What spell list is your favorite and why?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

For me and in spite of my love of wizards and witches, I'd have to say my favorite is the druid list. It's like the cool uncle of lists. You get some pretty wicked damage spells, the classics of the cleric, and you can do all kinds of nature and weather magic. Got a favorite pet? Now they can talk to you be a bro.

What's yours?

Paladin. Wand of holy sword is your friend.

I'm not sure what my favourite is, but Bard and Witch are both really nice. They both have a bunch of curses and healing capability. I want to try out spells like Magnifying Chime and Polar Midnight at some point.
I'd also like to point out the Psychic's list. So many cool toys, such as Explode Head, Psychic Crush, and Ego Whip, as well as several of the good ones from the Bard and Witch lists that I like.

I like Psychic. Some cool uniques, thematically appropriate Sorc/Wizard, and a few nice Cleric/Bard/Witch pickups. Plus they and Oracle are the only ones who get Borrow Fortune.

Sor/Wiz list, of course. Largest, most range of powers, has the most loopholes, keeps your character alive.
The psychic casting was a very interesting development for a 38 year old game. Sadly action economy really drags in this method.

Ranger. It has both Longstrider and CLW, which are important if after delivering the news of Marathon, you need to run back and help cure the fallen.

The Exchange

Shaman and Druid!

Healing, fighting and a lot of options.

Psychic. I like tricky mental things, and the mechanics of undercast spells really intrigue me.

Bard: Buffs, Debuffs, Enchantments, Healing and...THUNDER! Unlike 3.5, the Bard is the king of Sonic spells/damage in Pathfinder! Yippee! That is the way it should be, too.

Dark Archive

APG Summoner. It gets a lot of flak, but I have yet to see a group complain about early access Haste when I'm acually casting it on them. The other early access spells added a lot of utility and a bit more depth over the original theme of "buff Eidolon and send it in" that you usually see. Plus, I play PFS, where the ratio of characters at my local and convention tables tend to be Strength Attackers > Dexterity Attackers > Skill Monkeys > Supports > Full Casters so I often find myself playing the role of "arcane problem solver" even on my Aether Kineticist. Which is fine, because that is my favorite role.

But honestly, the best part about using the Summoner list is that it means I get to play a Summoner. And nothing beats that.

Shaman, hands down.

It has some big hits from all 3 types of Magic. With some abilities to cherry-pick even more.

1st) Bard List - so many unique and fun options.
2nd) Druid List - though I have only looked it over never played one.

The Exchange

It's a tie between the Druid and Oracle for me.

Oracle (Usually a variation of Life Oracle) because of the access to some decent damage spells but then the ability to switch into powerful healing on a whim. Being able to do Cure Serious Wounds as a swift action a every now and then later on is an added bonus.

Druid has some of the more fun spells in my opinion.
Two of my favourite gaming moments came from playing as a Druid... one instance involved summoning and dropping a Froghemoth from a height and the other one had us raising a wall into a dragon's flight path as it swooped at us.

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