A regular AP, with Cheat codes.


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Liberty's Edge

I think you are right.

Ya. Readjusting my line of thinking to take that into consideration and I realize my ideas were getting further away from what was intended.
At one point I was trying to create a construct with vastly superior weaponry and at another point I realized I could permanently transform into a Gelatinous Cube and go around as a sentient, talking, magical jello, but that was all becoming very "out there."

So new direction that I am going is to create a blindingly fast UMonk :)
So he will have things like Wind/Lightning Stance, Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack, Abundant Steps and Dimentional Agility, ect.

However I ran into an unclarified chunk. That is using an AoMF with the Speed enchantment on my fists, because Fast Fists :P
My assumption is that you only get 1 extra attack from this but after reading it and realizing that I have 2 unarmed attacks its starting to really sound like I get 1 extra attack per weapon (fist).
Ditto the question if I have 2 weapons with the Speed enchant on each.

My assumption is that I get 1 extra fist attack and thats it, am I correct?

Only thing odd about this guy is the one 3pp feat and his race. Other than that he's a fairly standard invincible barbarian.

Just asking but did we get am end date for recruitment?

Sovereign Court

Since my last idea was vetoed I've done a lot of research looking for a fun idea and I think I may have just come up with a good one. What would you say to a Half-Giant Brawler with a specialization on power over speed.

Ok, reading through all this and I think it sounds fun.

Are applications still being accepted?

If no, enjoy yourselves! I may check in occasionally just to see how it goes.

If yes, I have a few questions.
1) Is this going for maximum power level 12 characters or maximum wierdness level 12 characters?
(Personally I would like to see max wierdness since level 12 characters should be able to dance through the first books no matter what. Then later they should still be up above expected in terms of equipment.)

2) Is VMC allowed?

3) Are hero points to be used?

4) Are firearms allowed?

5) Good guys, bad guys, or just mercenary guys?

Sovereign Court

And here he is, Maka, the half-giant brawler. He's just a big brute, think of Fezzik from the Princess Bride, you'll probably get a hit in on him, but then he'll clobber you for being a bad guy.

If you're having trouble seeing his character sheet just let me know and I'll attach it in a spoiler here.

Sylvanus, TFK wrote:
Since my last idea was vetoed I've done a lot of research looking for a fun idea and I think I may have just come up with a good one. What would you say to a Half-Giant Brawler with a specialization on power over speed.

Well since I am creating a Human UMonk with an emphasis on blazing speed it should be pretty interesting if we both get in :)

Also, I cant seem to access your sheet :(

Sovereign Court

As promised:

Male Half-Giant Brawler/12
CG Medium
Init 10; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception 16
AC 18; Touch 15; Flat-Footed 13
HP 120;
Fort 11 ; Ref 12 ; Will 6
Resist +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects;
Speed 30; With Armor 30;
Melee +22/+17/+12 Unarmed Strike (2d6+10, ×2); B;
Melee +20/+15/+10 Unarmed Strike (Brawler's Flurry) (2d6+10, ×2); B;
Melee +20/+15 Unarmed Strike (Brawler's Flurry Off-hand) (2d6+10, ×2); B;
Spell-Like Abilities
Stomp 1/1
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk 12; CMB 17
Traits Campaign: Outlander (Exile), Combat: Reactionary
Feats Wild Talent, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Initiative, Stunning Fist, Stunning Fist Adept, Armor Focus (Studded Leather), Psionic Body, Psionic Fist, Dodge, Psionic Dodge, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Acrobatics 16, Appraise 2, Bluff 1, Climb 20, Craft 2, Diplomacy 1, Disguise 1, Escape Artist 4, Fly 1, Handle Animal 4, Heal 1, Intimidate 16, Knowledge Dungeoneering 5, Knowledge Local 5, Linguistics 3, Perception 16, Perform 1, Profession 4, Ride 4, Sense Motive 10, Stealth 1, Survival 11, Swim 8
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll
SQ Low-Light Vision, Giant Blood, Fire Acclimated, Powerful Build, Naturally Psionic, Half-giant Psionics, Psionic Aptitude, Survivor, Brawler’s Cunning (Ex), Martial Flexibility (Ex), Martial Training (Ex), Unarmed Strike (Ex), Bonus Combat Feats, Brawler’s Flurry (Ex), Maneuver Training (Ex), AC Bonus (Ex), Knockout (Ex), Brawler’s Strike (Ex), Close Weapon Mastery (Ex)
Gear Amulet: +5 Amulet of Mighty Fists, Belt: +2 Belt of Giant's Strength, Ring: +1 Ring of Protection, Armor: MWK Studded Leather, Kit: Fight's Kit, Cloak: Cloak of Resistance +1, Wondrous Idem: Feather Token (Whip), Clothing: Explorer's Outfit; Money 316 gp

Hmm... Not seeing a divine caster in the list so far (I might have missed it). So I will put together something of the sort. Looks like plenty of melee. So primary caster. Are both of the telepaths gone or just one? If both, we might need a mental controller. Looks like we have attack caster and diviniation covered, so maybe a debuff caster. Well, we won't need to debuff anyone for a long portion of the campaign so maybe that is a waste. Maybe a SoS caster.

Probably not druid since I don't think we need animal companions or summoned allies. So I'm thinking shaman, cleric, or oracle.

Ooh, or maybe I forget all that and bring something like a cave druid with his oozes.

Is drow noble allowed for race?

What about an awakened animal?

As Ace seems to be saying he wants little over powered 3pp PCs, I dropped the Psionic PC, and went with warlock that has no mind telepathy.

A healer would be good, he can heal Toxic and stat DMG.

My warlock is a combat blaster, and infiltrator, with some support stuff.
Very high Cha and some skills. I see her being the face in public and sneaking about blasting stuff at range. Close combat she is none to good.

But a am still seeing a big transposition hole for the party, at level 12 we really need someone who can teleport the party, its such a same Ace is not keen on 3pp, a Telepath would have aided in group combat so much.

Humm... I have an idea.

GM Panic here, I noted that we are missing a hard core healer, So had another idea for a PC, a dedicated "party" healer. With the cool group telepathy that is so good in combat, So A Vitalist - Soulthief [L12] I have made, Now I took the Drow Noble race, [Yes I know its high powered but hear me out] The race dose not make her a Kill bot and lets her concentrate on Her powers of keeping a party alive in combat.

She can use a bow, and has the odd power but her aim is to heal and keep the group well and stop them dying. At level 12 with a good chance of a "One hit kill" I think having a Vitalist is a must.

Her is the core of the PC, I will flesh her out some more.

I think I'm going to pull out of this one. A different game came up that this character fits better.

Liberty's Edge

Joseph Bonkers wrote:

Ya. Readjusting my line of thinking to take that into consideration and I realize my ideas were getting further away from what was intended.

At one point I was trying to create a construct with vastly superior weaponry and at another point I realized I could permanently transform into a Gelatinous Cube and go around as a sentient, talking, magical jello, but that was all becoming very "out there."

So new direction that I am going is to create a blindingly fast UMonk :)
So he will have things like Wind/Lightning Stance, Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack, Abundant Steps and Dimentional Agility, ect.

However I ran into an unclarified chunk. That is using an AoMF with the Speed enchantment on my fists, because Fast Fists :P
My assumption is that you only get 1 extra attack from this but after reading it and realizing that I have 2 unarmed attacks its starting to really sound like I get 1 extra attack per weapon (fist).
Ditto the question if I have 2 weapons with the Speed enchant on each.
My assumption is that I get 1 extra fist attack and thats it, am I correct?

From this page:

If a creature with multiple natural attacks (such as bite/claw/claw) wears an Amulet of Mighty Fists with the speed property, does it get one extra attack with each of its natural weapons?
No… mainly because that combination is way too good for monsters with multiple attacks, and gets better the more natural attacks a monster has. Doubling a creature’s attacks per round is really powerful, even for 80,000 gp (the price of a +4 amulet).

So you only get 1 extra attack, total.

Liberty's Edge

Evilena Poppet Sckhold wrote:
Just asking but did we get am end date for recruitment?

I don't think so. Ace has not finished his character, and this is his game, so we have time.

Ace: Do we have an end date?

Liberty's Edge

Sylvanus, TFK wrote:
Since my last idea was vetoed I've done a lot of research looking for a fun idea and I think I may have just come up with a good one. What would you say to a Half-Giant Brawler with a specialization on power over speed.

Good for me, but Ace will make the selection.

Liberty's Edge

ElterAgo wrote:
Are applications still being accepted?


ElterAgo wrote:
1) Is this going for maximum power level 12 characters or maximum weirdness level 12 characters?

I am not sure what Ace will select.

ElterAgo wrote:
2) Is VMC allowed?


ElterAgo wrote:
3) Are hero points to be used?


ElterAgo wrote:
4) Are firearms allowed?

Yes, they are rare. I don't like them, but Ace will do the selection.

ElterAgo wrote:
5) Good guys, bad guys, or just mercenary guys?

I prefer good guys, but Ace will make the selection.

Liberty's Edge

ElterAgo wrote:

Is drow noble allowed for race?

What about an awakened animal?

No to both

Liberty's Edge

Alyln wrote:
GM Panic here, I noted that we are missing a hard core healer, So had another idea for a PC, a dedicated "party" healer. With the cool group telepathy that is so good in combat, So A Vitalist - Soulthief [L12] I have made, Now I took the Drow Noble race, [Yes I know its high powered but hear me out] The race dose not make her a Kill bot and lets her concentrate on Her powers of keeping a party alive in combat.

No drows, please.

Understood Corsario, and taking into acounts Ace's dislike for 3pp.
I will offer up anoher healer in place of Alyln

A full on Tiefling Devil-Spawn L12 Cleric of Law,

Meet Rosa Luminass
Heals and hurts, as and when needed.

Corsario wrote:


ElterAgo wrote:
1) Is this going for maximum power level 12 characters or maximum weirdness level 12 characters?

I am not sure what Ace will select.


Ok, I'm going to assume for maximum wierdness for my submission. Since I feel it will already be incredibly easy starting at level 12, that will allow me to explore some really bizarre options without having to worry about failing.

A) Gathlain (Leshy) Druid Leshy Warden - Leshy/plant theme

B) Mite Cave Druid - Turns into an ooze whenever possible

C) max bloodlines something

I know this is late in the game but hear me out. Instead of going completely nuts and throwing some level 12's at the poor CR 1 monsters and NPC warriors in the beginning of the campaigns, why not add a handicap and see what kind of difference magic items make to high level characters. What I am saying is let's make them all retired level 12 characters. They've given up the vast majority of their fame and wealth for a simple life of relaxation. But s&*~ hits the fan and they have to come out of retirement.

Everyone is middle aged or older. (Been around the block)
Max two masterwork weapons. (Self defense. +5 Holy Avenger passed on to young blood or donated to church)
Max one masterwork armor and shield. (Same)
Max 5 potions and scrolls of 50gp or less. (Healing potion or 2 for emergency)
No magic items (Sold, passed on or donated to good cause)
No mundane item over 100gp (you can have your artisan's tools but no mansion or ships. Simple life)
No extra spells except what your class and feats provide. (Sold, passed on or just forgotten)

Liberty's Edge

Not a bad idea. Maybe for other campaign, unless you picked Ace's eye.

Here's my submission for the game. He's a Zen Archer, basically. I wanted a little more flavor, so I chose Wyvaran for the race - but I'm not married to it. The character would work as many other races.

Dark Archive

Okay, this sounds seriously amusing. I'm going to work up a level 12 version of the spiritualist I played in a homebrew Rapen Athik campaign. Or maybe just level up the kineticist I'd made for a Strange Aeons AP I didn't get into.

Dark Archive

Okay, here's my throught for joining this romp. He's a spiritualist who I made for a Strange Aeons campaign. Unfortunately I didn't get in. GM loved Bill, but too many people applied so friends got in first.


Male kitsune spiritualist (fractured mind) 12 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 175, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 72, 109)
CN Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +8; Senses Perception +1
AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 22 (+9 armor, +3 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 99 (12d8+36)
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; +8 bonus vs. mind-affecting
Defensive Abilities fortification 75%, greater spiritual interference
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +3 merciful mithral scythe +16/+11 (2d4+7 nonlethal/×4 plus 1d6 non-lethal) or
. . club +12/+7 (1d6+3) or
. . cold iron morningstar +12/+7 (1d8+3) or
. . silver sickle +12/+7 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks bonded manifestation (15 rounds/day), phantom recall 2/day
Spiritualist Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +15)
. . 2/day—bane (DC 19), mad hallucination[UM] (DC 19)
. . 1/day—doom (DC 19)
Spiritualist (Fractured Mind) Spells Known (CL 12th; concentration +15)
. . 4th (3/day)—black tentacles, cure critical wounds, neutralize poison, restoration
. . 3rd (5/day)—cure serious wounds, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease
. . 2nd (6/day)—calm spirit[OA] (DC 15), cure moderate wounds, ghost whip[OA], phantom steed, psychic leech (DC 15)
. . 1st (6/day)—comprehend languages, cure light wounds, detect undead, endure elements, mage armor, shield
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light, mending, stabilize, telekinetic projectile[OA]
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 30
Feats Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Skill Focus (Knowledge [local]), Skill Focus (Stealth), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (scythe)
Traits among humans, self-taught scholar, sensitive mind (sense motive)
Skills Appraise +1, Disguise +3 (+5 to appear human while assuming specific human form), Intimidate +23, Knowledge (local) +19, Linguistics +4 (+5 to decipher unfamiliar language), Perception +1, Profession (innkeeper) +7, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +14 (+15 to decipher scrolls), Stealth +7
Languages Common, Sylvan, Varisian
SQ automatic writing (linguistics), bonded senses (At will), change shape, emotional power, emotional spellcasting, etheric tether, fused consciousness, paranoid, phantom (Will, fear), prognostication (sense motive), shared consciousness
Combat Gear acid (2), alchemist's fire (2), holy water (2); Other Gear +5 heavy fortification mithral chain shirt, +3 merciful mithral scythe, club, cold iron morningstar, silver sickle, sling bullets (30), belt of physical perfection +2, handy haversack, ring of protection +3, flight grapnel, silk rope (50 ft.), trail rations (14), 3,743 gp, 3 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Automatic Writing (Linguistics, 1/week) You can produce mysterious writing that pertains to the immediate future.
Bonded Manifestation (15 rounds/day) (Su) When phantom is in consciousness partially manifest it on self.
Bonded Senses (At will) (Su) As a standard action, share the senses of your manifested phantom.
Change Shape (Human) (Su) Assume a single human form.
Emotional Power Gain a variety of spell like abilities based on Phantom's emotional focus.
Emotional Spellcasting Use Charisma as casting stat instead of Wisdom.
Etheric Tether (Su) Lose hp to prevent dam to phantom that would banish it to ethereal. Phantom must remain close when manifested or concentration required.
Fortification 75% You have a chance to negate critical hits on attacks.
Fused Consciousness (Su) Bonded senses and shared consciousness are constant, can use shared consciousness even when manifest phantom, but ends manifestation.
Greater Spiritual Interference (Ex) Allies can benefit from Spiritual Interference, at half the normal bonus.
Paranoid Aid Another DC 15 for attempts to help you.
Phantom (Shared Consciousness) Phantom can manifest as a separate creature or provide bonuses while sharing your mind.
Phantom Recall (2/day) (Su) Dimension door your phantom to your side or into your consciousness.
Prognostication (Sense Motive, 1/day) You are skilled in means of folk divination.
Shared Consciousness (1/day) (Su) Gain skill focuses and +8 vs. mind-affecting when not manifesting a phantom.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

Will (phantom):
Phantom (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures)
CN Medium outsider (phantom)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
Aura increase fear (20 ft., DC 18)
AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed 23 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +13 natural)
hp 67 (9d10+18)
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6 (+4 morale bonus vs. enchantment spells and effects)
DR 10/magic, 5/slashing
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +10 (1d10+1)
Str 12, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 19
Base Atk +9; CMB +10; CMD 25
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Frightening Ambush, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Stealthy
Skills Escape Artist +6, Fly +8, Intimidate +16, Perception +10, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +18
Languages Common
SQ devotion, ectoplasmic phase lurch, frightful attack, horrifying strike, magic attacks
Special Abilities
Aligned Attacks (Su) Slams count as magic and alignment for overcoming DR.
Combat Reflexes (5 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Damage Reduction (10/magic) You have Damage Reduction against all except Magic attacks.
Damage Reduction (5/slashing) You have Damage Reduction against all except Slashing attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Devotion +4 (Ex) +4 morale bonus vs. enchantment effects.
Ectoplasmic Phase Lurch (Su) Bypass solid obstacles (but not creatures) at half speed, must end turn in clear space.
Frightening Ambush Intimidate to demoralize flat-footed foe you attack.
Frightful Attack (Su) Horrifying strike can frighten or shake foes (phantom's choice).
Horrifying Strike (DC 18) (Su) Slam causes foe to be shaken 1d4 rds (Will neg).
Increase Fear (20 ft., 4 rounds, DC 18) (Su) Foes in aura worsen fear conditions 1 step until out of range + duration (Will neg).

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

Liberty's Edge

Bill and Will? :P

Dark Archive

Well, yeah. The phantom is literally a fragment of Bill's personality split off by some horrific eldrich horror he witnessed (maybe) while running an inn.

The idea, as I recall, was that Bill forgot he's a kitsune. So he always stays in human form. Will on the other hand looks like Bill should in his natural form.

If that doesn't fly I have a new idea. I am going to try and make a kobold a decent front-line fighter with the Dragon Fury Prestige class from Path of War.

Where is our fearless leader Ace Matthews? My servants are assembled and await to follow the horns of war!

When shall I feel puny weapons bounce off my flesh?

Hopefully soon! :D

Sorry guys, had a bout of insomnia this week that made it very hard to focus or do anything outside of work hours. I got some sleep today though, and I have this three day weekend off. I'll be in contact with Corsario with my votes on the party. Also, I'll post my build for the Kensai Magus known only as the Captain as soon as I get it looking decent.

Ouch! I know what that's like.

I think I am going to with draw from this one. You folks have fun.

Well Rosa is done, One Cleric party healer.

Dark Archive

Bill's able to heal, just not aoe healing or channeling. On the other hand, his insecurities and fears can punch foes as well.

cheesy crust I hate spellcasters. I may give up on this and make my favorite class anyway. Regardless I'll have my build up in a day or so.

Well ace if your not going Spell caster,

Lady Dizit Sama is has a real use, but then again so does Rosa.

Do you still need anyone? I've got plans for a Barbarian that I could use. A merfolk barbarian, specifically.

Betting my retired adventurers idea is out. But I saw an earlier post from Ace that suggested 3pp might not be considered. So will Path of War be allowed. I had an idea using the Dragon Fury prestige class for ridiculous damage while two-weapon fighting. Now I want to down grade that by making a kobold with that prestige class to see what he could do. I think I have a decent backstory as well. He's going to be from the Sootscale clan from kingmaker. After stopping Tartuk many of the tribe attempted to become adventurers like the ones that saved them.

Hey Ace, it might not be overly important that you finish your character fully before you select the party. People will need some time to finish fleshing theirs out, as well as Corsario to set up the game, give the introduction and all that.

I've given my input on selection already, Corsario can make the call and the campaign thread as soon as he likes, but I believe it might be a bit while we discuss.

Here is what I have so far for backstory. Still building though.

Fyrenmar was just a normal Kobold of the Sootscale Clan when Tartuk came. Sure Fyrenmar was a little stronger and a little faster. But he wasn't cunning like their chief or smart like their head miner or scary like Tartuk. He was just one of the clan. Tartuk promised them power and glory but most of the time he just bossed them around. He even bullied the chief into obeying. Tartuk was strong. Fyrenmar was not. He dig his tunnel, collected the silver and stayed quiet.
Then the hero's came. They were strong, stronger even than Tartuk. Stronger than the cursed mites. Tartuk attacked but he stood no chance. It was over in the blink of an eye and the chief was the chief again. For now. Fyrenmar thought the hero's would take over as Tartuk did. But they did not. They offered peace, trade and eventually an alliance. With Kobolds. They were very weird.

The weirdest was the scrawny human. Even Fyrenmar could tell he was a runt compared to the other humans. But he did not fight like one. When he finally got close to Tartuk, he hit him so hard he sent him flying across the cave. Where did one so small find so much strength? And more importantly, could Fyrenmar gain this power too? They did not leave immediately thankfully. They stuck around for a feast. And with the help of one of the other hero's, Fyrenmar learned that small man's strength came from something called "martial arts". When they started learning Common to speak to their allies, Fyrenmar learned the words "Can you teach me" first.

And he did. Again with the weirdness. He taught little, weak Fyrenmar martial arts. His favorite discipline obviously became Thrashing Dragon. Oh to fight like a dragon. Some kobolds were born with many powerful draconic powers and features. The human said that through hard work, disipline and training, he too could attain that power. That was all Fyrenmar needed to here.

I'm pulling out form this, I just get the feeling this may have broken legs before it even starts.

But Best of luck guys.

Pulling Lady Dizit Sama and Rosa from selection.

I think I'm going to drop out as well, just not really seeing a cohesive group that involves me coming out of this.

I'm withdrawing interest too, it's been 3 weeks of recruitment, I doubt this is going anywhere. Interesting idea nonetheless.

Grand Lodge

Same. I might change my mind if this thread revives.

Well then.

Sovereign Court

So who's still here for the game?

I am.

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