Advice on creating a MurderHobo code.


Dark Archive

My gaming group is very much NOT murderhobos - we have out power gamers, but are mostly into the role playing.

We mostly play veriations on the good or neutral adventurer, but I have found something different when playing my stubborn but naive Rage Prophet as someone who has read too many bad D&D adventure novels.

Stirring up trouble so he can kill someone and loot their corpse...stealing from random houses he's broken into in the course of a quest...looting from dead allies... wrote:

[Lawful Evil] Type 2 is a baddie with a code of honor (personal order) that prevents them from doing truly heinous things, or at least keeps them focused and disciplined, and if nothing else, you can count on them to always keep their promises.
Types 2's do have a sense of order, just not the one that society at large possesses. If this is the case, expect the Type 2 to be a Byronic Hero or Übermensch.

Let us not get off into alignment debates. Point is I'm writing a MurderHobo code for my character to follow. Requirements: It's gotta be evil, and it can't be too dickish to my fellow PCs.

Here is what I have so far:

MurderHobo Code wrote:

Being an adventurer means

  • Loyalty. Though only to your party.

  • Glory: I.e. taking quests that are offered.
    first come first serve on quests. The only requirement is that they do not conflict with an already existing open quest!

  • Looting. Foes, fallen allies, dungeons, recently abandoned houses...

  • Conquering. Bad guys only! And by bad guys I mean anyone standing in the way of any of the above three things.

Everything in the world belongs to adventurers, if they are strong enough to take it. In fact, they are obligated to take it - looting is a vital part of adventuring!

Not everything need be party-oriented. Epic heroes often have a personal quest. One personal quest at a time - it must be suitably epic, long-term, and cliche'd (find the thing/rescue the girl/discover the secret)

Remember - collateral damage is just another quest, waiting to happen!


Dark Archive

Might want to say obligation or job instead of quest. Quest sounds way too videogamey.

Assuming that actual bad D&D novels aren't sold in your PF world, what is this guys source? Is it norse sagas, tall stories he heard at ye olde village inn, 19th century-oid serials in the newspaper, or what?

Dark Archive

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avr wrote:
Assuming that actual bad D&D novels aren't sold in your PF world, what is this guys source? Is it norse sagas, tall stories he heard at ye olde village inn, 19th century-oid serials in the newspaper, or what?

The Pathfinder Chronicles of course.

I suspect the Pathfinder Chronicles regularly emphasize the value of the "Cooperate" part of their own code, and indeed, have probably showcased times when a good team was able to accomplish something an individual could not. Even murderhobos often care about their long-term interests, so that's the only reason you really need for anything involving supporting the rest of your party.

Dark Archive

GM Rednal wrote:
I suspect the Pathfinder Chronicles regularly emphasize the value of the "Cooperate" part of their own code, and indeed, have probably showcased times when a good team was able to accomplish something an individual could not. Even murderhobos often care about their long-term interests, so that's the only reason you really need for anything involving supporting the rest of your party.

I was being a bit facetious. Lol.

Dark Archive

I figure you can find awful exaggerated novels anywhere. Certainly in colonial times in Europe you could find all sorts of BS about heroic square-jawed heroes conquering Darkest Africa. Maybe Chelliax has a thriving propaganda business.

It seemed realistic to me, but if it doesn't seem right to you, suggestions are welcome!

I should probably make up an author to constantly refer to. 'Well, Sir xxx learned in his greenskins wars that due to their superstitious and incurious nature, any magic items these hobgobbies have are certainly stolen and belongs to us civilized folk by right.' 'Well, Sir xxx tells us that dragons have hordes just to taunt us because they don't think we're strong enough to take them. Lets teach this one a lesson!'

Looting: Being wasteful is a sin. The world is big, dangerous, and filled with big and dangerous things. There is always a demand for combat equipment. Even if you can't personally use the swords and armor you find, you can sell it to someone else. Maybe that customer will use it to save an orphanage? Leave nothing unlooted.

Scarab Sages

Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
Might want to say obligation or job instead of quest. Quest sounds way too videogamey.


Be honest, with yourself.
If you can't arrange to get away, ensure there are no hostile or unreliable witnesses.
There is nothing of greater value than a loyal ally, unless it enough to retire on.

The MurderHobo code:

The first rule of Murderhobo Club is: You do not talk about MurderHobo code Club. The second rule of Murderhobo Club is: You do not talk about MurderHobo code Club. Third rule of Murderhobo Club: Someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.

Graystone's Third rule of Murderhobo Club: Someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Apply Coup de Gras

You failed to finish this, I added the finishing text in bold.

If you've read some of Brandon Sanderson's more recent Mistborn books (the ones starring Wax) you'll have seen excerpts from a in-character newspaper with a serial of the kind you're describing. Less British of course.

I'm not sure how to put it as a code of honour but it's important to this sort of character that they always think of themselves as at least the equal of anyone they meet. Being gracious to everyone, even those beneath you is also important. Which isn't to say that teaching people a lesson when they need it is wrong!

Assume monsters are evil until disproven.

Yes... This includes Goblin Babies.

Avoid as much conversation with monsters as possible. That way you can have plausible deniability when it turns out you just killed the greatest chef in the Hordes of Belkzen devoting his life to redeeming his orc brethren through a healthy outlet and---

You get the idea.

Edit: Now that I think about it 'don't ask don't tell' is pretty much standard procedure.

Dark Archive

Bfk for life, forever! Look no further than the bum fight crew from the infamous bum fights for your hobo code.

You may only loot allies when their negative hit points exceeds their constitution score (unless they have special abilities raising their death threshold, in which case when the negative hit points exceeds that) and the cost to revive them is deemed not worth the effort, requiring a 2/3 majority vote from the whole group.

What the Paladin doesn't know can't hurt them.

XP looting always takes priority over gold looting. (However gold looting is never to be neglected. XP just comes first)

Assume all corpses were evil people who definitely deserved it so looting is completely acceptable.

The standard interrogation response is always it was for the greater good and make sure you coordinate with allies to avoid a prisoner's dilemma scenario.

Daw wrote:

Graystone's Third rule of Murderhobo Club: Someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Apply Coup de Gras

You failed to finish this, I added the finishing text in bold.

No you check his pockets for lose coins and take his boots. If you Coup de Gras, then you have to sell him as a corpse instead of a slave. A Murderhobo has bills to pay and he doesn't want to personally carry all those 1cp nails he pried out after someone left them in that last building holding all that lumber in place. And a stack of these floor tiles are 5 cp. Someone hand me my crowbar...

graystone wrote:
Daw wrote:

Graystone's Third rule of Murderhobo Club: Someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Apply Coup de Gras

You failed to finish this, I added the finishing text in bold.

No you check his pockets for lose coins and take his boots. If you Coup de Gras, then you have to sell him as a corpse instead of a slave. A Murderhobo has bills to pay and he doesn't want to personally carry all those 1cp nails he pried out after someone left them in that last building holding all that lumber in place. And a stack of these floor tiles are 5 cp. Someone hand me my crowbar...

You are looking for the AssaultHobo or the RaidHobo Guild. They share the building next door.

Crossbowman wrote:
graystone wrote:
Daw wrote:

Graystone's Third rule of Murderhobo Club: Someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Apply Coup de Gras

You failed to finish this, I added the finishing text in bold.

No you check his pockets for lose coins and take his boots. If you Coup de Gras, then you have to sell him as a corpse instead of a slave. A Murderhobo has bills to pay and he doesn't want to personally carry all those 1cp nails he pried out after someone left them in that last building holding all that lumber in place. And a stack of these floor tiles are 5 cp. Someone hand me my crowbar...
You are looking for the AssaultHobo or the RaidHobo Guild. They share the building next door.

We here at munchkin inc. take education of those we cannot kill/rob/otherwisetakeadvantageof very seriously. Although we do not have issues with other organizations taking the blame for our crimes against humanity we do take issue with misappropriation of credit. After all teaching is worth exp.

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