Haha, sorry about the grammar. I'll fix it. At 1-st level the duration is supposed to be 1 hour, I'll fix that. The Int to damage should apply at a level where it's modifier is positive. I'll push it back. As for the spells... Well, it's specifically noted as being immediately destroyed by Disintegrate (if it beats it's SR, when it gets SR), just like a wall of force would be, and just like a Phantom or Eidolon would be stopped by Banishment. So, I think it would count as a construct, yes. Thanks for the comments! Edit: also, i just realized that Constructs DO have a Fort save. I'll add one shortly.
Made a thing for a homebrew game, and I need some peer reviews for balancing and maybe ideas if you're feeling generous. :) Enjoy. The theme I'm trying to capture is a mix of the classical Unseen Servant spell, but turned up to 11 and made the main focus, with some influence from the Servant of the Ring and Servant of the Lamp from eastern stories (can't remember the name, sadly). Basically a Conjurer that makes a living Battlefield Control spell instead of summoning living creatures.
Greetings. It's been a while since I've posted on the Paizo forums, and I'm now wiser and older (then before, at least ;}) This started as an idea - if we can have Sorcerer features with a feat chain, why not Oracle features? There seemed to be a design void for a character that's blessed (and cursed) with divine power to mirror the Arcane one. I've made a small feat chain to do just that. Enjoy! Comments and suggestions are welcome.
To clarify, i meant that it can only be active for that number of rounds PER DAY. The altered propostion would be: You can activate it as a swift action instead of a standard one, doesn't cost any points, but it only lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Arcanist level per day? Or would 1/2 level be better?
Anguish wrote: Am I missing something here, or can you just refill your reservoir out of combat effectively for free by poking a spell-casting ally? Sure, they get sickened while you do it, but it's temporary. Yes, you are right. That's the problem with the exploit. No wonder it's not PFS-legal. Anyway, what do you think about 1+Cha times/day as a limit for the exploit?
Hello, Paizo boards. It's been a while, but the question is am positing is nevertheless of some interest. How to improve the Arcanist Exploit Fiendish Proboscis from Horror Realms? First, i want you to look at the text of the ability. From Archives of Nethys: Quote:
Let's look at the ability, it's design flaws, and look at ways to improve it so that it is more fun, and simultaneously more balanced. Let's start by taking parts of the text, and examining it's effects. Quote:
This is mostly flavour text, but it does mean there is a cost associated with the exploit. Namely, 1 point from the character's arcane reservoir. Quote:
This is the first drawback of the exploit. No Verbal components means that most spells that classes with access to this exploit are off limits. It's a hard it, right? Well, not really. We'll get to why exactly that is the case in a minute. Quote:
This explains the mechanics of the exploit. The important things are that it's a touch attack (pretty nice, througth mostly inconsequential), it has a reach of 10 ft. (meaning you don't have to stand in meele to use it), you can only make 1 attack with it (since it's a standard action), and you can dissmiss it without much issue. Quote:
This, now this is the real purpose for the exploit. Now, sure, there are some other uses, like sapping hp and applying mediocre debuffs, but this is the real reason the exploit is so powerful. Quote:
Eh. This is fine mostly. Not much damage, but it's still worth exploiting (pun intended). Quote:
This, like the previous part, is mostly fine. Not gamebreaking, and it doesn't leave a lot of room for abuse. "BUT WAIT!" You might say. "As an Outer Rift exploit, isn't it limited by the following rule?" Quote:
And you'd be right. Well, "right". You see, while it is true that you gain a stain of a corruption, this doesn't actually matter because of the purpose of Fiendish Proboscis. You can indefinelty hold on to 2 points, activate the exploit for 1, and still have 1, thus not meeting the requierments for the above ruling. And then you have more points (if you're higher than level 1) to spend on recharging further, thus gaining infinite points in your Arcane Reservoire. Depending on interpretation, you could even argue that the user can gain infinite healing. Since RAW, it never states that the target loses HP. Sit down, activate the exploit, and use it on an ally that can cast or your familiar, or something you've summoned or captured. Now, i want to try and change this exploit to be more balanced without being overly powerful like it is now. It's a cool idea for sure. The implementation is what needs work. So, my question is: how would you change the exploit to be more balanced and/or fun to use?
I'm not sure if this was asked before, but here is my question: Is waiting for polymorph better than Feral Mutagen(https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries /paizo-alchemist-discoveries/feral-mutagen)? I'm starting at level 1, and I expect to level to 2 pretty soon. I want to build a polymorph alchemist in the future, and I'm asking if it is better to grab Feral Mutagen right away, or save a discovery on something else, and wait for nat. attack polymorph spells.
Yeah, I went for D. Here is a sheet in case anyone wants to use it. Powersculpt tools
This +1 artistans tool is tattered and worn, but inherently psionic. To use its metapsionic properties, a Manifester has to hold it in hand when he manifests a power. Once per day, this rod grants the power manifested through it one Metapsionic feat embedded in its psionic structure without requiring psionic foci or additional power points to be expended. This item is an ancestral relic, when it is enhanced as per the relic rules, it grants 1 use per enchancement bonus of any Metapsionic feats engrained within. Metapsionic feats are added as if being special weapon properties, with Metapsionic feats consuming 2 Power Points equivalent to a +1 property, 4 PP = +2, and 6 PP= +3 and so on. It contains 1 Metapsionic feat, chosen at random, consistent with is enchancement bonus.
Hello, people, so, I'm playing a 3.5 game on Mythweavers, and our GM gave our(1-st level, geshtalt) characters an ancestral relic that advances as we level. I'm playing a Shaper/Psywar, but like a caster, I won't advance Psywar past level 5. My question is: What effect should this ancestral relic have? I've written up a few options. Tell me if they're balanced, and which you like most.The relic is artisans tools. A) These tools function as a rod of metapsionics, granting any power manifested while they are held a free metapsionic feat enhancement X times per day. B) These tools provide a +X Manifested Level to any metacreativity power manifested while they are held. C) These tools function as a Tork of power preservation, -1 PP cost to powers. D)They hold power points which they can utilise to use metapsionic feats engrained in them on powers. If you have any thoughts on this, or can share your own idea on the design of this artifact, post here.
Can i use the gamma world-to-payhfinder conversion found here? Also using the Dream scarred press Psion?
inara14 wrote:
Sorry if i upset anyone, it's just that i like gishes and the Mutational Mind screamed "I'M A GISH!" to me.
So you see, the archetype nudges you character into the gish route without having the buffs to pull it off. I can see the solving of this problem in 2 ways: 1. Give them polymorph/general meele buff spells either througth the archetype or add them to their spell list. 2. Give them 2/3 BaB and d8 HD.
I am not saying that a fighter without a Bulls strength is useless or that a cleric without divine might can never hit, BUT. I AM saying that in order to be more effective, the magus can cast Monstorous psyche on himself, the wizard can kill stuff in meele wth the Beast shape line of spells, and the bloodrager needs his buffs to do the most damage.
As a side note i want to make the following quotes: RPGBOT.net wrote: Mutation Mind attempts to turn the psychic into a melee threat, and doesn't come close to succeeding. If psychics got access to polymorph spells, this would be a great complement to a polymorph build. Unfortunately, they get no such option so even if you invest heavily in complementary options you're still likely to fall behind a single-class Fighter. If you want a similar concept that works, play an Alchemist. Think It, And So It Shall Be CockroachTeaParty’s guide to the Pathfinder Psychic wrote: Oof. This archetype is painful. Unless you like the flavor, I’d highly suggest skipping it. The Strength bonuses you get are pretty much wasted on your squishy chassis; you don’t want to be punching things! The fact that your INT takes a hit while you’re under the influence is the real travesty here. There are a few tools that a touch-spell focused psychic might consider… until 7th level and Phrenic Empowerment rears its ugly head. Using your phrenic amps then becomes a liability as you risk further damaging your INT score should you be hurt in a fight. Stay far away from this one. some guide to the Psychic, forgot the name wrote: Mutation Mind: This is a prime example of a bad archetype, IMO. The aim here is to turn your Psychic caster into a gish type of character, while you do keep your d6 HD, poor BAB and lack of weapon and armor proficiencies. The entire archetype revolves around the idea of trading your phrenic amplifications for bodily mutations, which let you increase your Strength score and grant you additional capacities such as tremorsense, darkvision or combat maneuver bonuses. It does not really help you become a competent melee combatant and if you want a magic-user that can hold their own in combat, I would recommend you look for other classes in Occult Adventures (the Occultist might suit you, for instance) or other sourcebooks (the Magus is standing right there, waiting for you). Definitely not a good option, in my humble opinion.
Rysky wrote:
Treantmonk is a person famous for pioneering the red/orange/green/blue color-coded rating system. Heres an example: Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational.Orange: OK options, or useful options that only apply in rare circumstances Green: Good options. Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. As : can percieve, you arent ging to buff the archetype in the next errata, arent you? Yeah, youre hard to kill in full plate but you can never match a polymorph wizards damage output.
Well that clears out some stuff. But what can you tell me about the Mutational mind archetype? The flavour is good, but the reality of not having any good meele (read - polymorph) buff spells makes it red by treantmonk standards, and thats coming from 3 different sources online. What can you tell me about that?
Dear Paizo, i created this thread to imform of one of the biggest design problems of the Occult class Psychic. I will list them below. 1.Inferior Disciplines.
2.Weak Amplifications.
3.Weird archetypes.
My propositions of solving these problems: 1.Make discipline spells and powers better.
2.More different amplifications.
3.Change the spell list.
Patjfinder is well known for being the most flexible and customizable character creation system, and i whould be very happy if the psychic was satysfying to play. Thank you for your time. |