Cunning from the Villian Codex

Rules Questions

Can someone explain to me how this works? I'm not entirely sure exactly. Also if anyone can post the text for it word for word that'd be great. Need it for my DM and we can't afford the book just yet.
My character is a Suli monk of the four winds. Level one.

I don't think it's any more complicated than a scaling "You get an additional skill rank every hit die you have."

+1 skill point per hit die

It functions the same way as the human "skilled" racial (not race) trait. You gain +1 skill point for every HD you have.

You are particularly devious, and can master more skills than others in the same amount of time.
Benefit: You gain 1 additional skill point per Hit Die. When you take this feat, you gain a number of skill points equal to your Hit Dice right away, and every time your Hit Dice increase in the future, you will gain an additional skill point as well.

Man, that's... Pretty filthy. Getting a racial trait for a feat.

Ashram wrote:
Man, that's... Pretty filthy. Getting a racial trait for a feat.

Not really.

1 hit point per level is worth a feat & 1 hit point is equal to 1 skill point = 1 skill point per level is worth a feat.

So basically I gain one extra skill point every level up and one when I take the feat right?

Allen Aynes wrote:
So basically I gain one extra skill point every level up and one when I take the feat right?

You gain an extra skill rank for every level up, and get extra ranks equal to your current level when you take the feat. Think of it like toughness, but for skills.

Oh, so if I level up to level 8 I'd get 9 free skill points from this feat?

Allen Aynes wrote:
Oh, so if I level up to level 8 I'd get 9 free skill points from this feat?

You get one extra skill point for each of your levels. At level 8 you will have 8 more skill points than you would have without the feat.

Got ya. Sorry, hit dice has always confused me. I appreciate the help everyone!

Allen Aynes wrote:
Oh, so if I level up to level 8 I'd get 9 free skill points from this feat?

If you take it at 9th, you get 9 skill points. If you have it already and you level up, you get 1 skill point.

take at 5th get 5 skill points. Level up 1 from 5th to 6th, get 1 extra point.

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