Jade Regent Supplementary Recruitment!


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I present Mitsui Soichrio, a likable, friendly fiddle playing rogue. he is also paranoid, jumpy and more then a bit light-fingered. Also worships Sun Wukong, a monkey god of trickery.

Crunch Mitsui Soichrio:

Unchained Rogue (Sanctified)7
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Perception +7
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 armor, +5 Dex, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection)
HP 38 (1d8, 0 Con)
Fort +4 (+2 base, +1 Life of Toil, +1 Sanctified Rogue), Ref +11 (+5 base, +5 Dex, +1 Deft Dodger), Will +3 (+2 base, +0 Wis, +1 Sanctified Rogue)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Short Sword +10 (1d6+5/19-20/x2; slashing;)
Melee Short Sword +10 (1d6+5/19-20x2; Slashing; )
Melee Dagger +0 (1d4)
Ranged Cross bow (1d8/ 18-20 x2, piercing)
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 20 (+5 BAB, +5 Dex)
Languages: Common, Tian, Ulfen
Rogue Bonus Feat
Weapon Finesse (Short Sword): You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Benefit: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.
Feat Level 1- Combat Reflexes
Feat Level 3- Nimble Moves
Feat Level 5- Two Weapon Fighting
Feat Level7- Combat Expertise

Life of Toil- You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
Deft Dodger- You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.

Adventuring Skills
Total skill ranks:70 (8 ninja, +1 Int, +1 human* 7 Level),
Acrobatics +15
Appraise +5
Bluff +12
Climb +4
Craft +1
Diplomacy +12
Disable Device +17
Disguise +10
Escape Artist +5
Intimidate +12
Knolwedge (Dungeoneering) +9
Knowledge (local) +8
Linguistics +5
Perception +10
Sense Motive +10
Stealth +15
Swim +4
Background Skills
Total Background Skills: 14 (2 background*7 levels)
Perform (Fiddler) +12
Sleight of Hand +20

Total starting wealth: 12000 gp

Short Sword (2): 20 gp
MasterWork Studded Leather: 175
Dagger (10): 20 gp
Crossbow (light): 35 GP
Spring-Loaded Wrist-Sheath: 5 GP

Sleeves of Many Garments: 200 GP
Belt of Incredible Dexterity (+2): 4,000 GP
Ring of Protection +1: 2,000 GP
Boots of the Cat: 1,000 GP
Gloves of Larceny: 2,500 GP
Iron Rope: 750 gp

Entertainer's Kit: 5 SP
Rogue’s Kit: 50 GP
Masterwork Thieves Tools: 100 GP
Potion of Undetectable ALignment: 300 GP
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 Charges): 750 GP
Water Purification Sponger: 25 GP

Spending Money-
169 gp
Special Abilities
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Rogue Talents (3):
1. Terrain Mastery (Ex)- Benefit: A rogue with this talent gains a favored terrain(Cold), as the ranger class feature of the same name, but the bonus does not increase with her level. A rogue can select this talent multiple times, each time applying it to a new terrain.

2. Certainty (Sense Motive) (Ex)-Benefit: The rogue chooses one of the skills she selected with rogue’s edge. Once per day, the rogue can reroll a skill check she just made with the selected skill and take the better result. She can use this reroll with the selected skill one additional time per day at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter. A rogue can select this talent multiple times. Each time, the rogue must choose a different skill. A rogue must have the rogue’s edge class feature before selecting this talent.

3. Positioning Attack (Ex)- Benefit: Once per day, when a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack, she can move up to 30 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. The movement must end in a space adjacent to the creature hit with the melee attack.

Rogue Stuff:

Trapfinding:A rogue adds 1/2 her level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Weapon Finesse (Short Sword- At 1st level, a rogue gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the rogue from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The rogue can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.

Evasion- At 2nd level, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Danger Sense- At 3rd level, a rogue gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. In addition, she gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised by a foe. These bonuses increase by 1 every 3 rogue levels thereafter (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level). This ability counts as trap sense for the purpose of any feat or class prerequisite, and can be replaced by any archetype class feature that replaces trap sense. The bonuses gained from this ability stack with those gained from trap sense (from another class).

Debilitating Injury (Ex)- At 4th level, whenever a rogue deals sneak attack damage to a foe, she can also debilitate the target of her attack, causing it to take a penalty for 1 round (this is in addition to any penalty caused by a rogue talent or other special ability). The rogue can choose to apply any one of the following penalties when the damage is dealt.

Rouge's Edge (Sense Motive)- At 5th level, a rogue has mastered a single skill beyond that skill’s normal boundaries, gaining results that others can only dream about. She gains the skill unlock powers for that skill as appropriate for her number of ranks in that skill. At 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, she chooses an additional skill and gains skill unlock powers for that skill as well. (5 Ranks Sense Motive: If you were aware of an opponent before rolling initiative (such as when you ambush an enemy or negotiations break down into combat, but not when both sides happen upon each other or you are surprised), you can attempt a Sense Motive check as part of your initiative check (DC = 11 + the highest Bluff modifier among your opponents or DC 15, whichever is higher). If you succeed, you gain a +1 bonus on the initiative check, plus an additional +1 for every 5 by which you exceeded the DC.)

Archetype (Sanctified Rogue) Stuff:
At 4th level, the favor of a deity or religious institution grants a special blessing on a sanctified rogue, shoring up some of her weaknesses. She gains a +1 sacred bonus on Fortitude and Will saving throws.
This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

Mitsui Soichrio is the last of his family. A hunted man.

His family were once well-trusted and loyal servants of the Minkai Emperors, sworn to uphold Imperial honor from time immemorial. While only the lowest caste of nobles, they prided themselves on service to the Empire and Emperor, with whole generations serving as valuable magical and martial agents. It was a point of pride in the Soichrio home to have a shrine dedicated to the many who had fallen in proud service.

This ancient legacy collapsed however, when the Jade Regent took the throne. Looking to cement his own power he cast out the Soichrio family, exiling them forever. The new struck the family so hard that Mitsui’s grandfather, the family patriarch, committed seppuku rather than face the dishonor. The rest of the family escaped, fleeing to Hongal, hoping to escape the wrath of the Jade Regent, who sought to expunge this family who would surely back an Imperial restoration. So the Regent sent agents to kill off the family, one by one. Mitsui grew up watching his family die from seemingly unfortunate accidents, unlucky fights or random acts of nature. But he knew, it had all been planned by the Regent. So, at the tender age of 16 he fled north, to the Crown of the World, a place so distant and wild, no one could find him.

He made a living among the caravans in those years, crisscrossing the Crown a dozen times. Sometimes he was a mere vagrant, following in the wake of a merchant, living off scraps, other times he earned his keep as fiddler or porter. Mitsui grew up to be a small, jittery man always convinced the next caravan would hold an agent to kill him, or that any accident was part of an evil plot. So it was common for him to simply vanish one night, leaving a caravan and striking on his own and meeting up with another one. His movements were random, erratic. What first had been a defensive mechanism became a lifestyle and Mitsui soon became known in towns all throughout the Crown and at both ends of the Path of Aganhei.

For all of his paranoid fears and rather elaborate precautions (Mitsui will never drink from an unattended cup or eat untested food) the young rogue is a social man. Genial, and loving to laugh, he was often the life of the caravan, making jokes or playing his fiddle. At night he would tell ghost stories or even act out small plays himself. It was this entertainment, far more than anything else that got him hired. That said, he taught himself how to fight, how to protect himself. He picked up formal training from old retired knights, dirty tricks from waggoners and tips from the thieves trade from various scoundrels. A natural curiosity often led him to be instructed from surprising people in unusual ways.

As time has gone however, he wishes to stop running, to turn and confront the evil he knows lurks in Minkai…


1. What does your character look like? What kinds of clothes do they wear? What weapons and armor do they carry? Mitsui is a small wiry man, with a dark face and roving searching eyes. He is rarely still, a foot always tapping or fingers drumming. Even asleep, his legs jerk more than most people. Mitsui favors clothes that can easily be hidden, reversed or otherwise changed quickly. A bright yellow shirt turned inside out to be brown is a personal favorite and the like. It is rare to see him without his fiddle, strapped to his back. He has two short swords, at the ready and has a comical amount of well-hidden daggers scattered all over his person in case of emergency. Mitsui also has a small stone monkey around his neck, showing his devotion to his god, Sun Wukong.

2. How is your character acquainted with Ameiko Kaijitsu? Why would he care about traveling with her across the world? He doesn’t know Ameiko Kaijitsu but he has long been searching for a caravan or group heading East to Minaki, wishing to see the fate of the remains of his family as well as perhaps do something about the evil there.

3. Alternately, is there another reason they want to join the caravan? Perhaps they just want to travel to a faraway land, or perhaps they're from Minkai and wish to see its rightful ruler reinstated. I think it is stated above? He does have more than a taste for wanderlust at this point however, and enjoys traveling. He also knows the Crown well and considers himself an expert on it (although he really isn’t).

4. How did they become whatever class they are? Were they trained? Did it come to them magically one day? Mitsui became a rogue over time as he honed his body for fast escapes and paranoid fears. Later he augmented this by training with everyone and anyone, getting a fighting style fitting his fast and agile frame. He has had many tutors over the years, most of them informal.

5. What is your character like? How do they treat people? Mitsui is a friendly, genial person who enjoys social interactions and views them as a good way to keep control of the situation. No one assinates you when you are the life of the party. He enjoys jokes, games and riddles. He worships the Tian god of Sun Wukong, a god of trickery, wit and lies. All of which he uses a good deal but in his own self-defense. He doesn’t hurt anyone if he has a chance and prefers to negotiate or simply flee before violence. But he has no real friends as he finds it very hard to trust anyone or simply stay in one place long enough to build those relationships.

6. Why is your character whatever alignment they are? Explain what their own ideas of ethics or morality mean to them.
Mitsui is Chaotic Neutral, who follows his own whims and instincts. A obsession with self-security and more than a bit of cowardice keep him from being a do-gooder but a solid sense of morality keep him from being evil. He is perfectly willing to argue long and loud against something he views as evil but often lacks the stern moral quality to take action. Used to living at the margins of the rough caravan crowd, he is more than a bit free with material goods and usually feels theft is a contest of skill between the thief and the owner. If you get away with it, you won and deserve your reward. Mitsui would never steal from someone in need however, as he would judge it. He has spent too many nights out in the cold to be that cruel.

7. If you have a character with a Code, like a paladin, be explicit about what that Code means.- N/A

@Dodekatheon - You got it! Glad to know everything's squared away.

@mdt - That is a heckin' cool picture. Damn.

@Hattori Aiko - I'd be perfectly happy to see Aiko converted into a higher-level application for this game. Obviously, we'd need to do some adjustment, but not too much. Mostly, we need to figure out what she was doing for the last month or so instead of stalking Ameiko.

@Mitsui - It looks good! Crunch looks fine at first glance, and the backstory looks appropriate. He seems a bit of a coward. This campaign does involve directly opposing an army of demons in order to take back the throne of Minkai. Is that something that he'd do?

You know, you guys don't all have to make rogues just because somebody said, "this party needs trapfinding". Not that I mind, or anything. It's not exactly a game of dungeon-delving, though.


Mitsui is a bit of a coward but there are a few reasons he is up tot he task.

1. He has never had a good role model before. I think it would be interesting to have him grow and learn from the other PCs over time.

2. Over time he has become more and more convinced he needs to go back to Minkai and confront the evil growing there (to him that is the Jade Regent). He knows this will be dangerous.

3. He is more jumpy then really a coward. Startles easy and often assumes the worst, but when the chips are down, he'll do what is right (just give him a moment to calm down!).

As for rogue...I had a summoner and a druid all built but none of them captured my interest on the RP side. This guy did. I love the idea of him sniffing the mead being passed around the caravan campfire, wondering if that shady half-orc in the shadows poisoned it (they never do) and playing his fiddle louder to cover his worry.

leinathan wrote:

@mdt - That is a heckin' cool picture. Damn.

Yep! It's surprisingly hard to find Jiang-Shi pictures, especially female ones. They're either chibi-anime, anime kawai monster girls, or dessicated corpses. I only found like 3 decent pictures, and that was the best.


Quick question, when you said you'd like a character that would get along with the other players, does that rule out those with a sharp tongue and an abrasive personality. I have a character in mind that's a bit pompous, easily frazzled, and has a prickly exterior. He really is a good guy though, when you get past the hard surface.

I meant two things.

One, a player who would respect the other players and cooperate with them to tell the story that we all agree we want to tell.

Two, a character who can get along with other characters. The NPCs liking your character, and the PCs all being either good friends with one another and invested in each other personally or strongly committed to the mission, are very important to the smooth running of the game.

If anyone ever has to ask, "why are we adventuring with this guy?" maybe somebody went wrong somewhere.

Sanita dimples. "He means, don't have my personality!"

Ok, I've updated to level 7, 17 point buy, with 15,000 starting wealth.

Aiko's gear includes a disguise kit, rope & grapple, smoke pellets, all the kinds of things that a ninja needs. She also has a range of weapons and armor, though she's not the strongest combatant ever; she mostly will need to rely upon sneak attacks.

A few notes about the unusual bits of gear:
• The mithral wakizashi is because mithral overcomes DR/silver. Useful when fighting undead and such.
• The darkwood stuff is to reduce weight, since her carrying capacity is not especially high.

While she doesn't have rogue trapfinding bonuses and thus can't easily disable magical traps, she does have Skill Focus (Perception) to help with that and the Trap Spotter talent for automatic trapfinding checks. Her Fast Stealth ability lets her move quickly while hiding and her Pressure Points ability lets her cause ability damage while sneak attacking, which is really good when you need to reduce the Strength of an enemy to bring down its powerful attacks.

I decided on a feat chain that follows a particular story development for the character - she started with Iron Will to represent that though she doesn't have the greatest judgment and intuition (average Wisdom), she has a degree of rigid mental self-control. As she developed her talents, she became increasingly aware of the world around her, with keen senses and an unusual ability to notice odd phenomena (Skill Focus: Perception). This eventually turned into supernatural insight (Psychic Awareness), and she has honed this ability so well that she can actually glimpse into the realms of ghosts and shadows (Ghostslayer).

Note that because of the Psychic Awareness feat, she has a couple of skill unlocks (Aura Reading and Prognostication, for the most part), and can use chakra unlocks - I am interested in taking Chakra Initiate for her next feat.

For history, to explain how she's just catching up with Ameiko and the party now, a year ago she was tasked by Ameiko with the job of going to Magnimar to conduct some business on behalf of the Kaijitsu family. Along with several hired guards, she carried offers of trade arrangements and gifts that would help to cement friendship with some of the businesses of Magnimar - providing opportunities for Ameiko to acquire rare goods and recipes to expand her repertoire for her restaurant, and making deals to sell glasswares abroad from the Kaijitsu glassworks.

While Aiko was in Magnimar taking care of business, the events described in the introduction of Jade Regent occurred, and Ameiko, eager to learn more about her heritage, left for Brinewall Castle. By the time Aiko returned to Sandpoint, the caravan was already gone; the halfling cook Bethana gave Aiko a letter from Ameiko, explaining the situation. Aiko immediately set out to join any caravan she could to travel north to Brinewall. Because she was traveling overland without detours, instead of spending days in dungeons fighting monsters, she was able to reach Brinewall only a short time after the caravan left; she followed the caravan's passage north and has finally caught up with everyone!

Let me know if you have any questions!

@Hattori - Carrying capacity is easily resolved by either (A) Tattoo's of Muleback Cords (2,000gp) or by adding it to your cloak of Protection (Cloak of Protective Muleback Cords +1 2,500gp). Advantage of tattoo's is you can switch out the cloak for a +2 later if we find one in loot. Advantage of the cloak is it saves 500gp, but you have to upgrade it rather than replace it. Muleback cords at 8 to your str for calculating your carrying capacity. Add in a MW backpack (which increases it by 1 as well) and you can have a 19 str for carrying capacity with a 10 str.

Note on build moving forward; I don't see the character taking any more Rogue levels. Bayushi would advance in a martial class, more than likely Fighter or Swashbuckler (Panache is too cherry). I'd be trying to tap into the flavor of low-powered anime Samurai as far as mechanics go; more along the lines of Sword of the Stranger than, say, Afro Samurai or Samurai Seven, if you're familiar with those properties.

mdt wrote:
@Hattori - Carrying capacity is easily resolved by either (A) Tattoo's of Muleback Cords (2,000gp) or by adding it to your cloak of Protection (Cloak of Protective Muleback Cords +1 2,500gp). Advantage of tattoo's is you can switch out the cloak for a +2 later if we find one in loot. Advantage of the cloak is it saves 500gp, but you have to upgrade it rather than replace it. Muleback cords at 8 to your str for calculating your carrying capacity. Add in a MW backpack (which increases it by 1 as well) and you can have a 19 str for carrying capacity with a 10 str.

I already have a masterwork backpack and efficient quiver. The darkwood not only helps with weight, it lets me use a buckler without proficiency (no armor check penalty) - and it's still cheaper than getting either of the magic above, because darkwood is super-cheap.

Just alerting you in case you were interested. My character has tattoo's of muleback cords because I get tired of dealing with encumbrance, they're just about mandatory on my characters now. :)

Yeah, I'm not super-worried about encumbrance, but it's basically striking a balance where it's cheaper to have a few darkwood items than to get a permanent enchantment, and that manages to shave off enough stuff that it all works out - and the buckler has to be masterwork anyway, so that I can use it! Might as well make it light because adding darkwood is cheap.

I would be more than thrilled to make a Lantern bearer looking to explore the elven lands in Tian Xia, if youll allow the class since its new. I love the idea of the main elven nation trying to find new settlements. I would also have to say the character would have an interest in Shalelu, let me know if you are okay with that prestige class, and ill make the character and get more back story

@Hattori - Thank you for updating that - looks great!

@fatmanspencer - An elf looking to explore is a good idea, although I don't know if there are any encounters specifically with elves in the AP. I was planning to write in some snow elf encounters for chapter 3.

However, the keep in mind that the Lantern Bearers are not just a class, but an in-world faction with the very specific goal of preventing anyone from discovering that drow exist, and drow play no role in this campaign.

Which is why I asked. It's not an omg I'm not gonna wanna play type deal. I completely understand. I could also go with a Magus, or some other non-wizard arcane class. Maybe even a fellow ranger, or a hunter. Hunter would mix nicely I feel. I'm going to do a Magus, with exalted towards Sheyln.

Hi all. I was working on a charcter but since getting into fatmanspencer's game. I will be withdrawing. just too many games right now

It's not one of those concepts that prompts me to say "f$#! no, of course you can't play that", it's just something for which I'm not sure how it would fit.

I look forward to seeing whatever concept you end up coming up with.

- - - - -

The Current Roster

- Bayushi Kagoma, half-elf fighter (weapon master) 3/rogue 4

- Risbeth Von'Hogmede, dhampir brawler (steel-breaker) 7

- Hattori Aiko, human ninja 7

- Matsui Soichiro, human rogue 7

So a ninja, a fighter, a brawler and a rogue. Still no full casters? That seemed to me to be the most obvious missing role. I just couldn't come up with a good fluff for one.

How do you feel about a character who's back story includes being reincarnated into their current race?

He's not done yet but that's the plan for Grimsby here, originally came from the area where the players are now, but after being killed and reincarnated during an outing to another country, he became a goblin.

His family already disliked him, hailing from a lineage of fighters and warriors his Wizardry was seen as dishonorable, despite his clear nack for the craft. Hes been fully estranged now that he is no longer human, worst thing he could have turned into honestly... He's vermin far as he and his family see it. Wanting to get away from his family and all the people he knows will be the motivation for coming along with the party, maybe his craft will allow people to see him as more than a weak rat somewhere else in the world.

Mitsui Soichiro wrote:
So a ninja, a fighter, a brawler and a rogue. Still no full casters? That seemed to me to be the most obvious missing role. I just couldn't come up with a good fluff for one.

I just went with the character I've been wanting to play in Jade Regent. :)

leinathan wrote:

The current party as stands now is,

Calder Brandson, a half-Tian half-Ulfen fighter 4/ranger 2. He uses a greataxe in combat, has decent wilderness survival and other mundane skills. Dependable, moral, tough. He also wants to see the land where his grandmother came from.

Clara Flingflopsparkfizz, a Varisian gnome alchemist 5/spiritualist 1 raised alongside Koya Mvashti as a sister. She is dedicated to replicating her ancestor Umbiculus' recipe for the perfect soda, and thinks traveling to exotic lands will give her access to more materials. Her brain is partially inhabited by a draconic spirit dedicated to the Amatatsu line.

Tallak Sigurdarson, an Ulfen human cleric. He was the shaman for a local tribe, but joined the party through tracking down his son, who had signed on with one of their enemies. The party killed his son, but he blamed it on the enemy and went along to get vengeance. He was rescued as a lad by Koya.

Vashta Denaria, a Varisian mesmerist. Once part of a crime family and used essentially as a slave, she escaped and has been traveling alone since. She's had a relationship with Sandru in the past, and has something of a crush on him.

Those are the current players he has in the game, from the first post.

The 'current roster' is the current roster of applicants. The applications lean martial because the party above is a little caster heavy and could use some muscle to balance it out.

We do have a bear too. :)

I may take Vashta a little more martial in the future, depending how it plays out, though that will remain secondary to her casting aspect.

Another question as I'm almost halfway done with a caster. How do you feel about spellcasters buying additional spells, specifically wizards adding spells to their books.

Magus won out when I was looking into it. I think an Elf travelling to search out new sword styles ends up on a journey that could improve her fighting. It didn't help they had such fine looking women, though only Shalelu truly catch her eye.

@Grimsby - that should be fine. I've made a character like that before. It's a fun way to play a weird race!

@inxpitter - I've got no problem with it, as long as you're not buying spells over 6th level (the highest available level for Kalsgard) and as long as you put some kind of note next to the spells you buy.

like this:

* = purchased spell

Spells Known:

1st - magic missile, mage armor, shield, grease, disguise self*

That way I know how many spells you've bought and how to figure out how much money you spent on it.

is vmc okay?

Work is coming along slowly on the sphere caster unfortunately. I've got a few ideas, but I'm not really feeling the Fortune Teller concept as much as I thought I would. I'm not super worried about time, since you mentioned recruitment would be open for around two weeks, but I wanted to give a quick update on how no thing's, essentially, happening.

Currently, I think I may switch to something like a Conjuration focused Incanter, but I'm unfortunately pretty far from locked in.

VMC is totally acceptable.

Yeah, we still have quite a bit of wrapping up to do. You got plenty of time before I have to choose.

Hia :) looks interesting, so heres a dot. I will probably build something using SoP, I really like that system :)

First, I have some reading to do!

Some ideas include Whitesmith with many blades, using a different blade every time.
A blind Swordsman, using the Divination Spheres Blindfolded Oracle talent.
A support Incanter, there are a few abilities that can combine spheres and used together could make for some potent buffs. That and what is essentially a Full Caster focused largely on buffs would be a new thing for me.
A Telekeneticest. Levetate everything. Nuff said.
Maybe make a companion focused character? I have never done that before.

Anyways, reading first :)

Edit: the Transformation feat allows you to take on the basically permenant appearance of another creature. What are your thoughts on some of the more unusual shapes?

@Gobo Horde, regarding the Transformation feat, are you referring to any shape in particular? It seems like a fine feat to take, as long as you make a legal choice and your ability/flavor of shape-shifting makes sense.

Also, for everyone: I plan to close recruitment on Saturday, September 2nd. At that point, I won't be accepting anyone new and will begin to think about who I want to accept. I will be selecting before the following Tuesday. Since I will be traveling the following week, I want to make sure that I have somebody selected before that so that the new player can begin to ingratiate themselves with my current party. Make sure I know that you've completed your character before then.

Also, for everyone: I want each of you to know how your character is going to introduce themselves to the party, and how they're going to convince the party to trust them and include them.

They've just gone through a period of everyone around them stalking and spying on them, so you'll need to prove yourself to them as much as me. Plus, it feels better when it makes sense.

I don't need a big written thing, but I would like to how you plan to approach them and why they should accept you.

That is an interesting question. I think one aspect would be that Mitsui would reveal he knows very little about them and just knows they are headed toward Minkai over the Crown. This ties nicely with his own plans so he is eager to join-up but not particularly interested int hem (at first). A unknowledgeable random guy can't be much of a threat.

Secondly, his own paranoia would make him, weirdly understanding of their fears and reluctance. Like,

"We don't trust you."

"Of course not, I don't trust anyone. I'll go to fairly long lengths to prove it to you since I totally get being paranoid. And to be fair, I don't really trust you, or anyone." Mitsui isn't too proud to allow himself to be interrogated rather closely. He'd do the same thing in their shoes.

and lastly, he is an experienced traveler of the Crown which is something useful enough that the party should want him around. He does have valuable skills that fit with their own goals.

Risbeth would likely not know anything about attempting to restore the throne, after all, I'm assuming they aren't broadcasting that about. She would just know they were headed back to Minkai.

She would approach them completely honestly, she has no reason to lie after all. She would tell them that she's been working her way back toward Minkai, and is returning to visit with her mother, since her father has died.

As for why they should hire her, she explains she has been a guard before, has letters of recommendation from various peoples around the continent, speaks fluent Tien, and that she has relatives at their destination who will be glad to see her should they accept her as a guard.

Then, to prove she's of worth if trouble starts, she'll punch a tree in half, or split a rock with her bare hands. She's found that people are usually quite impressed when you punch a boulder and crack it in half, or punch a tree and snap it off.

The important thing would be that she doesn't lie to them at all.

I would say that Delisana happened to stumble upon the fact they were going to a place of wonder, and were few elves had ventured really. She will bring the glory of Shelyn to the other races, and try to learn new sword styles along the way. I do play on one feat being spent to learn exotic weapon katana once it makes since rpwise. She would hope to impress Shalelu. She would point out she is really only traveling with them since they are going the same way.
If they mention the chance to earn some coin AND stay with them, even better, since it would give her more time to impress Shalelu. I'll have the crunch posted later, but i wont make an alias for delisana unless picked. I've always been interested in finishing this ap, as i only got through the first few pages when I first started pathfinder. I want to finish the adventure I started 5 years ago. I've never even thought about gming it. I want to finish it.

Since Aiko already knows Ameiko (nb: her name is formatted Japanese style, so Aiko is her personal name and Hattori is her family name), an introduction is not too difficult, but it could be amusing! Since the team is busy fighting ninja, the introduction of another forbidding kunoichi will immediately put everyone on their guard. Of course to Aiko she's just doing her job and the sudden and hostile reaction from the party will immediately cause her to realize that Things Have Gone Horribly Wrong, so she'll reveal her identity and hope that Ameiko vouches for her.

Naturally, ninja be ninja, so the party might suspect her of being an infiltrator, using a disguise, someone who used magical divination to figure out an identity to try to fool the team, etc. Thus she'll probably have no choice but to go into embarrassing personal details about her childhood with Ameiko growing up in Sandpoint. "Remember that time we were chasing fireflies and we got mud splashed on our trousers? We didn't think anything of it, but when we got home your father - Lonjiku - was furious! 'This is no way for a young lady of station to comport herself,' he said with that angry face where he puffs out his cheeks and turns all red. Or the time that you thought you had a crush on that boy from the temple, and we were lying in the grass talking about what it would be like to get married when we grew up, and I said I would never get married because I had to protect your family like my father did before me?" That sort of thing.

Well I have an unusual idea now :) It is a fair bit out of the norm so I will wait to see what you think of it before I flesh it out more but the basic idea is that of an intelligent floating orb that aids the party with various support abilities. Think of Gulty Spark from Halo :)

The Crunchy bits:
The characters base form is that of a Human Incanter 7 who found some treasure in a ruin somewhere and when he greedily grabbed it, he got cursed. Now he has become a piece of sentient treasure himself, a floating arcane orb.

Now the way I would do this is to first take the Transformation and Imp Transformation feats, granting me the Orb Transformation and the Gift of Speech trait from the Vocal Transformation Talent. This is a must, as I cannot actually speak without it :/

In total this would make me;
A Humanoid (Human/Shapechanger)
Medium Size
Bonus Feat
Speed: 5ft (35ft fly (Supernatural, perfect))
+3 Dodge bonus to AC
1d6 Slam attack
Speech (but no hands)

At the cost of 2 feats.
If the transformation somehow gets dispelled, it is a standard action to retransform.

Now sadly I cannot take any more traits then that, otherwise I would probably take a size reduction as a medium sized floating orb is massive... I would also take the Freeze ability of the Object Transformation as the idea of a sentient piece of treasure holding perfectly still and pretending to be a normal piece of treasure is... amusing :)

With the core of the build done, I would also take the Asetic Control Talent to eliminate most of the bodies natural needs.
Then I would take the Animated Shadow Talent so I can "manifest" a pair of hands to actually hold stuff :/
Similarly I will invest in the Telekinesis Sphere, and the Orbit Talent to hold stuff, as well as the Extradimensional Storage to actually store stuff :/

With that I should have a fully functioning character (if light on the equipment slots :/) and I can then spend the rest of his abilities on things like party buffs. I am thinking of Mass Alterations and Enhancements, Telekinesis, superior senses via Divinations, baleful polymorphs and maybe look at light/darknes funzies.

The character should be easy enough to introduce to the party, he could literally be in any treasure hoard they find between here and wherever. They see me, someone touches me, I activate. A polite conversation then I just start following them, lending aid here and there.
As for why I would follow them, well they are interesting. And my first "friends". And maybe a bit of "just-hatched-chick" syndrome. And maybe I am just lonely ok? :,(

I see the character as a very Lawful Neutral, very analytical and matter of fact. Order is paramount but his sense of morality has become a little dulled since becoming an object. He still generally leans towards good or just callousness.

Originally my character would have been a Human Scholar who had gone around exploring and adventurering to suplement his studies. At one point he snuck into somewhere he wasnt supposed to be and saw a giant arcane orb. Overcome with curiosity, he touched it, and then was cursed. He became an orb... xxx months/years/decades (no idea at this point) passed and he just sat there. One day a group of people come into thd room again and one of them touches him, activating his long dormant consciousness and he begins to explore the world once more, from an entirely different perspective...

Gobo Horde wrote:

Well I have an unusual idea now :) It is a fair bit out of the norm so I will wait to see what you think of it before I flesh it out more but the basic idea is that of an intelligent floating orb that aids the party with various support abilities. Think of Gulty Spark from Halo :)

** spoiler omitted **...

So are you this or this? :D

That is indeed a very strange concept.

The primary thing that I'd want from it is plausibility. I know that might sound like a strange thing to ask from a floating orb, but I want to believe that what happened to your character is something that definitely could have happened, not just as some kind of contrived plot so that you can play a floating orb.

You would likely turn up in the treasure hoard of Snorri One-Eye, an Ulfen raider in his castle at Ravenscraeg, or in some random ruin that the PCs happen upon while traveling the Crown of the World.

I've been reading up on the group's adventures and I'm excited to see how this turns out! :D

Grand Lodge

I would be interested in playing if you have not filled the spot for the group. I had a character I had made for RofRL, but my wife dropped out and I ended up DMing it. So, I am a bit familiar with Sandpoint/Magnimar. The PC was a Full a Summoner, but I can make something more fitting to a group of melee players - which appears to be the case.

Let me know if the spot is still open and I can put something together and submit it.

Recruitment is open until Saturday. I hope to select on Sunday.

I will PM you my setup tomorrow, DM

Lein do you want us to make an alias or just a stat block with everything in as a spoiler?

However you want to present the information to me is fine.

Lein I have a few further questions after looking over everything, but before reading the gameplay so far
1 I am thinking of going with the childhood crush on Shalelu, are you using the romance/relationship stats? IF so, who would I be in conflict with, if anyone?
2 Are you still doing the encumberance tracking food deal? I have one gm who does and i think its a good addition in a text game.

1. I am not using the relationship-score rules. None of the current PCs have expressed any romantic interest in Shalelu.

2. My players largely keep track of their own emcumbrance. I did not track food during their first journey, but I plan to keep track of it on a larger "this is how much supplies the caravan has" level during the trip over the Crown of the World.

Dang. I really wanted to get something together to submit to this, but I just can't seem to figure anything out, fluff wise. There were a few concepts I was interested in, but funnily enough, they were all mentioned earlier, and not by myself. Even with those, unfortunately, I just can't seem to get anything together that fits well enough for me to want to submit. Happy gaming!


With Joseph dropping out, that means I'm just waiting on Gobo Horde, fatmanspencer, and derpdidruid's 'Grimsby Dulgo'. Nobody else has added to the small roster that we have here:

- Bayushi Kagoma, half-elf fighter (weapon master) 3/rogue 4

- Risbeth Von'Hogmede, dhampir brawler (steel-breaker) 7

- Hattori Aiko, human ninja 7

- Matsui Soichiro, human rogue 7

My party is still fighting the 'final boss', so to speak. However, I always get anxious to choose people, and plan to do so as soon as I have my whole group's recommendations.

Risbeth Quotes, for Leinathan, to get an idea of her personality:

On the subject of killing Necromancers who plan on unleashing a sealed god of undead, and will she help stop them

Risbeth Von'Hogmede wrote:
Risbeth shrugs. "I got nothing against gods coming or going, they really don't ask my permission one way or the other. Unleashing chaos on the world however, would be against my mother's wishes. While I'm not opposed to thwarting my mother's wishes on occasion to prevent her from being overcome by ego, to the detriment of our family honor, I'm not really stupid enough to want to thwart her desires for maintaining the status quo enough to disrupt the world." She grins at the others. "So... I guess we've agreed again?"

Said to a flunkey for a wizard set off an ambush on the team too fast

Risbeth Von'Hogmede wrote:

"Oh, I'm about as grey as you can get. As I said, I don't have a problem with undead in general. Which as I've said before, is very good, considering my mother would take offense if I did." She smiles. "On the other hand, I think my world view is not what the locals is. It's not good or evil I'm all that concerned with. I simply despise chaos. I like the world to work, and for people to do what is needed to keep things ticking along. Destruction for personal gain is messy. Sowing chaos is never a good option. If you have failed your Master, it is through your own lack of properly controlling and training your soldiers. A commander can be judged by the judgement of his soldiers. Your Master should punish you for delaying your mission through lack of control of those under you."

Risbeth's ideology is very much an honor and law above silly things like good and evil. Doing a good deed for her is much more about preventing chaos than preventing evil.

Said when the group came across a tower with a locked door, while something cackled at them from inside

Risbeth Von'Hogmede wrote:
Risbeth listens to the cackles. "Hmm, you're a bit flat. Can you try it again in a C sharp?" She calls out loudly to the tower. Turning to the others, she jerks her head at the tower. "You know, I could just punch it down, let whatever is inside deal with the collapsing stones..."

Said in response to a necromancer who threatened to kill the entire group, one of which was a paladin, if they didn't leave right now

Risbeth Von'Hogmede wrote:
Risbeth rolls her eyes. "Oh please, Mother is much scarier. It would help if you had some thieves pinned to the wall above your head, slowly bleeding out from where the stakes were driven through their shoulders. Those are always way more intimidating. I don't really have a problem with undead things, which is good, or Mother would have had a problem with me." She pauses, looking thoughtful. "Which would have been bad for my long term health. So it's generally a good thing I don't mind dead things. However, your Whispering Way is sowing the seeds of chaos and dishonor, I'm not really ok with that, and neither is Mother." She glances at the rest of the team. "However, if you can convince them to leave, I guess I won't have much choice but to go along with them. Good luck though, they seem rather stup... stubborn about things like this."

I'll keep an eye out for any future (re)recruitments you might put up, leinathan, and maybe even submit a character to one. I've got ideas for characters, I just can't really connect them terribly well to Jade Regent at all.

On a side note, there's an awful lot of sneaky stuff going on in this recruitment.

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