a series of events that are left off-stage, all know each other and are ready to commit our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to throw in and find our fortunes together? I am completely okay with all this, I just would have liked for it to have been stated definitively, rather than simply implied.

3) Since we're all tossing in together as a bunch of friends, it seems incongruous that we're all meeting for the first time. I think it's better for all of us to have wide, deep history together, that we can hint at and build on as time goes by. I expect that this will lead to a lot of "This is just like that night in Annapolis..." stories that will no doubt be full of hijinks that are wacky. =)

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

Agreed on all points. I have extended my backstory somewhat to mention you and the others and the purchasing of the ship. For ease of reference, I put that story and the link to the Sky Fire details in Harukai's profile. I expect the others will need to advance their backstories appropriately as well.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

You're going to call it the Sky Fire?

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

We can call it whatever people would like. The original idea was based off the Castrovelian Sky Fisher, but shooting fire instead of tentacles or lassos. Unfortunately, the persistent particle beam was too expensive in build points so we ended up with the coil gun.

Anyone have other ideas for the ship name or other tweaks? If we try to get a turret laser to match the name, we may not have enough build points for the forward torpedos...

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

The hallowed name of Sky Fire holds valued coin in my internal economy.

I'm good with coil guns, let's not bury ourselves in the trope. =)

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1
Anton P. Merovach wrote:

The hallowed name of Sky Fire holds valued coin in my internal economy.

I'm good with coil guns, let's not bury ourselves in the trope. =)

Yeah, the only way I can see to afford the persistent particle beam is to reduce thrusters to speed 8 and go with cut-rate sensors...not a good trade-off for flavor.

F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

I vote we keep it the way you had it. I just read through the rest of this Discussion board and the previous group beat the Shipbuilding process to death. We have a good build. Let's play.

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

Works for me.


Not particularly ingrained in ships in SF yet so both player and character won't have much say in this.

However, given Merrik's strong draconic involvement, Sky Fire would be very inspiring to him.

Sorry he hasn't had much to say. He has been a slave and assuming he's on some particular mission here. He won't open up on his own and would be happy to RP him out of his shell with you all.

Ace Pilot/Operative lvl 1 | HP:10/10 | Init+3 | EAC:14 KAC:15 | F+0 / R+5 / W+3 | R:4/4 Human

As a player I don't have a whole lot of experience with ship building. We did have a couple combat encounters, and I think SF's methodology approaching that is sound.

I just recall that at our low levels, the fact that we did not have a medbay was like a slooooow TPK due to worsening stacking conditions we had a VERY hard time ultimately shaking. It felt like a hard lesson.


I agree it's sound, I've just never seen it executed properly. I wish we could see or hear a game run by the designers to get an idea of what they attended. I'm fairly versed, ran and rolled a few but so far it has not been enjoyable. But, I never roll my eyes at it. Be interesting to see it PBP.

I think I'll try the open crew role if GM allows. The new rules seem to give it more life and a bit more flavor, specially with the mystic role. I just imagine the Scrye ability is somebody bleeding all over a console.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Sure, you can try the open crew role.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

I admit that we've had such a dearth of adventure hooks so far that I find it uncomfortable to just walk away now.

To wit, maybe if we gun these goblins down something will actually happen.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

hehe. There would be more.

F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

Nothing to see here.

F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

Is this game going anywhere?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10


1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

Prove it.

Ace Pilot/Operative lvl 1 | HP:10/10 | Init+3 | EAC:14 KAC:15 | F+0 / R+5 / W+3 | R:4/4 Human

This being a homebrew universe and sorta sandboxy right now... we need a base of common knowledge we can use regarding orbiting stations (planetary and/or system - between planets orbiting the red sun), how far, or long (in time) a journey to them and the neighboring planets, to what extent the planets in our own system have been explored/colonized/extracted from, interplanetary factions that are known and have conflicts / relationships with one another, etc.

We have the framework you described, and are VERY excited and willing to play, but are working off assumptions. Your homebrew could be blowing our assumptions out of the water in fantastic possibilities that we are not considering because we do not possess the same base of knowledge you do as GM of your universe.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6
Erlich Carnibarr wrote:
This being a homebrew universe and sorta sandboxy right now... we need a base of common knowledge we can use regarding orbiting stations (planetary and/or system - between planets orbiting the red sun), how far, or long (in time) a journey to them and the neighboring planets, to what extent the planets in our own system have been explored/colonized/extracted from, interplanetary factions that are known and have conflicts / relationships with one another, etc.

That knowledge is only useful in the context of doing things.

And right now that isn't an option.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

One of the running themes with Starfinder is that things are -annoyingly- balanced.

Due to everything being "level * 1.5" it means with a level you can't just get one better. If you do, you're actually now .5 behind the curve.

I feel like I'm always on a treadmill, and I have to min-max or else face obsolescence.

Anyway, the point I'm getting to is that I -hope- the bandit is a rare fixed enemy. i.e., I hope he's level 3, and always will be, whether we're level 1 or 2 or 3. Although I shudder that if we're outclassed at lvl 1, as soon as we level up the enemy will somehow improve anyway.

Jus' sayin'. =)

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

P.S. I think I'm the next best Pilot at +6. ^_^

P.P.S. I'm actually more of an opinion that Chiaiese would make an excellent Engineer, allowing me to work the Science!.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Anton's piloting skill: Piloting(Dex) +6;2+1 C

Ace Pilot/Operative lvl 1 | HP:10/10 | Init+3 | EAC:14 KAC:15 | F+0 / R+5 / W+3 | R:4/4 Human

Errrr, I mean Athas' inner atmosphere...

yea, that's it.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Hehe. How quickly we forget that Athas is Dark Sun's world.

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

This game seems to have stalled out. Should we call it quits and cut our losses, or are you planning to move the story forward?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

I'm moving the story forward.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

I vote for avoiding Dasan until we are at least level 3.


I was trying to set you up to try to set up something interesting and so far, you haven't gone anywhere with this. I mean, I dig player driven story but this almost feels lazy to me and I'm not sure this is a game for me.

Think I'm done. Sorry I could't have more patience and that this hasn't been more interesting. Good luck to everyone.

Ace Pilot/Operative lvl 1 | HP:10/10 | Init+3 | EAC:14 KAC:15 | F+0 / R+5 / W+3 | R:4/4 Human

RPG's are a big tent, room for all manner of playing and GM styles. And some are not a good fit. Different strokes and all.

This format is a little difficult for me as well, there is so much we as players have to assume to post content, but I am definitely willing to give this more time to develop -- we're only three pages into the story.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

What story?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

@ EltonJ

Thank you for posting a large number of available jobs. This is the single greatest development of the story at large that you have done, and I appreciate it.

There's been a lot of talk about what a 'sandbox' game is, and I think I understand the difference now.

A non-sandbox game just means that it's linear. i.e. there is one main quest, and it must be done in a certain order. If there are side quests, they must be done in certain phases.

A sandbox game is like Skyrim or Fallout 4. It simply means that there are a LOT of quests, none of which need be done in any order.
It's hard to run a sandbox game, because you need to come up with a lot of things, not all of which the PCs might do.

Thank you, and I hope this is a trend that continues!

F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

I think that's a fair comment about sandbox games generally. But it's also important that the players perceive that the rp effort they put in is rewarded. For some, that may just mean credits. For others, that means a colorful narrative, and a world that doesn't feel under-developed. That's my concern here. A simple thing would be to introduce each new setting with a paragraph or two that makes it feel alive to the extent we can interact with it without creating it ourselves. The Job Board removes the opportunity to interact with an interesting NPC.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

Hey guys, are you really gonna sink your teeth into that whole research Dasan thing?

Now that we have other, level appropriate quests to do, I'd kinda like to focus on that and put Dasan on the back-burner.

Is that okay?

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1
Anton P. Merovach wrote:

Hey guys, are you really gonna sink your teeth into that whole research Dasan thing?

Now that we have other, level appropriate quests to do, I'd kinda like to focus on that and put Dasan on the back-burner.

Is that okay?

I’m hoping we get some intel on this unnamed pirate working for Dasan who has the 1000 credit reward on his head—especially info about his ship and typical shipping lanes he hunts in. If it doesn’t pan out quickly, we can move on.

Ace Pilot/Operative lvl 1 | HP:10/10 | Init+3 | EAC:14 KAC:15 | F+0 / R+5 / W+3 | R:4/4 Human

My apologies for yesterday, it was my wife's birthday and my daughter came to visit.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

I'm sorry...what?

The way it was written, I thought the place we were going to was a time machine.

But you mean -our ship- is a time machine?

And we can go anywhere and do anything?

Is this just our ship and we're going to do some wacky hijinks, or is this cannon for all ships?

Because the implications of giving PCs a no-seriously time machine are, literally, infinite.

Myself, I'd travel back to early Earth just as it was discovering spaceflight and take the place over. Maybe militarily, maybe just copy-writing my own tech and selling it for all of the dollars.

So I can't have read that right, because that would blow open a campaign so hard.....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

Exactly. Shall we begin?

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

I've always wondered how the world would've turned out if Alexander the Great would've just turned south, forgot about India, and just straight-up civilized all of Africa.

It looks like we're about to find out.

F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

We have a TARDIS. Let's kill Hitler!

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

I head the Third Reich was a bit rubbish...

F Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (2), Operative (1), Xenoseeker | HP:15/20 SP:0/16 RP:6/6 | EAC:11 KAC:12 BAB:+1 INIT:+1 PERC:+6 | Fort:+0 Reflex:+2 Will:+4 | 1st Lvl Spells:0/4+0/1 Spell Cache | Arc Pistol: 20/20, 2 extra batteries; Tactical Dueling Sword +1/1d6

Oh River Song, why? Just, why.

But seriously. We can think bigger here. I don't get the impression one job is any less sandboxy than any other, although Dasan is developing. What universe-themed in-game elements would be desirable time-travel targets? I guess there's a couple ways to think about this.

1) We're roleplaying characters. You guys are doing a fantastic job of that given a limited framework. Really great - it's the reason I keep checking this game more than once a day, to see what Erlich and Hurakai are doing. Characters can exist for characters' sake. The Matthew Weiner approach to storytelling.

2) We can drive plot toward a goal. Seems like that's already happening with Dasan. But then what? We don't know, and there's really been no inkling of a larger story here. My personal preference would be to have some intrigue - every story needs a hook. Even Don Draper was an enigma in season one. In the absence of that, why not try some crazy s~%@?

Male Human (Gravity Dweller) Soldier (Aesthetic Warrior) 1

It boggles the mind, really. If every ship is capable of traveling through time, there must be some pretty strict limitations, or the timeline would constantly be in flux. Can you help us out any here, DM?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

There is a limit to time traveling. You can make only so many changes at once or you'll break the timeline. The time travel device is able to fold space, plus you need to be exact in going where you're going, or you'll get lost.

Dark Archive

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6

Imma echo gameplay. Are we, right now, -able- to go anywhere? Or can we right now go nowhere, and we need to find the right "coordinates", like finding a key in Zelda to open the right door?

If we can go anywhere, can you tell us where?

Is there anywhere(or, really, "anywhen") we can't go?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10


The time machine allows you to go anywhere, just plug in the coordinates. There is a miniature Delta Antenna on your ship, and that helps the ship fold space. Input the right coordinates and your ship can go anywhere. Although, early time machines needed a psychic to guide the time travelers. That's not the case with this machine.

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