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so I am starting a campaign and I am going hooded champion half elf 25 point but.
obviously I'm focusing ranger combat.but i don't wanna run the route of quantity of arrows down range. I wanna do one massive shot at long range. so I was wanting mg your help with feats and traits that can make that possible. any help is greatly appreciated.
as always you guys are awesome thank you.

domicilius |
If you're looking for one big attack with archery, you really only have a couple of options.
You can flavor the Clustered Shots feat as one big arrow, and go the standard archery builds. This has the benefit of you being able to grab all of the normal archery build feats and items, while still allowing you to have your "one big arrow." Unfortunately, its all really just flavor and you can't pick up Clustered Shots until 6th level.
You can go a Vital Strike build. You'd be focusing on getting as big as possible (to increase your weapon's damage die) and using Vital Strike to shoot bigger and bigger arrows as you level up. You'd want to get Enlarge Person and Gravity Bow cast on you and focus on getting as much damage added to your bow as possible. You'll rely on Dexterity less because all of your one attack per round will be at full BAB, meaning you can focus more on Strength to add damage to your arrows. You won't need as many of the ranged feats like Rapid Shot and Clustered Shot, but you'll still want Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, etc. Playing as a Half-Orc might be beneficial to get easy access to an Orc Horn Bow, as their damage die starts at 2d6 and more damage dice is the name of your game.
You can go for a Sniper build. You'll likely want to play either a Sniper slayer or a Sniper rogue, and you focus on getting a lot of sneak attack damage on your arrows. Its fairly difficult to feel mechanically viable and understand all the foibles with the Stealth skill, so I don't recommend it.

avr |

Getting big to do archery. I remember my psychic warrior with a crossbow - huge is a ballista, right? Not hugely practical as I recall, though it was in D&D. In particular you need to lug two different sized weapons and their ammo around for use when you're enlarged vs. not.
A full BAB character is going to be much, much more effective firing a lot of arrows rather than just one per round. If you're going this path you need to take a 3/4 BAB (e.g. inquisitor, ninja or eldritch archer magus) or even 1/2 BAB (e.g. sorcerer) class to stack buffs on that single arrow.

zza ni |

there is a 3rd party archtpe that is built around the ideal of bow wielding samurai (there were numiral historycal examples for it). and it was made to dela a lot of damage with one shot. it's called the Yabusame and i had the following A&Q mail with it's writer to explain some of it's abilities better.
(read after reading the class to understand better):
my mail to him:
"im running my own pathfinder game and one of my players came up to me asking to play this class: the Yabusame . and i understand you are the one who designed it.
after reading it i find it an interesting class, but a few of the rules seem to be puzzling.
1: the "Shi no ya" ability says that on a hit the arrow deal double the arrow damage (before level 11+) and triple on a critical. but an arrow from a bow always do a triple damage critical. so how does this work as a critical hit with say an attack that would deal a 1d8 +3 damage after all modifiers in a normal hit. would it do '3d8+3' or '(3d8+3)X3' ? or something else that i missed?
2: the "One with Yumi" and the "Shi no ya" abilities are said to be able to work together. as one is a full round action and the other a one shot i guess it is done as a full round action. but they both also say they work with feats that use a singe bow attack, how would that work with manyshot (says the two arrow shot are one attack roll.) or the vital strike tree? (again one attack roll?) . are they working with said feats? some1 told me you specifically said they should not work with manyshot, but by the way it is written it seem to do so.
3: are the two earlier abilities also meant to work with the "distant death" class ability.or since it is a full round action ability and not feat that uses a shot it can not be combined? "
his respons:
"1. Shi no ya - upgrade the damage modifier by one step.
2. Many Shot doesn't work with One with the Yumi, as stated it's a special attack with a single shot only. It shouldn't work with manyshot.
3. Yes. "
if your gm allow this 3rd party character. it can be very fun and seem to be what you ask for, for exmaple at level 11 distant death with vital strike tree and the other class abilities can deal a LOT of damage from a really long distance. enjoy.