Guardians (Zashchitniki): Russian 2017 Superhero Film


There is a new Russian superhero film, Guardians (Защитники Zaschitniki) coming out in early 2017. It looks like action-packed fun with some expensive special effects.

IMDB info
First trailer

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm looking forward to it. Wondering how it'll stack up against the Night Watch/Day Watch duology, which I enjoyed greatly.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Nightwatch was great! This trailer looks fantastic.

I liked Night Watch and Day Watch too.

The only thing that's bugging me about the trailer is Khan's (the ninja-ish dude) swords. They look Damn Cool but as each one is a half circle, they bug me mechanically/simulationist-y, like if they would even work effectively in combat. I know my nitpick seems stupid, when the film also has a woman made of water, a guy who telekinetically controls rocks, and a wearbear with a chain gun... but I can easily buy into all that other stuff. Just not the swords.

Sovereign Court

My nitpick is that the coolest dude (the bear headed one) looks so fake.

This trailer looks pretty cool. The only thing that bugged me was the English dub. It sounded good but lack of proper lip synching really jars me. Hope we get a proper original language+sub if it ever makes it to the big screen here.

The Watch movies didn't really do the books justice. The books are even more shades-of-gray and interesting with some pretty good world-building. I heartily recommend them (one of them even has a Planescape: Torment reference).

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I got the idea from the Watch movies that there was a lot more going on than was obvious (the Inquisition agent looking like the go-between in Zavulon and Geser's negotiation in the prologue, e.g.)--figured some of it was lost in adaptation, some was lost in translation, and some was edited out.

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Hama wrote:
My nitpick is that the coolest dude (the bear headed one) looks so fake.

At least he looks better than all the werewolves in the Underworld series.

Sovereign Court

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Hama wrote:
My nitpick is that the coolest dude (the bear headed one) looks so fake.
At least he looks better than all the werewolves in the Underworld series.

That is a very low bar to set.

I lower the bar further with The Howling series. ;)

Yet, they still cannot beat Moose and Squirrel.

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Aimless wrote:
I lower the bar further with The Howling series. ;)

I have to disagree...

The first The Howling was state of the art for it's time and looked 100 times better than most of the Underworld movies.

Back on Topic...

I saw the trailer for this awhile back...and looks good.

John Kretzer wrote:
Aimless wrote:
I lower the bar further with The Howling series. ;)

I have to disagree...

The first The Howling was state of the art for it's time and looked 100 times better than most of the Underworld movies.

Fair enough! I concur that the first Howling is well done even for today's standards. The rest ... not so much.

I think I'd be interested in seeing a movie where the transformation that only morphs the head into an animal one (maybe the body gets more muscular, but it stays human) has an animal head that acts independently of the body. Maybe while the guy is firing his minigun, the head is sniffing around and licking the companions.

So... I watched Night Watch and Day Watch out of curiosity.

Uh... I really, reallyhope Guardians is waaaaaaaaay better than those films. :/

(Russian sounds really cool, BTW)

Lemmy Z wrote:

So... I watched Night Watch and Day Watch out of curiosity.

Uh... I really, reallyhope Guardians is waaaaaaaaay better than those films. :/

I refer you to my post above.

Well... The quality of the books doesn't make the movies any better.

But, yes, I too prefer to see media in the original language, when possible.

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Lemmy Z wrote:

Well... The quality of the books doesn't make the movies any better.

No, but I wouldn't want people thinking the movies are 100% faithful adaptations of the source material (at least of the translated versions I've read - I cannot comment on the original Russian).

Yes, the movies get the main point of one of the stories across but they gloss over or outright ignore a number of things.

Hey... this could be good. They even have a bear themed hero! With a minigun!!!!! But... where is Super Putin???

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