AC / DC Bard


This is an idea I had a while back when I got into AC/DC. Anyway, the idea I have for this is this. A Tiefling bard that plays the lute and specializes in playing songs like Highway to Hell, and Thunderstruck, probably favoring a whip as a weapon. I was wondering if there is anyway to make this any better, good feats for this or certain bardic performances that will make it more rock.

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Take the BODYGUARD feat to help your allies' AC. Then really pump that CHA focus on debuffing ... really pump the DC of your spells.

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How does the Thundercaller archetype sound? Or sound striker, but thundercaller's more fun IMO.

I wouldn't dare suggest the Relentless Reprise masterpiece.

avr wrote:

How does the Thundercaller archetype sound? Or sound striker, but thundercaller's more fun IMO.

I wouldn't dare suggest the Relentless Reprise masterpiece.

I've always wanted to play a bard, they seem really great for my play-style but I can never quite get inspired to make a character ... until now!

I'd had a similar idea a while back, though I was thinking of using a spiked chain. With weapon finesse and power attack, it didn't need much else to work

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Castle Blades wrote:
This is an idea I had a while back when I got into AC/DC. Anyway, the idea I have for this is this. A Tiefling bard that plays the lute and specializes in playing songs like Highway to Hell, and Thunderstruck, probably favoring a whip as a weapon. I was wondering if there is anyway to make this any better, good feats for this or certain bardic performances that will make it more rock.

And presumably you will be throwing the biggest balls of all.

Thank you for all the advice, I don't think I would have ever found the thunder caller on my own. And I really like the Bodyguard feat/

Heh, I mostly just put in the Bodyguard feat to make an AC/DC pun, but I'm glad you liked it.

If you are going the Bodyguard route, here's some suggestions.

Take the HELPFUL trait (if you're using traits). If you're willing to write it into your backstory you can instead take the Halfling version: HELPFUL (HALFLING) via the ADOPTED trait.

Then as a bard you can make good use of GLOVES OF ARCANE STRIKING (you'll obviously need the ARCANE STRIKE feat).

You'll also probably want the BENEVOLENT armour enchant eventually (I'd take it after you get your armour to at least +2).

With all this you should be giving your team-mates a +9AC by level 10 or so. There's definitely more you can do, but that's enough to be suuper useful.

I'll also link you to THIS RECENT(ISH) FAQ that's important for every potential Bodyguard.

Grand Lodge

I just want to see this character break out into the song "Big Balls"

Being a Bard fanatic, I must give you a word of advice regarding the Thundercaller: It is broken. Its AoE Bardic Performance that simulates Sound Burst (but is so much better) could really attract negative attention to your character from your GM. While fun, it is over-powered.

I prefer the Sound Striker as it is much better balanced and some of the same feats one would use on an Archer Bard are applicable to the Sound Striker's Weird Words.

Relentless Reprise is a good masterpiece. I really like Vindictive Soliloquy:

Vindictive Soliloquy (Act, Oratory, Sing)

Your bombastic speech creates booming reverberations of sound.

Prerequisite(s): Perform (act), Perform (oratory), or Perform (sing) 10 ranks.

Cost: Feat or 4th-level bard spell known.

Effect: You provide an impassioned monologue from the point of view of a noble queen, voicing her inner turmoil at being betrayed by her own sister and calling for justice to strike from the heavens. If you perform this masterpiece with the Perform (sing) skill, it is a tempestuous aria instead of a rousing soliloquy. Upon completing the performance, you may conjure bolts of lightning as though you had cast call lightning storm, except the bolts are made of elemental thunder and deal sonic damage rather than electricity damage. The bolts do not increase in damage if outdoors in a stormy area. Instead, in any environment, you may attempt a DC 25 Perform check as part of the standard action to call a bolt. If your Perform check is successful, that bolt deals 5d10 points of sonic damage instead of 5d6.

Use: 5 bardic performance rounds.

Action: 5 full rounds.

It does take a while to set up, but then you have thunder every round with just a standard action and can save your Bardic Performance for other that always useful Inspire Courage!

The spell Thundering Drums is extremely good when you toss metamagic onto it. Intensify Spell will make it a 10d8 force blast, Concussive Spell will debuff anyone hit by it without a save, Persistent Spell will make the knockdown effect very tough to resist. With a metamagic trait, it's not hard to get it working with metamagic reasonably quickly. And besides everything else, the theme of it is just awesome...

Weapon = axe not whip.

Psi51 wrote:
Weapon = axe not whip.

Like this axe? You can fashion it as a guitar that can literally become an axe. :)

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