Captain Yesterday's Guide To Skyrim Incompetence: Legendary Edition!

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Nope, I don't believe in blaming Cosmo. :-)

captain yesterday wrote:
Nope, I don't believe in blaming Cosmo. :-)


I guess we can still be friends... ;)

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I was my brother's scapegoat as a kid.

So I have a very hard time blaming someone else for something they didn't do.

I know it's his shtick and it's all done in fun, so it's all good.

It's just not for me. :-)

Well, I've got a choice in front of me now. In order to save the world from what is looking like a Vampire Apocalypse, I must either become a Vampire myself or Trap half my soul in a Gem (which will apparently make me weaker)

Not really in favor of becoming a vampire (I have two daughters to think of) but.....volunteering to become weaker just feel wrong.

(As a player, I figure both options are temporary so probably going to become a blood sucking fiend for a little while, but my character is conflicted)

Vampirism, Greylurker. You can cure it later if you don't like it, but why bother? It's not like it's uncontrollable. And at least you won't get bored, because the Dawnguard will show up all the time to keep you entertained. Hope you like the taste of crossbow bolts :)

I hated being a vampire in Oblivion.

But then, there was a lot of stuff I hated in Oblivion.

So, so many Daedric towers... all the same shit...

It was an alright game for the time though.

Vampirism in Skyrim has a much lower maintenence cost, especially with Dawnguard installed.

1. You no longer take damage from the sun but instead take take a penalty to your max health, stamina and magicka while out in the sun. Your regeneration of these stats is reduced to 0% while in sun but magicka regen enchantments and other similar effects can still increase your regeneration so that they are only weakened while out in the sun rather than turned off completely.
2. You take a weakness to fire, the severity of which depends on your stage of vampirism.
3. You get attacked by NPCs at stage four but if you have Dawnguard installed, this weakness is disabled. There's very little reason to feed with Dawnguard installed.

1. Your sneaking is improved by 25%
2. Your illusion spells are 25% more powerful
3. You gain frost resistance that varies in magnitude depending on your stage of vampirism.
4. Calm a creature with a power called "Vampiric Seduction" once per day. The highest level creature you can effect depends on what stage of vampirism you are at. Interestingly, since this is considered an illusion effect, illusion perks can also effect the magnitude of this.
5. Reanimate a dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds once per day. Your stage of vampirism dictates the highest level creature you can effect.
6. At stage 4, you can turn invisible for 180 seconds once per day. Like other invisibility effects, the effect is cancelled if you interact with anything.
7. If you're a Vampire Lord from Dawnguard, you naturally reap other benefits

With Dawnguard installed, the benefits outweigh the penalties by far in my opinion.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

YMMV with vampirirsm. I found it annoying that a vampire loses all of their more powerful abilities once they feed. That seems backwards to me. I also didn't like that nearly all of the abilities you get as a vampire are re-skinned versions of things you can already do as a living character.

The 25% bonuses to Sneak and Illusion can easily be achieved with items and potions. Frost resistance items and potions can achieve equal or greater protection to cold. Reanimation is covered by Conjuration spells. Invisibility potions are easy to create and there's a spell for it. All of the Vampire Lord abilities with the exception of Vampiric Grip mimic shouts or spells you can purchase or locate. Many of the Standing Stones also offer some of these abilities.

Basically, you're accepting weakness to fire and diminished ability in sunlight for a bunch of stuff you can already get + an admittedly cool Vader Force Choke power. Sure you can get all the vampire stuff faster than you can get all those other things by exploring, purchasing and crafting, but I don't feel that's as much fun.

I know I'm a little late for this, but some one said to avoid giants at the low levels. On this I disagree, You can totally kill the giants and mammoth easily that our just outside Whiterun and you can do so at first level. First get there attention. Then run like hell, occasionally stopping to fire an arrow at them. Make you way as fast as you frantically can to the tower that the Jarl sent you to defend. Then go inside and stand just inside the doorway and shoot or hack at the giant or mammoth to your heart's content (mammoths are a bit trickier this way since they seem a bit smarter than the giants and are less likely to just stand in the doorway.) If this seems to cheap and exploity for you then you can just run around and dodge through the rubble outside the tower and otherwise use the terrain to your advantage to kill them. You can also do this with the giants just north of that tower.

Personally I'm an orc archer that uses summons and occasionally destruction. I had planned melee and still do it but sneaking and archery are just so good in this game.

captain yesterday wrote:

I was my brother's scapegoat as a kid.

So I have a very hard time blaming someone else for something they didn't do.

I know it's his shtick and it's all done in fun, so it's all good.

It's just not for me. :-)

I got it...I was joking.

Velcro Zipper wrote:

YMMV with vampirirsm. I found it annoying that a vampire loses all of their more powerful abilities once they feed. That seems backwards to me. I also didn't like that nearly all of the abilities you get as a vampire are re-skinned versions of things you can already do as a living character.

The 25% bonuses to Sneak and Illusion can easily be achieved with items and potions. Frost resistance items and potions can achieve equal or greater protection to cold. Reanimation is covered by Conjuration spells. Invisibility potions are easy to create and there's a spell for it. All of the Vampire Lord abilities with the exception of Vampiric Grip mimic shouts or spells you can purchase or locate. Many of the Standing Stones also offer some of these abilities.

Basically, you're accepting weakness to fire and diminished ability in sunlight for a bunch of stuff you can already get + an admittedly cool Vader Force Choke power. Sure you can get all the vampire stuff faster than you can get all those other things by exploring, purchasing and crafting, but I don't feel that's as much fun.

A lot of modders agree with you on that one.

Oh I know, it's all good.

I just never get to explain why. :-)

captain yesterday wrote:

I was my brother's scapegoat as a kid.

So I have a very hard time blaming someone else for something they didn't do.

I know it's his shtick and it's all done in fun, so it's all good.

It's just not for me. :-)

I kinda know how you feel.

For me, knowing this is for fun make it easier, but I still try to restrain myself from extremes.

@ Jack of Dust, Dawnguard also added "Blood Potion", and a way to to "block the sun".

captain yesterday wrote:

Oh I know, it's all good.

I just never get to explain why. :-) I could have gone...

.... .. ... ..... ...

And you would have explained...I feel used ;)


I suppose I should try to take out the three (ghost) stooges again.

Or take a nap... i've been up cleaning since four this morning.

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

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captain yesterday wrote:
Nope, I don't believe in blaming Cosmo. :-)


Silver Crusade

Cosmo wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Nope, I don't believe in blaming Cosmo. :-)

Oh f!@*.

Gloomreach Caverns.

Judging by the ominous music that played when I found it, I'd say they expect me to die.

looks at references from the smithy in Whiterun, which says "meets expectations".


Curse my habit of not saving every five feet.

And f@*! you Draugr Scourge that cornered me with his Frost Atronach.

And f!#* off my Frost Atronach for just standing there like an a&%#*#+.

But mostly it was the first one. :-(

I was having an epic rampage too!

A Draugr Deathlord and an entourage of two Draugr Scourges.

Eat a dick Skyrim!

So putting myself in Ayla's shoes. The Soul trap thing is probably not much different than what happened with Azura's Star, SO I know what that's like. So no Vampirism for me. Soul Tethered and into the Soul Cairn we go.

Not sure what I was expecting but Find some crazy Guy's book and another guy's skeleton horse wasn't it. Why can't dead people keep track of their stuff?

Back to main Questing, Go here do this Kill those guys

Loot their wonderful Dragonbone weapons

so very wonderful

and then Get the Greatest Shout Ever
-Summon Dragon Necromancer-

and what is the first thing the Dragon Necromancer dose. Teaches you a Shout that Rips people's Souls out.

oh and I got a 2nd Elder Scroll

So yeah all in all, that was worth the trip.

Sounds like you're doing just fine, Greylurker. Poke around a bit more in the Soul Cairn and you'll find more stuff people misplaced.

Yes, Dragonbone weapons are wonderful. Even more so when Legendary and enchanted!

Captain: The Draugyr are not that special. They burn easily enough, though you're fighting the ones that think screaming at you is a good idea. When you're squishy, they're even right.

Except one of the a%!@#!$ Draugr whatever keeps disarming my Silver Greatsword!

That's okay, two can play that game!

Yeah, I'm betting on that Deathlord for that. It happened to me a lot at lower levels. Couldn't even find my weapon a time or two. I find dead Draugyr can't do that for some reason. It also stopped eventually.

Anyone else get the feeling that Archmage of Winterhole is more of a political appointment and less to do with actual ability.

Just saying.

Lathiira wrote:
Yeah, I'm betting on that Deathlord for that. It happened to me a lot at lower levels. Couldn't even find my weapon a time or two. I find dead Draugyr can't do that for some reason. It also stopped eventually.

So, it turns out, they had atrocious situational awareness.

My tactics for the battle.

1. get to the top of the stairs.

2. Summon Frost Atronach, just inside the doorway.

3. Run down stairs and hide in a corner, waiting for magic to regenerate.

4. Take an occasional shot with Dwarven Bow of Flaming.

repeat, over and over again, until everything is deaderer then they were before.

The stairs weren't even that long.

Also Haverroak wasn't that hard, just stand next to the a&*~@~$ with my boots of diminishing shock swinging away on him with my Silver Greatsword and that's all he wrote.

The magic anomalies were a great time!

On account of the Blood Dragon that joined in the ruckus. :-)

I'm pretty sure everyone in town died though.

Dead townsfolk everywhere!

I'm sure they'll let it go once i'm archmage though. I can't imagine them holding a grudge...

Skyrim Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
Lathiira wrote:
Yeah, I'm betting on that Deathlord for that. It happened to me a lot at lower levels. Couldn't even find my weapon a time or two. I find dead Draugyr can't do that for some reason. It also stopped eventually.

So, it turns out, they had atrocious situational awareness.

My tactics for the battle.

1. get to the top of the stairs.

2. Summon Frost Atronach, just inside the doorway.

3. Run down stairs and hide in a corner, waiting for magic to regenerate.

4. Take an occasional shot with Dwarven Bow of Flaming.

repeat, over and over again, until everything is deaderer then they were before.

The stairs weren't even that long.

As I've said, sucky perception. Always, ALWAYS remember what Serana says about the draugyr: "I wonder if they're still as easy to fool as when I was a child." The answer is...yes, yes they are.

(Though admittedly, I've disarmed a Deathlord before. Going from Ebony weaponry to unarmed takes the sting out of their puny attacks.)

I tried to disarm him, it didn't work for some reason.

That was the second time I died.

Off to Labrynthian, or whatever it's called.

My deaths shall be many, and ever so pathetic!

If you're still planning on going vampire, don't forget the Necromage Perk! It buffs everything affecting the undead by 70%, and since you're undead...

My kids wanted to try it, so I went back to Bleakbarrow Falls, equipped my Flaming Ebony Greatsword and turned them loose.

No stealth, just running through the dungeon swinging at everything.

And so much loot!

Labyrinthian. Not my favorite place.

Maybe let your kids run amok for you for a while to gather some loot is the order of the day?

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Exterminating guardian spirit animals because some old dude in a cabin with a young boy told me to.

I need to find new friends.

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All the guardian spirit animals are dead. Dude let me keep his useless bow I found with the Troll spirit.

They were all pretty easy to take out. The troll got within 10 feet of my personage but that's the closest those a*$~@$%s got to hitting me.

captain yesterday wrote:

All the guardian spirit animals are dead. Dude let me keep his useless bow I found with the Troll spirit.

They were all pretty easy to take out. The troll got within 10 feet of my personage but that's the closest those a*+#*%%s got to hitting me.

Make sure to check out the wood chopping stump before you leave there. There's a unique circlet that lessens required magica for all magic types and also counts as light armor. It's 13 and not smith-able, but will let you take advantage of the 25% armor bonus for wearing all light armor.

Damn it! Pretty sure I already pawned that.

It's all good, I'm more of a heavy armor type anyway.

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Carting around 3 Elder Scrolls right now, at 20lbs each. Pretty much have to wear my Looter's Ring full time just so I can pick up loot.

Still I can't really think of anyplace safer for them. If there is something out there that can kill me and Serana The scrolls won't be safe with anyone else.

The two of us are shacked up in my tiny cottage in the swamp trying to figure out our next move. Have to find some magic bow that can shoot out the sun or something

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Greylurker wrote:

The two of us are shacked up in my tiny cottage in the swamp trying to figure out our next move. Have to find some magic bow that can shoot out the sun or something

This sounds like how both my gaming groups summarize plot points in my campaigns...

Crashed the party. Was not subtle.

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I'm pretty sure I was noticed, at some point.

Possibly when I opened the door, summoned my frost Atronach just inside then closed the door and waited until the first half stupid elf opened it and I ice formed the twit.

Or possibly when I was chasing elven wizards around the courtyard chopping them down while thru blasted me with lightning.

Or possibly because I only went in there with my weapons, armor, and nothing else and robbed the embassy stupid. Bread, goblets, shitty books, I grabbed everything.

...yeah...I remember that party.....would have been nice to be stealthy doing that.
It just ....didn't work out that way.

Is probably the reason I keep getting pack of Thalmor trying to kill me as I wander the roads

You can look forward to that, they tend to start with Fire Atronachs and then lots and lots of Fireballs.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

It disappoints me that you can't do anything with the Thalmor's dossier on Ulfric Stormcloak. It seems like certain people on both sides of the civil war would be interested to learn the Aldmeri Dominion is using Ulfric as an unwitting puppet in their efforts to destabilize the Empire.

Velcro Zipper wrote:
It disappoints me that you can't do anything with the Thalmor's dossier on Ulfric Stormcloak. It seems like certain people on both sides of the civil war would be interested to learn the Aldmeri Dominion is using Ulfric as an unwitting puppet in their efforts to destabilize the Empire.

I am not totally sure about the unwitting puppet part. IMHO He is trying to use them just as much as they are trying to use him.

Spoiled for the people who have not gotten there yet.

Serana and I reached Darkfall Caverns today. Popped in looked around didn't see much until the damn bridge fell out from under us.
Dumpped us in an underground river and got washed down to who knowns were

Long and the short of it is we are lost somewhere underground with lots of spiders.

Found a camp of some kind...and a body of a camper. There was also a note, something about Trolls.

No way out yet though. Gonna bed down here and take turns keeping watch.

Hope Serana doesn't get hungry while we are stuck down here.

Don't worry Greylurker, there is a way out. Just keep pressing on and beware of one of Skyrim's most common underground civilizations:

The Falmer

As for Serana getting hungry, well, maybe you should take precautions?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Sharoth wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Spoiled for the people who have not gotten there yet.

Dossier discussion:
Ulfric might be using his people's hatred of the Thalmor to push his agenda, but I'm not sure he knows they want him to, hence unwitting.

The Thalmor suckered him while he was their prisoner by leading him to believe the information he gave them under torture led to the fall of the Imperial City. Then they allowed his escape and seem to have established some kind of direct contact with him (I'm thinking through proxies) until the Markarth Incident. Since then, they've been surreptitiously aiding the Stormcloaks in order to drag out the war. They also tried to intervene with Ulfric's execution in Helgen and might have succeeded at springing him if not for Alduin showing up and doing the job for them.

It seems to me like he's in the dark about how much the Aldmeri Dominion is helping his cause for their own gain. How he might react to learning this is anyone's guess. He seems savvy enough and self-interested enough to take advantage of the knowledge by disadvantaging his forces just enough in a minor hold like Morthal or Falkreath to get Thalmor agents to act on his behalf and help him win some territory, but I could also see him using select language from the dossier to stir up his people by revealing the AD's role in fomenting the war.

Ok up and at'em Lost, underground with a vampire and possibly trolls.

but first, My light armor skill can be made legendary. I have no idea what that dose but it sounds like a good idea.

On further reflection (and bone crunching deaths) I can see how it can be a useful thing to do but this was possibly not the best time to resent my armor skill down to 15 and zero perks.

At any rate I am now on a religious pilgimage to murder a priest and steal a holy relic. I have emerged from dark caves into a snowy forgotten valley.

Did you know that Frost Giants are a thing? I did not know that. They are bigger and uglier than regular giants.

Did I mention my armor skill was reset.
This valley looks great when viewed from the air

If your skill can be made Legendary, it means you're sitting on a skill at level 100. At your option, you can remove all ranks from it (drops it to rank 15), get any perks spent on it back, and then relevel it (or not), allowing you to continue to level up (as you can level the skill again, and thus level yourself).

There are only a few frost giants. Keep the paragon gems you find with them. In that valley, you will find nearby one of the giant lairs a place those gems can be used to access more loot.

Lathiira wrote:

If your skill can be made Legendary, it means you're sitting on a skill at level 100. At your option, you can remove all ranks from it (drops it to rank 15), get any perks spent on it back, and then relevel it (or not), allowing you to continue to level up (as you can level the skill again, and thus level yourself).

yeah I figured out that part but it also means that since my Light armor skill dropped down to 15 and no perks, my Armor score went from roughly 650 or so to 250.

Think I might need a quick fast travel home to grab my Ebony Plate

Well, that might help. Another suggestion, depending on your build of course, is to start leveling it up quickly by letting weaker enemies get a few shots in at you. I'd define weaker enemies in that valley as the occasional animal (not many of those, mainly the vale saber cats) and some of the falmer. It'll start to level again pretty quick. Though that might be a safer stunt to pull elsewhere, like west of Whiterun, or wandering the hills and vales east of Markarth/west of Falkreath.

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