Honors Echo Rewards Question

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

If a player runs all 6 episodes, do they achieve 1950 gold,9 prestige and 6 xp? Seems so, but not quite sure ...

Grand Lodge 3/5

No, PC's only get 1 XP, 2 Prestige, and 500 gold. The reward for completing each quest isn't cumulative, it's the reward in total.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

Selvaxri has the right answer! Cumulative rewards.

2/5 5/5 **

The table lists what they get if they participate in however many quests. It was designed for flexibility: only time to run 4 out of 6? Here's what they get. Die on the first quest and use a new character for the remaining 5 out of 6? Here's what you get. Running at a Con and a player has to leave the table for an emergency after 2 quests? Here's what you get.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Selvaxri has the right answer! Cumulative rewards.


Your answer contradicts itself. Selvaxri said the rewards were not cumulative.

Sczarni 4/5

Gary Bush wrote:
Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Selvaxri has the right answer! Cumulative rewards.


Your answer contradicts itself. Selvaxri said the rewards were not cumulative.

I'm pretty sure Tonya meant that the table lists the cumulative rewards, not just the one for completing that quest.

Something I've always thought should be included is a table for each quest, where the GM could add the gold/fame/xp given for completing that scenario.
Personally, when the player completes the second quest, I Initial next to #2 on the sheet, and cross out the #1 reward line. When #3 is completed I initial it, and cross out the #2 (and the #1 if it hadn't been already) this allows for the confusion to be cut down greatly.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

To reduce confusion and paper waste, for our big events we have taken to just handing out quest slips rather than chronicles. Each slip has a block for each quest, and once the player is done playing quests, they can turn it in at HQ to get a completed chronicle. This prevents messy chronicles as well as handing out half-filled sheets to 100 players when only 5 are going to continue.


Sczarni 4/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:

To reduce confusion and paper waste, for our big events we have taken to just handing out quest slips rather than chronicles. Each slip has a block for each quest, and once the player is done playing quests, they can turn it in at HQ to get a completed chronicle. This prevents messy chronicles as well as handing out half-filled sheets to 100 players when only 5 are going to continue.


Have you seen lots of " I ran 2 of the quests at (event x), but thought I would be back to run more, so I never picked up a chronicle sheet" emails and PMs? I've sen those often when using something like this - but it could have just been the style of the convention we were running in (PAX EAST gets hectic and there's lots to do)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Not a one.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Steven, I love your little slip!



Earl Gendron wrote:
Personally, when the player completes the second quest, I Initial next to #2 on the sheet, and cross out the #1 reward line. When #3 is completed I initial it, and cross out the #2 (and the #1 if it hadn't been already) this allows for the confusion to be cut down greatly.

I don't believe the quests have to be done in order (Silverhex, at least, specifically says they don't.) Crossing off lower-numbered quests would be the wrong thing to do in this case, since the PC could "go back" and do them later (possibly with another GM, before playing another scenario.)

2/5 5/5 **

The chronicle doesn't specify which quest, only the number of quests completed.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

The evidence and resource checkboxes show you which have been completed already. If players don't earn either checkbox, the GM should initial beside that adventure to show it has been played.

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