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![]() I'm trying to figure out "Psychopomp, Nosoi" 's skill ranks for Sage archetype.
![]() How I see it for the Sage Familiar:
Example 1: A Sage Paracletus(AEON) familiar is taken at 7th level due to Improved Familiar with the Sage Archetype, its Int increases from 11 to 12 so it Automatically gains 3 skill points due to racial hit die(RHD)+14 skill points due to Sages Knowledge skill points. It would then gain +2 SP(Sages knowledge) at every even level, or +5 SP (+2SK, +3RHD) at every odd level.(just ignore Paracletus' Extension of all for this example, no that it applies directly but it does help the Sage quite a bit.) Example 2: Magus takes an Aether elemental at 11th level due to the untimely death of his previous Familiar. Its base Int mod is 4 and has 2 RHD, its new INT is 16 so we subtract 4(-3) from 16(+3) to get 12, then divide by 2 to see how many skill points we get per RHD, then we multiply that number by the number of RHD to get how many skill points the familiar has to spend. even levels he would get +2 SP, odd levels he would get 4 SP. Per one of the Bestiary books we see that Outsiders get 6+Intmod per HD in skills, which both Aeons and Elementals are subtypes of. it also lists Bluff, Craft, Knowledge (planes), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth (plus 4 additional by theme.) as class skills.
If you take apart the improved familiars to check how many ranks they have it typically works out based on the chart for monster types. (I cheat when I'm have to deal with this and use http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types )
The best way to optimise this archetype is to find a High HD familiar with a super low Int to start. Give you Familiar buddy a Mask of a thousand tomes(10k) for an additional +10 to knowledge checks. TL;DR: Sage is a pain in the butt to get started, but if you are playing a sorcerer or non-int caster with low skill points It can be really worth it to pick it up (especially if you get a Paracletus AEON for its "Extension of All" racial SQ). ![]()
![]() "If you make a weapon out of, for example, Adamantine, and then apply the Greater Transformative property to it, then when it is transformed to any other weapon, it is an Adamantine weapon. Keep in mind that you can even transform it into an Adamantine Shield, and convey properties that way. The same goes for other material types, though you would pay the cost for the original weapon type as normal." Add Anchoring to this for a truly awesome combo. Use trip weapon to knock npc prone, set weapon on top of prone person, activate Anchoring. Watch Loki try to lift Meow-meow. More practical: Throw adamantine net, once it captures opponent activate Anchoring. HP for net is usually 5, Burst DC is usually 25, if recalculated for adamantine it should go up to: HP:20, DC:30 str check to make a burst check of DC:40(guess). Opponent is now entangled or worse. All of this works best if your GT-A-***** is sentient. (Like your in a Mythic game and have Transformative familiar..) ![]()
![]() Spell combat truestrike with a trip.
![]() Staring value: 25174gp 0sp 3cp + 1 Artefact
![]() Isn't the whole idea of the Sorcerer that they cast LIKE magical creatures? When you see a Dragon Sorcerer is he not getting his powers from his draconic ancestors muddied down by his humanoid parents? So the line in dragon descriptions "like a sorcerer" isn't there to say dragons do things like sorcerers, its to remind you that they are where Sorcerers got their start/power/casting capabilities in the first place. Sorcerers get eschew materials? its because of their Fey/Dragon/Ghoul/Djin/whatever had magic in their BLOOD that passed into your sorcerer to allow them to cast in the first place. Fluff doesn't always matter for WHAT the rules are, but for sorcerers it matters for WHY the rules are. (My Input as a GM, and i understand that fluff is not RAW) ![]()
![]() by my count (checked 3 times,thank Moradin for ctrl+F):
I spelled out my conversions so if i got them wrong someone could fix my math : hope this helps! ![]()
![]() draxar wrote: If anyone's got any feedback on this it'd be very much appreciated — anything I've missed, any mistakes, and any suggestions for improving it. I've a few thoughts on that myself, which I've stuck at the end of the document, but I'd also appreciate other people's input. I love the guide. just wondering are you planing on updating it with any of newer polymorph spells like Form of the Alien Dragon &/or the mythic stuff for shapeshifter's ? Archmage:
Shifting Mastery (Su) spend 1/minute of duration to switch forms as standard action. Take on form of SPECIFIC individuals if you want Per limitations of spell used, animals for animal shape ect. Many Forms(Su) Alter Self at will, mythic point to do polymorph effects Hierophant:
Mythic Wild Shape (Su)pick a thing you wildshape into, it doesn't count against your daily uses Pack Wildshape (Su) your allies can wild shape with you. (^Combo much?^) Plant Bringer (Su)you like being a plant? it just got better! Mythic Feats: powerful shape gets better! ![]()
![]() (Sorry for the thread necro but it was bugging me)
a : the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material
since A doesn't work due to all humanoids i can think of being made of "flesh like materials" its would be pointless. c doesn't work because there is no CHA bonus... that leaves us with B. Doesn't sound like very "Generic" to me. ![]()
![]() Bump. The Errata for the book has no fix for this.
![]() ***************
Quark Blast wrote:
1: Simplest answer: IF you are holding your components for that spell when you gain this condition you drop those components and run away from them. Since I can't find a place where it says you have to have them out, I'd say unless the spell says "you throw an acorn at Joe" they just disappear, but that is a Gm decision, as its generally inferred you have them in hand to cast due to needing hands free for them. "A spell's components explain what you must do or possess to cast the spell. The components entry in a spell description includes abbreviations that tell you what type of components it requires. Specifics for material and focus components are given at the end of the descriptive text. Usually you don't need to worry about components, but when you can't use a component for some reason or when a material or focus component is expensive, then the components are important." - Components Therefore IF you drop your components(which you tie to the spell during spell prep) you lose the capability to cast that spell.
2: pan·ic(panik)-noun
A General response to this issue:
Panicked is a more extreme state of fear than shaken or frightened.
if you want to get bent about this rule, realize the level of spell that's causing the issue and look for its balancing point. most fear effects cause shaken then upgrade it on subsequent uses. In Summation
On a cranky day as a GM I'd say this breaks any concentration spells you have up as well. |