[Legendary Games] Coming Soon in 2017 Product Preview Thread!

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Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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We've been hard at work in the word mines and layout factories here at Legendary Games getting things ready for you. We've been putting a lot of resources into tying up the next couple of adventures in the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, with the Pathfinder version of Richard Pett's Confederates of the Shattered Zone going out to Kickstarter backers last weekend (and on track for wide release next month) and much more to come, including its 5E cousin and both versions of Matt Goodall's Dead Vault Descent. But that doesn't mean we don't have some other great new stuff coming your way, and the first preview for you is here!


This terrific new book by Legendary newcomer Ben Walklate brings the danger and intrigue of politics home to the kingdom your heroes have worked so hard to establish. They must successfully navigate the politics and rivalries of other power brokers, political groups, pious religious institutions, merchant councils, and more. Check out the product preview and get ready for this book to arrive THIS FRIDAY!

The sultan’s grand vizier is secretly plotting against him with other members of the court. The guilds are trying to bully small businesses. The neighboring country have spies in the palace. The city guard in the capital are under the pay of the thieves’ guild. The local druid circle aren’t happy about all the farms being built, or the woodcutting in the forest, and want the kingdom’s Councilor to help them persuade the king to put a stop to it.

All of these are themes from fantasy stories, but the core kingdom building rules introduced in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign and expanded in Ultimate Rulership from Legendary Games focus primarily on your heroes and the decisions they make as the ruling council of their own kingdom. With Ultimate Factions, we provide you with detailed rules for different political factions, religious sects, and any number of influential power brokers and wealthy elites devoted to rising up and seizing whatever they can hold. Your heroes may play off their rivals against one another and use their wits to consolidate their own power and secure their throne from threats that can't be defeated by sword or spell. In the great game of houses and thrones, your heroes must triumph!

Check out a cover preview right here!

I'm ready!

That's Friday. As in 0001 GMT yes?

Actually, make 0001 New Zealand time....


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

New announcement incoming shortly...

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aaaaand here it is!

Today we are pleased to release the latest in our Ultimate line of products that focus on the world beyond the dungeon - Ultimate Factions by Legendary newcomer Ben Walklate! You can grab Ultimate Factions right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon, starting at just $5.99!

This 26-page supplement is packed with information on working with rivals, factions, politics, and power brokers in your campaign, whether you're playing at an individual character party level or using the kingdom-building and management rules from Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign and Ultimate Rulership from Legendary Games! Your heroes may love bashing down dungeon doors and looting tombs, but the siren song of the city beckons, and where wealth and power collide that is where they'd better be ready to deal with thieves' guilds, merchant councils, grasping robber barons, power-hungry priests, skulking spy networks, and more!

But wait, THERE'S MORE! Next Monday will see the triumphant return of MYTHIC MONDAY, with a brand-new batch of mythological monsters for your campaign!

This incredible collection of creatures from the so-called Cradle of Civilization is coming your way, courtesy of Loren Sieg, Victoria Jaczko, and Jason Nelson! Mythic Monsters: Middle East brings you an awesome array of creatures malevolent and benign from the cradle of civilization, with creatures drawn from the mythology and lore of Persia, Mesopotamia, Israel, and Arabia. These incredible creatures range from CR 1 to CR 23, from seemingly the harmless horned almiraj to the hulking warlord humbaba and the soaring two-headed rukh. You will find savage and destructive divs seeking to ruin all that mortals create, from the staring evil eye of the aghash to the sinister whispers of the doru and the unbridled lust of the pairaka. Some Middle Eastern monsters would simply rather be left to their own devices but their wrath kindles hot and their vengeance is fierce, whether they appear to mortals as beautiful godlike nephilim or hideous scorpion-centaur girtablilu. There are spirits of the dead lurking in the shadows, embodying the power of absolute shadow like the owb or possessing mortals and driving them to madness and murder like the dybbuk. You will find guardians of good like the albino peri with their wings of fire, and at the opposite extreme the draconic embodiment of death and decay in the pestilential taniniver. As if a dozen mythic monsters were not enough, we also bring you the rainbow-plumed buraq, a skyfaring steed sent by the powers of heaven to bear the truly worth across the endless night sky. In addition, we present an array of rules for the desolate and deadly desert sands that are ever encroaching on the fertile crescent, bringing nature's fury and supernatural menace to the dust lands beyond life and hope.

But because we love you, you can get this new mythic monsters book RIGHT NOW exclusively at the Legendary Games webstore!

Next Friday (January 20) will be bringing you a double-shot of amazing Asian awesomeness, with the fantastic new 20-level class Legendary Hybrids: Yakuza by Jason Nelson and N. Jolly joining the incredible compilation of 110 Asian-themed arcane, divine, and psychic spells for all levels and 20 different casting classes in the Asian Spell Compendium by Jason Nelson! We'll have more extensive previews coming soon, but suffice to say that if you like an Asian influence even a little bit in your campaign, you are not going to want to miss these two supplements.

Of course, we've got other character options coming soon too, with Intrigue Archetypes coming for the Red Queen Adventure Path Plug-Ins and Magitech Archetypes for the Metal Gods Plug-Ins line, both off to layout this week, with yet more amazing material on the way soon! Have a great weekend everybody, and always remember to Make Your Game Legendary!

Check out cover previews and links to buy right here at the Legendary Games website!

What's the news for On the Siberian Line? We exited the Hut on Earth last night (and stepped on mines and got shot in the face).


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just wanted to point out that the Open Gaming Store has the Asian Spell Compendium up for purchase, and wanted to know if that was an error. :)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Lindley Court wrote:
Just wanted to point out that the Open Gaming Store has the Asian Spell Compendium up for purchase, and wanted to know if that was an error. :)

Thanks for letting me know; yes, that is an error.

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Looking forward to getting my grubby little paws on Ultimate Factions in print!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

necromental wrote:
What's the news for On the Siberian Line? We exited the Hut on Earth last night (and stepped on mines and got shot in the face).

Pedro had hoped he'd have it done by the end of December, but it's still not complete. We previewed some of the maps from it, but alas no news to report on its doneness. :(

Do you think you'll make significant progress on delivering the printed issues of legendary planet? It feels like it's been ages since issue one. :(

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Steve Geddes wrote:
Do you think you'll make significant progress on delivering the printed issues of legendary planet? It feels like it's been ages since issue one. :(

If you've only gotten one issue of Legendary Planet, that's a problem. :(

You already should have The Assimilation Strain, To Worlds Unknown, and The Scavenged Codex. Confederates of the Shattered Zone (Pathfinder) print copies are in process now at the printer. Confederates (5E) just started in layout this weekend and will be going out to backers as soon as it's done and processed at the printer.

Email me and let me know which ones you have already and I'll get the others headed your way.

No worries. I'll send you an email - I got about three misprinted copies of the first two, if you recall (which you sorted for me, thanks again!). So it doesn't surprise me if there's been some further glitches. I swear I annoyed the POD company in a previous life... :p

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Steve Geddes wrote:
No worries. I'll send you an email - I got about three misprinted copies of the first two, if you recall (which you sorted for me, thanks again!). So it doesn't surprise me if there's been some further glitches. I swear I annoyed the POD company in a previous life... :p

Reply sent!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Today we are pleased to present the latest creature collection from Legendary Games, Mythic Monsters: Middle East! With a dozen and one delightful denizens of the myths and legends of the cradle of civilization, this book brings you creatures from Persia, Mesopotamia, Israel, and Arabia, as well as some delightfully deadly rules for desert adventuring! You can pick up this terrific new book at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon!

Links to all sales sites

That's not the only news relevant to ancient civilizations, either, as we are also proud to present (a day early) our latest TWO$DAY product of the week, now the proud recipient of Endzeitgeist's 5-star seal of approval, Past Lives: Secrets of Reincarnation by Michael Kortes! This incredible supplement explores reincarnation in a whole new way, not just some silly table to see whether you come back as a gnome or a badger, but an in-depth exploration of legends of the past coming to life once more through repressed memories, thematic touchstones, feats, magic items, and more. And all for just $2 this week!

Of course the "Middle East" is just a euphemism for the southwestern part of Asia here on earth, and we've got plenty more Asian awesomeness coming from parts farther east. This Friday you can look forward to the debut of not one but TWO new outstanding Asian-themed products: the Asian Spell Compendium and Legendary Hybrids: Yakuza, which we'll be previewing this week to whet your appetite. Starting in alphabetical order...

The Asian Spell Compendium brings you 110 amazing new magical spells inspired by the mysteries of the Orient, from the frozen tundra and boreal forests of the far north to the serpent jungles of the south. Drawing from the myths, legends, and lore of China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, Siberia, and more, you'll find tons of new spells for every school and 20 spellcasting classes, from ancestral wrath to word of pain and all spells in between. You'll see offensive spells like flame shuriken, tiger trap, and blessed jade strike and defensive incantations like spirit ward, toad's kiss, and sublime detachment, from minor magics like awful apparition, drowsy fireflies, and punji pit to mighty enchantments like divine wind, rain of sacred lotus petals, terra cotta legion, and the deadly marvelous chopsticks. Whether you favor arcane, divine, or psychic spells, tapping the power of elements or magic of the mind, you'll find an incredible array of new and inventive spells perfect for introduction into an all-Asian campaign or one that simply draws a bit here and there from the magic and mystery of the unapproachable east.

Keep your eyes here for more information on Legendary Hybrids: Yakuza, and also for updates on all of our product lines. For those following the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, we've just sent out a Kickstarter update with the latest information on progress, like Confederates of the Shattered Zone (5E) already in layout as we speak, and upcoming adventure manuscripts complete and now in development!

Check out all the latest right here!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Tomorrow brings you a delightful double-shot of fantastic Far East Friday goodness with the Asian Spell Compendium and Legendary Hybrids: Yakuza! Having already given you a look at what's coming with those spells, today it's the Yakuza's turn!

Here's a quick run-down:

Tattoos, Triads, and Treachery

Legendary Hybrids: Yakuza is the latest volume in our series of class-focused player supplements, introducing a new series of hybrid classes like those in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide that blend the core elements of two different base classes into a unique synergy all their own. The yakuza is a 20-level hybrid class that combines sneakiness and skullduggery with the power of teamwork and organization, bringing together the tactically minded and charismatic cavalier with the shadow-stepping ninja to produce a deadly combination of secret societies and smuggling, wielding the power of their gangs to rule the black markets with equal parts backstabbing and bravado. In addition to the yakuza class and 5 gangs like the Blood Tong and Jade Triad, you'll also find 8 incredible archetypes from the gun runner and tattooed one to junk pirate and flying tiger, plus favored class bonuses, yakuza feats, and a ready-to-use sample yakuza gang boss, Shinsuke Tatsu of the Dragon Lords! Grab this 30-page Pathfinder class supplement and Make Your Game Legendary!

Both this book and the Asian Spell Compendium will be available starting tomorrow everywhere fine Pathfinder products are sold, but these are not the last Asian-themed products we have on the way! Our Mythic Monsters team, having already brought you monsters from China and India, is now hard at work on Mythic Monsters: Japan, and of course we also have the incredible Asian Archetypes: Magical coming your way soon, with bloodlines for sorcerers and bloodragers alike as well as some fantastically fun new archetypal options, like the Kaiju Caller, an archetype for the unchained summoner. Since we're in a previewing mood, here are just a few of its class features!

Chant of Doom (Su): At 8th level, a kaiju caller can expend one daily use of his summon monster spell-like ability while bellowing a terrifying primal chant imploring the attention of the great kaiju. This causes the sky to seem to grow dark, the wind to rise, trees to sway, and the distant tread of enormous footsteps to be heard and felt, interspersed with faraway echoing screeches and roars that slowly draw closer. Living enemies within 30 feet of the kaiju caller automatically become shaken (no save) as long as he continues to chant, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier or his number of ranks in Perform (singing), whichever is less (minimum 1 round). This cannot cause a creature to become frightened or panicked, even if they are already shaken. Beginning this chant is a move action but maintaining it is a free action in subsequent rounds. The kaiju caller can take other actions while chanting but cannot cast spells with a verbal component or speak command words while maintaining the chant. If the kaiju caller is deaf, he has a 20% chance for this ability to fail without effect, still expending one use of his summon monster ability. This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect, and deaf creatures are immune to it.

If a kaiju caller has a drum or similar percussion instrument, he may play this instrument rather than chanting in order to create this effect (using Perform (percussion) in place of Perform (singing) to determine the maximum duration he can maintain the effect). If he does so, he can speak and utter command words while maintaining the chant but must use both hands to continue playing the instrument and so cannot cast spells with somatic components or perform other actions requiring his hands.

While this expends a use of his summon monster ability, using it does not interfere with the kaiju caller’s ability to summon other monsters or his eidolon.

This replaces transposition.

Invoke Disaster (Sp): At 20th level, a kaiju caller can expend two uses of his summon monster spell-like ability in order to create a localized natural disaster, duplicating the effect of any of the following spells: control weather, earthquake, storm of vengeance, tsunamiAPG, whirlwind. Alternatively, he can expend all of his daily uses of summon monster in order to call a kaiju to him. This may be a specific kaiju or spawn of the destroyer known to exist in the campaign world, or may take the form of a tempest, thalassic, or thunder behemothB3. The kaiju or spawn arrives within 1d100 minutes and is not under the kaiju caller’s control. After using this ability, the kaiju caller takes a number of points of Constitution damage equal to the level of the spell he duplicates (or 10 points of Constitution damage for summoning a kaiju) and becomes exhausted. A successful Fortitude save (DC 20 + the spell’s level) reduces Constitution damage by half and leaves the kaiju caller fatigued rather than exhausted. This replaces twin eidolon.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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This Friday we are pleased to bring you an awesome assortment of options for your Pathfinder campaign in the city streets - from slinking through sewers to courtly urban investigations and urbane intrigue! Courtesy of the considerable talents of N. Jolly, Jason Nelson, Clinton J. Boomer, Jonathan H. Keith, Julian Neale, and David N. Ross, we are pleased to preview Intrigue Archetypes, coming this Friday from Legendary Games!

Intrigue Archetypes is the perfect addition to any Pathfinder game set against a backdrop of courtly intrigue, clever manipulation, and urban decay, crime, and corruption. This 40-page class supplement features 10 incredible new archetypes replete with panache and flair, from the scheming priest and mastermind psychic to the trickshot sniper vigilante, wild card swashbuckler, spell hacker wizard, and cityscape hierophant druid. Each has an incredible array of unique and flavorful abilities that will make urban adventuring come to life like never before. You'll also find over two dozen new intrigue and urban-focused feats and alternate class features like arcanist exploits, magus arcana, and vigilante talents, plus the metallomancy of the clever coinmage prestige class. Capping it all off, we bring you The Grey Shadow, a vengeful vigilante ready to use as an ally or adversary for your urban PCs while showing off some of the fantastic new options in this book. Your characters may delve the deepest dungeons and traverse the widest wilderness, but the siren song of the city calls, and when it's time to answer your characters will be ready!

Table of Contents



Cityscape Hierophant (Druid Archetype)
Inquisitive Detective (Vigilante Archetype)
Mastermind (Psychic Archetype)
Scheming Priest (Cleric Archetype)
Shapeshifting Hunter (Hunter Archetype)
Spell Hacker (Wizard Archetype)
Subtle Gunslinger (Gunslinger Archetype)
Talented Tactician (Vigilante Archetype)
Trickshot Sniper (Vigilante Archetype)
Wild Card (Swashbuckler Archetype)

Class Options

Arcanist Exploits
Magus Arcana
Vigilante Talents
Urban Intrigue Feats

Prestige Class: Coinmage

Sample Character: The Grey Phantom

This supplement is jam-packed with secrets of skulduggery for your campaign, with excellent alternatives for heroes and villains alike. If your campaign is every venturing into the urban jungle, you are going to love what you find in this book.

Speaking of love, Endzeitgeist just recently reviewed our very own Legendary Kineticists, and LOVE is what he felt for this fantastic book. You can read his full review at endzeitgeist.com, but in a nutshell: "Suffice to say, there is a TON of material herein, and I love a LOT of it. This is pretty much the epitome of a high-density, high-complexity, well-crafted book of evocative crunch. 5 stars + seal of approval, given sans hesitation." In honor of Endy's approbation for this awesome accessory, we are pleased to present Legendary Kineticists as this week's TWO$DAY product of the week, on sale at a whopping 80% off for just $2, exclusively at the Legendary Games webstore!

P.S. The Magitech Archetypes preview is coming up next, but you can check out cover previews and all the most up-to-date information at the Legendary Games webpage!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

We are excited to debut today's latest supplement for urban and intrigue campaigns, Intrigue Archetypes! A true team effort, this 40-page extravaganza authored by N. Jolly, Jason Nelson, Clinton J. Boomer, Jonathan H. Keith, Julian Neale, and David N. Ross contains dozens of new archetypes, feats, class features, and more options for characters and campaigns delving into courtly intrigue or the seamy underbelly of the urban jungle! You can pick it up right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon!

Plus, next Monday will be bringing the amazing Magitech Archetypes, so without further ado a preview for you!

Magic and machinery are meet in magnificent ways with this incredible class supplement for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! You'll find seven amazing archetypes that straddle the genres of sci-fi and fantasy, from the astrologer and engram channeler to the necrotech master, robot fighter, and penumbral arcanist! This book also includes a brand-new element for kineticist characters, the machine element, plus over 50 awesome infusions, wild talents, and more, from diesel heart and bloodrust infusion to construct hacker, technograft, mech synthesis, and forced reboot! Plus, new feats for technokineticists and technopaths of every kind! Whether you are adding a dash of sci-fi to your fantasy campaign or exploring a dead and blasted world peopled entirely with lifeless and deathless undead and constructs, you'll find tons of exciting options here for battling robotic overlords, interfacing with alien lostech, and making the power of the machine yours to command!

- Astrologer (Mesmerist Archetype)
- Delver (Wizard Archetype)
- Engram Channeler (Spiritualist Archetype)
- Nanotech Infuser (Sorcerer Archetype)
- Necrotech Master (Kineticist Archetype)
- Penumbral Arcanist (Arcanist Archetype)
- Robot Fighter (Ranger Archetype)
The Machine Element
- Blasts
- Infusion Wild Talents
- Utility Wild Talents
- Elemental Saturation: Silver Basin
Magitech Feats

For all the latest at Legendary Games, click here!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

We are excited to bring you a magnificent blending of magic and machine with Magitech Archetypes! Whether you're infusing a little mad science into a classic fantasy campaign or setting out on a star-spanning sci-fi saga, you'll find incredible options including archetypes, feats, and a brand-new kineticist element for your characters in this 32-page supplement by Jason Nelson, N. Jolly, Loren Sieg, Jeff Lee, and Clinton J. Boomer! You can pick up Magitech Archetypes right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon!

Check out the latest right here!

This book is a terrific accessory if you're already playing in the Metal Gods Adventure Path or in the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, but if you want to combine sci-fi elements with urban intrigue in a future-punk noir kind of setting, you also might want to pick up last Friday's brand-new Intrigue Archetypes, as there is terrific synergy between these two products as well!

Our Legendary Planet subscribers will soon have something to celebrate this week, and we are hard at work to get Asian Archetypes: Magical out to you ASAP, but we also wanted to announce the next urban intrigue adventure coming your way from the talents of terrific Tom Phillips!

Heroism Turned to Hate

As the PCs make their way through rugged territory claimed by warlike barbarian clans, they discover a frontier garrison surrounded by a corpse-strewn battlefield. Upon further investigation, the PCs find that the entire garrison has been slaughtered to a man and the fort has been turned into a charnel house. Furthermore, the bodies of the barbarian besiegers and those of the slain Corovossan solders all bear ghastly chest-wounds and have had their hearts cut out and removed. Who or what caused these terrible mutilations? And why is the silent, lifeless garrison’s main gate barred from within? What terrors may arise when the fires of courage turn to hate and the battlements run red with Hero's Blood?

Hero's Blood is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 4‒6 10th-level characters. It can be run as a standalone wilderness adventure or tied into an ongoing campaign dealing with warfare or clashes between a corrupt colonial city and the tribes of the hinterlands and is an ideal complement to the official “Red Queen Adventure Path,” easily connecting to the fourth adventure in that series. This adventure deals with the theme of corruption of the mind, body, and soul, using the corruption rules presented in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Horror Adventures, to bring an extra element of terror to PCs as they uncover acts of carnage and cruelty that are even more sinister than they appear. If you want to bring home the horrors of war to your PCs, open up the ?? pages of this terrible tale stained crimson with blood and Make Your Game Legendary!

You can also look forward to the Treasury of the City by Loren Sieg, Victoria Joyner, and Jason Nelson coming your way soon, as well as the one-on-one adventure Orphans of the Hanged Man by Michael Allen and Matt Goodall!

Oh, and let me leave you one last thing. A few numbers for you. 30. 60. 337. 1487. They will be important very soon.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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The Asian Onslaught continues this week, with special previews for:

- Asian Archetypes: Magical - 14 fantastic Far East flavored archetypes for arcane, divine, and psychic spellcasters, from the bodhisattva paladin and mantis madonna magus to the kaiju caller summoner!

- Asian Bloodlines - 21 terrific bloodlines for sorcerers and bloodragers, from oni and kitsune to kappas, nagas, and imperial dragons!

Asian Bloodines is in layout now, while Asian Archetypes: Magical is coming this Friday 2/10 - but is available NOW as an exclusive early special at the Legendary Games webstore!

PLUS, we are rolling into week two of double trouble with mega bundles - with the 60 BUCKS, 30 BOOKS PATHFINDER MEGA-BUNDLE and the 20 FOR 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE, where you can get an incredible assortment of PDFs for 80-90% off! Adventures, monsters, magic items, new rules supplements, and much, much more! Get them now at the Open Gaming Store, DrivethruRPG, or the Legendary Games webstore!

Check out the latest and all the links right here!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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It's another Far East Friday, with the release of the latest legendary supplement for Asian campaigns and characters - Asian Archetypes: Magical, featuring 14 fantastic Far Eastern archetypes inspired by the length and breadth of the continent, from bodhisattva paladins and wushen wizards to kannushi druids and kaiju caller summoners! AVAILABLE NOW wherever fine Pathfinder products are sold!

Next week also brings us great stuff for Pathfinder and 5E:

- The followup Asian magic supplement, Asian Bloodlines, with over 20 sorcerer and bloodrager bloodlines, coming next Friday.

- Legendary Planet: Confederates of the Shattered Zone for both 5E and Pathfinder, available to everyone next Monday!

- Faerie Mysteries (5E), with robust rules for managing the impact of fey creatures and the faerie realms on your campaign world in layout now and hopefully ready by next Friday or soon thereafter!

And, of course, there are still INCREDIBLE SAVINGS to be had - 90%+ off on Pathfinder products in the 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS MEGA-BUNDLE and 80%+ off 5E products in the 20 FOR 20 MEGA-BUNDLE - grab either one or both at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, DrivethruRPG, and soon at Paizo!

Have a Legendary weekend everybody!

Check out all the latest right here!

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Even more great books are already in the layout queue, including Legendary Kineticists 2 by N. Jolly and Onyx Tanuki, Legendary Hybrids: Doomguard by Carl Cramer and Jason Nelson, Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches by Alex Riggs

I'm looking forward to those three in particular. I'm also hoping we finally get to see Ultimate Tournaments and Ultimate Armies, both of which I so badly want to read. Sorry, broken record, I know.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Eric Hinkle wrote:

Even more great books are already in the layout queue, including Legendary Kineticists 2 by N. Jolly and Onyx Tanuki, Legendary Hybrids: Doomguard by Carl Cramer and Jason Nelson, Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches by Alex Riggs

I'm looking forward to those three in particular. I'm also hoping we finally get to see Ultimate Tournaments and Ultimate Armies, both of which I so badly want to read. Sorry, broken record, I know.

It may be sooner than you think... stay tuned.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jason Nelson wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:

Even more great books are already in the layout queue, including Legendary Kineticists 2 by N. Jolly and Onyx Tanuki, Legendary Hybrids: Doomguard by Carl Cramer and Jason Nelson, Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches by Alex Riggs

I'm looking forward to those three in particular. I'm also hoping we finally get to see Ultimate Tournaments and Ultimate Armies, both of which I so badly want to read. Sorry, broken record, I know.

It may be sooner than you think... stay tuned.

*peeks out from behind Jason's couch and watches intently*

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason Nelson wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:

Even more great books are already in the layout queue, including Legendary Kineticists 2 by N. Jolly and Onyx Tanuki, Legendary Hybrids: Doomguard by Carl Cramer and Jason Nelson, Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches by Alex Riggs

I'm looking forward to those three in particular. I'm also hoping we finally get to see Ultimate Tournaments and Ultimate Armies, both of which I so badly want to read. Sorry, broken record, I know.

It may be sooner than you think... stay tuned.

Remains tuned, but still can't hit high C.

Interestingly enough, I was actually going to ask about Ultimate Armies and Ultimate Tournaments because I just started re-reading the Horns of the Hunted where it mentions the Days of Wine and Roses, a product that seemed to have never made its way into the grubby paws of GMs everywhere. ;)


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Check out all the latest from Legendary Games right here!

From the deranged scrivenings of the redoubtable Richard Pett comes the latest adventure in the star-spanning interplanetary saga - Confederates of the Shattered Zone! This massive hundred-page book includes a harrowing adventure for 11th-14th level characters through a polluted puritanical post-industrial paradise of cyborg fanatics, asteroid mines, and long-buried horrors crawling forth to infest body and mind alike, but that's not all! You also get brand-new monsters, magic and technological items, cybernetic enhancements, a gazetteer of the asteroid field, and the latest in Chris A. Jackson's ongoing fiction series! You can pick up this adventure today for both Pathfinder and 5th Edition at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon - hit the link above to our website and you'll find links to buy it at all of these places!

We are also delighted with the response to last Friday's release of Asian Archetypes: Magical, with over a dozen new character options for infusing the magic of the Far East into your campaign, and I've just completed my final review of the layout on its sequel, Asian Bloodlines, with over 20 bloodrager and sorcerer bloodlines drawing on the myths and legends of the Orient, from nagas and rakshasas to kitsune, tengu, and imperial dragons! There's also a little Asian flavor in the upcoming Legendary Kineticists II, which we'll preview more later but for now how about a sneak peek at another great piece of artwork at the link above!

However, it's not all about Asia! For a fantastic resource for featuring the fey in your campaign, we've also sent Faerie Mysteries (5E) to layout, and it will be on its way soon, and we're happy to provide a preview of that for all our 5E fans!

Faerie Mysteries explores the influence of fey creatures and the faerie realms on a 5th Edition campaign world. It is not so much about monsters and magic as it is about how the influence of the fey can change the feel and flow of a campaign, and it gives you a game-mechanical system for describing and representing that in-breaking of raw, untamed, primal magic that make the fey what they are. Fey do not simply walk about within the world; they carry their version of the world along with them, and make our world more like theirs with every step. The rumors and ripples and ruptures in our reality really lay the groundwork for enriching any campaign where civilization is not the only power in the world, and where the force and spirit of nature can push right back.

Like its companion product, Faerie Passions, this product provides a fantastic primer on the use of fey creatures in a campaign, balancing the hardcore game rules with explorations of fey creatures' mythological origins and role in real-life history and legends. What this product is really about is making fey different, to make them strange, unpredictable, and menacing in turn. They are never quite what you expect, and this product describes subtle shifts you can use to create an interesting variety of alternate creatures. The fey represent the raw and wild extremes of the life and spirit of the land and those that dwell within it, possessed of a mercurial emotionality and an integration with the natural world that flits between an impossibly saturated hyper-reality and the dreamily surreal. A campaign featuring the fey should feel different than other campaigns, and when you introduce Faerie Mysteries, it will.

Of course, we can't miss a chance to remind you to SAVE BIG MONEY RIGHT NOW with the incredible 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS PATHFINDER MEGA-BUNDLE and the 20 FOR 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE! Save over 80% on 5E products and over 90% on Pathfinder products with these incredible deals! You can get this bundle all month long at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, and DrivethruRPG, and next month at Paizo! 5E fans can get in on the fun too, with the 20 FOR 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE, available at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, and DrivethruRPG!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Canadian Bakka wrote:

Interestingly enough, I was actually going to ask about Ultimate Armies and Ultimate Tournaments because I just started re-reading the Horns of the Hunted where it mentions the Days of Wine and Roses, a product that seemed to have never made its way into the grubby paws of GMs everywhere. ;)


Yes, the Royal Tournaments project (which has had a number of names along the way) got sidelined for a long time. Never forgotten, but just one of those things I never quite found the time to go back and finish... until...

Okay, not precisely NOW, but it is at long last the VERY NEXT item in my "DO NOW" queue after finishing up the last piece of development on Legendary Planet: Dead Vault Descent.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason Nelson wrote:

Yes, the Royal Tournaments project (which has had a number of names along the way) got sidelined for a long time. Never forgotten, but just one of those things I never quite found the time to go back and finish... until...

** spoiler omitted **

Yay! Huuuugely looking forward to this.

Chemlak wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Yes, the Royal Tournaments project (which has had a number of names along the way) got sidelined for a long time. Never forgotten, but just one of those things I never quite found the time to go back and finish... until...

** spoiler omitted **

Yay! Huuuugely looking forward to this.

I second Chemlak's opinion.

Dark Archive

Book 4 of Legendary planet looks great if a wee bit disjointed from missing book 3 (Any Eta on when that will be available to none backers?)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Kevin Mack wrote:
Book 4 of Legendary planet looks great if a wee bit disjointed from missing book 3 (Any Eta on when that will be available to none backers?)

Book 3 is heading into layout this weekend (layout guy has been moving), so should be out to backers probably a week after that, so available to non-backers in mid-March.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Check out all the latest from Legendary right here!

The third installment in our terrific trilogy of Asian magic supplements for Pathfinder is here - Asian Bloodlines by Jason Nelson, Alex Augunas, and David N. Ross! Check out over 20 new sorcerer and bloodrager bloodlines from imperial dragons to kitsune and tengu!

Of course, you also might want to pick up the companion volumes, the Asian Spell Compendium and Asian Archetypes: Magical (and Asian Archetypes: Martial, for that matter), as well as the rest of our fabulous Far East series, many of which are available for 5th Edition as well!

We were delighted to release the latest Legendary Planet adventure to everyone this past Monday with Confederates of the Shattered Zone, and we are equally pleased to announce that the preceding adventure, Matt Goodall's Dead Vault Descent, is going to be starting in layout this weekend, getting it ready for Kickstarter backers first but hopefully having it ready for general release in March!

Finally, for Pathfinder and 5E fans alike, do yourselves a favor and grab on to some unthinkably great savings - 80% to 90% and more - on our amazing bundle deals - 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS for Pathfinder and 20 FOR 20 for 5E - over 2,000 pages of incredible content for you at a ridiculous price!

Have a Legendary weekend!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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This Friday, we are delighted to debut the first Legendary product from the prodigious pen of Carl Cramer, with a brand new hybrid character class - The DOOMGUARD!

Legendary Hybrids: Doomguard is the latest volume in our series of class-focused player supplements, introducing a new series of hybrid classes like those in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide that blend the core elements of two different base classes into a unique synergy all their own. The doomguard brings you a 20-level hybrid class that combines the deadly hunting skills, specialized combat prowess, and focused wrath of the ranger with the glorious defiance and battlefield of the cavalier, with a special twist: a terrible and dire doom that follows him like an oracle's curse and binds him to his fated enemies at whose hands he is doomed to die! You can select from 45 different dooms, from maimed and blinded to powerless prophet and stigmata! You'll also find favored class bonuses for core races and a quartet of amazing archetypes, from the dauntless and daring challenger, the defensive bulwark of the doomwarden, the fey foundling orphan with a forgotten lineage but connections to the mystical world of the fey, and the dread raven banner with a death wish that defies all who stand in his path. If you've ever wanted to play a warrior with a dark destiny crawling from behind and even as it drives him onwards to meet his fate for death or glory, pick up this 38-page Pathfinder character class supplement today and Make Your Game Legendary!

This new class will be available everywhere this Friday, February 24, but it's far from the only class-focused supplement we have in the hopper! Also in layout you can look forward to two more terrific class books in the weeks to come!

Legendary Kineticists II by Ehn Jolly and Onyx Tanuki!

Legendary Kineticists II unleashes the true potential of the kineticist class with a vast array of new kinetic options, starting with 8 amazing archetypes for both kineticists, like the onslaught blaster and telekinetic bladeshifter, as well as for other classes like the planar custodian druid and order of the scion cavalier. You'll also find dozens of new infusions, wild talents, and kinetic feats and spells to enhance your kineticists of every specialty. In addition, you can expand the bounds of kinetics like never before with the kinetic mystic prestige class, variant multiclassing for kineticists, and a complete 20-level rebuild of the core kinetic class, the legendary kineticist! On top of everything else, you will also find Trueno, herald of the White Sky, a richly detailed kineticist master complete with combat tactics and a compelling history and personality, to show how these powers play at the table in a ready-to-use character you can drop right into an existing game or even build an entire campaign around.

Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches by Alex Riggs!

Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches brings you an incredible resource for the best of the worst when it comes to sinister spellcasters for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign. Within you'll find a ton of great new options for witches, including archetypes like the consort of fiends, curio collector, and shadow sister, along with the terrifying hag matron prestige class, complete with special abilities unique to each type of hag. Wicked witches can swear oaths to their eldritch patrons, gaining power through their devotion to natural forces like frost and waves, or to corrupt principles from lies and destruction to hedonism and madness! You'll also find new hexes like the haruspex and skull sentinel and witch-themed magic items like the broom of chastisement and toxic cauldron. Finally, for witches who want to start play with an otherworldly familiar, you'll find over a dozen lesser versions of exotic familiars like quasits, imps, rakshasas, and shadow drakes!

That's three thrilling class supplements, in addition to incredible new adventures like our first Legendary One-on-One adventure, Orphans of the Hanged Man by Michael Allen and Matt Goodall, the long-awaited release of Legendary Planet: Dead Vault Descent by Matt Goodall, the magical marketplace of Treasury of the City by Loren Sieg, Victoria Jaczko, and Jason Nelson, the fantastic 5E Faerie Mysteries by Todd Stewart, Jason Nelson, Alistair Rigg, and David N. Ross, and much, MUCH more!

Of course, we can't miss a chance to remind you to SAVE BIG MONEY RIGHT NOW with the incredible 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS PATHFINDER MEGA-BUNDLE and the 20 FOR 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE! Save over 80% on 5E products and over 90% on Pathfinder products with these incredible deals! You can get this bundle all month long right here at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, and DrivethruRPG, and next month at Paizo! 5E fans can get in on the fun too, with the 20 FOR 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE, available at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, and DrivethruRPG!

Both bundles will be available next month right here at Paizo!

All three of those classes sound mighty interesting, especially Wicked Witches. I like good witches but I like the bad ones just as much, so this is something I'll be looking forward to!

And just asking, what the expected price tag on the Doomguard PDF?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Eric Hinkle wrote:

All three of those classes sound mighty interesting, especially Wicked Witches. I like good witches but I like the bad ones just as much, so this is something I'll be looking forward to!

And just asking, what the expected price tag on the Doomguard PDF?

It's 38 pages, so it'll be $9.99.

By the way, Mister Nelson, how long do you think it'll take for Legendary Kineticists II and Wicked Witches to go on sale?

Treasury of the City seems like it will be another buy for me once it comes out. Will there be a "Treasury of Nature" or something entirely focused on nature-themed magic items?


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Hinkle wrote:
By the way, Mister Nelson, how long do you think it'll take for Legendary Kineticists II and Wicked Witches to go on sale?

Both are in layout right now, so mayyyybe next week, maybe the week after. Depends on the order things get done.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Check out all the latest from Legendary right here!

This fantastic Friday brings you DOOM... and Orphans (well, sort of)!

- We are delighted to debut Carl Cramer's maiden project for Legendary Games, the deadly DOOMGUARD hybrid class, combining a cavalier's courage and a ranger's deadly devotion with a curse that leads him on inexorably to his fate - be it glory or despair! Get 20 levels of accursed awesomeness with 45 dooms and 4 archetypes!

- Plus next week will see the launch of our first One-on-One adventure, Orphans of the Hanged Man by LG newcomer Michael Allen and veteran Matt Goodall. Check out a full preview in the blog post linked below.

- We have tons of great stuff coming in the next week or two as well that is just about done in layout, including Faerie Mysteries (5E), Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches, Legendary Kineticists II, and many more.

- But this is also the final weekend of our Feburary MEGA-BUNDLE sale at DrivethruRPG and the Open Gaming Store - so get out there and save HUGE with the 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS bundle for Pathfinder and 20 FOR 20 for 5E!!!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Canadian Bakka wrote:

Treasury of the City seems like it will be another buy for me once it comes out. Will there be a "Treasury of Nature" or something entirely focused on nature-themed magic items?


You should check out the Treasury of the Kingdom, which has a nice assortment of mostly wilderness and fey-themed items.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jason Nelson wrote:
You should check out the Treasury of the Kingdom, which has a nice assortment of mostly wilderness and fey-themed items.

Heh, I already got that one and the earlier fey-themed ones like Fey Mysteries, Fey Passions, Dark Druids, etc. I am slightly a fan of fey and nature-themed stuff. *whistling innocently*

I will look at the Doomguard and see what's the hybrid class is about. Based on the description, I am kind of reminded of Red Sonja, which I have on my mind due to reading the digital comics I got from one of the Humble Bundles earlier this month.


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

It's a fabulous 5E FEY-DAY today, as we bring you Faerie Mysteries (5E), the latest expansion for making fey creatures and the wild and wonderful realms of faerie magic a truly impressive part of your 5th Edition campaign. This book gives you variant fey creatures and more importantly a robust system of escalating levels of strangeness and distortion of reality when the natural becomes supernatural because of the touch of the fey! Check it out this week, and 5E fans also should take advantage of the revival of our 20 FOR 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE - over 550 pages of fantastic 5th Edition PDFs for just $20, over 80% off the cover price of $117.

Pathfinder fans also can rejoice with the release this week of Orphans of the Hanged Man, a 1st-level urban intrigue adventure that can be played as a side-trek to a regular urban campaign but is especially designed as a One Player Adventure - one player + one GM = ALL FUN! It gets even better next week with the release of Mythic Monsters: Japan, with a dozen and one awesome Asian adversaries plus a collection of Japanese-inspired mythic magic items! Pathfinder fans also have a bundle of their own, the 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS PATHFINDER MEGA-BUNDLE, now available at Paizo in addition to the Open Gaming Store, DrivethruRPG, and the Legendary Games webstore - almost 1500 pages of Pathfinder PDFs worth $337, all yours for just $30 - over 90% off!

Have a Legendary weekend everybody, and check out all the previews, artwork, and links to buy right here!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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It's time for Legendary Kineticists Too, Electric Boogaloo!

That's right, today marks the release of the first sequel in the Legendary Heroes line with Legendary Kineticists II by N. Jolly and Onyx Tanuki. This fantastic 40-page supplement brings you 8 amazing archetypes, plus an entire 1st-to-20th-level rebuild of the kineticist class, plus the kinetic mystic prestige class and another exciting ready-to-use NPC, Trueno, Herald of the White Sky! Pick up this terrific new book right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon!

(PS - We're having a little trouble with our uploader at the LG webstore, so if you purchase it here and it doesn't download, just email me and I'll send it to you as an attachment!)

But wait, didn't we tell you wicked witches were coming? They are indeed - NEXT week! But that doesn't mean we can't serve up a delicious preview for what you'll find within!

Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches brings you an incredible resource for the best of the worst when it comes to sinister spellcasters for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign. Within you'll find a ton of great new options for witches, including archetypes like the consort of fiends, curio collector, and shadow sister, along with the terrifying hag matron prestige class, complete with special abilities unique to each type of hag. Wicked witches can swear oaths to their eldritch patrons, gaining power through their devotion to natural forces like frost and waves, or to corrupt principles from lies and destruction to hedonism and madness! You'll also find new hexes like the haruspex and skull sentinel and witch-themed magic items like the broom of chastisement and toxic cauldron. Finally, for witches who want to start play with an otherworldly familiar, you'll find over a dozen lesser versions of exotic familiars like quasits, imps, rakshasas, and shadow drakes! Whether you are designing epic villains as a GM, or playing a character who taps into the dark side of arcane magic, Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches by Alex Riggs is a 36-page treasure trove of material to help Make Your Game Legendary!

Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches will go live next Friday, ready to chill your hearts and crush your souls if you dare try to resist the urge to buy it!

Last but not least, we are pleased to continue our incredible 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS Pathfinder MEGA-BUNDLE at Paizo.com! The same spectacular savings - over 90% off on 60 Pathfinder PDFs totaling 1,487 pages and with a regular sale price of $337!

Of course, you also can still get this amazing bundle right here at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, and DrivethruRPG, and 5E fans can get in on the fun too, with the 20 FOR 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE, available at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, and DrivethruRPG!

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Welp, looks like you got me next week too.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Check out all the latest from Legendary this week!

All good things must end, even Winter itself, but like the storms hitting the northeastern U.S. we figured we'd send winter out with a blast!

- This Friday marks the debut of Alex Riggs' magnificent "Legendary Villains: Wicked Witches," the latest book in our Winter line and an incredible resource for witches in every season of the year. Check out a preview of some of the terrifying witch oaths at the link below!

- In keeping with the winter theme, this week's TWO$DAY product of the week (70% off at just $2!) is Liz Courts' spectacular "Winter Heroes," featuring 8 amazingly detailed characters ready to drop into any campaign but especially one focused on fey or the wild and woolly winterlands!

- Pedro Coelho is juuuuuuust about done with the long-simmering adventure, "On the Siberian Line," for you campaigners who just didn't get quite enough of early 20th Century Russia in your winter campaign!

- And speaking of endings, tomorrow is the Ides of March, and the FINAL DAY of the Legendary MEGA-BUNDLES at DrivethruRPG and the Open Gaming Store! Get em while you can, because you're not going to see savings like this again for a long time. You can still pick up the 60 BOOKS, 30 BUCKS Pathfinder mega-bundle at Paizo and the Legendary Games webstore for the rest of the month!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jason Nelson wrote:
- Pedro Coelho is juuuuuuust about done with the long-simmering adventure, "On the Siberian Line," for you campaigners who just didn't get quite enough of early 20th Century Russia in your winter campaign!

Yay! We are in the middle of f-ing up the Akuvskaya monastery, so it will have to be added after we deal with R., but we are on a 3-month hiatus anyway (which is why I didn't bug you repeatedly :)

necromental wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
- Pedro Coelho is juuuuuuust about done with the long-simmering adventure, "On the Siberian Line," for you campaigners who just didn't get quite enough of early 20th Century Russia in your winter campaign!

Yay! We are in the middle of f-ing up the Akuvskaya monastery, so it will have to be added after we deal with R., but we are on a 3-month hiatus anyway (which is why I didn't bug you repeatedly :)

I am definitely looking forward to this one. I'd love to see more adventures covering Pathfinder characters running around on early 20th century Earth.

And Mister Nelson, just so you know, the first link in your latest entry doesn't seem to work. Yes, we can find the site just fine but just in case it needed to be said.

And I'm looking forward to the Wicked Witches release. I hope it can support Gyronnan and other witches as well as wintry ones.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Eric Hinkle wrote:

And Mister Nelson, just so you know, the first link in your latest entry doesn't seem to work. Yes, we can find the site just fine but just in case it needed to be said.

And I'm looking forward to the Wicked Witches release. I hope it can support Gyronnan and other witches as well as wintry ones.

Thanks for letting me know.

Hope this link works!

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