For my first wish...


I recently discovered an efreeti bottle in a campaign towards the end of the session, and as we were wrapping up for the night, I opened it. The DM rolled the percentile and now I have three wishes.

In this campaign, magic is incredibly hard to come by. This bottle is the first magic item any one has seen since the start of the campaign, and casting classes are banned.

So, with that in mind, what should I wish for?

I was thinking of cheesing the system and wishing for a simulacrum of an efreeti three times, but the DM asked me not to do that.

Depends on your DM for one. I'd make sure to know exactly how carefully you need to tread. Some DM's will do everything in their power to twist your wishes, with them, the less major the wish, usually the safer you are.

That said, if magic is so rare, you definitely want to aim for some way to get more access to it. Maybe wishing for a powerful caster loyal only to you (powerful so you don't get a 1st level kobold bard or something like that). I'll come back with some more ideas later.

Consider upgrading gear to magical standards. Considering a few +1 enhancements are less than the cost of a wish, it should go through.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Dotraj wrote:
Depends on your DM for one. I'd make sure to know exactly how carefully you need to tread. Some DM's will do everything in their power to twist your wishes, with them, the less major the wish, usually the safer you are.

I double down on Dotraj's comments. Your safest bet is to pick something from the list under the Wish spell description - like giving yourself a +3 bonus to your favorite ability score (using all three wishes).

Wishing for cash or magic items will often lead to unexpected drawbacks. Like, you get what you wanted, but the item or cash was simultaneously stolen from somebody powerful, who has now used magic to find you, and they want their stuff back. Or other nasty twists.

You could also save the wishes to bring back some of your pals from the dead, if player death is often a "thing" with your group.

A treaure map leading to a cache of magic tbat is within your abilities to obtain. Gives you an adventure w garuatneed loot, and sonce you will have to work for it your GM may be more generous than just wishing for stuff.

My DM is usually pretty lenient about things, and tends to not try to punish people for using things he specifically gives to them.

He said I could use it to wish for magical items within reason, so I'm thinking of getting a headband of wisdom and enchanting my weapon with a +1 or +2

Do you know any good (at least at their job) lawyers? You're going to need one.

well a wish costs 25k gold so you could wish for 3 items that have a cost of 25k or less

I would note that if it is an Efreet the DM will probably more rules twisting than if he had given a ring of wishes

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