PossibleCabbage |
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there's only one question in this text: "What do you consider legal spells for a sorc
Any spell on the Sorcerer/Wizard list or granted by a sorcerer bloodline, minus spells or spells from books I have explicitly highlighted as not available to the players.
It seems weird and backwards to go to great lengths to separate the "spells a wizard can have" from "the spells a sorcerer can have" when Paizo has made no effort to distinguish the two.

graystone |

Just a heads up, you guys are really trolling this guy. Not nice.
I wouldn't call it trolling because it's replies/comments on what he said. He brought up character sheets, herolab, books he owns, ect. If he wanted a simple answer, he should have asked a simple question and left it at that. Adding backgriund brings said background into the discussion.
"What do I consider legal spells for a Sorc?"
Spells that list wizard/sorcerer: as simple as that. "unusual spells that the sorcerer has gained some understanding of through study" relates to Spell Research. Spell research is for "allowing a PC to introduce a new spell into the game." "Successfully researching a new spell requires time and expensive research." "The game rules for what a caster must do to create a new spell are very vague (see Spell Research)."
Seems clear to me. This is the first and I think it's be the last time to hear of this theory of legal sorcerer spells.

Lady-J |
the "new" and "unusual" spells a sorcerer can learn with gms permission are spells from other classes spell lists or spells gained from spell research(players creating their own spells) sorcerers have access to all spells on the sorcerer/wizard spell list but must pick and choose what they memorize and know of those spells.
so yes if they were creating their own spells or pulling spells from other casters lists(with out some class feature that calls out that they can do so even with out gm permission) then yes you have the right to say no you cant have those spells.

Jeraa |

Isn't it Mnemonic Enhancer and nothing else, but only because that spell would do literally nothing for a sorcerer?
Blood Transcription, Mnemonic Enhancer, and Mage's Lucubration are the three I know of that wizards have but sorcerers don't. They all deal with wizard-specific things that sorcerers don't have to worry about.