Fellfire's page
113 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.
Is there no interest in this product? I waited a very long time for this to come out. I need some advice. I want to play a Feral Heart werewolf, but it seems too many of the abilities overlap instead of stacking. Anybody got any advice?
Can't wait. I haven't read thru the doc yet. Any sniper support?
I thouht it was markrd for drake99
Nice to see that one find the light of day. I missed it from the playtest.
You know I love the Red Love loop in your Jollyverse.
I would be down for that if the mark was reasonable. PbP or chat? Theoretically. I like the way Endy has his patreon set up. I assume you've been there. Design advice might get you some sponsors too.
Hey, Forrest. Ain't been around in a bit. I see you've been busy with Avowed. How does work proceed on Cutting Edge? Seems erbody is waiting on SF. Also, UnSoulknives?
Black Chains. Been waiting for that one. Thought you said it would be in Occult Archetypes 2? This time of year my time is precious and my funds are spread thin across my habits and hobbies. Bicycles and nerf guns. Books and cards. Women. I need to be enticed. How about a preview of that charger class?
I am also intrigued by this. Patreon might be up my alley. I will see what you are offering.
Jason, Jolly, long time, guys. I'm psyched to hear work proceeds on Gunslingers. I need that, particularly if it has some tech support. I'm intrigued by Forest Archetypes, but not sold. Is there a sample character at the end, Jolly-style? I need some love for a gryphon/giant eagle- rider.
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Jason, I have recently decided that I need an android sniper girl with a rail gun rifle in my life. I just got an email shilling Dead Vault Descent and the upcoming Aethera campaign setting. What can you tell me about the tech contained therein? I need a HUD. And a surveillance drone. It has been a couple weeks since I have needed your legendary customer service. Sell me.
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Welp, looks like you got me next week too.
Still working through this, but I just wanted to check in and say Bestial Kineticist is awesome. Don't recall seeing an aninal companion archetype before. Kudos. Also, the Nihilicist, man, the flavor potential here is HUGE! Keep pushing the envelope guys. Another solid release.
Will we be getting an update here?
Jason, please, again. Email.
Hey Forrest. Whatever became of Fool's Errand? All I can find anywhere is an old playtest doc.
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Jason, I once again require your Legendary Customer Service. Please check your mail. Thanks.
I know it's not Forrestfire, but you did work on this project, right? I don't understand how this works if I don't take levels in Barbarian. Tia.
Kumiho Huntress(Combat)
You are particularly good at extracting the most delicious parts of your prey.
Prerequisites: Kumiho kitsune, rage powers class feature, base attack bonus+5.
Benefit: You gain the bloody fist rage power, even if you do not meet its prerequisites or aren’t a barbarian. You can use it one additional time per rage
Bloody Fist (Ex)
Prerequisites: Barbarian level 12th.
Benefit: While raging, the barbarian may attempt to punch through an opponent' s flesh and rip out one of its vital organs. In order to do so, the barbarian must confirm a critical hit against an opponent with a natural attack or unarmed strike. The barbarian deals damage as normal for a critical hit and the opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the barbarian' s class level + the barbarian' s Strength modifier) or take 1d4 points of Constitution damage as one of its vital organs is ripped free from its body. This power can only be used once per rage
Thanks. I will keep an eye on it.
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Hey Forrest. Just checked out your patreon and I've got a quick question. Any work being done on UnSoulknives? If there was a timetable that is something I could get on board with.
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Jason, your website hates me. I just ordered Doomguard and recieved a purchase receipt, but no download link. Please check your email.
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Jason Nelson wrote: Fellfire wrote: That is a sexy cover you got on the Doomguard there. It was not on my list of priorities, but I might need a look. That's what Liz said. Sexy half-orc beefcake for the cover? CHECK! Look at the size of that cod-piece! Is it true what they say about half-orcs?
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Agreed. Equal benefit, if any, could be achieved by biting their own fingernails, or perhaps a large bowl of Jell-O.
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DungeonmasterCal wrote: I love pangolins! They are also the world's most illegally trafficked mammal. Do you own one?
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Polacantus, nodosaur, ankylosaur. Boring overgrown armored sheeps. Does anybody love the armadillo or the pangolin? The meatosaurus' is where it's at.
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That is a sexy cover you got on the Doomguard there. It was not on my list of priorities, but I might need a look.
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Another excellent, and long overdue (sorry End, you're the man), review for Legendary Assassins. Congrats to you and the team.
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Seems alright now. It was unavailable, for me, throughout the afternoon. Thanks.
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Jason, your website seems to be down.
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Jason, how long before I can get my special advance copy of LK2?
How come there was no new TWO$DAY special today?
I picked this up, Jason, but have yet to sit down and give it a thorough read. Dotting this scroll. I will give you my thoughts after consideration.
Right on. I hope you can get back to that Legendary Symbiont in the near future. Ooh, a clue.
Excellent. Thank you. What's next for you at Legendary? Any progress on that Symbiote base-class? I know you're busy with other projects too. Can you drop a little 411 on this enigmatic #drake99 you keep breadcrumbing?
How fares the battle, Jolly? Update?
I guess it is some kind of serendipity when your creative mojo interfaces with the commercial aspect that gets it out to the popular masses. A good recipe for success. I have already commented upon how I would never even have considered buying certain projects, but with the Legendary label and your name upon them, I give it a hard second thought. I hate to sound like some fawning sycophant, but, please, keep it rolling. In that vein, what can you tell me about Magitech?
I like it. I have moved my comments over to the Intrigue Archetypes scroll, but I like this one too. I have concluded that it is Ehn's work lately that has drawn me towards your products. Curiously though, his work for PDG and others just did not touch my medula where I like it. Something, maybe, about the Legendary symmetry attracts my dollars. Ravings from a madman, when my body is screaming at me for sleep, I resist. I read and consider.
The Trickshot has a lot of talents to choose from and most of them scale which is cool.
Another solid release from Legendary. Nice work guys. Amazing art for Nitha. And an honorable mention for the Wild Card. Look, everybody, it's Gambit. A staff-wielding swashbuckler who can divine the future with his deck and throw explosive cards.
I am turning into a Legendary fan-boi. How did that happen?
N. Jolly wrote:
As far as I'm aware, this is just Intrigue Archetypes; which will include 3 archetypes from the Vigilante playtest (inquisitive detective, talented tactician, and trickshot hood, the last of which is Nitha's class), as well as Nitha herself and a bit of back story on her and her place in the Red Love series of events.
Wild Card. Hey, it's Gambit. Nice.
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I can confirm this. Extremely helpful. Timely too.
Bombs away, Jason. Thanks.
Your website is terrible, to the point of unusability. Completely broken. Not as bad as this one was the other night, perhaps, but bad enough.
Jason, are you lurking at this godforsaken hour? I know you often are. Your website won't take my money.
Whaddaya gonna do? I don't get my panties in a twist over forum posts. Some do.
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mdt wrote: Fellfire wrote: Chris Lambertz wrote: I've since kicked it back into place. Apologies for the inconvenience all! Might I suggest kicking it a little more gently? Might want to double check the post times on posts before you reply. That particular post was posted Jun 20, 2016, 12:52 pm.
This thread got necro'd from the last time this happened. Humor much?
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Chris Lambertz wrote: I've since kicked it back into place. Apologies for the inconvenience all! Might I suggest kicking it a little more gently?