mind affecting VS . true sight

Rules Questions

If you gain the affects of Invisibility thru a mind affecting class skill. and then use that class skill on a creature with true sight. would it be able to see you?

Which class skill? Theoretically they should, but not that good with rules.

I can't remember what it was exactly but there was an evil outsider that would 'fear' everyone and the more people that failed the save the longer it would get invisibility.

So the fear is mind affecting- which apparently bestows the invisibility. True sight lets you see through illusions- but if I recall correctly true sight beats phantasmal killer, right? That's also a mind effect that is based on not seeing reality.

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If the ability that grants the invisibility says it works like invisibility then it works like invisibility. Which means its an illusion, and true sight works against it.

It doesn't matter what ability enabled the invisibility affect to exist.

It's like saying if I have an intelligent magic sword that can create fireball, it's not an evocation affect. It definitely is.

Solipsism (Su) with the enigma hypnotic gaze ability.

i am on the fence because the way it is worded, is just weird to me and because it is an occult class so it is not using magic to do this.

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Now that you've specified solipsism from the Enigma archetype, I can tell you true sight will definitely work against it. Just like see invisibility or invisibility purge would.

Basically by using your hypnotic stare you get a free invisibility against that creature.

Also, what do you mean it's an occult class so its not using magic?

Mesmerisist cast spells. It's a magic class. Occult magic is a thing. The ability itself says its (Su) meaning it's a supernatural ability. But, when supernatural abilities reference a spell they function just like that spell with the exceptions specific to supernatural abilities and any other specific exemptions listed in the ability.

ok. thanks this helped alot

"True Seeing defeats phantasms" is my most hated FAQ, but it is the rules.

I feel like true sight beating phantasm was only FAQ'd because it was slightly unclear to some people.

True seeing sees through illusions (per the spell).
Phantasm are a subschool of illusion magic.

True seeing sees through phantasms.

It's terrible from a theory of mind perspective (there is no "sight" independent of what your mind perceives/creates) and from a game balance perspective (they got rid of 3.5 Mind Blank completely shutting down Enchantment, they should have left the phantasm subschool as an option for beating True Sight).

The real issue is that they think Phantasmal Killer is way too low level for its power level (compare to Psychic Crush I-V in Occult Adventures) but either didn't think about it or have the stones to change it during the conversion from 3.5 to PFRPG. Nerfing PK by allowing TS to negate it was defensible from a game balance perspective, but it made bigger problems and they should have just left it alone.

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