War for the Crown AP, Feb 2018

War for the Crown

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
I know nothing about Byzantium.
Read the books by John Julius Norwich. Well written and fascinating.

I LOVE Lord Norwich's Byzantium books. They're very readable and amazingly informative.

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W E Ray wrote:

@ Mark Moreland,

Can you put in a Spoiler Tag what upcoming product will reveal Eutropia's build?

Could you also, hopefully, put in a separate Spoiler Tag her Alignment & Class (maybe Level)?

*subtly agitates, incites, and manipulates for this*


Much like Ray, above, this works out well for us.

This will be especially interesting to see how it plays out - in our Golarion, the princess has made whatever the non-evil equivalent of a Faustian bargain is with two former now-mythic PC power-players - one from Cheliax (a PC from CoT) and one from Taldor* - as earnest, but mostly-hands-off allies.

I'm extremely excited to see how they might respond to the local events, too!

(Though a few things may well be keeping them... occupied... at present.)

* (a non-AP dragon-themed campaign dealing with The Dragon's Demand, the now-non-canon Dragonfall, and Blood of Dragonscar plus a few other encounters - minor and major - that tied in the themes of ancient Taldor, alien what'sit's from TDD, and such)

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Everything you're looking for will be in the Taldor campaign setting book. Full stats for both Eutropia and Stavian will appear during the course of War for the Crown.

Just a few months left to wait!

Silver Crusade

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Grand Lodge

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So I just need to find something else to read between now and then.

(Anyone know of any published material in or around the sundered isles of Azlant? Maybe even an adventure? Or better, a series of adventures that one could make into a campaign?)

I just need something to read between now and February.

Cough, the new AP, cough.

Liberty's Edge

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Looking forward to running this and will use Pathfinder Society Quest: Honor's Echo as prelude as it ends in Taldor's capital Oppara.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Aromaz Esoj wrote:
Looking forward to running this and will use Pathfinder Society Quest: Honor's Echo as prelude as it ends in Taldor's capital Oppara.

Speaking of Society...

Will this touch on <redacted>* from Library of the Lion? I love that scenario and would love to see some of the results of that show up in the story.

Also hopefully information from The Dagger of Trust will be there too.

Like some other commentators I'm glad to see the Byzantine influence has not been purged from Taldor, and have wanted this path for years. (and best of all, we juggled the budget so I can at least get my AP subscription going!)

oh and while I'm wishing, can we please have a Rondolero duelist magus archtype? :-)

In Library of the Lion, the princess, through cutouts, is having the Pathfinders search the library to find evidence of "times when the nation chose an heir in a way that was an exception to the rules. This matches the description of what the Pathfinder Society is tasked to recover for Princess Eutropia."

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IIRC, the Library of the Lion was mentioned in the panel, but I'm not 100 percent sure my memory's correct on that.

That's actually really exciting!

Sovereign Court

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They did mention PFS


Liberty's Edge Developer

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I for one am simply excited that this AP gives us a chance to detail Eutropia's beloved dog, Taldogis

Dark Archive

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She wouldn't happen to be a pure bred Great Taldane by chance would she?

Silver Crusade

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Crystal Frasier wrote:
I for one am simply excited that this AP gives us a chance to detail Eutropia's beloved dog, Taldogis


Liberty's Edge Developer

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Davor Firetusk wrote:
She wouldn't happen to be a pure bred Great Taldane by chance would she?

She has a mutt she adopted as a street puppy, and smirkingly refers to it as a "purebred Opparan wrestling spaniel." Of course, this being Taldor, various aristocrats are trying to reproduce it and claim their family created the breed a thousand years ago...


Liberty's Edge

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First Snag so far, no one in my group wants to run the AP- they all want to play in it. even me XD

We'll likely be doing the 'drawing of straws' to see who has to run the adventure.

Scarab Sages

"Political intrigue" good.

"Pc's decide the fate of a nation" Bad. Stand by for imminent disaster and more kingdom building/management adventure path gimmicks (as if Kingmaker, Hell's Rebels and Ironfang Invasion didn't have enough of that already).

On a more serious note, it would be nice if this AP had echoes of the civil war between Prince Stephen and the Empress Maude (England, 1139-1153). Now that was a nasty war of succession as numerous heirs disputed their claims to the throne after King Henry 1 (and I wouldn't know much about it if it wasn't for all those wonderfully well written Cadfael books). Maude's son Henry 2nd (who went on to become king after Stepehn, who was winning the war, died of old age) is the same one who had Thomas a Becket murdered (the archbishop of Canterbury).

Sovereign Court

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I think the fate of the nation stuff is more about choosing which faction wins than kingdom building.

The kingdom is already built.

Shadow Lodge

GeraintElberion wrote:

I think the fate of the nation stuff is more about choosing which faction wins than kingdom building.

The kingdom is already built.

To say nothing of the fact that kingdom building as written breaks down long before a country reaches Taldor's size and population. No sane person would write that subsystem into this context.

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So my usually question, does anyone know who the iconics are for this?:)

Liberty's Edge

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Nick O'Connell wrote:
So my usually question, does anyone know who the iconics are for this?:)

Alain the Cavalier is the one I'm sure would be in it. Since he is from Taldor and high born

Shadow Lodge

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Michael Talley 759 wrote:
Nick O'Connell wrote:
So my usually question, does anyone know who the iconics are for this?:)
Alain the Cavalier is the one I'm sure would be in it. Since he is from Taldor and high born

I could see Aric as an iconic for War for the Crown as well, just because the AP will be using Ultimate Intrigue content (not confirmed, obviously, but where else are they going to use it if not the Taldor AP?) and the Vigilante is the only new class introduced in that book. If Aric comes in Quinn could easily follow, given their twined backstories.

Kess is also from Taldor and could make an appearance. Probably should, given the dearth of women in the guesses so far.

* * *

That said, Alain-Aric-Quinn-Kess seems very martial-heavy and Paizo likes their iconic parties to reflect, well, the iconic party with its martial, skilled, arcane (or alchemical or psychic these days), and divine characters. More thought is needed.

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Alain would be the martial, Aric would be the skilled, Quinn would be the arcane.

Kyra, Keleshite cleric of Sarenrae, as the divine would be an amusing(?) choice.

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Holy smokes, I just saw that and it´s awesome. I´ve been hoping that there is a Taldor AP, and even had an idea about a possible plot presented in a thread.

If we´re saving Taldor from daemons, it would feel like a deja vu :) .

Liberty's Edge

Alain, Lem, Merisiel, and Kyra seem like a good mesh of new and old

Alain having lived there

Lem & Merisiel there because of a mixture of Fortunes to be made from sheeples and grand entertainments to gain a grand name for themselves.

Kyra there to prove that not all that follow her goddess are to be feared.

Something I think that could work out, Since this adventure path strikes me less Arcane heavy and needed more a bard level of arcane power.

Shadow Lodge

Michael Talley 759 wrote:

Alain, Lem, Merisiel, and Kyra seem like a good mesh of new and old

Alain having lived there

Lem & Merisiel there because of a mixture of Fortunes to be made from sheeples and grand entertainments to gain a grand name for themselves.

Kyra there to prove that not all that follow her goddess are to be feared.

Something I think that could work out, Since this adventure path strikes me less Arcane heavy and needed more a bard level of arcane power.

The problem with Lem, Merisiel, and Kyra all together is that they were already in Paizo's last urban intrigue AP. Wouldn't want the customers thinking they're the only ones suited for such a thing, or that they're one-trick ponies.

Zhangar's probably close to the truth with Alain, Aric, Quinn, Kyra.

Silver Crusade

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The cover for Crownfall shows Alain, Merisiel, and Quinn.

Since Meri is there and it's in Taldor I can see Kyra being the fourth.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Maybe Aric retrained into zealot or warlock.

Liberty's Edge Developer

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The last iconic for War for the Crown is Raveni, the psychic. We wanted a boom-stick who also knew how to maneuver in polite society.

Originally I championed for Lem instead of Merisiel, but was told Lem isn't an "A-list" iconic, and so I needed to use Merisiel instead. Now I just feel bad for Lem.

Silver Crusade

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Crystal Frasier wrote:

The last iconic for War for the Crown is Raveni, the psychic. We wanted a boom-stick who also knew how to maneuver in polite society.

Originally I championed for Lem instead of Merisiel, but was told Lem isn't an "A-list" iconic, and so I needed to use Merisiel instead. Now I just feel bad for Lem.

Nice! Can’t wait to see her scenes ^w^

And poor Lem ;_;

Dark Archive

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I find your lack of Lini disturbing.

Liberty's Edge

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Crystal Frasier wrote:

The last iconic for War for the Crown is Raveni, the psychic. We wanted a boom-stick who also knew how to maneuver in polite society.

Originally I championed for Lem instead of Merisiel, but was told Lem isn't an "A-list" iconic, and so I needed to use Merisiel instead. Now I just feel bad for Lem.

As do I, that is a pity that he didn't make 'the cut' as it where.

Kevin Mack wrote:
I find your lack of Lini disturbing.

Huh...how many AP has she managed to get into. I can't seem to recall many of them.

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Ironfang Invasion, Iron Gods, and Kingmaker are the first that spring to mind. :-)

Also Jade Regent and Reign Of Winter.

Liberty's Edge

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in recap of 8 pages of this thread that I don't want to spend the time reading as it is bed time here soon?

is grand prince whats his name the 3rd going to be dead?

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They just don't want Lem overshadowing everybody else.

Liberty's Edge

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So many ideas in my group came about with the announcement of the AP.

1 player can't wait to play a Vigilante that doesn't travel into a dungeon. I get to try out a Noble Sorcerer build in a setting that sounds perfectly suited for said character. heh, one player is thinking of playing a Female Ulfen Skald that is looking for a husband since her father is a member of the Ulfen Guard she is in Taldor and currently caught up in the glitz and Glamour, and then we have the Ulfen Barbarian, father to said Female Skald whom is NOT caught up in all the glitz and glamour.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Crystal Frasier wrote:

The last iconic for War for the Crown is Raveni, the psychic. We wanted a boom-stick who also knew how to maneuver in polite society.

Originally I championed for Lem instead of Merisiel, but was told Lem isn't an "A-list" iconic, and so I needed to use Merisiel instead. Now I just feel bad for Lem.

That is a shame. Bards rock for stuff like this, even the short ones. :-(

not an a lister huh


never cared for him one way or the other,

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I'm glad they called this one War for the Crown (WftC) and not War of the Crown (WotC)

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What I'd like to know is kind of a plot synopsis now that the subscribers have had a chance to read the overall plot details from Crownfall.

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I asked for one in the GM Crownfall thread, hopefully there will be one there protected from trying eyes.

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A plot synopsis on these boards would be a huge disservice to those planning to play this AP. I would daresay also a huge disservice to GMs who haven't read the book yet. I highly recommend against it. See my Crownfall product review for more details.

Thomas: it would be worse than telling you the plot of Black Panther a mere hours before we get to see it! ;)

I could, however, PM you some minor details from the 'Foreword' section by Crystal, which would serve as a rough guide on what kind of AP this will be from a player's perspective and 'should' give you a modicum of hints and clues as to what one should perhaps aim to play for this AP. Let me know if this would interest you.


I sent you a PM. You can tell me all about it there.

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