Familiar Build S.W.


Dark Archive

Are there any good RAW ways to build a familiar to be able to get the Swallow Whole ability?

Perhaps via familiar archetypes, improves familiar options, feats, etc?

Mind, I understand that it is not a powerful or even good thing to have on a familiar for the most part, but I am still interested in ways to get it.

You know familiars are little, right? Like, generally Tiny, hence only able to swallow Fine or Diminutive things even if they have the ability?

Do you maybe mean you want an animal companion with Swallow Whole? If so, get a frog (Medium as an A/C), they get that ability when you reach 4th level.

If you do mean familiar, get a toad (a RAW option) and point out to the GM that giant toads have Swallow Whole so yours should too, plus that it's harmless on something that size (Diminutive). I imagine that last bit is the only reason the Bestiary doesn't bother to give it to normal toads. There aren't a lot of Fine creatures that aren't swarms.

If you're in PFS or otherwise stuck with really strict RAW, I don't know of a way to get it.

Dark Archive

The mauler archetype allows any familiar to size up to medium, which could help a lot.
The figment archetype, on the other hand, let's a familiar spend up to 3 evolution points on Eidolon evolutions, which is enough to purchase Swallow Whole, but not enough to buy its 2 prerequisite evolutions (Bite and grab) x_x

So I feel like there is good raw potential, somewhere, but I can't find it.

Oh, dear.

Well, you can use the Evolved Companion feat to get it Bite, though not Grab (feat only allows 1-pt evolutions, even if you take it multiple times).

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