Looking for a PbP group to join them.


Hello, as the title refers, i want to join a group for an online campaign, please post invitations, i whould like to start at 1st level.

Note: this is my first ever campaign, but its not like i didnt read anything.

My character is a radiation obsessed Blight druid, but if your group is okay with homebrew, i whould like to use a custom archetype.

My character


NG Deep One Hybrid Blight druid
humanoid(deep one)
Init +1
Senses low-light vision
AC 19 Touch AC 11 Flat-footed 18(+1 Dex +1 Natural Armor +4 Armor +2 shield +1 Dodge)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2 Will +6
Speed 15ft. swim 30ft.
Meele stainless steel skimitar+2 (1d6+2;18-20/2x)
Str: 14 Dex: 12 Con: 15 Int: 7 Wis: 18 Cha: 7
BAB +0 CMB +2 CMD 13
SQ Nature bond(Earth domain,Radiation subdomain), Nature Sense, Vermin empathy -2;
Traits Deft dodger,
Feats Dodge
Special Abilities

Sea Longing (Ex) Every 24 hours a deep one hybrid spends in an area more than 10 miles from the sea, it must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or take 1 point of Wisdom drain.

Take to the Water (Ex) A deep one hybrid can hold its breath 10 times longer than a human can, and gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and Reflex saving throws while swimming
Languages Common ,Druidic, Aklo
Heal +7 Perseption +7 Handle Animal +2 Knolege[Nature]+2 Swim +8(racial)
Other Gear Hide armor, Heavy wooden shield, Hoc, Backpack, Chalk, 10-foot pole, Log, 82gp.


"If it doesnt kill you, it makes you stronger"
Tis was he told when the experiment started. Obviously, IT didnt. What was it? The elders say it's just a swarm of high energy particles,:but he saw IT, IT spoke to him. They say he had wild ravings. He left.
"If it doesnt kill you, it makes you stronger". This has become his motto. To live where no one else dares to tread. He wasnt alone. There were others like him, not like him, they had "ears" weirdness was everywhere they treaded. But he learnt from them he became the servant of IT. The Glow, they called it that, mesmerising and musterious to others, but to him, it was IT, IT was everywhere he looked, even in normals, he had changed, the fishy maw of his former form has become an eight of withering tentackles, his skin lost its few scales and became more rubbery, his eyes turned into bulbous, pitch-black orbs. He heard of a place where IT dwelt. He came to Numeria. IT was there, but he wanted more, he will have more, untill all he sees becomes a searig, exalted light, he knew IT's name, he called it the Glow.

He's going to be an area defender that bloks chokepoints after using spells to disable enemies, gonna buy stone plate later with the wild enchantment, early game he is going to have a harder time defending but using spells is going to help, as wildshape isnt availible yet, but at 5-th level, he bevomes a serious roadblock and his spells will keep enemies that got past him a hard time, note that later on he's going to need somebody to cast mage armor anf fly on him. Then at 6-th level going into monk.Preffered form - octopus,
Giant Squid( for giant reach and protecting allies)


Usually you need to apply to specific recruitment threads to get a place in a campaign.

Since you are going with the radiation thing, I would recommend you try to get into an Iron Gods game, where radiation may play a part, or possibly a homebrew game where it is a feature. In most campaigns radiation is less likely to be a thing.

This character would be a tough sell in most games, especially as NG as most of the Old ones are Evil and all of them are Chaotic. And Deep One Hybrid is under Race Points Unknown on the PFSRD. Might as well be 3pp and that's also hard to find. He might fit better in an evil game. I mean a tentacled, radiation druid that corrupts his enemies sounds like a neat baddy. Also, isn't this a reference to cult in Fallout, Church of the Children of the Atom? If I recall those people were nuts and attacked me on sight with radiation weapons (I loved watching them ineffectively fire their gamma guns at super mutants and ghouls). I'd suggest trying a different character to start off with and get some experience on the boards.

Dark Archive

Yes that is a reference, also, he doesnt wordship the GOO, he wordships the Glow, which is a radiational alegory of evolution, which is Good.

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