Biped Eidolon gaining Mount?

Rules Questions

Ok so I have a player that thinks he can take his Eidolon which has the base form of biped, add another set of legs to a total of 4 legs and 2 arms, then give it the mount evolution. Is that possible. I need an official ruling on a biped mount.

I would allow it if the player can logical describe how it works as a mount and if it can carry enough weight.

No, you can't do that.

You can take a quadruped mount, give it an extra set of limbs, and call it arms, get the same effect, and it's valid.

I don't make the rules, I just interpret them. I think it's kind of silly once you add extra legs to the humanoid.

Note : I don't care in my own games, I allow it, but it's house ruled, RAW you can't.

Nohwear wrote:
I would allow it if the player can logical describe how it works as a mount and if it can carry enough weight.


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You would need to retrain into the Evolutionist archetype so that you can change your eidolon's base form. Then your quadruped (formerly biped) eidolon can gain the Mount evolution.

Edit: Or he could just retrain the eidolon's base form.

He is the kind of player that wants to have everything. I told my group that they are allowed 1 character for the entire campaign because of i didn't he would have made 17 characters to replace his if it died... I do understand the quadroped with arms but it doesn't make sense considering mount evolution says specifically that you need a quadroped or serpentine base form

Aaron Martin 718 wrote:
He is the kind of player that wants to have everything. I told my group that they are allowed 1 character for the entire campaign because of i didn't he would have made 17 characters to replace his if it died... I do understand the quadroped with arms but it doesn't make sense considering mount evolution says specifically that you need a quadroped or serpentine base form

In that case, there are two, paths that I see. One is to be a stickler with the rules, but you would then have to do so consistently. Another is to allow it, if he can satisfactorily describe describe how it would work. He would then need a custom saddle. It really depends on where you want to fight your battles.

Why doesn't it make sense?

Mount : Requires Quadruped base form.

Quadruped base, add extra limbs (rules say they can be arms or legs). If arms, they can be used to hold weapons or natural attacks, if legs, they increase speed.

Add arms, take mount. Done.

There's no reason to start with Biped if you're looking for a centaur. You get the same effect starting with quadruped and adding arms, and the mount is valid for the quadruped.

Four legged Humanoid

Quadruped with Arms

Nohwear wrote:
Aaron Martin 718 wrote:
He is the kind of player that wants to have everything. I told my group that they are allowed 1 character for the entire campaign because of i didn't he would have made 17 characters to replace his if it died... I do understand the quadroped with arms but it doesn't make sense considering mount evolution says specifically that you need a quadroped or serpentine base form
In that case, there are two, paths that I see. One is to be a stickler with the rules, but you would then have to do so consistently. Another is to allow it, if he can satisfactorily describe describe how it would work. He would then need a custom saddle. It really depends on where you want to fight your battles.

If it's centaur like, it wouldn't require an exotic saddle. A normal saddle would fit on a centaur (well, riding saddle, western saddle might not).

If I give him this he will ask for more. Id rather be the stickler considering he is a summoner with a pretty good eidolon. So he technically has two players.

Aaron Martin 718 wrote:
If I give him this he will ask for more. Id rather be the stickler considering he is a summoner with a pretty good eidolon. So he technically has two players.

No he doesn't. Any more than a Druid with an Animal companion has two characters.

Both the eidelon and the summoner are squishy without the other. The class is balanced against the idea it is one 'character'.

However, be very rules stickler on them. Summoners are very complex and easy to get wrong. Getting them wrong can end up with massively overpowered (or underpowered!) characters.

Let me clarify. His summoner is being used as a "fighter" with a sword and board and his eidolon is already a biped.

Summoners are not fighters, they are however, a martial caster. Fighting melee sword and board is actually a very poor use of a summoner and eidolon in general.

If his eidolon is already biped, then he's hosed. Short of retraining rules, he can't have a mount RAW (from his Eidolon at least).

That answers on question. Thank you.

mdt wrote:

No, you can't do that.

You can take a quadruped mount, give it an extra set of limbs, and call it arms, get the same effect, and it's valid.

I don't make the rules, I just interpret them. I think it's kind of silly once you add extra legs to the humanoid.

Note : I don't care in my own games, I allow it, but it's house ruled, RAW you can't.

There is also the Tauric base form from Cohorts and Companions for a third option to achieve the same idea. Or even Serpentine with [Limbs] x 3 for Legs, Legs, Arms.

Why couldn't you put Mount on a Tauric base form? For that matter, I can easily see a Biped mount (various dinosaur/bird forms, like riding a velociraptor or ostrich). Especially once they get bigger (a Huge Biped Eidolon based a on T-Rex).

@Samasboy1 - There is logical, and there is RAW. My response was, RAW, mount can only be applied to Quadruped or Serpentine. It cannot be applied to Biped, nor even Tauric (unless Tauric has a call out otherwise in it's write up).

In my own games, I mostly ignore stuff like that as long as the idea makes sense. So for example, if someone wants to ride a chocobo, I let them take Biped and add Mount as long as it's one size larger (so medium biped with small rider at 1st level).

Sorry, to clarify, I was agreeing with you. Especially the "silly" part.

A rhetorical "why can't you" if you will. (Obviously the answer is because the rules, but as you mention the rules don't make a lot of sense in this regard).

Birds, Chocobos, Raptors, Kangaroos, Centaurs, Werewolves, Xenomorphs, and what not cause all sorts of issues to rule-lawyers. Causing them to lose their freaking minds.

A biped eidolon can have a mount.

It cannot take the mount evolution.

Also: tauric is a base form, which interestingly enough does not qualify for the mount evolution.

Yep, that's what I said earlier Snowlilly.

I usually houserule around that in my games, but RAW, it's correct.

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