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Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

I now distract you from everything else. If you have not grabbed the Spore creature creator demo.. do so.. now.. This I command!

It is a lot of fun... and you can make D&D monster with it. Don't believe me... take a look!

Jason Bulmahn
Spore Fan

Liberty's Edge

Looks fun Jason ... but ... those monsters aren't OGL! Quick, better rename them!

How about Replacer Beast and Yellowish Hulk?

I have been doing this much fun...and I made a bugbear

This game looks awesome, but sadly I would never infect my computer with all the DRM they built directly into the engine (Mass Effect suffers from the same disease). Shame really, because the design is brilliant.

Dark Archive

Great work Jason!

Perhaps a downloadable Pathfinder RPG SPORE content pack is in order (with closed content monsters edited slightly of course).

Dark Archive

We should post our user names here so we can share all of our DND reelated creations...

Mine's Wickham

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I made a rust monster and a creepier beholder already. Too bad you can't actually make them float.

(I've also made Pierson's Puppeteers, Taxxons, Andalites, and I'm working on a Thrint. I tried Kzinti and there's just no way to make the head look right.)

Former VP of Finance

I pre-ordered my full version yesterday. :)

I went out today and preordered it. The video of the Beholder and its young sold me.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
mwbeeler wrote:
This game looks awesome, but sadly I would never infect my computer with all the DRM they built directly into the engine (Mass Effect suffers from the same disease). Shame really, because the design is brilliant.

At least EA backed off from the 10 day "check-in" for both games.

Still, the DRM and limited activations (which EA won't fully disclose what kinds of hardware changes void) pretty much mean I'll be highly unlikely to enjoy this potentially wonderful game. And people have been having plenty of problems with the activations on Mass Effect...

A pity really, because both the developer and I lose out, they on their money, me on a game I was interested in. :(

Sometimes it feels like I've been waiting for this game longer than some people have been waiting for Duke Nukem Forever. The end products look great. I can't wait for the game, so I can recreate Ewoks as cannibalistic sadists and conquer the galaxy with them.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I could not resist....

Ladies and Gentlemen (and Nick Logue too), I give you.....



Pathfinder Goblin

Goblin Snake

Paizo Golem

The golem actually came out looking pretty cool! The others... need work. God might be a little drunk tonight :P.

More later!


Little know fact: Boggards are quite modest and sometimes fashion little grass skirts with which to clothe themselves.

Scarab Sages

modus0 wrote:
mwbeeler wrote:
This game looks awesome, but sadly I would never infect my computer with all the DRM they built directly into the engine (Mass Effect suffers from the same disease). Shame really, because the design is brilliant.

At least EA backed off from the 10 day "check-in" for both games.

Still, the DRM and limited activations (which EA won't fully disclose what kinds of hardware changes void) pretty much mean I'll be highly unlikely to enjoy this potentially wonderful game. And people have been having plenty of problems with the activations on Mass Effect...

A pity really, because both the developer and I lose out, they on their money, me on a game I was interested in. :(

Tell me about it, it's really counter-productive to preventing piracy too, if I think something is good quality/interesting, I want to give the creators money, but with Spore I may end up downloading it illegally because I really want to play, but I don't want to support these kind of draconian measures. That's what I ended up doing with Mass Effect. I'm just hoping at some point they'll release a none DRM/limited-activations version because I feel really bad about it... or sell it on Steam, that's where I bought Bioshock. Yeah I b~&~@ about DRMed games but use Steam, but only since they've ironed out a few of the kinks, included an offline mode for playing one player games, and I became a TF2 addict :)

It’s sad, and it bothers me to no end that I have to go looking for potentially system destabilizing hack / crack for a product I already own and legally purchased to prevent it from dialing home, keep it from seeing what else my computer might be doing, or to get it to work at all if a publisher moves away from that project. Not all secrets are bad.

Another trend I find worrying is that if a project is cool enough, people will purchase it regardless of the strings attached to it: Fourth Edition, Spore, Microsoft Zune; how much are your liberties worth? We aren't buying products anymore, we're just leasing them.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I now distract you from everything else. If you have not grabbed the Spore creature creator demo.. do so.. now.. This I command!

It is a lot of fun... and you can make D&D monster with it. Don't believe me... take a look!

Jason Bulmahn
Spore Fan


I went took a look at this program. It does look fun. Here's a question that maybe you can answer?

So "Spore" and "Spore: Creature Creator" are actually two different programs? Which are you recommending? What is the difference?

Yeah, the NWN2 module Mysteries of Westgate is already done (and probably better than the campaign that comes with the game, to be honest, but that's probably damning it with faint praise) and Atari won't release it until their new security system is done. Piracy is a problem and all, but I don't think assuming your consumers are crooks is the way to go.

I apologize for pooping all over the thread, by the way. Just gets on my nerves, I couldn’t buy my wife the last two Sims 2 expansions she wanted for this exact reason, most annoying.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I was bored


mwbeeler wrote:
I apologize for pooping all over the thread, by the way. Just gets on my nerves, I couldn’t buy my wife the last two Sims 2 expansions she wanted for this exact reason, most annoying.

I am going to admit my ignorance for a moment.

I read your original post, and I didn't understand it. I haven't bought many computer games lately. I'd like to understand your concern.

Could you give me the thumbnail version? I know DRM stands for Digital Rights Management, but I don't have any other context. How does it infect your PC?

DRM in general is bad enough, but the version Spore utilizes is particularly insidious, Sony (yeah, the nice people who sent out rootkits on music cd’s) Securom. Originally, their iteration dialed home every ten days to reauthenticate. If it wasn’t able to connect or your key deactivates somehow (say, you upgrade your computer hardware so the game plays smoother), the game cripples itself. They’ve since removed this piece due to negative feedback, but it still calls home when you install, and any time you download any updates or extras (or if you play online). Spore will not play if securom isn’t running in the background, and what’s more, securom won’t allow you to run the windows task manager while it is operative (so better hope nothing locks up). Securom is also notorious for watching other, non game related things your pc does, burn cd’s for instance, and has been known to cause all kinds of fun problems with your OS. The best part? It stays if you uninstall the game! Basically, it’s a legal virus you paid for.

What sucks is, this game looks awesome. I would buy two copies (one for my wife, one for me) in a heartbeat, but now we can never play it.

mwbeeler wrote:

DRM in general is bad enough, but the version Spore utilizes is particularly insidious, Sony (yeah, the nice people who sent out rootkits on music cd’s) Securom. Originally, their iteration dialed home every ten days to reauthenticate. If it wasn’t able to connect or your key deactivates somehow (say, you upgrade your computer hardware so the game plays smoother), the game cripples itself. They’ve since removed this piece due to negative feedback, but it still calls home when you install, and any time you download any updates or extras (or if you play online). Spore will not play if securom isn’t running in the background, and what’s more, securom won’t allow you to run the windows task manager while it is operative (so better hope nothing locks up). Securom is also notorious for watching other, non game related things your pc does, burn cd’s for instance, and has been known to cause all kinds of fun problems with your OS. The best part? It stays if you uninstall the game! Basically, it’s a legal virus you paid for.

What sucks is, this game looks awesome. I would buy two copies (one for my wife, one for me) in a heartbeat, but now we can never play it.

Thanks for the explanation, I appreciate it.

Watcher wrote:


I went took a look at this program. It does look fun. Here's a question that maybe you can answer?

So "Spore" and "Spore: Creature Creator" are actually two different programs? Which are you recommending? What is the difference?

Disregard Jason, I read the FAQ and I believe I understand.

Sovereign Court

Watcher wrote:
Watcher wrote:


I went took a look at this program. It does look fun. Here's a question that maybe you can answer?

So "Spore" and "Spore: Creature Creator" are actually two different programs? Which are you recommending? What is the difference?

Disregard Jason, I read the FAQ and I believe I understand.

I really really enjoy this creature creator, I can't wait for the full release. I think evolving a creature piece-by-piece is going to create such a strong attachment to your little critter.

Plus, at the end you get to destroy alien civilizations!

Nameless wrote:

I really really enjoy this creature creator, I can't wait for the full release. I think evolving a creature piece-by-piece is going to create such a strong attachment to your little critter.

Plus, at the end you get to destroy alien civilizations!

Maybe we can make a special Paizo Community SPORE Group?

I don't know how the game works yet, but I think I'll try it out this weekend. Perhaps when the full version comes out, the Paizo tribe can play together!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The version that Mass Effect (and apparently Spore as well) has is also limited to 3 install activations, which are "used up" individually when you install the game, do a hardware update that EA decides is major enough to warrant it (though they won't give specifics), and possibly a host of other things you might do to your computer (like having the OS auto-update itself).

And all these things done to prevent illegal distribution of the games only serves to encourage it, because it makes it a major hassle for the honest consumer to use the game, while the people who illegally download it have a version "cracked" to remove those restrictions.

Now, what Spore needs (besides less customer-punishing DRM), is a way to give the creations attacks (energy beams from the eyes for the beholders anyone?) upon creation.

Otherwise I doubt the poor limbless beholder is really going to be a major evolutionary success. :(

Sovereign Court

Watcher wrote:

Maybe we can make a special Paizo Community SPORE Group?

I don't know how the game works yet, but I think I'll try it out this weekend. Perhaps when the full version comes out, the Paizo tribe can play together!

Is there going to be a mode for that kind of play? It would be cool!

From what I heard though, it's a massively single-player game in the sense that you play alone, BUT! you can download other people's creations to population your Galaxy.

Which of course, leads me to think that a galaxy populated by Paizo member-created D&D critters would be fantastic.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

My creations: four so far.

I picked this up.. for 10 bucks the price was right.

modus0 wrote:

Now, what Spore needs (besides less customer-punishing DRM), is a way to give the creations attacks (energy beams from the eyes for the beholders anyone?) upon creation.

Otherwise I doubt the poor limbless beholder is really going to be a major evolutionary success. :(

Hopefully when the main game comes out in a few months there will be provisions for stuff like that.

Dark Archive Contributor

I challenge those paying around with the creature creator to create creatures based on Forum Avatars of some people here.

Can't wait to go home and get my hands on this thing!

That is all.

Jacob Burgess wrote:
I challenge those paying around with the creature creator to create creatures based on Forum Avatars of some people here.

Ooh! A challenge! :D

The Creature Creator is Evil...

My first go at it...


Lilith wrote:

The Creature Creator is Evil...

My first go at it...

Awesome! There's getting to be quite a little collection when you type Paizo into the Sporepedia.

My wife and I have been pretty excited about Spore since they announced it months ago. We even shelled out the $10 for the creature creator so that we can play with it until the actual game comes out, though I feel like a sap for doing that.

I've installed it, but I have to admit, the DRM scares the hell out of me. I read a lot of Cory Doctorow stuff and he makes a pretty compelling case for DRM = Evil. At this point, I'm counting on the infinite ingenuity of the interwebs to eventually come up with a hack to disable the DRM in the program. I totally intend to buy it, I'm just not interested in EA invading my privacy.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Give the pirates a day, maybe two, and there'll be a hacked, no-disc, no DRM version out.

It's a pity when the illegal version of something is less cumbersome to use than the legal version.

Heres my 2nd Edition MM Basilisk

Owlbear AND the fearsome Jacobsian! Rawr!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

And now....The Great Old One. IA! IA! Cthulhu!

SPROE HAS BEEN RELEASED! Has anyone else got it yet?

Just got it on yesterday, installed it (Lengthy process) and have only played it a bit (Managed to get my cell to evolve enough to make it to land).

Seems fun...really can't wait to see how the end game plays.

My favourite game is Civilization, my wife's is The Sims. This seems like it will be a game we both can enjoy.

Any one in this community playing it? I'd love to subscribe to a Sporecast from some of the community...

I loved the creature creator, but the security software that comes with the game isn't worth having on my computer, so I'm not getting it.

Repairman Jack wrote:
I loved the creature creator, but the security software that comes with the game isn't worth having on my computer, so I'm not getting it.

Same here. Is it true that Mass Effect also has the same "security feature"? ~winces~ If so, then I will have to uninstall Mass Effect. ~grimaces~

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
Repairman Jack wrote:
I loved the creature creator, but the security software that comes with the game isn't worth having on my computer, so I'm not getting it.
Same here. Is it true that Mass Effect also has the same "security feature"? ~winces~ If so, then I will have to uninstall Mass Effect. ~grimaces~

Here's list of the security requirements (which, fortunately, appears to be much smaller-scale than the original plan):

  • You must enter an activation code upon startup. Fairly standard, really.
  • You can only install 3 times with the same activation code. I've only needed to do it once.
  • That's really all there is to it.

Sharoth wrote:
Repairman Jack wrote:
I loved the creature creator, but the security software that comes with the game isn't worth having on my computer, so I'm not getting it.
Same here. Is it true that Mass Effect also has the same "security feature"? ~winces~ If so, then I will have to uninstall Mass Effect. ~grimaces~

Yeah, its a DRM called SecuRom. And it sucks nine ways to Sunday. It does not ask if you want to install it, it does it automatically. It won't even be removed if you delete the game from your harddrive, you need third party software to get rid of it. It won't let you play any media files if even just one on your computer is illegal. It will even destroy your optical drive if you play certain DVDs.

Uninstalling Mass Effect will NOT remove SecuRom. It can be removed, but it is very complex and requires altering the core windows programming (because thats where it installs itself using illegal characters to prevent removal). Do an internet search for instructions on how to remove it.

And its not the only reason not to install Spore. When you buy the game it comes with a limited number of activations, so you're just renting it three times. If you need to reinstall for any reason (new computer, new harddrive, repairing virus damage, bad internet connection during installation, etc.) you use an additional activation and after three, you can't do it again. You have to buy another game at the full price to get three more activations.

And if you whine about it they can refuse further activations, even if you have them available. It in the TOS.

I really wanted Spore too. It is so disappointing, but I won't pay money for this kind of abuse.

Liberty's Edge

Repairman Jack wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Repairman Jack wrote:
I loved the creature creator, but the security software that comes with the game isn't worth having on my computer, so I'm not getting it.
Same here. Is it true that Mass Effect also has the same "security feature"? ~winces~ If so, then I will have to uninstall Mass Effect. ~grimaces~

Yeah, its a DRM called SecuRom. And it sucks nine ways to Sunday. It does not ask if you want to install it, it does it automatically. It won't even be removed if you delete the game from your harddrive, you need third party software to get rid of it. It won't let you play any media files if even just one on your computer is illegal. It will even destroy your optical drive if you play certain DVDs.

Uninstalling Mass Effect will NOT remove SecuRom. It can be removed, but it is very complex and requires altering the core windows programming (because thats where it installs itself using illegal characters to prevent removal). Do an internet search for instructions on how to remove it.

And its not the only reason not to install Spore. When you buy the game it comes with a limited number of activations, so you're just renting it three times. If you need to reinstall for any reason (new computer, new harddrive, repairing virus damage, bad internet connection during installation, etc.) you use an additional activation and after three, you can't do it again. You have to buy another game at the full price to get three more activations.

And if you whine about it they can refuse further activations, even if you have them available. It in the TOS.

I really wanted Spore too. It is so disappointing, but I won't pay money for this kind of abuse.

Well, if that's the case, I guess I just had a particularly lucky, nonpainful experience with it.

Scarab Sages

Insert Neat Username Here wrote:
Well, if that's the case, I guess I just had a particularly lucky, nonpainful experience with it.

Eh, the majority of people won't have bad experiences (the problem would be getting even more publicity if they did, there are plenty of Amazon reviews out there from people who have had problems though), the reason I refuse to install anything with SecuROM is more because it sets a terrible precedent. Namely loads of companies are using a Sony product which behaves very much like a virus (it installs itself without telling you, gives itself more security rights on the computer than the user themselves have and is a bugger to get rid of), and treats the user like a criminal (I've not heard of it irrevocably killing DVD burners, but I have heard of it disabling them if you have more than one, and deliberately preventing various programs working, mostly image drives like Daemon Tools, all on the assumption that your using them to make/use pirated software).

People are calling them on this (there are at least two class action lawsuits against EA out there), but lawsuits take a long time, and as long as people keep buying the product, they're going to keep thinking they can get away with controlling how people use their own computers.

Well all that sucks....

I bought and installed the game rather innocently. I have had no problems, but all this SecuROM stuff is kinda upsetting.

I googled SecuROM Removal Tool and found what looks to be a safe removal tool that will still let me play the game.

If anybody out there wants to look at my stuff (I've only been playing for a couple of days, mind you..)

My Spore Name is FatherTobyn.. Though I just made another called Watcher!

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