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Trailer is up and looking pretty good if you ask me. Looks like a very different story from the sort we've had till now.

I'm wondering if Fox has decided that maybe the shared universe thing is a wash and decided to just focus on making a good movie using the character

Scarab Sages

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This trailer, particularly with Johnny Cash's death knell cover of Hurt in the background, feels so sad, in an awesome way.

Saw a gif from the international trailer which gives me a bit of feel for where the R rating will be coming from. Logan's iconic claws to the bottom of the chin come out the top of a guys head, with a bit of red on them. A far cry from the blood repellent claws of the PG-13 past.

As an X-Movie fan, I feel more excited for an X-Movie than I have since before First Class.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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This is gonna be a sad movie, I guarantee it. It has very strong "Last of Us" vibe going on. And I am so glad to see Laura McKinney FINALLY in a movie. So excited for this, haven't been this pumped for a X-Men movie since The Wolverine.

Dark Archive

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archmagi1 wrote:
This trailer, particularly with Johnny Cash's death knell cover of Hurt in the background, feels so sad, in an awesome way.

I did not think I could love and appreciate that haunting song anymore than I have already. The song itself has a great back story, as of today my regard for it continues to grow.

Scarab Sages

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Over on BMD, someone mentioned that Nine Inch Nail's version was better, and while I agree, I disagreed with them on the fact that Cash's version is more Iconic. A downer song in the heyday of downer songs (the 90s!) just doesn't have the same pop culture sting as the widely played swan song of one of musics most prevalent personalities, months before he dies as he's seemingly struggling to even get out a melodic sound.

Regardless, here, that struggle for life fits with everything they've spilled about Logan. Wolverine is in chronic pain, struggling to even don a jacket without his hyperactive adrenaline pumping in battle. The repeating themes of death in this trailer fit perfectly with either version, but its that decrepit Xavier being carried by his 'youthful' elder Logan, as they both know their time creeps up on them, makes the Cash version just hit the feels that much stronger.

Sovereign Court

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This trailer is just amazing. Look at them, so tired, so spent from the struggle that lasted lifetimes. And yet there they go, fighting for a better future. Maybe it's for the future of a little girl, but hell they are gonna give it their all.

It is a great little trailer. I certainly feel this will give both Jackman and Wolverine a good send off.

Couple that with what I feel is an iconic sound. Struggle is part of what makes the song...his.

In any case Logan will be more remembered with honor (I HOPE!) than say, Wolverine Origins or even X-men Apocalypse.

Scarab Sages

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Maybe Logan can pull the reverse X-Film Trilogy Trilogy, and have the third film of his trilogy be the absolute best. We all know the first of his was the dumps (though I still like it. Schriever = best sabertooth), and The Wolverine was a decent, run of the mill flick. If Logan can win the trilogy, it might elevate itself to the best trilogy of the Trilogy Trilogy.

Bear with me as I rant about the Trilogy Trilogy...

McKellan's Trilogy started strong, stayed OK, then turned to dook. Fassbender's Trilogy started excellent, put in a good 2nd effort, then turned to dook. Wolverine' Trilogy, on the other hand, started Dook, had a 2nd effort right equal to United and DOFP, and has nowhere to go but to Superhero Cinema Halls of Honor for his capstone.

Note: Trilogies 1 and 2 referred to as Magneto actors, because face it, both trilogies revolve around Magneto. McKellen's as Magneto struggles to implement Mutosupremacy; Fassbenders as Magneto struggles to relate to other living creatures in a way that doesn't equal oppressive grief.

We've seen the great franchise start 2 of its Trilogies with landmark, memorable, genre impacting films, and we've seen the third pull an origin story that we'd seen flashes of in two movies already (and retconned a bit in each subsequent appearance). This 2nd Trilogy of the Trilogy Trilogy, always had the most potential, with the fan favorite being pandered to with his own films, and now, this trailer gives me hope that they might have finally succeeded with it.

Aside: If Logan does turn out to be the glittering jewel of the Wolverine Trilogy (or even of all 9 movies of the Trilogy Trilogy), then we all win. Especially from the wordplay of the movie titles. Origins depicted an origin story, where he was Logan the whole movie and never really was Wolverine. Then The Wolverine actually treats him like a comic book hero, famed and recognizable as his character (not to mention the orange/black costume cameo). Finally Logan will be his swan song, after his wolverining days are behind him. The progression of the titles X-Men: Wolverine (striking Origins for my thinking), The Wolverine, Logan just goes backward from how you would imagine them progressing. This somewhat backward progression in titles would be an apt compliment to the backward progression of poopiness in the Trilogy (if this movie is a winner not an Apocalypse).

/me realizes much of that makes no narrative sense. X-Film Fanboy Mode turned off

Sovereign Court

is Liev coming back as sabertooth?


God I hope so. I'd love to see him, Lady Deathstrike and maybe Omega Red as the lone survivors.

I didn't like the trailer, but I don't really care for the X-Men movies, so.

Yes we know. X-men are your least favorite Marvel Comics product.

My least favorite Marvel Comics Movies. i loved the comics and i loved the first cartoon. but the movies lost me after the first one, they had some good parts, but overall very disappointing.

Okay fine. Least favorite movies then.

Sovereign Court

We have been repeatedly made aware of this fact, yes.

Scarab Sages

So, if this movie kills in the box office, are we looking at a reboot / new trilogy (loosely connected to apocalypse by some of the actors returning, probably Turner and mcelvoy), abandoning it to focus on new xforce franchise spinning out of Deadpool continuity, or just hedging their bets on a 90s era film turning fassbender trilogy into a quadrilogy?

Sovereign Court

Probably yeah.

Who knows Archy? Right now it's too early to say even if it does well that Fox will want to touch more superhero stuff beyond just Deadpool and friends.

Scarab Sages

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"Deadpool and friends" should be Deadpool's sequel title.

Dark Archive

The international trailer is definitely more graphic.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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archmagi1 wrote:

Over on BMD, someone mentioned that Nine Inch Nail's version was better, and while I agree, I disagreed with them on the fact that Cash's version is more Iconic. A downer song in the heyday of downer songs (the 90s!) just doesn't have the same pop culture sting as the widely played swan song of one of musics most prevalent personalities, months before he dies as he's seemingly struggling to even get out a melodic sound.

Regardless, here, that struggle for life fits with everything they've spilled about Logan. Wolverine is in chronic pain, struggling to even don a jacket without his hyperactive adrenaline pumping in battle. The repeating themes of death in this trailer fit perfectly with either version, but its that decrepit Xavier being carried by his 'youthful' elder Logan, as they both know their time creeps up on them, makes the Cash version just hit the feels that much stronger.

Trent Reznor thinks Johnny Cash's version is better.

"I never got to meet Johnny but I'm happy I contributed the way I did. It felt like a warm hug. For anyone who hasn't seen it, (the video) I highly recommend checking it out. I have goose bumps right now thinking about it.

"Having Johnny Cash, one of the greatest singer-songwriters of all time, want to cover your song, that's something that matters to me. It's not so much what other people think but the fact that this guy felt that it was worthy of interpreting.

"He said afterwards it was a song that sounds like one he would have written in the '60s and that's wonderful".

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
archmagi1 wrote:
Over on BMD, someone mentioned that Nine Inch Nail's version was better, and while I agree, I disagreed with them on the fact that Cash's version is more Iconic. A downer song in the heyday of downer songs (the 90s!) just doesn't have the same pop culture sting as the widely played swan song of one of musics most prevalent personalities, months before he dies as he's seemingly struggling to even get out a melodic sound.

Read about the history of this song.

When asked if Johnny Cash could take on the song, NIN’s rock ballad genius Trent Reznor at first said he was “flattered”, but worried that “the idea sounded a bit gimmicky.”

Yet, thankfully, clearer heads prevailed.

Cash's health was failing by the day, the original concept was abandoned and this bare bones video shot in his home of three decades was as iconic a video as any in the medium.

Reznor himself became a huge fan of Cash's version, however, once he saw the music video and heard the elder singer's voice.

"I pop the video in, and Wow... Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps... Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore... It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. [Somehow] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning — different, but every bit as pure. This was my song, but it no longer is. It found its way home."

Notes on the actual music video


The music video was directed by former Nine Inch Nails collaborator Mark Romanek who sought to capture the essence of Cash, both in his youth and in his older years. In a montage of shots of Cash's early years, twisted imagery of fruit and flowers in various states of decay, seem to capture both his legendary past and the stark and seemingly cruel reality of the present. According to literature professor Leigh H. Edwards, the music video portrays "Cash's own paradoxical themes".

Romanek had this to say about his decision to focus on the House of Cash museum in Nashville.

It had been closed for a long time; the place was in such a state of dereliction. That's when I got the idea that maybe we could be extremely candid about the state of Johnny's health, as candid as Johnny has always been in his songs.

71 years of age at the time of filming (in February 2003), Cash had serious health problems and his frailty is clearly evident in the video. He died seven months later (September 12); his wife, June Carter Cash, who participated in the video (she is shown gazing at her husband in several sequences), died three months after filming (May 15), closely preceding him in death.

In July 2011, the music video was named one of "The 30 All-TIME Best Music Videos" by Time It was ranked the greatest music video of all time by NME.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Remembering Logan in action and seeing the Parkinson's shake at the beginning is chilling. And the most powerful telepath on Earth having Alzheimer's just rips your heart out.


It's not heart ripping just...great to add character depth and proof that even the most powerful among them isn't immune to the ravages of time.

I'm super excited to see Laura McKinney finally debut, but I wish she'd had a chance to interact with other mutants in the present day instead of the future. On the other hand, keeping her far away from most of the X-Men keeps her from getting sucked into another crappy X-Men ensemble movie. Singer, please keep your creepy hands off the X-Men from now on.

I'm hoping the beancounters-on-high at Fox finally let Xavier and Logan step off the franchise treadmill and finally go out on a high note.

And while I like Reznor and enjoy his music, "Hurt" is now forever a Cash song.

*agrees with Ambrosia, Hurt is a Cash song now and forever*

Also I think having Laura NOT be with the other X-men gives us the chance to MAYBE just maybe keep Singer from screwing up another film series.

X-23 meets the future Fantastic Five perhaps?

It looks good...but I keeping my expectations low as I have been burn by X-Men movies in the past.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:


It's not heart ripping just...great to add character depth and proof that even the most powerful among them isn't immune to the ravages of time.

As someone who used to have an eidetic memory, and has holes and gaps now after surviving meningitis....it is.

It's one thing to not know something, it's another to know with absolute certainty that you should, but don't.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


It's not heart ripping just...great to add character depth and proof that even the most powerful among them isn't immune to the ravages of time.

As someone who used to have an eidetic memory, and has holes and gaps now after surviving meningitis....it is.

It's one thing to not know something, it's another to know with absolute certainty that you should, but don't.



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My apologies Mark. I didn't know. So yes, with that information, it's clearly something truly heart wrenching.

I merely meant for FICTIONAL characters, not real people.

I haven't been impressed with X-men movies or the Wolverine stand-alone films to date, so I hadn't bothered to watch the trailer until tonight, with Hurt playing throughout.

If the movie can bring out half of the sadness of that song and have a truly tragic ending for the title character, I will be thoroughly impressed and actually look forward to seeing it. If there's a happy ending though, they should have to publicly apologize for using that song.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Sang that version at karaoke last night. I don't sing in public.

My wife can't stop talking about it! heh

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:

Sang that version at karaoke last night. I don't sing in public.

My wife can't stop talking about it! heh

Did it get recorded? :3

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Heh. She recorded me singing Policy of Truth, but by the time I did Hurt her phone was dying.

Silver Crusade

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:

Sang that version at karaoke last night. I don't sing in public.

My wife can't stop talking about it! heh


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Heh. She recorded me singing Policy of Truth, but by the time I did Hurt her phone was dying.

I only recorded the twerking...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Of course you did!

Silver Crusade


Trailer looks great. I can't wait to see how Laura/X-23 is treated in the film, as I really like the character. I also expect to see the real Logan back, not how they depicted him in the last films.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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New trailer! X-effin-23!


Silver Crusade


Sovereign Court

First trailer was better, but still looks like it's worth checking out.

First time since X-2 I've felt like watching an X-men movie in the theaters.

Dark Archive

Could possibly be the best of the X Men franchise. If this is the last X Men movie for a decade I could live with that.

Beats out Winter Soldier as my favorite Marvel movie since Iron Man 1.

Very happy to see my friend Boyd Holbrook on the big screen.

Please watch this movie.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Okay that's saying a lot.

Silver Crusade


Dark Archive

That's me restraining myself from giving verbal cues and spoilers.

Silver Crusade

Thank you ^w^

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have expectations with this movie. There aren't a lot of new Marvel characters that I like, but X-23/Laura has been one of my favorites since her first appearances. She's had some awful (Bendis) stuff but she's still a character I love.
Also, I want to see the real Wolverine coming back. I need to see this movie!

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