what feats would you give a witch?


just what i asked in the subject.

i am looking at the ley line guardian archetype by the way.

Silver Crusade

Spell Focus Necromancy or Enchantment or both.

Extra Hex for early levels, does depend on your game or retraining.

Accursed Hex if you like Evil Eye and Ice Tomb.

A lot of Wizard stuff applies - Spell Penetration is a given, Quicken almost certainly, Craft Wondorus Items if that applies to your game.

Ley Line Guardian probably wants Great Fortitude or at least a good Con score because of all the Fort saves you have to make with the archetype.

You may have room for a fun one, Deific Obedience gives you a lot of entertainment bang for your buck if playing to high level.

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Guides. Just scroll down to witches section. Would focus on things that improved debuffing. Particularly Enervation and Evil eye

nope on the retraining. and thank you for the guides link!

If your GM allows it, Ability Focus: Slumber Hex is the definition of broken.

extra hex times a lot, accursed hex, improved initiative, quicken spell, craft wondrous item

Sovereign Court

Improved Initiative, Toughness, and Combat Casting are always good for all-rounders, especially since the witch, lacking spells like Mirror Image, is one of the squishiest casters out there. Complement with useful metamagics - Persistent Spell, Silent Spell, and Quicken Spell are some of my faves.

For the debuff witch, Spell Focus: Necromancy or your preferred school is good.

For the rare summon-focused witch, you'll want Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augmented Summoning, Superior Summoning, and Evolved Summons, though for a Leyline witch this is probably a poor choice. Improved Familiar would also be fantastic if you weren't trading it out.

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