Zarius |
So, I know about the Amulet of Mighty Fists, an I know about the Eldritch Claws and Feral Training feats. And the normal weapon-focus feats. And the feats that give you a Sorcerer's blood line ability that could be used to grant claws and enhance them a little.
I also know about the Ring of Rat Fangs and the Helm of the Mammoth Lord to get extra natural weapons.
Anything else to add or improve natural attacks? I'd prefer something that adds to everything, and works all the time, versus I know there's a chest wrap that adds similar to the Amulet, but it's like one attack or one weapon.
Looking to make an acceptable natural weapons build. I have plenty of magical items and four or five feats to work with.

Zarius |
Kitsune Oracle (nine-tailed mystic) with the Bones mystery, level three with Skill Focus: Knowledge (Planes) and Eldritch Heritage - Abyssal for the claws. And flaming, obviously. Unless you know of one of them that can give claws with negative energy on them for the Bleeding Wounds perk.
Traded off the Kitsune Bite for Weapon Finesse (yay for natural weapons!), which I was going to replace either with the Ring of Rat Fangs or a magical Tattoo that does the same thing. I think it's a little weaker than the default one, but I wanted weapon finesse more than the die step up.

Zarius |
Not bad, though I'll have to see if my DM will let me put those other places (via Craft Magical Tattoo)... Though they aren't as useful as you might think... I can use the Amulet of Mighty Fists to give it a +5, which is a guaranteed 5 on the extra damage (much higher than the 3.5 average of either of those), and would bypass silver, cold iron, adamantine, AND alignment based DRs.

Zarius |
OK, I got some great ideas so far (the scorpion tail, the gloves, those amulets). I think between what I've got here and negotiations with my DM, I should be able to make a workable natural attack build... Though I suspect he's only going to let it work because the character's oracle's curse keeps him as a small-sized creature... a full die step down on everything.

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OK, I got some great ideas so far (the scorpion tail, the gloves, those amulets). I think between what I've got here and negotiations with my DM, I should be able to make a workable natural attack build... Though I suspect he's only going to let it work because the character's oracle's curse keeps him as a small-sized creature... a full die step down on everything.
Damage die is essentially meaningless for a natural attack build. The vast majority of damage is from static bonuses. Going from medium to small is really only a -1 to damage. Ant that is more than offset by the +1 to hit.

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Yeah, and it sounds like you're going the finesse/dex route. With an Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists, Dex to damage is very attainable for a natural attack build. And being small is better in that case than being medium. Like Imbicatus said, you only lose 1 point of damage on average, but you're gaining the +1 to-hit and +1 to AC from being small.
If you really want to, you can pick up Piranha Strike from the Sargava book, and that turns that +1 to-hit into +2 to damage per attack. Better than the +1 on average from a bigger damage die. It scales like Power Attack (without the x1 1/2 for two-handing), so it continues to be useful as you level.
My Investigator's favorite tactic is to boost Dex as much as possible from buffs, boosting his to-hit and static damage, then Monstrous Physique into a Charda (small creature with 5 primary natural attacks). I just power through most DR when I need to. Elementals and other things that don't take precision damage are my biggest challenge, as I can't even burst damage them with studied strikes.

Scott Wilhelm |
Zarius wrote:OK, I got some great ideas so far (the scorpion tail, the gloves, those amulets). I think between what I've got here and negotiations with my DM, I should be able to make a workable natural attack build... Though I suspect he's only going to let it work because the character's oracle's curse keeps him as a small-sized creature... a full die step down on everything.Damage die is essentially meaningless for a natural attack build. The vast majority of damage is from static bonuses. Going from medium to small is really only a -1 to damage. Ant that is more than offset by the +1 to hit.
You can take levels in Warpriest. I don't know what deity you might worship that lists any natural attacks as their signature weapon, but if you can't find any for your character to worship, you just take Weapon Focus for each Natural Attack you take. You can buff yourself with cleric spells, and your Base Damage starts at 1d6 and go up.
You can take a level in White Haired Witch and get a Hair Attack.
More later, I have a LOT of ideas.

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Not a lot of people know about the Gauntlets of Rending
A flat +2 untyped bonus to claw damage ain't nothing to sneeze at.

Scott Wilhelm |
You can grow. There is actual growth and virtual growth, and they stack with each other.
Take a level in Ranger. Take a level in Warpriest. Take a level in White Haired Witch. Acquire a Wand of Strong Jaw.
A Medium-Sized Tengu Warpriest with Claws and Weapon Focus Claws has 4 Natural Attacks: Hair, a Bite and 2 Claws that do 1d6 Each.
Cast Enlarge Person on yourself, and those 4 Natural Attacks all do 1d8 each.
Cast Strong Jaw on yourself, and all your Natural Attacks inflict damage as if you were 2 sizes bigger, so your 4 Natural Attacks all do 3d6 Damage.
You are thinking more Sorcerer or Bloodrager rather than Tengu, but the principle is the same.

Scott Wilhelm |
One way you can both grow in size and gain Natural Attacks in the first place is to take 4 levels in Druid and gain Wild Shape. If you don't want to take any more levels than that in Druid, you can just take the Shaping Focus Feat and up to 4 of your nondruid levels will count as Druid levels, allowing you to remain in Animal Form 24 hours/day and any size up to Huge down to Diminutive. You could Wildshape into a Megaraptor with a Bite, 2 Claws, and 2 Talons, and there's no reason you can't also wear your Helm of the Mammoth Lord for that Gore Attack, too! Some GMs might balk at letting you also use Witches' White Hair while in Dinosaur form because Dinosaurs don't have hair, but being a race that doesn't have hair doesn't normally preclude you from taking levels in White Haired Witch: per RAW, it should be fine.
My other favorite forms include Dire Tiger, Warcat, Allosaurus, and Giant Octopus(!).

Scott Wilhelm |
Imbicatus wrote:Zarius wrote:OK, I got some great ideas so far (the scorpion tail, the gloves, those amulets). I think between what I've got here and negotiations with my DM, I should be able to make a workable natural attack build... Though I suspect he's only going to let it work because the character's oracle's curse keeps him as a small-sized creature... a full die step down on everything.Damage die is essentially meaningless for a natural attack build. The vast majority of damage is from static bonuses. Going from medium to small is really only a -1 to damage. Ant that is more than offset by the +1 to hit.You can take levels in Warpriest. I don't know what deity you might worship that lists any natural attacks as their signature weapon, but if you can't find any for your character to worship, you just take Weapon Focus for each Natural Attack you take. You can buff yourself with cleric spells, and your Base Damage starts at 1d6 and go up.
You can take a level in White Haired Witch and get a Hair Attack.
More later, I have a LOT of ideas.
If you can make each of those many, many natural attacks do Sneak Attack Damage as well, you can really pile on the pain!
Take Quick and Greater dirty tricks, and you can sacrifice 1 of your attacks to make your opponents Blind. If Blind, then good-bye Dex Mod to AC, and hello Sneak Attack Damage!
Or take a level in Cleric with the Travelling Domain or a level in Arcanist and get Dimensional Slide, and gain a tactical teleport you can achieve Flanking with, and get your Sneak Attack Damage that way.
Tentacles and White Hair have Grab or something like it. With every successful Attack with them, you get a free Grapple attack. Wear Armor Spikes, and do Armor Spike damage with every successful Grapple Attack, and since the Grapple Check is a separate Attack Roll, you get your Strength Bonus again, and you get your Sneak Attack Damage again.
Double Damage!
Take Hamatula Strike, and all your Piercing Natural Attacks also gain Free Grapple Attacks: your Gore and your Bite.
Take Snake Style, and your Unarmed Strikes become Piercing Attacks and also benefit from Hamatula Strike.
Take Feral Combat Training for your Claws, then they gain the Benefit from Snake Style and Hamatula Strike.
Your DPR will be obscene.
Natural Attacks have been a favorite topic of mine. I have posted on this subject before.

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Slightly randomly, but still partially relevant... Is there a weapon enchantment like Flaming or Shocking that does negative energy? Not evil, neg energy.
I don't believe that there is. I think Vicious would be the one, but because of creatures (and PCs) that heal from negative energy, they left it as untyped energy damage. Otherwise it would be a ridiculously good enhancement for undead, dhampirs, and other negative energy based characters.
EDIT: Since you're taking Bones Oracle, you could get a Conductive weapon/amulet and use Death's Touch, but it's going to be a very limited number of uses per day. Conductive uses two uses of the ability, and you already don't get that many.

Zarius |
So, just wanted to thank everyone. My DM basically shart himself when we discussed options, and he realized that my small-sized character could potentially get 5 natural attacks at 2d6 a pop. By mostly throwing money at the problem. Was fun :D Before buffs from two separate instances of the Amulet of Might Fists (normal, physical one, plus a tattooed version of it).
Just out of curiosity for another character, is there a magic item that would give a Claw natural attack?

Zarius |
So, since I found out new info for my own question, Good Guy OP says:
Aberrant archetype of the Aegis class - You can use upto three tentacles at level 1, if you spend all your psionic customization points on them, and a fourth at level 2.
Synthesist archetype of the Summoner class - Up to three natural attacks at first level, and the Synthesist archetype fuses with it's Eidelon, which means that the attacks count for it.
Tentacle Cloak.
That's one more if you aren't willing to multiclass, and another six if you are.