The Clinton vs. Trump Debates Talkback!

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Oh I guess the meltdown is starting now

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He CANNOT stop interrupting. o wo Now he's talking down the moderators and saying they're against him... wow.

...aaaand there he goes. :)

Dang am I going to have to actually *watch* this thing? I was hoping I could get something else done while you folks added color commentary

Clinton: We should keep the good parts of Obamacare, reduce the costs elsewhere, and make it better. Trump will tell you we should repeal it.

Trump: We should repeal it. o no

He should've brought Sean Hannity instead of Paula Jones.

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OMG did he actually say Canada's healthcare system was worse than ours? because I know Canadians in this country who would greatly disagree...

Trump: We need the Muslims to spy on each other.

"Muslims need to be our narcs if they want to stay here"

He said to the Muslim woman.

Liberty's Edge

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'Muslims have to report when they see hatred going on'

You mean like what you are saying right now?

Trump falls for the classic Say-My-Name fallacy.

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CrystalSeas wrote:
Dang am I going to have to actually *watch* this thing? I was hoping I could get something else done while you folks added color commentary

I admit 95% of my reason for watching is to see Trump have a full meltdown and/or see Clinton deliver massive staggering/knockout blows. I know it is evil to seek enjoyment from this, but I'm already CE.

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More fighting with the mods, who he seems to think are being unfair to him because they're trying to keep him on track. He is basically only attacking now.

Also, I think he just insulted many Republican states...

"It's called 'Extreme Vetting'"

Trump: "I am going to force criminals into other countries whether they like it or not."



Liberty's Edge

He's certainly referencing Sanders a lot. Trying to pull at the bitter-at-Hillary demographic?

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CBDunkerson wrote:
How does the man facing an active rape charge, former allegations of rape by his own wife, and his recorded comments about committing sexual assaults on women think that this is a winning topic that he should focus on?

Classic projection.

Rovian tactics - attack the other guy on your weak points.

Liberty's Edge

Oh Christ, the tax returns again.

Maybe there was no hacking...

Trump is incredibly aggressive here. o wo/ Still not impressed.


Trump: I know nothing about Russia.

Good admission for a President...? XD

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Seems he has the sniffle mic again.

Wow, even worked in a plug for the new Trump hotel again.

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We're in full ramble mode right now


Won't somebody call Sean Hannity! He's at the post office!!!!!

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how will you make sure the wealthy carry the full tax load?
cut corporate taxes
wait what?

Yup. XD That's an interesting answer.

Liberty's Edge

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She was a senator! Why didn't she fix it?

Uh... 'cuz there are 99 other senators, a House, and a President?

MMCJawa wrote:
We're in full ramble mode right now

Dr. Bornstein's® All-One Magic Uppers™ *

* May cause uncontrollable interrupting and facial spasms, greatly shortened attention span, irritability, pacing. Extended use may cause orangening of the skin, severe cognitive dissonance, grotesque priapism of ego.

Liberty's Edge

"Of course I did."

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Clinton: I voted to close these tax loopholes.

Trump: She allowed us to have these loopholes.

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Trump saying he knows the tax code better than any politician is like a criminal saying he knows the law better than any prosecutor


Donnie knows everything better than everyone. It's amazing.

pop...pop...pop.....Man I cant keep up!

Liberty's Edge

Does the female moderator always have such a cracking voice or is she just sick or nervous today?

Is Trump calling for increasing our nuclear armament?

Not sure. o wo/

...What I am sure of is that basically 90% of Trump's "answers" are attacks blaming her for anything and everything. (For those who aren't watching)

Apparently Pence is wrong...


But, I like Apple Butter...

Apparently everyone but Trump is wrong...

So the take home for Aleppo is screw them right?

More "screw Mosul", actually.

Also, he has no concrete ideas for how to do things.

Lots of people support me so therefore I am right!

captain yesterday wrote:

Trump has always been at war with Xenu and space clams.

Everything is the worst disaster in the world

It would be really funny if the last question person was from like rural Iowa...

Ooooh, now he's blaming her for the inner cities. o wo Which she had little ability to affect.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

She's all talk and nothing gets done, says the man who's never found a way to stop talking.

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