Scàthach Ulster |
17 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's that time again, except for CoCT this time! And, I'm ACTUALLY running this one!
For thise of you just joining us:
Now, this thread makes a few assumptions.
1. The party loots EVERYTHING. If the wall has gold leafing, they have scraped it. If the table is made of darkwood, they're packing it. If it's nailed down, they're pulling it up.
2. The party has found a way to sell everything. I don't care if they have to hike to Absalom, they've found someone to buy everything. Additionally, they have, for whatever bizarre reason, decided not to keep anything.
3. Mundane items and all magical items are sold at half value, as per the rules. No diplomacy check has been made to change the value.
4. Commodities (coffee, sugar, etc.,), art items, gems, etc., are sold for full value.
5. The PCs are unusually kind and haven't killed any friendly NPCs for whatever reason.
6. Any item larger than medium has its base and material value doubled for every size larger than medium. Any item smaller than small has its base and material value halved.
7. Broken items have a value equal to 75% the normal value. Because we're selling items at 50% of their value, this means that broken items are sold for 50 percent of that 75%, or a total of 37.5%.
8. All values are rounded DOWN to the last copper (i.e. Something worth X gold, Y silver and 3.4 copper has its copper value rounded to 3. If it has a copper value of 3.999 bar, it is rounded down to 3.
9. The formula I am using to determine wand value is value*.5*(x/50), where x is the number of remaining charges.
10. I am assuming optimal performance- the bad guys don't get to use their potions or scrolls, and none of them are destroyed.
11. I am using a spellbook cost calculator from a website called Kingdom of Morrain. Sorry if this isn't terribly accurate.
This thread is also using some formatting. (Parentheses) are used to denote per-item value. [Brackets] are used to denote lot value. For items that are singular for their chapter, (parentheses) are skipped. {These thingies} are used for personal notes/commentary as well as adjudication. Further, spellbooks have the number of spells by level listed between <these guys>, starting at cantrips.
Join me in my madness:
Part 1: Edge of Anarchy
Chapter 1: Haunted Fortunes
1x Wand of Acid Splash 28/50 [210gp]
3x Vial of Acid (5gp) [15gp]
1x Thunderstone [15gp]
1x Light Crossbow [17gp 5sp]
10x Bolt (1gp/10) [1gp]
1x Garnet Amulet [100gp]
1x Small Studded Leather [12gp 5sp]
1x Small Masterwork Kukri [154gp]
1x Disguise Kit [25gp]
3x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (25gp) [75gp]
1x Chainmail [75gp]
1x Composite Longbow +3 Str [200gp]
20x Arrow (1gp/20) [1gp]
1x Flail [4gp]
1x +1 Padded Armor [577gp 5sp]
1x +1 Dagger [1151gp]
1x Masterwork Hand Crossbow [200gp]
10x Hand Crossbow Bolt (1gp/10) [1gp]
7x Vermin Repellant (2gp 5sp) [17gp 5sp]
1x Darkwood Coffer [100gp]
20x Shiver (25gp) [500gp]
1x Bounty for ledger and code [500gp]
1x Teak Cigar Case w/ Jade [25gp]
1x 2-lb Cheliax Gold Ingot [100gp] {Interestingly, this is worth 4gp more than 2 pounds of gold coins, as each coin is ⅓ an ounce, which means that there are 48 to a pound, or 96 to two}
1x Miniature Gold Crown [350gp]
1x Scrimshaw Kraken w/ Garnets [200gp]
1x Silver Lover’s Ring [150gp]
1x Entwined Succubus Figurine [450gp]
1x Masterwork Shuriken [3gp 1sp]
1x Adamantine Arrowhead {I’m going to just price this as though it were an adamantine arrow.} [30gp 2cp]
1x Masterwork Key Dagger [750gp]
1x Abalone Holy Symbol of Shelyn [300gp]
1x Oil of Keen Edge [375gp]
1x Wand of Magic Missile 23/50 [345gp]
1x Crystalline Vial [50gp]
1x Silversheen [125gp]
1x Zellara’s Harrow Deck {I’m counting this as an artefact}
200cp [2gp]
Running Total: 4952gp 6sp 2cp + 1 Artefact
Chapter 2: A City Gone Mad
{We’re assuming each event plays out exactly once. Further, I am including each of the bounties for the various missions on this part.}
1x Brooch Bounty [500gp]
7x Club [No value]
1x Gold Ring [250gp]
1x Small Silver Chest [50gp]
1x Bounty on Verik Vancaskerkin [500gp]
1x Bribe Money, Optimal [1500gp]
1x Bounty on Trinia, Optimal [2000gp]
1x Bounty on Gaeken’s Body [1000gp]
Running Total: 10,752gp 6sp 2cp + 1 Artefact
{Note that the structuring of this chapter is weird. So. Yeah.}
Chapter 3: Blood and Bones
13x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (25gp) [325gp]
50x Masterwork Arrow [150gp]
22x Tanglefoot Bag (25gp) [550gp]
20x Thunderstone (15gp) [300gp]
10x Leather Armor (5gp) [50gp]
10x Longbow (37gp 5sp) [375gp]
200x Arrow (1gp/20) [10gp]
10x Sap (5sp) [5gp]
1x Mithral Ring [500gp]
1x Asst. Jewelry and Gems [800gp]
1x Masterwork Chainmail [150gp]
1x Masterwork Composite Longbow +3 Str [200gp]
20x +1 Arrow (20gp) [400gp]
1x Masterwork Spear [151gp]
11x +1 Studded Leather (587gp 5sp) [6462gp 5sp]
10x Masterwork Buckler (77gp 5sp) [775gp]
10x Masterwork Sap (151gp) [1510gp]
1x House Drake {Gotta be worth something}
4x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (150gp) [600gp]
2x Potion of Invisibility (150gp) [300gp]
4x Medium Spider Venom (75gp) [300gp]
1x +1 Leather Armor [580gp]
1x Masterwork Hand Crossbow [250gp]
10x Hand Crossbow Bolt (1gp/10) [1gp]
2x Masterwork Spiked Gauntlet (152gp 5sp) [305gp] {In the 3.5 version, these are bladed gauntlets which are basically spiked gauntlets that do slashing.}
6x Shiver (25gp) [150gp]
1x Jasper Studded Amulet [500gp]
1x Gold Necklace w/ Emeralds [600gp]
1x Mother-of-Pearl Horn [50gp]
1x Ring of Feather Falling [1100gp]
1x Elixir of Love [75gp]
2x Dust of Appearance (900gp) [1800gp]
1x Pair of Blackmail Letters {Gotta be worth something}
4x Broken Chain Shirt (37gp 5sp) [150gp]
4x Broken Scimitar (5gp 6sp 2cp) [22gp 4sp 8cp]
4x Small Leather Armor (5gp) [20gp]
4x Small Aklys (2gp 5sp) [10gp]
4x Small Repeating Light Crossbow (125gp) [500gp]
40x Small Bolt (1gp/10) [4gp]
1x Amber Necklace [350gp]
1x Silver Dagger [11gp]
1x Elixir of Vision [125gp]
1x Wand of Spiritual Weapon 48/50 [2160gp]
1x Ring of Swimming [1250gp]
1x Alchemist’s Lab [100gp]
3x Vermin Repellant (2gp 5sp) [7gp 5sp]
4x Black Adder Venom (60gp) [240gp]
2x Silversheen (125gp) [250gp]
1x Handy Haversack [1000gp]
1x Potion of Lesser Restoration [150gp]
2x Scroll of False Life (75gp) [150gp]
1x Scroll of Dispel Magic [187gp 5sp]
1x Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds 34/50 [1530gp]
1x Collection of Golemancy and Necromancy Books [300gp]
1x Scroll of Identify [12gp 5sp]
1x Scroll of Command Undead [75gp]
1x Broken Keyblade [150gp] {The text says it’s worth 300gp, however, it also says that it’s the MWK component for a Masterwork Dagger, so I am halving the value}
1x Set of Masterwork Thieves’ Tools [50gp]
1x Silver Snuffbox [250gp]
1x Dust of Disappearance [1750gp]
1x Sustaining Spoon [2700gp]
1x Small Robe of Bones [1200gp]
1x Wand of Ghoul Touch 22/50 [990gp]
3x Blue Whinnis (60gp) [180gp]
1x Small Masterwork Dagger [152gp]
1x Small Ring of Protection +1 [1000gp]
1x Spellbook containing Fly, Vampiric Touch, Blindness/Deafness, False Life, Spectral Hand, Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Sleep, Resistance, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Bleed, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Command Undead, Darkness, Feather Fall, Gentle Repose, Scare, Water Breathing <18/7/7/4> [815gp]
2x Silver Ring (100gp) [200gp]
1x Gold and Pearl Bracelet [150gp]
1x Mithral Hip Flask [400gp]
1x Traveler’s Anytool [125gp]
740sp [74gp]
Running Total: 50,609gp 6sp + 1 Artefact
Probably the thing I am most thankful for from CoCT is the merciful lack of wizards.

Malefactor |
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Actually, I think you will find that while 500gp is the advertised reward for returning the brooch, the actual reward once you gain an audience with Ileosa is
Chapter 2: A City Gone Mad
{We’re assuming each event plays out exactly once. Further, I am including each of the bounties for the various missions on this part.}1x Brooch Bounty [500gp]
[...]the queen directs Sabina to hand over the reward for returning the brooch. The bodyguard swiftly does so, handing the small silver chest (itself worth 50 gp) to the PCs. Inside of the red-velvet-lined interior rest 12 gold ingots imprinted with the royal seal of Korvosa-each bar is worth 100 gp.
I think that are two major reasons why Ileosa pays the PCs more than the advertised reward for her brooch (and more than her brooch was actually actually worth, for that matter), one In-game, and one out-of-game. The in-game reason is Ileosa is trying to seem benevolent and well meaning to the world at large, while also scouting out potential mercenary groups to employ. In overpaying she sends two distinct messages 1)She will richly reward those who serve her well, & 2) She is such a kind person she clearly couldn't behind anything against the good of Korvosa, could she?
As for the out of game reason, it is merely there to soothe any potential grumblings from certain members of the that if they had found someone to sell it to, they would have made more money, and to show that if you stay on track, you still will get very nice loot, in order to keep players from trying to murder important NPCs for their gear.
Well, aside from that little (though my rant about it was anything but) nitpick, this is a very nice, complete list and I look forward to seeing the rest of it.

Scàthach Ulster |
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Great idea. I haven't had a chance to double check yet. But is this from newer Handcover version or older Paper modules? Appears there was lots of changes along the way.
Either way, thanks for posting.
This, along with the list I did for RotRL here are the updated editions.

Scàthach Ulster |

Firstly nothing to be sorry about (at least in my mind) this is an awesome aid to the community and I'm grateful for the work, will hardly be upset if it takes a while.
Secondly you write all this on a phone? Not sure if possible to give more respect for you than now given.
My computer is currently an expensive paperweight. Soooo. Yeah. I've been doing this on my phone sonce RotRL chapter five.

Scàthach Ulster |
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Seven Days to the Grave
1x Masterwork Mithral Dagger [401gp]
1x Wand of Daze Monster 10/50 [450gp]
1x Escort Bounty [500gp]
{This chapter is pretty lame.}
Running Total: 52,710gp 6sp + 1 Artefact
1x Escort Bounty (250/pc) [1000gp] {I am assuming a typical party of four}
1x Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds 18/50 [810gp]
1x +1 Shortspear [1150gp 5sp]
1x Silver Unholy Symbol of Urgathoa [25gp]
1x +2 Cloak of Resistance [2000gp]
1x Urgathoan Prayer Book [1500gp]
6x Masterwork Studded Leather (137gp 5sp) [825gp]
18x Short Sword (5gp) [90gp]
9x Light Crossbow (17gp 5sp) [157gp 5sp]
180x Bolt (1gp/10) [18gp]
3x Smokestick (10gp) [30gp]
1x Tanglefoot Bag [25gp]
1x Thunderstone [15gp]
20x Tindertwig (5sp) [10gp]
1x Copper Trumpet [120gp]
1x Set of Masterwork Carpenter’s Tools [27gp 5sp]{While the SRD bizzarely has a shaving kit, it does not have a carpenter’s. I’m pricing this as MWK Artisan’s Tools}
2x Potion of Bear’s Endurance (150gp) [300gp]
1x Potion of Blur [150gp]
7x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (150gp) [1050gp]
1x Potion of Shield of Faith +3 [150gp]
3x +1 Chain Shirt (625gp) [1875gp]
1x +1 Mithral Rapier [1160gp]
23x Dagger (23gp) [23gp]
4x Chain Shirt (50gp) [200gp]
16x Alchemist’s Fire (10gp) [160gp]
1x Masterwork Longsword [157gp 5sp]
1x Masterwork Chainmail [150gp]
1x Bottle of Air [3625gp]
1x Pearl of Power II [2000gp]
1x Wand of Charm Person 14/50 [210gp]
1x Wand of Remove Disease 3/50 [225gp]
2x Giant Wasp Poison (105gp) [210gp]
1x Circlet of Persuasion [2250gp]
1x Asst. Silver and Violet Jewelry [180gp]
2x Light Steel Shield (4gp 5sp) [9gp]
3x Masterwork Hand Crossbow (200gp) [600gp]
37x Hand Crossbow Bolt (1sp) [37gp]
2x Masterwork Rapier (160gp) [320gp]
1x Asst. Perfumes [800gp]
3x Lapis Perfume Bottle (45gp) [135gp]
1x Alchemist’s Lab [100gp]
1x Asst. Reagents [800gp]
1x Ring of Jumping [1250gp]
1x Pipes of Haunting [3000gp]
1x Silver Tooth [1gp]
2x Masterwork Thieves’ Tools (50gp) [100gp]
1x Boots of Springing and Striding [2750gp{
1x Asst. Goods [100gp] {Technically, you don’t obtain this or the passes until the next part, and it’s “worth less than 100gp” but since 100gp is the only value listed, we’re going with 100gp}
4x Season’s Worth of Free Theater Passes [Gotta be worth something]
2x Potion of Invisibility (150gp) [300gp]
1x Potion of Remove Disease [375gp]
1x Wand of Animate Dead 4/50 [300gp]
1x Wand of Cat’s Grace 11/50 [495gp]
1x Wand of Sculpt Corpse 5/50 [37gp 5sp]
4x Smoke Bomb(12gp 5sp) [50gp] {I cannot, for the life of me, find a smoke bomb on the SRD. I am pricing these as smoke pellets}
1x +1 Glamered Studded Leather [1937gp 5sp]
1x Masterwork Dagger [151gp]
3x Screaming Bolt sized for a hand crossbow (137gp ) [411gp]
1x Flint and Steel [5sp]
1x Masterwork Manacles [25gp]
4x Pesh (10gp) [40gp]
1x Sealing Wax [5sp]
1x Asst. Stolen Jewelry [80gp] {The text actually says 8pp, for some asinine reason}
{There’s also probably assorted loot in the manor.}
130pp [1300gp]
62sp [6gp 2sp]
22cp [2sp 2cp]
Running Total: 90,347gp 2cp + 1 Artefact
4x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (150gp) [600gp]
1x Scroll of Bless [12gp 5sp]
1x Scroll of Burning Hands [12gp 5sp]
1x Scroll of Cure Light Wounds [12gp 5sp]
1x Scroll of Magic Missile [12gp 5sp]
2x Alchemist’s Fire (10gp) [20gp]
1x Holy Water [12gp 5sp]
1x Thunderstone (15gp) [30gp]
1x +1 Studded Leather [577gp 5sp]
1x Light Crossbow [17gp 5sp]
10x Bolt (1sp) [1gp]
1x Masterwork Rapier [160gp]
1x Disguise Kit [25gp]
1x Everburning Candle [25gp] {Price taken from eternal candle in RotRL}
21x Healers’ Kit (25gp) [525gp]
1x Thieves’ Tools [15gp]
1x Spellbook, Empty [7gp 5sp]
1x Wooden Holy Symbol [5sp]
6x Full Plate (750gp) [4500gp]
6x Heavy Steel Shield (10gp) [60gp]
6x Composite Longbow (50gp) [300gp]
120x Arrow (5cp) [6gp]
6x Longsword (7gp 5sp) [45gp]
16x Masterwork Club (150gp) [2400gp]
16x Leather Armor (5gp) [80gp]
18x Plaugebringer’s Mask (1000gp) [18,000gp]
56x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (25gp) [1400gp]
14x +1 Breastplate (675gp) [9450gp]
14x Scythe (9gp) [126gp]
14x Silver Unholy Symbol of Urgathoa (12gp 5sp) [175gp]
1x Potion of Remove Disease [375gp]
1x +1 Mithral Chain Shirt [1125gp]
1x +1 Human-Bane Rapier [4160gp]
1x Amulet of Natural Armor +1 [1000gp]
1x Elixir of True Healing [12,500gp]
20x Set of Queen’s Physician Clothes (5gp) [100gp] {It could also be extrapolated that each plague doctor is wearing a set of these. However, they are not listed in their monster entry, and so are not listed here.}
1x Potion of Poison [700gp]
1x Scroll of Teleport [562gp 5sp]
1x Wand of Magic Missile CL 3 43/50 [967gp 5sp]
1x +1 Dagger [1151gp]
1x Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 [2000gp]
1x Cloak of Resistance +1 [500gp]
1x Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 [2000gp]
1x Ring of Protection +1 [1000gp]
6x Unguent of Timelessness (75gp) [450gp]
1x Masterwork Thieves’ Tools [50gp]
1x Fine Mortician’s Tools [100gp]
6x Black Onyx (150gp) [900gp]
1x Spellbook containing all cantrips except illusion and transmutation, Animate Dead, Dimension Door, Enervation, Infuse Decay, Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch, False Life, Ghoul Touch, Scorching Ray, Touch of Idiocy, Spectral Hand, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Unlock Flesh, and 5 each of levels 1-4. {The exact text is 2d4. Taking the average this is 5} <15/11/10/10/9> [2040gp]
23x Black Onyx (50gp) [1150gp]
4x Broken Scimitar (5gp 6sp 2cp) [22gp 4sp 8cp]
4x Broken Chain Shirt (37gp 5sp) [150gp]
12x Midnight Wine (14gp) [168gp]
1x Robe of Bones with human and wolf skeleton patches [200gp]
1x Onyx Skull Sculpture [35gp]
1x Pink and Green Sphere Ioun Stone [4000gp]
1x Amulet of Natural Armor +3 [9000gp]
1x Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 [2000gp]
2x Cloak of Resistance +2 [2000gp]
6x Flask of Acid (5gp) [30gp]
1x Asst. Distillations of diseases [Worth something. To someone. Also ew.]
1x Asst. Alchemical Equipment [500gp]
1x Asst. Tomes [1500gp]
1x Set of Crystal Vials [1000gp]
1x Aged Locket [100gp]
1x +1 Composite Longbow [1200gp]
2x Potion of Barkskin +4 [450gp]
1x +2 Breastplate [2175gp]
1x +2 Vicious Scythe [9159gp]
1x Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 [2000gp]
1x Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2 [2000gp]
1x Onyx Unholy Symbol of Urgathoa [200gp]
2x Silver Hand Candelabras (150gp) [300gp]
1x Asst. Incense [450gp]
1x Wand of Cure Serious Wounds 37/50 [2775gp]
1x Wand of Remove Disease 8/50 [600gp]
1x Scroll of Restoration [450gp]
1x Scroll of Raise Dead [5562gp 5sp]
3x Incense of Meditation (2450gp) [7350gp]
1x Death’s Head Coffer [500gp]
1x Family Friends Reward (250gp/pc) [1000gp]
1x Good Neighbors Reward (1000gp/pc) [4000gp]
1x Local Heroes Reward (2500gp/pc) [10,000gp]
1x City Saviors Reward (5000gp/pc) [20,000gp]
91pp [910gp]
61sp [6gp 1sp]
163cp [1gp 6sp 3cp]
Tentative Running Total: 231,225gp 2sp 3cp + 1 Artefact
I am about 127% certain I did my math wrong for this chapter. If someone could re-run the numbers for me, that'd be great. I am running on -14 hours of sleep.

Disturbed1Smurf |

by my count (checked 3 times,thank Moradin for ctrl+F):
previous Running Total: 50,609gp 6sp + 1 Artefact
gp: 1351
pp: 130
gp: 36342
sp: 107
cp: 22
pp= 91
Gp= 162637
SP= 120
cp= 173
Chapter Totals
pp : 221 (2210 gp)
gp : 200330
sp : 227 (22gp 7sp)
cp : 173 (1gp 7sp 3cp)
200330+(2234gp 4sp 3cp)= 202564gp, 4sp, 3cp
New Running Total: 253174gp 0sp 3cp + 1 Artefact
I spelled out my conversions so if i got them wrong someone could fix my math : hope this helps!

Scàthach Ulster |
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@Malefactor This was completely unrelated to by poor sleep habits. It just gave me something to do while I waited for a reasonable time to pass out. I just slept 18 hours so I'm good.
@Duametef Unused- the used ones are just boxes and have no printed value.
@Smurf Many many MANY MANY thanks. With that,
Running Total:25174gp 0sp 3cp + 1 Artefact

Duamatef |

@Duametef Unused- the used ones are just boxes and have no printed value.
That's what I thought. But I'm going to have to put a price on one since otherwise it's a big neon sign when they try to sell it. I was figuring it might sell for 250 since it is in effect the 1/2 of the cost paid to create one to begin with. And there is at least 1 used one in the path.

Scàthach Ulster |
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Escape From Old Korvosa
Into the Dying City
4x Masterwork Studded Leather (87gp 5sp) [350gp]
4x Masterwork Heavy Wood Shield (78gp 5sp) [314gp]
4x Masterwork Battleaxe (160gp) [620gp]
20x Throwing Axe (4gp) [80gp]
4x Potion of Bull’s Strength (150gp) [600gp]
2x Potion of Resist Fire (150gp) [300gp]
4x Alchemist Fire (10gp) [40gp]
2x +1 Leather Armor (580gp) [1160gp]
4x +1 Sawtooth Sabre (1167gp 5sp) [4670gp]
8x Dagger (1gp) [8gp]
2x Cloak of Resistance +1 (500gp) [1000gp]
2x Mask of the Mantis (3000gp) [6000gp] {These guys aren’t gonna be easy to move}
1x Bag of Holding Type I [1250gp]
1x Cloak of Elvenkind [1250gp]
12x Masterwork Dagger (151gp) [1812gp]
1x +2 Slick Leather Armor [3950gp]
1x Boots of Elvenkind [1250gp]
1x Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location [17,500gp]
1x Gloves of Swimming and Climbing [3125gp]
1x +2 Keen Mithral Rapier [9510gp]
{Laori Vaus is *technically* a friendly NPC… so. Her gear isn’t posted here.}
1x Marvelous Pigments [2000gp]
54pp [540gp]
Running Total: 82,503gp 0sp 3cp + 1 Artefact
Emperor of Old Korvosa
{We are assuming the PCs are Spetsnazing the
palace. Have fun storming the castle!}
18x Masterwork Studded Leather (87gp 5sp) [1575gp]
18x Masterwork Heavy Wood Shield (78gp 5sp) [1413gp]
18x Masterwork Battleaxe (160gp) [2880gp]
110x Throwing Axe (4gp) [440gp]
2x Potion of Barkskin +4 [450gp]
1x Rod of Wonder [6000gp]
1x +1 Glamered Chain Shirt [1975gp]
1x Masterwork Light Crossbow [167gp 5sp]
10x Bolt (1sp) [1gp]
1x Masterwork War Razor [157gp]
1x Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 [2000gp]
1x Cloak of Resistance +2 [2000gp]
1x Small +1 Leather Armor [580gp]
1x Small +1 Greataxe [1160gp]
1x Small Amulet of Natural Armor +1 [1000gp]
1x Small Belt of Giant Strength +2 [2000gp]
1x Silk Glove w/ Pearls [250gp]
1x Masterwork Hand Crossbow [200gp]
1x Wand of Slow 13/50 [2925gp]
11x Macabre Painting (20gp) [220gp]
1x Dining Set [500gp]
1x Crystal Decanter w/ Fine Brandy [750gp]
1x Creepy Religious Painting [450gp]
1x Very Creepy Religious Painting [1100gp]
1x Incredibly Creepy Religious Painting [2000gp]
3pp [30gp]
Running Total: 113,051gp 5sp 3cp + 1 Artefact
Wrath of the Arkonas
{More rampant murderhobo-ing}
1x Ring of Evasion [12,500gp]
3x Scroll of Sending (350gp) [1050gp]
1x Wand of Haste 19/50 [4275gp]
1x Wand of Illusory Script 12/50 [3300gp]
1x Wand of Shield 23/50 [195gp]
1x +2 Kukri [4159gp]
1x Bloodstone [1000gp]
1x Bloodstone [200gp]
{That’s not a misprint. There are many bloodstones of variable value in this part.}
3x Bloodstone (100gp) [300gp]
1x Variant Marble Elephant Figurine of Wondrous Power [13,000gp]
6x Morbid Painting (800gp) [4800gp]
4x Bejeweled Hookah (350gp) [1400gp]
1x Asst. Smokables [1400gp]
2x Bloodstone (500gp) [1000gp]
1x +1 Ghost Touch Kama [4151gp]
12x Masterwork Dagger (151gp) [1812gp]
1x Masterwork Falchion [187gp 5sp]
6x Masterwork Punching Dagger (151gp) [906gp]
2x Masterwork Sai (150gp 5sp) [301gp]
2x Masterwork Siangham (151gp 5sp) [303gp]
3x Masterwork Spear (151gp) [302gp]
1x +2 Light Fortification Leather Armor [4580gp]
3x Bloodstone (150gp) [450gp]
1x Magic Toilet [150gp]
1x Asst. Arkona Papers (9000gp/pc) [36,000gp] {The pricing is given in Mantis and Maiden}
1x Asst. Gems [5500gp]
1x +1 Holy Light Crossbow [4167gp 5sp]
{I am assuming that the PCs give Vencarlo his stuff back. It’s not printed here.}
1x Asst. Furniture [3000gp]
1x Sitar w/ Leafed Engraving [350gp]
4x +1 Scimitar (1157gp 5sp) [4630gp]
4x +1 Chainmail (650gp) [2600gp]
4x Masterwork Light Steel Shield (79gp 5sp) [318gp]
1x Blue Coral Gecko Sculpture [300gp]
1x Redwood Firepelt Cougar Sculpture [200gp]
1x Gold Flame Drake Sculpture [1200gp]
1x +1 Kukri [1159gp]
1x Wand of Dimension Door 3/50 [1260gp]
1x +1 Ki Focus Shock Kukri [9159gp]
2x Javelin of Lightning (750gp) [1500gp]
1x Set of Gold Armbands [1400gp]
1x Wand of Dimension Door 19/50 [7980gp]
1x Wand of Magic Missile CL 9 18/50 [2430gp]
1x Large +1 Leather Armor [585gp]
2x Large +2 Kukri (4168gp) [8336gp]
3x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (375gp) [1125gp]
3x Potion of Lesser Restoration (375gp) [1125gp]
1x Bloodstone [750gp]
2x Amethyst (500gp) [1000gp]
1x Masterwork Longsword [157gp 5sp]
1x Masterwork Kukri [159gp]
500pp [5000gp]
4000sp [400gp]
Running Total: 277,256gp 0sp 3cp + 1 Artefact
As usual, I would like it if someone could check my numbers.

Scàthach Ulster |

Hey all! I am going to be taking a break from this project for a bit to do some homebrewing. I *do* have all the loot laid written out. I just haven't gotten around to valuing and adding it all up. If someone wants to take over I am more than happy to share my notes. Further, is the anywhere I can get feedback on homebrew? I have done something to the hive that is potentially beautiful and horrific but want some feedback.

Disturbed1Smurf |

Staring value: 25174gp 0sp 3cp + 1 Artefact
Escape From Old Korvosa
Into the Dying City
Old total: 25,174.03
Section total: 59,141
Running Total: 84,315.03 & 1 Artefact
Emperor of Old Korvosa
Section total: 32,558.5
Running Total: 116,873.53 gp & 1 Artefact
Wrath of the Arkonas
Section Total: 162,704.5 gp
Running Total: 279,578.03 & 1 Artefact
(assuming totals in brackets are accurate, which from the little double checking i did it should be, this is the new totals)
I dont have the book(yet) so I cant double check the stuff in them or I would be happy to help more.