The Steel Refrain |

I am currently playing through Rise of the Runelords with a Shaman with the Speaker for the Past archetype, and using the Battle spirit. He is the group's secondary front-line combatant using a reach weapon, and his spells are primarily focvused on self-buffs, utility and condition removal. He is currently 10th level, swiftly approaching 11th.
My specific question relates to the Spirit Talker feat, which I keep considering as another way of broadening the scope of what the character can do. The feat allows as follows:
"Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes communing with a shaman spirit of your choice. When you do, you gain the temporary use of one hex from its list of hexes. This hex is added to your list of available hexes for the next hour, after which you immediately lose all benefits of that hex."
I particularly like the idea of grabbing the Stone Stability hex from the Stone spirit, but worry it might be of limited utility against the increasingly large enemies we are fighting.
So I'm coming to the forums to see what people think of the feat post-nerf (it used to last 24 hours), and what other hexes people like to use it for.
(Please note my character has only INT 8, so Arcane Enlightenment is not an option even if the rules allowed it to work with Spirit Talker... which I find doubtful anyways given the language about losing the benefits after an hour.)

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I've got it on one of my Shaman. I've mostly used it for Arcane Enlightenment (and open spell slots +15 minutes to fill them +45 minutes to use them or cast hour/level.)
Some good options:
Stone Stability (great for you at 10th!)
Crystal Sight
Heaven's Leap
Cinder Dance
Gaze of Flames
Phantom Stampede
Ghost Blade or Deathly Being if you know there are undead in your future
maybe Thunder Foot at 11th?
and there are probably times where grabbing Speak with Animals or Speak with Dead in a pinch is going to be useful.
I'm not sure if I would have taken it without specifically wanting a super-flexible Unsworn Shaman, and I took it at 7th. I think it's held its own, but there have definitely been sessions where I didn't use it at all.

The Steel Refrain |

Thanks Markov. Your Shaman-related advice is always much appreciated. That trick with Arcane Enlightenment is especially crafty, even if it doesn't work for my current character.
I definitely like the looks of Stone Stability apart from a general worry that tripping is going to become less and less effective at higher levels for a 3/4 BAB character. Thunder Foot addresses the BAB issue though, so perhaps it could be a fun choice (though I've got to read up on the manuever, and how it works/doesn't work with a reach weapon build).
A few of the others probably aren't a great fit for other reasons (I'm often flying supernaturally so no major need for Cinder Dance, and Heaven's Leap is sort of redundant because I have the Time Hop revelation via my archetype), but I like the utility value of stuff like Crystal Sight and Ghost Blade.
I suspect you're right about the feat as a whole -- it gives even further flexibility, but may not be all that useful every day. Still wish they hadn't nerfed it quite so hard though.

The Steel Refrain |

@ Chess Pnw: Thanks -- I know how the feat works in terms of prep time and duration, and am mostly looking for advice or recommendations on good Hex choices, either for combat purposes or non-combat purposes.
@ Pounce: Just had a look at Ritual Hex. Could definitely be nice for the right character, especially a Shaman who is already leveraging INT for Arcane Enlightenment. Unfortunately, my character only has INT 8 and would have a hard time consistently making the Knowledge checks (though he has a reasonably good History check for background/story reasons).
For Shamans, would you agree that Ritual Hex only allows access to (a) the usual 'generic' Shaman hexes; (b the ones from the character's chosen spirit; and (c) anything he or she happens to qualify for via wandering hex at the time the ritual is performed (assuming wsndering hex hasn't been traded away via an archetype, as I have done)?