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![]() I have a question to ask, based off the rules of Guns Everywhere setting for pathfinder, the Gunslinger class loses Gunsmithing class feature and gain Gun Training 1 in place but in retrospect of the Mysterious Stranger Archetype the specifically lose only Gun Training One. So because of this what would you do for first level for the Mysterious Stranger? I do apologize for the question, I asked this question before on the forum before but to my prevail I was left with no answer. So might as well ask what you would do for the situation. ![]()
![]() Vonvina Eques: Dragoon.3 vmc Fighter LG Medium Humanoid (Gria) Init +5; Senses Perc +8 lowlight vision -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16(+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield, +1 defl) hp 33 (3d10+3) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +6 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Melee Halbred +8 (1d10+8/x3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12 Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19 Feats; Death from above, shield brace, run Traits; Reactionary, Resilience Skills Acro.+8,Craft(armour)+6, Handl.+8, sense +8 Languages; Common, Draconic Other gear; studied leather, light site, 101gill. -------------------- Special Abilities Chosen weapon; +1 to attack and damage roll per four levels -2 to one weapon type Jump (Ex): At 1st level, a dragoon has trained for years in the ability to leap astounding and nearly supernatural distances, emulating the dragon's ability to fly. Dragoons always succeed on Acrobatic checks to jump and may launch themselves high into the air as a move action. This height is 10ft vertical/horizontal per Dragoon level and in addition, the dragoon may jump as part of a charge action. Jump allows the Dragoon to exceed his base land speed during its use. A Dragoon receives no falling damage from his own jumping and does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jumping through threatened squares. Deadly Lancer: Whenever the dragoon jumps or charges at least ten feet from his opponent (vertical or horizontal) and strikes his foe using a spear, lance, or polearm, the dragoon deals an additional +1d6 points of damage. This extra damage is 1d6 when first gained, and it increases by 1d6 per Dragoon level. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit, but is affected by Spirited Charge. Pole Fighting (Ex): At 2nd level, as a free action a dragoon can shorten the grip on his spear, lance, or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets. The dragoon also receives Shield Brace as a free combat feat without requiring the normal prerequisites. Evasion: At 2nd level, a dragoon can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A helpless dragoon does not gain the benefit of evasion. Dragon's Charge (replaces Armor Training): At 3rd level, a dragoon improves his charging technique. The Dragoon receives a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls on a charge (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the Dragoon does not suffer any penalty to his AC after making a charge attack. Make Way! (replaces Steadfast Pike): At 3rd level, a dragoon may swing his polearm about with mighty strength, replacing a standard attack with an attack that targets all enemies in his current reach. The dragoon makes one attack against his targets, and additional attacks should his base attack bonus allow it. This attack may trip or bull rush enemies in addition to dealing damage. Combat maneuvers performed in this manner do not provoke attacks of opportunities. --------------------
![]() First concept
Toris Animosum:
Male Half-orc Savage Rager (Barbarian) CG Medium humanoid (Orc) Init +0; Senses low light vision Perception +7 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +0 Dex) hp 19 (1d12+7) Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Melee: Great sword +5/+7(2d6+6/9 19-20/X2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 15 Feats Toughness Traits Pugnacious Skills Climb +8, know. Local +4, know. Nature +4, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Swim +8 Languages Common, Gear: Greatsword, Scale Male, 5gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Rage, fast movement, Orc atavism, Vigilant Gaze, Shadow Hunter The Impossible Foe: Fight. Not because i want to. Because I want to protect those Important to me. I'll fight till my last breath regardless the for. ![]()
![]() Rerefix crunch crunch: Axious Fiduciam
![]() fluff: My farthest back memory has to be from my childhood. The memory is of me waking up in cabin covered head to toe in bandages. Apparently an elderly couple found me stranded in the woods unconscious with a large gash on my back that looked infected. The couple said I could stay, I would just have to make my keep. So till I was sixteen I stayed with them. Every so often I would try to remember what happened to me. But every time I tried my scar on my back begins to ache and I'm confronted with a vision of monsters attacking people as everything thing around me is engulfed in flames, but the event in the vision that hunts me still today is that of a women covered in blood standing in front of me. I have no idea who the women but every I try to approach her she would scream a blood curdling then everything would go black. So ever since then I've had nightmares of it. I don't think much anymore till now. Now to much recently, after my sixteenth birthday or the day the couple found me,(we all assumed my age to be about ten at the time, but we had no idea) I decided to go on my own way in world. The first step of it was to join the military. Training was hard and a pain the ass but did help me realized my love large weaponry. I took part in my first battle since joining the military after my first of completing training. Sadly though it was my last. Me and group rushed at group of enemy soldiers but before we could an explosion erupted from the middle of the group. I was lucky enough to be farther away enough in the back from the center that it only sent me flying backwards. But as I recovered I stated I horror of the scene in front of me. The visions then begun to to replay themselves in my head. But before the women could scream she is interrupted by a sharp pain in my chest. My vision clears to see what looks to be an arrow in my chest. As I look at it for some reason in awestruck surprise, i then collapse backwards as the world goes dark. I woke up my chest covered in bandages siting in side what looks to be à hospital tent. Apparently I was lucky to survive, if i hadn't had fall backwards I could have easily have died from blood lost. So I ended up leaving the military knowing that that I couldn't continue if the visions would appear. I apologise for any spelling or grammar error.
![]() Crunch:
Ignit/"Blazing Bullet" Male Ifrit Mysterious Stranger (Gunslinger).2 LG Medium humanoid (human) / Outsider (Native) Init +10; Senses Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +4 Dex) hp 11 (1d10+1) Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Range Pistol + 5 (1d8/1d8+4/x4) 30ft Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 13, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18 Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16 Feats Rapid reload, Gunsmithing Traits Rich parents, Reactionary, Keeper of the Veil, Head Strong. Skills Acro.+8, Bluff +8,Disg.+8,Perc.+4, Languages Common, Other Gear: Battered Pistol,MW Chain shirt, 15 Alchemical Cartridges,Gunsmith's kit, Disguise kit, 5gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Desert Mirage Ifrits thrive in the deserts of the world, where their keen instincts and resistance to heat give them a huge edge over their competitors. Those with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks in desert environments and on saves to resist star
Forge-Hardened Not all ifrits are descended from efreet—some instead descend from azers or even salamanders. Such ifrits gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (armor and weapons) checks and saves to resist fatigue and exhaustion. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait. Mostly Human: A few ifrits have appearances much closer to those of their human ancestors; in fact, they may not even realize their true race. Such geniekin appear to be human, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and they count as humanoid (human) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as charm person or enlarge person). These geniekin do not automatically gain their associated elemental language (but may select it as a bonus language if their Intelligence is high enough). This ability alters the geniekin's type, subtype, and languages. Wildfire Heart Ifrits with this trait are as swift and dangerous as a blazing wildfire. They gain a +4 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces energy resistance. Gunsmith:At 1st level, a gunslinger gains one of the following firearms of her choice: blunderbuss, musket, or pistol. Her starting weapon is battered, and only she knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat her gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gp when sold). The gunslinger also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat. Deeds:Gunslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the gunslinger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer-lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base gunslinger deeds. A gunslinger can only perform deeds of her level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed. Deadeye (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing beyond her firearm’s first range increment. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment beyond the first. The gunslinger still takes the –2 penalty on attack rolls for each range increment beyond the first when she performs this deed. Gunslinger’s Dodge (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, the gunslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light load. Focused Aim (Ex): At 1st level, as a swift action, the mysterious stranger can spend 1 grit point to gain a bonus on all firearm damage rolls equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) with all firearm attacks she makes until the end of her turn. At 7th level, when she uses the dead shot deed, she multiplies this bonus by the number of hits she made while rolling the Dead Shot attack.
Fluff: Personality Usually quite calm, will joke around but not over an inappropriate or sensitive subject, mostly lay back. Blazing Bullet on the other hand is quite serious, he not much of a funny guy, will do any amount of work necessary, they are how ever both very stubborn, especially if someone is in danger or trouble. Backstory
The town had recently came under the control of crime organization, forcing business to pay a new "business tax". The family had stud their ground against paying the tax, even willing to fight against the criminals them self's. A week later the organization strikes, determined to eliminate any for of disobedience in the town. All but ignit had been killed by morning break. His mother hid him in a secret compartment in the house, keeping him as far away as possible from danger. Ignit had been claimed by a loyal customer of his family's business, now having his family's possession being taken by the organization. The only thing he left to his name was a small bag of corns, and a battered up gun that barley worked. Ignit vowed that day he would stop evil, corruption when ever he could. As ignit got older he starts training, using the gun that was all that was left of his family to rid the town of the organization. To do this he need to pickup a persona, a different personality to make sure the other people he cares for aren't hurt from his actions. So on his sixteenth birthday the Blazing Bullet was born. As the years progress, the organization's power slowly diminishes till that all was left was the heads of it.
It gets to his final fight, he located the heads of the organization and ransacks the place Killing every organization member I sight. As he approaches the head room ignit knew it was his final fight. Hours passes, the head room is recked, the body of the minions and heads of the organization dead on the floor. Ignit sits there, body full of Bullet and stab wounds scattered across his body. He sighs, he had won, the organization was gone. He sits reflecting over life, not in the bit disappointed in how it was, except for one thing. He sat there, looking up at the bullet hole ceiling, the world around him darkens, before the world is consumed by the darkness he speaks; " Thank You Mom.". ![]()
![]() Realized I messed up fixed now
New Crunch: Axious Fiduciam Male human Two-Handed Fighter.1 (VMC Barbarian) LG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1; Senses Perception +1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 (1d10+5) Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Melee MW Great sword +7/+6(2d6+6/9,19-20/X2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12 Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16 Feats Toughness, Weapon focus, power attack Traits Signature Moves, Blight-Burned(Disease) Skills Climb +6, intimidate +4, Swim +6 Languages Common, Orc Other Gear MW Great Sword, Chainshirt, Fighter's kit, 46gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- ![]()
![]() crunch: Axious Fiduciam
Male human Two-Handed Fighter.1 (VMC Barbarian) LG Medium humanoid (human) Init +3; Senses Perception +1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex) hp 15 (1d10+5) Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Melee MW Great sword +7/+6(2d6+6/9,19-20/X2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12 Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16 Feats Toughness, Weapon focus, power attack Traits Signature Moves, Blight-Burned(Disease) Skills Climb +8, intimidate +4, Swim +8 Languages Common, Orc Other Gear MW Great Sword, Chainshirt, Fighter's kit, 46gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- ![]()
![]() crunch: Gladio Fiduciam 1/MR Path; Champion
Male human BladeBound Kensai.5/Lore Warden.5 MR. CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +8; Senses Perception +9 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 11 (+1 Def. +6 Dex +4 Int) hp 69 (5d10+14) Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +6 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Melee +2 BlackBlade Bastard Sword +15(1d10+11/19-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Magus Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +9) . . 2nd (2/day)(DC:16)—Blur, Cat's Grace, Glitter Dust, Mirror Image . . 1st (4/day)(DC:15)—Blade Tutor Spirit, Burn Hands, chill touch, corrosive touch, Feather Fall,Floating disk, long arm, magic missile, shield,Shocking Grasp,True strike . . 0 (4/day)(DC:14)—daze, detect magic, light, read magic, acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, spark -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 14, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12 Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 23 Feats Weapon finesse, power attack, combat reflex's, cut from the air, weapon focus, extra Magus arcana, Advance weapon training, Eschew Materials, Mythic Weapon finesse, weapon specialization, Mythic combat reflex's Traits Deft Dodger, reactionary Skills Acro.+11, Climb+10, Disable. +11, Escape.+11, intimate +9, know.(arcana) +12, Know.(Engineering) +12, Perc.+7, Sense +7, Spellcraft +12, UMD +9 Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Gnome, Orc Gear: +2 Black Blade Bastard Sword, +1 ring of protection +1, Belt of incredible Dexterity +2, headband of vast intelligence +2, -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Extra Mythic feat;You gain an extra mythic feat. You can take this ability a number of times equal to half your mythic tier (minimum 1). Each time you do, you gain another mythic feat. Fleet Charge;As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to move up to your speed. At any point during this movement, you can make a single melee or ranged attack at your highest attack bonus, adding your tier to the attack roll. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction. Hard to Kill;Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score. Mythic Surge;Mythic characters can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. This power is used by a number of different abilities. Each day, you can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double your mythic tier (5/day at 1st tier, 7/day at 2nd, etc.). This amount is your maximum amount of mythic power. If an ability allows you to regain uses of your mythic power, you can never have more than this amount. Diminished Spellcasting;Myrmidarchs cast one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may cast spells of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level. Canny Defense; when a kensai is wielding his chosen weapon, he gains the canny defense ability. This is identical to the duelist prestige class ability of the same name (Core Rulebook 382), save that his chosen weapon may be of any type. Weapon Focus:At 1st level, a kensai gains Weapon Focus with his chosen weapon as a bonus feat. Perfect Strike (Ex)At 4th level, when a kensai hits with his chosen weapon, he can spend 1 point from his arcane pool in order to maximize his weapon damage. Don't roll for damage—the weapon deals maximum damage. This affects only the weapon's base damage dice, not additional damage from sneak attack, magical weapon properties, spellstrike, or critical hits. If the kensai confirms a critical hit, he can instead spend 2 points from his arcane pool to increase his weapon's critical multiplier by 1. This ability replaces spell recall. Scholastic;Lore wardens gain 2 additional skill ranks each level. These ranks must be spent on Intelligence-based skills. All Intelligence-based skills are class skills for lore wardens. Expertise; At 2nd level, a lore warden gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, even if he would not normally qualify for this feat. Maneuver Mastery; At 3rd level, a lore warden gains a +2 bonus on all CMB checks and to his CMD. This bonus increases to +4 at 7th level, +6 at 11th level, and +8 at 15th level. Weapon Training; Starting at 5th level, a fighter can select one group of weapons, as noted below. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. (Heavy Blade) Arcane Pool; A pool of arcane energy that is equal to 1/2 magus level(min 1) + int mod that can be used to apply an enchantment bonus on any weapon currently in hand by one per arcane point spent to a max of Magus level/4 this is a swift action. Spell combat; As a full round action a magus can Cast a spell no longer then a standard action and attack with as many attacks they would have in a full attack with the weapon in hand. All attacks done during spell combat have a -2 on attack rolls. A magus can take a penilty on attack rolls when casting defensively up to the magus int mod as a bonus on concentration checks. Spellstrike; Any spell that requires a melee touch attack can be delivered through the Magus's weapon Magus Arcana; at 3rd level and every 3 levels the Magus can pick one Magus Arcana to gain. Flamboyant Arcana; A magus gains the derring-do and opportune parry and riposte deeds from the swashbuckler's list of deeds. Bonus Feat; at 5th level and every six levels thereafter the Magus gains a bonus feat, this feat can be a combat feat, metamagic feat, or item creation feat. At 3rd level, the bladebound magus' gains a powerful sentient weapon called ablack blade, whose weapon type is chosen by the magus. A magus with this class feature cannot take the familiar magus arcana, and cannot have a familiar of any kind, even from another class. Replaces Magus arcana at 3 level and Arcana pool is 1/3 of level instead of 1/2 ![]()
![]() Thanks, my bad Crunch : Axious Fiduciam
Male human Myrmidarch(Magus).7 CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +6; Senses Perception +9 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex) hp 50 (5d8+14) Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Melee +1 Rapier +14(1d6+8/18-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Magus Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +9) . . 3rs (2/day)(DC:16)—Force Punch, Haste . . 2nd (4/day)(DC:15)—Acid Arrow, Blur, Cat's Grace, Glitter Dust, Invisibility, Mirror Image . . 1st (5/day)(DC:14)—Blade Tutor Spirit, Burn Hands, chill touch, corrosive touch, Feather Fall,long arm, magic missile, shield,Shocking Grasp,True strike . . 0 (5/day)(DC:13)—daze, detect magic, light, read magic, acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, spark -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 9 Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 20 Feats Combat reflex's, Weapon Finesse, Cut from the air, Weapon focus, Power attack, Fencing Grace. Traits Deft Dodger, Chance Savior Skills Acro.+11, Climb +11, Know.(Arcana)+13, Perc.+9, Spellcraft +13, UMD +10 Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Gnome Other Gear +1 Rapier,+1 Mithral chainshirt, Belt of incredible Dexterity +2, Gloves of Dueling, Bedroll, Blanket, waterskiing, 13x Trail rations, Spellbook, 68gp, 29sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Diminished Spellcasting;Myrmidarchs cast one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may cast spells of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level. Arcane Pool; A pool of arcane energy that is equal to 1/2 magus level(min 1) + int mod that can be used to apply an enchantment bonus on any weapon currently in hand by one per arcane point spent to a max of Magus level/4 this is a swift action. Spell combat; As a full round action a magus can Cast a spell no longer then a standard action and attack with as many attacks they would have in a full attack with the weapon in hand. All attacks done during spell combat have a -2 on attack rolls. A magus can take a penilty on attack rolls when casting defensively up to the magus int mod as a bonus on concentration checks. Spellstrike; Any spell that requires a melee touch attack can be delivered through the Magus's weapon Magus Arcana; at 3rd level and every 3 levels the Magus can pick one Magus Arcana to gain. Flamboyant Arcana; A magus gains the derring-do and opportune parry and riposte deeds from the swashbuckler's list of deeds. Ranged spellstrike;At 4th level, a myrmidarch can use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged spell and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack. Bonus Feat; at 5th level and every six levels thereafter the Magus gains a bonus feat, this feat can be a combat feat, metamagic feat, or item creation feat. Weapon Training; At 6th level, a myrmidarch gains weapon training, as the fighter ability, adding an additional weapon group every six levels after 6th (to a maximum of three groups at 18th level) and increasing the bonus on attack and damage rolls for weapon groups already chosen by +1.(Blades, Light) Fighter Training; At 7th level, a myrmidarch counts his magus level –3 as his fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats (if he has levels in fighter, these levels stack). Medium Armor; At 7th level, a magus gains proficiency with medium armor. A magus can cast magus spells while wearing medium armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a magus wearing heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. ![]()
![]() Axious Fiduciam
Crunch :
Axious Fiduciam
Male human Myrmidarch(Magus).7 CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +6; Senses Perception +9 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex) hp 50 (5d8+14) Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Melee +1 Rapier +14(1d6+10/18-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Magus Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +10) . . 3rs (2/day)(DC:16)—Force Punch, Haste . . 2nd (4/day)(DC:15)—Acid Arrow, Blur, Cat's Grace, Glitter Dust, Invisibility, Mirror Image . . 1st (5/day)(DC:14)—Blade Tutor Spirit, Burning hands, chill touch, corrosive touch, Feather Fall,long arm, magic missile, shield,Shocking Grasp,True strike . . 0 (5/day)(DC:13)—daze, detect magic, light, read magic, acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, spark -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10 Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 20 Feats Combat reflex's, Weapon Finesse, Cut from the air, Weapon focus, Weapon Specialization, Fencing Grace. Traits Deft Dodger, Chance Savior Skills Acro.+11, Climb +11, Know.(Arcana)+13, Perc.+9, Spellcraft +13, UMD +10 Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Gnome Other Gear +1 Rapier,+1 Mithral chainshirt, Belt of incredible Dexterity +2, Gloves of Dueling, Bedroll, Blanket, waterskiing, 13x Trail rations, Spellbook, 68gp, 29sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Diminished Spellcasting;Myrmidarchs cast one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may cast spells of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level. Arcane Pool; A pool of arcane energy that is equal to 1/2 magus level(min 1) + int mod that can be used to apply an enchantment bonus on any weapon currently in hand by one per arcane point spent to a max of Magus level/4 this is a swift action. Spell combat; As a full round action a magus can Cast a spell no longer then a standard action and attack with as many attacks they would have in a full attack with the weapon in hand. All attacks done during spell combat have a -2 on attack rolls. A magus can take a penilty on attack rolls when casting defensively up to the magus int mod as a bonus on concentration checks. Spellstrike; Any spell that requires a melee touch attack can be delivered through the Magus's weapon Magus Arcana; at 3rd level and every 3 levels the Magus can pick one Magus Arcana to gain. Flamboyant Arcana; A magus gains the derring-do and opportune parry and riposte deeds from the swashbuckler's list of deeds. Ranged spellstrike;At 4th level, a myrmidarch can use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged spell and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack. Bonus Feat; at 5th level and every six levels thereafter the Magus gains a bonus feat, this feat can be a combat feat, metamagic feat, or item creation feat. Weapon Training; At 6th level, a myrmidarch gains weapon training, as the fighter ability, adding an additional weapon group every six levels after 6th (to a maximum of three groups at 18th level) and increasing the bonus on attack and damage rolls for weapon groups already chosen by +1.(Blades, Light) Fighter Training; At 7th level, a myrmidarch counts his magus level –3 as his fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats (if he has levels in fighter, these levels stack). Medium Armor; At 7th level, a magus gains proficiency with medium armor. A magus can cast magus spells while wearing medium armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a magus wearing heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. Fluff: Appearance 6 foot 2, fairly fit, blond hair, green eyes, wears a standard adventurer except everything is tinned a dark green, with a rapier sheathed at his side. Personality
Many years later Axious was on the hunt of a beast that had been threatening the livestock of near by farms. Axious had been informed by the farmers that rumors of the beast of a thousand mouths all said that the beast lives in cave not to far away from the farms. They couldn't deal with them self's, all of the people feared for their lives, and they couldn't afford to pay for someone to deal with it. Axious agreed to deal with the beast for free. So now he is hunting for the beast through the thick brush of the forest. Almost about to give up for the night he suddenly hears the yells of a man not to far from where he was. So in an instant Axious begun to dash to source of the yells. As exits out of the brush into a large clearing he see what appears to be an elderly man in front of what looks to be a blob littered from inch to inch on mouths and eyes near the entrance of a cave. Axious quickly noticed the pile of rocks that laid near the edge of a cliff above the cave. Axious quickly looked to the man and yelled, "Duck!!" As he tried casted acid arrows on the cliff above. The man quickly turn and squatted down as the arrows fly pass his head hitting the cliff above. The rocks quickly fell and consumed the beast where it stood. The elderly man steps toward Axious he finished investigating the ruble for movement. "I didn't expect to have the support of a Magi today, especially one the could easily be mistaken for a Buckner, ether way what brings you to this part of the forest? Lost or did the farmers pay you to deal with?" he said as he stretched his hand out to Axious. "Nether, these people well being was threaten by the beast, so the noble right thing to do was to deal with regards less of pay." Axious said as he stretched his hand to meet the man's. "Well then, that be the case I better introduce myself, I am Professor Lorrimor. Who should I thank for saving my life because my reckless study habits?" Lorrimor said shacking his hand. "The name is Axious, of the House of Fiduciam" Axious said as he finished shacking hands. "Well Axious of the house of Fiduciam I hope our paths crossed again on good reasons." Lorrimor says walking away. "Much do I." says walking back towards the farmers. Many a year passed after Axious encounter with the man. It wasn't until Axious had received a letter learning of the professor's passing. On the trip there Axious heard rumors of a group called The Whispering Way and the group's intensions. Now having realizing that the professor had called him here not to only attend his funeral but to also deal with the likes of the Whispering Ways. But before he could his must first assemble a team. *I apologise for any grammar or spelling errors |