City of Seven Seraphs

Product Discussion

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
HellBilly wrote:

I have to say every update has been great. This book really is dialed up to 11. This thing is almost funded. I look forward to some of the stretch goals getting hit as well.

Weird question in Sigil the city is kept safe due to nature of the city and the Lady of Pain, how is this city protected from Demonic/Angelic Armies and Gods etc?

Excellent Question!

The Radia's energies increase the instability of the Shadow Plane's native quasi-reality outside the influence of the Seraph's Ring. Beyond the area of the City known as the Nearing, it begins to experience increasingly greater anomalies. Warden's patrol to maintain habitable circumstances and magically reinforce the stability of the City in these areas.

At the extreme threshold of the Seraph's protective aura there exists a churning roil of rapidly shifting reality that is incredibly dangerous to any sentient being, natives call it the Faring. It manifests much like a miles-high inky stormbank walling in the City from the edge of the Radia's destabilization. Creatures entering the zone in small numbers are torn apart by their own unconscious thoughts made real or their own existence becomes dissolved into meaningless abstractions. Large groups in telepathic links can sometimes stabilize the Faring enough to travel it, as long as they can remain in common purpose.

The only way past these areas are the eight Lattice branches that enter the City. These massive roads are surrounded by enormous walls staffed by the Wardens and the Ashborn Parity. Those walls divide the City into its named Districts. Small controlled plazas exist to facilitate travel throughout the City and to manage variant shadow walk speeds, accelerated or decelerated by the Lattice to prevent collision or other incidents.

Where do the 8 Lattices terminate? Do they end at Gatetowns or Portals?

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@ Ssalarn: thank you for that Veils preview. I must admit...I don't know anything about Akashic magic or the Veils yet. I assure you that will change when this book gets funded, though, as I'm all over that Nexus class.

@ Lost Spheres Publishing: might I suggest you post links in this thread to your blog/website every time you deliver a new piece of wonderful art & story! I've bookmarked your website of course, so I check it every day. But I didn't even know about your website for a while after I discovered the KS page.

And thank you for affirming that heavenly art will be in the final product!

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HellBilly wrote:
Where do the 8 Lattices terminate? Do they end at Gatetowns or Portals?

Hellbilly - The Eight branches of the Lattice that connect (or emerge?) from the City of Seven Seraphs are part of a much larger planar "highway system" thought by some to be the Shadow of Yggdrasil (others would argue that it is Bifrost's Shadow-planar analogue.) As such the Lattice connects naturally to countless places through out the Prime Worlds and the rest of the Planes.

Many magic-using cultures also have artificially created "Portal Plazas" which serve as hubs to connect the Worlds of the Lattice to the City and one another. The largest of Portal Plazas develop their own towns, villages and encampments. The Warden's maintain maps of a large portions of the Lattice but many worlds traffic with the City regularly.

More information on the Lattice and to use it in your own games is here.

More information on the sites, cities and worlds linked to the Lattice will be in the "Worlds of the Lattice" section of the book.

Ben asked, so here is today's art preview: The Primordial Fate Eater

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is this an adventure or a setting?


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Maybe both, like Ptolus?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Maybe both, like Ptolus?



Umm, this a good, imaginative setting, and likely has information for Many good adventures.
If your DM doesn't run adventures without everything specifically spelled out in module form, perhaps the level of content that these writers have historically produced might well be beyond him to get full value from. It still will have interesting things to plug into a more structured product

I am as excited for this as I have been for any other product in recent memory. Ooh, the minute I can throw some money at this 'starter...

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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Skeld wrote:

Is this an adventure or a setting?


It's a campaign setting full of adventure hooks, NPCs, and tons of new player options including classes, feats, and spells. It's also structured in such a way that it can tie into any existing game or campaign setting to continue an adventure that's run its natural course, or simply allow you a natural reason to tie together multiple campaign settings, if traveling from Golarion to Eberron to the world of Obsidian Apocalypse if that's your thing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Skeld wrote:

Is this an adventure or a setting?


The City of Seven Seraphs is a planar setting sourcebook. The City is a capstone piece that can be laid on top of any existing campaign with minimal GM effort--it is literally hiding behind the shadows of most worlds. We intend to expand the planar adventure options of ANY existing campaign but the book can also be used as a setting for its own campaigns. The product supports play at any level and allows low-level parties to access the planes. The book is being developed with an eye to facilitate GM storytelling and to add exciting new player options.

We do have the outline of a full planar module arc (like a Pathfinder RPG Adventure Path) set up that will go from 1-20, with notes on how to incorporate homebrew or other published settings like Paizo's core campaign setting or 3pp campaign settings like Midgard (Kobold Press) or Rhune (Storm Bunny Studios). This series would go into production after the main book's Kickstarter campaign is successfully funded. We intend to make it plausible to have characters move from setting to setting and have it support GMs stories instead of seeming random or forced. Or to tell "superteam" style stories with players from a handful of worlds coming together.

More info on our blog, facebook and the kickstarter campaign page.

The Exchange

Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:
We do have the outline of a full planar module arc (like a Pathfinder RPG Adventure Path) set up that will go from 1-20, with notes on how to incorporate homebrew or other published settings like Paizo's core campaign setting or 3pp campaign settings like Midgard (Kobold Press) or Rhune (Storm Bunny Studios).

Dammit.and here I was thinking I had already reached the summit of excitement. I was wrong.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Planar ap sounds awesome!

So is Seven Seraphs intended to be "planar model" (or cosmology if you prefer) agnostic? Or... Do you have plans to bridge disparate cosmologies - even just to offer sensible ways or ideas for settings to coexist? Eberron's idea of the planes was quite different from Planescape's, for instance.

This is something a DM could do table-side, but another tool in a DM's mental pocket - especially my rather thread-bare ones - is a good thing!

Edit: Gosh, you already sort of answered that, didn't you? My bad.

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Daw wrote:

Umm, this a good, imaginative setting, and likely has information for Many good adventures.

If your DM doesn't run adventures without everything specifically spelled out in module form, perhaps the level of content that these writers have historically produced might well be beyond him to get full value from. It still will have interesting things to plug into a more structured product

I am the GM, thankyouverymuch.

And I don't run many adventures that aren't already more-or-less laid out, a la Pathfinder APs/modules, because I no longer have the amount of free time that I did when I was younger, what with the family, kids, career, yard work, etc.

Perhaps this product is beyond my capability to get a full value from.

Thanks for your answer.


Paizo Employee Design Manager

Skeld wrote:
Daw wrote:

Umm, this a good, imaginative setting, and likely has information for Many good adventures.

If your DM doesn't run adventures without everything specifically spelled out in module form, perhaps the level of content that these writers have historically produced might well be beyond him to get full value from. It still will have interesting things to plug into a more structured product

I am the GM, thankyouverymuch.

And I don't run many adventures that aren't already more-or-less laid out, a la Pathfinder APs/modules, because I no longer have the amount of free time that I did when I was younger, what with the family, kids, career, yard work, etc.

Perhaps this product is beyond my capability to get a full value from.

Thanks for your answer.


I tend to stick to APs, modules, and detailed campaign settings myself these days, since I'm splitting my time between designing, keeping a house built in the 60s from falling apart, and running a couple games a week, and this is the kind of resource I really enjoy having. It gives me enough material that I can let the party wander a bit, but enough structure that it won't take me too long to grab a couple hooks and areas and pull something together, or use it to extend an AP or module that has come to its natural end while the party is still invested in the characters and looking to continue their adventures. I would think that any GM would be well rewarded by adding this product to their library, particularly since it's a rich player resource as well.

Plus as Christen (Lost Spheres) noted, if/when the book is fully funded Lost Spheres will be moving to a full progression campaign complete with alternate setting tie-in hooks, so there's definitely a significant amount of value to be gained from the book, both now and as expansions are added.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Skeld wrote:

I am the GM, thankyouverymuch.

And I don't run many adventures that aren't already more-or-less laid out, a la Pathfinder APs/modules, because I no longer have the amount of free time that I did when I was younger, what with the family, kids, career, yard work, etc.

Perhaps this product is beyond my capability to get a full value from.

Thanks for your answer.



Having GM'd for decades with very, very little prep we can totally sympathize with a lack time. That said, the design philosophy behind the project is meant to facilitate GM's job and make adventures practically write themselves. We took the City to IronGM at Gen Con were able to script the scenario in 20 minutes with virtually no effort from 3 totally random elements. Every part of the City is engineered to be the GMs ally. Shadow travel allows events to move at the speed of story. Each organization and District will have suggestions for scripting engaging planar adventures, there will be a chapter of running the game in planar situations and new monsters that will suggest usages. Our blog also will continue to offer adventure planning advice. I believe you would be more than capable of taking full advantage of the product. But please feel free to ask any follow-up questions or concerns.

Regardless of your decision, we appreciate your interest in the project.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sorry about that Skeld, I came off like a total Jerk there.
I was engaged in a non-forum discussion with one of my anti-3pp friends, and I ended up dumping on an innocent bystander. Sorry again.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Daw wrote:

Sorry about that Skeld, I came off like a total Jerk there.

I was engaged in a non-forum discussion with one of my anti-3pp friends, and I ended up dumping on an innocent bystander. Sorry again.

Accepted and don't sweat it. I took your comment a little more personally than I should have. :)

I tend to only back adventures products so I can farm them to support the APs I run, but the campaign sounds good, so I might go ahead and back this anyway.

Thanks for the info.


Skeld wrote:
Daw wrote:

Sorry about that Skeld, I came off like a total Jerk there.

I was engaged in a non-forum discussion with one of my anti-3pp friends, and I ended up dumping on an innocent bystander. Sorry again.

Accepted and don't sweat it. I took your comment a little more personally than I should have. :)

I tend to only back adventures products so I can farm them to support the APs I run, but the campaign sounds good, so I might go ahead and back this anyway.

Thanks for the info.


If you don't have it already, Akashic Mysteries will help you get a lot more from the Veilweaving content. (Ssalarn's work)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:
Ben asked, so here is today's art preview: The Primordial Fate Eater

Thank you! I'm almost out of English-language superlatives for the art...

And these forum postings and the blog are helping me understand the project's lore much better.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ssalarn wrote:

Plus as Christen (Lost Spheres) noted, if/when the book is fully funded Lost Spheres will be moving to a full progression campaign complete with alternate setting tie-in hooks, so there's definitely a significant amount of value to be gained from the book, both now and as expansions are added.

And I thought I couldn't be any more excited for this.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Daw wrote:

If you don't have it already, Akashic Mysteries will help you get a lot more from the Veilweaving content. (Ssalarn's work)

Thanks for the plug! I do want to reiterate that while Akashic Mysteries will give you a lot more toys such as veils, archetypes, classes, and feats for the veilweaving system, it is not necessary to enjoy this product. We're going to have the full rules, including updates and refinements, for veilweaving in Co7S along with new classes capable of covering any role an adventuring party might need.

BenS wrote:
Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:
Ben asked, so here is today's art preview: The Primordial Fate Eater

Thank you! I'm almost out of English-language superlatives for the art...

And these forum postings and the blog are helping me understand the project's lore much better.

I think every designer on this project has had a "Oh my goodness, that's going to be the art for something I wrote?" moment, and it's awesome.

Christen's lore has been spectacular as well. I realized after writing the Nexus that the Underworld build synced perfectly with the Icegrave Enclave parity, and Christen's article about the Flowered Queen actually inspired an entire new veil set, so the lore and mechanics of this book will reinforce and support each other while still being able to stand alone on their own merits.

Silver Crusade

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I know I've been flipping out over judow art, and the art's helped give me a lot of direction for what I want to do with the race.

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Ssalarn wrote:
I think every designer on this project has had a "Oh my goodness, that's going to be the art for something I wrote?" moment, and it's awesome.

Hell, I feel that way about something I'm writing being in the same book as all these incredible mechanic and flavour sneak peeks, too. I honestly can't tell if I'm more excited for Co7S as a creator or a consumer.

Keeping our word to BenS:

Onyx Angel

Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:

Keeping our word to BenS:

Onyx Angel

Thank you very much!

Is this now the last of the 7 Seraphs? Or have I confused the (gemstone) Angels w/ the Seraphs somehow??

Paizo Employee Design Manager

In case anyone hasn't seen it, there's some new and updated previews on the Kickstarter page.


Ssalarn wrote:
In case anyone hasn't seen it, there's some new and updated previews on the Kickstarter page.

This might be putting the cart before the horse, but, at what point will we know what the penultimate version will be? Meaning, the last version we can comment on, as the next version is what is "final" and goes into the book.

This is Alpha v.2, so I'm assuming one of the Beta versions will be what I'm referring to.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

BenS wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
In case anyone hasn't seen it, there's some new and updated previews on the Kickstarter page.

This might be putting the cart before the horse, but, at what point will we know what the penultimate version will be? Meaning, the last version we can comment on, as the next version is what is "final" and goes into the book.

This is Alpha v.2, so I'm assuming one of the Beta versions will be what I'm referring to.

I don't have a firm answer at the moment, but my guess would be a bit after the Kickstarter closes. We've got a last few things we're getting ready to share tomorrow-ish, and then I think we'll be able to give a firmer answer.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Nexus looks cool!

Ssalarn wrote:
In case anyone hasn't seen it, there's some new and updated previews on the Kickstarter page.

Ssalarn, is this latest Nexus download the same as the old plain-text document but with layout/formatting, or are there changes/updates in there? I'm going to print it regardless (thank you, office printer!), I just wanted to see if I should get rid of my physical copy of the plain-text document.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Bahumut wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
In case anyone hasn't seen it, there's some new and updated previews on the Kickstarter page.
Ssalarn, is this latest Nexus download the same as the old plain-text document but with layout/formatting, or are there changes/updates in there? I'm going to print it regardless (thank you, office printer!), I just wanted to see if I should get rid of my physical copy of the plain-text document.

It does include some tweaks and adjustments in addition to adding all the information from the original plain-text release. It was mostly little stuff, but there are like 26 items on the change log so it's better to go with the full new release docs.

Last previews links broke

khadgar567 wrote:
Last previews links broke

Check the Kickstarter page again....there's another set of links!

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As Requested by BenS:

Art Preview AND Class Reveal: Radiant

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Ssalarn, I was looking through the Nexus Alpha 2 document and noticed something interesting. Some of the veils have "Radiant" listed under the Class. For example, Avatar of Light has "Class: Guru, Nexus, Radiant, Vizier".

Is this an error, some new class, other? I'm thinking maybe it's supposed to be under the Descriptors, maybe?

Hah! Just saw the latest kickstarter update! That answers my question! YAY New Veilweaving class!

Paizo Employee Design Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll be kicking around PAX West today in my City of Seven Seraphs t-shirt handing out some Co7S bookmarks and doing some interviews for the blog, so feel free to say hi and get a bookmark for yourself if you see me around!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Backed! And took a look at the Nexus playtest. Coupled with the previews you've been feeding us, I already feel like it's money well spent. And there's more coming??

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:

As Requested by BenS:

Art Preview AND Class Reveal: Radiant

Thank you to all the people in Utah unlocking these for us!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BenS wrote:
Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:

As Requested by BenS:

Art Preview AND Class Reveal: Radiant

Thank you to all the people in Utah unlocking these for us!

To be fair the Archweaver's antics are well known to the locals! But we have had puzzle-players from all over the country and world!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
SyrusRayne wrote:
Backed! And took a look at the Nexus playtest. Coupled with the previews you've been feeding us, I already feel like it's money well spent. And there's more coming??

Oh yes.... So much more!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I just backed this amazing looking project at the PDF/hardcover level. This is exactly what my Pathfinder campaigns have needed. I can see this becoming the default starting city for all of my future campaigns. The artwork looks amazing! I hope we get some of the awesome add-ons unlocked over the next seven days!

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Well, I suppose now we'll be seeing how relevant 7 really is! Good luck!

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Sent out my reminder tweets for the final week.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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Day 3 of PAX West, still have some Co7S bookmarks with that amazing Vincent Coviello art for anyone who's here and interested. In the black City of Seven Seraphs t-shirt and black baseball cap with a blue compression bandage on my right hand and wrist, so if you see me feel free to say hi!

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Upgraded pledge to get the hardcover as well. The art looks too good not to have a physical copy of this book (if that makes any sense) :)

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Kryzbyn wrote:
Upgraded pledge to get the hardcover as well. The art looks too good not to have a physical copy of this book (if that makes any sense) :)

Makes sense to me! Some books are just so pretty they need to be on a shelf. I bought Kobold Press' "Southlands" based solely on the cover art (and was extremely pleased with the rest of the book afterwards). I think Co7S has some of the most gorgeous art I've ever seen, and I've had the pleasure lately of each book I work on having art that keeps surprising and stunning me with its quality.

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