Unusual Holy Symbol

Rules Questions

We play a mythic campaign.

My character is a paladin of Shelyn and my girlfriends character is a daughter of Shelyn.

Does she count as holy symbol?

Also she later wants to learn how to grant spells herself

Does she count as her own holy symbol?

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Ask your GM, almost positive you will not find a distinct rule citation for this.

How exactly would that be feasible to begin with? By what mechanic would she count as your holy symbol?

Last I checked, a holy symbol was an object unless you had an ability, feat, or trait to suggest otherwise (such as the birthmark trait). Even if she were capable of granting powers by her own right, she's not actually a symbol as far as I know.

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Get her the birthmark trait and she counts as a holy symbol

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Houserule: Dunk her in holy water and say a prayer. Bam, living holy symbol. :D

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Ashram wrote:
Houserule: Dunk her in holy water and say a prayer. Bam, living holy symbol. :D

I had a GM once who ran their own homemade campaign set in a pathfinder equivalent of ~16th century europe. Now I really, really wish I played a priest that used baptized children as their holy symbol...

I could see how you might house rule a buff to what a holy symbol can do in being a focus for casting spells or used in channeling if she were to say anoint the symbol with her blood and chant a prayer to Mom. But she would likely have to worship her Mom as well, I would think.

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JosMartigan wrote:
But she would likely have to worship her Mom as well, I would think.

This sounds... incredibly awkward.

What was she like during her rebellious teenage years, I wonder? Pretending her mother didn't exist in a very selective form of atheism, and dating clerics of Rovagug in protest?

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Saethori wrote:
What was she like during her rebellious teenage years, I wonder? Pretending her mother didn't exist in a very selective form of atheism, and dating clerics of Rovagug in protest?

Nah... Screw the Rough Beast, go for the more sensuous one that's got a hot eye for her mother... Looking at you, Lamashtu! Even better, considering the already awkward mother-daughter relationship.

Come to the demonic side. We've got succubi.

Oh believe me that character has no rebellious phase. She is very content with Shelyn beeing her mother and enjoys all the advantages of it

Okay, now that I find strangely disturbing.

Also, seriously people, what is wrong with going Calistrian for a rebellious phase?

The Shaman wrote:
Also, seriously people, what is wrong with going Calistrian for a rebellious phase?

Goddess that wants to twist your mother into her personal version of fun. Also, Succubi.


But hey, Seisho's right. What's not to love, when your mother is already the prime goddess of all things beautiful...


Nah, seriously, that sounds like a great mythic storyline. In fact, you should go steal back Lamashtu's divinity!... Then give it over to Shelyn's twisted, bondage-loving brother... yeah...

I mean, save the world. Or something.

Bane Wraith wrote:
The Shaman wrote:
Also, seriously people, what is wrong with going Calistrian for a rebellious phase?

Goddess that wants to twist your mother into her personal version of fun. Also, Succubi.


Perfectly summonable by a Callistrian character. There is also a CN knockoff in case you don´t want to stock up on negative level protection before making out.The incest angle is somewhat less prevalent, I will grant you that. Somewhat.

Anyway, I think a mythic character can get the ability to grant spells, but just how this would fly with them being devoted to Shelyn I am not sure. Maybe you could become a minor saint or have a splinter cult that is close enough that Shelly doesn´t mind.

The Shaman wrote:
Anyway, I think a mythic character can get the ability to grant spells, but just how this would fly with them being devoted to Shelyn I am not sure. Maybe you could become a minor saint or have a splinter cult that is close enough that Shelly doesn´t mind.

What you're looking for is this:

PRD wrote:
Divine Source (Su): You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause, allowing them to select you as their deity for the purposes of determining their spells and domains. Select two domains upon taking this ability. These domains must be alignment domains matching your alignment if possible, unless your alignment is neutral. You grant access to these domains as if you were a deity. Creatures that gain spells from you don't receive any spells per day of levels higher than your tier; they lose those spell slots. In addition, you can cast spells from domains you grant as long as their level is equal to or less than your tier. Each day as a spell-like ability, you can cast one spell of each level equal to or less than your tier (selecting from those available to you from your divine source domains). If you're a cleric or you venerate a deity, you may change your spell domains to those you grant others. At 6th tier and 9th tier, you can select this ability again, adding one domain and two subdomains (see the Advanced Player's Guide) to your list each time and adding their spells to the list of those that you can cast.

As the skill says, you are technically capable of granting spells to others. There is no mention of a focus or symbol though, so I assume that's something you get to make up.

Unfortunately, nothing in the PRD seems to compliment 'becoming a divine focus' or anything of the like. A trait is by far the easiest method from the get-go to be your own divine focus, but it does not mention being a divine focus for others.

Rules-wise, not supported. Flavor wise, hell yeah, go for it! Shove your girlfriend into the fray of battle as a pure example of beauty to your enemies, before smiting them.


The Shaman wrote:

Perfectly summonable by a Callistrian character. There is also a CN knockoff in case you don´t want to stock up on negative level protection before making out.The incest angle is somewhat less prevalent, I will grant you that. Somewhat.

Who said anything about incest? This is just a loving, close, personal relationship with one's mother. Get your head out of the gutter, dude...

Yeesh, you'd think they were Greek gods...

Scarab Sages

Seisho wrote:

We play a mythic campaign.

My character is a paladin of Shelyn and my girlfriends character is a daughter of Shelyn.

Does she count as holy symbol?

Also she later wants to learn how to grant spells herself

Does she count as her own holy symbol?

First, that sounds like a really awesome campaign.

Rules wise, no, a creature can't be a holy symbol. You can certainly tattoo one on, or have birthmark, but you can't be a living holy symbol.

As for spells, if the character is creating their own spells, then it's not really divine magic. The whole idea of divine is that it's being given by a higher power. Sorta blurry with gods, but I'd go with a Sorcerer with the celestial bloodline if trying to give spells to the daughter of a deity. Might also give the character a Celestial template.

That aside, having a PC be the holy symbol sounds awesome and I encourage you to allow it, despite it not being in the rules. I'd still take the birthmark trait, just so that you've technically got one on her.

Just for those who are curious: It is indeed part of her plan to make Zon-Kuthon normal again

And she starts to gather her own flock of believers early, last time she played the char she started with making guest speeches in shelyn temples and getting here and there a little shrine in them

IIRC, The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever had a character (an Urvile) become a living magic item (a rod of power).

An enchanted holy symbol can become an intelligent holy symbol, and thus a creature of sorts.

However, having another player be a symbol does have a downside...
... Wielding the symbol to cast spells.
Imagine, grabbing your friend and swinging her about just so you can cast spells. Gives a new meaning to dizzy blond.

... Smiting with your holy symbol.
Imagine, grabbing your friend and swinging her like a club into your favorite enemy. How much damage does she do, and can you Power Attack with her?

It also leaves questions like...
... False Focus: how much is she worth for eschewing materials?
... Razaman Priest: How does this work?


Cevah wrote:

However, having another player be a symbol does have a downside...
... Wielding the symbol to cast spells.
Imagine, grabbing your friend and swinging her about just so you can cast spells. Gives a new meaning to dizzy blond.

Okay, That's it. I'm swinging my Succubus around. Clearly, she's an unholy symbol that doubles as an exotic weapon with the grapple special weapon feature. (disarm too, for your holy symbol!) Don't care if she's not one of Lamashtu's own personal spawn... She's a Goddess in my eyes! (Many negative levels later).

Best thing about demons is that they tend not to mind some two-weapon-fighting either.

(Also, good luck in your epic plan to cure a sadomasochistic God. Please... Please do not wield your sister. This is how mistakes are made. Strong Dwarves/Orcs/Anyone who has ever uttered the word "gnome-chucks" would know. )

Bane Wraith wrote:
Cevah wrote:

However, having another player be a symbol does have a downside...

... Wielding the symbol to cast spells.
Imagine, grabbing your friend and swinging her about just so you can cast spells. Gives a new meaning to dizzy blond.
Okay, That's it. I'm swinging my Succubus around. Clearly, she's an unholy symbol that doubles as an exotic weapon with the grapple special weapon feature. (disarm too, for your holy symbol!) Don't care if she's not one of Lamashtu's own personal spawn... She's a Goddess in my eyes! (Many negative levels later).

She also is a spell storing weapon, cause when you swing passionately, she can drain after grappling.

Bane Wraith wrote:
Best thing about demons is that they tend not to mind some two-weapon-fighting either.

You got two succubi? Neat.


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