Saethori |

I don't see much purpose into reflavoring a dog. They taste fine as is...
Also, there actually is an actual character in the Pathfinder art that has a fox pet! So it's not just an anime thing.
The easiest way to formulate a familiar when there aren't already stats for the creature you're looking for is to examine the list and find the animal closest to the one you have in mind. You can then simply use the statistics of the existing animal as those for your desired familiar. This ensures that the familiar is balanced, and it doesn't require you or the GM to tinker with the animal's statistics.
When approximating familiars, the most important thing to realize is that a given familiar's statistics can be used to represent a wide variety of other creatures of the same creature type, not just that species. For example, the rat is a small, agile mammal, so it's a reasonable leap to use its statistics to represent a mouse, shrew, or other similar small mammal. Conversely, using the stats for a bat to represent a flying fish, despite some similarities, is probably suboptimal. Consider some of the Advanced Method options for making more significant adjustments to a creature.
While this was in regards to familiars, I think the practice works just fine for approximating animal companions too; there's no concern about imbalance if you're using a statistic block that's already approved as balanced.
Also, when I compare the statistics for the (Small) dog and the (Tiny) fox, I find that the ONLY difference between the two is that the dog has +2 STR and -2 DEX... which would line up perfectly with the fact that its size is increased from Tiny to Small.
So, yes, Dog seems the absolutely perfect statistic block to use.

Archae |

which is weird considering several types of foxes are the size of dogs... of course they probably used the smaller more common breeds as an example.
Heck there's a type of wolf that is almost indistinguishable from a fox it's called the Maned wolf, it's pretty cool cause apparently it's not any more related to wolves than any other type of canine it's something weird in the middle

Mulgar |

Archae wrote:You can if your GM says you can.So first thing to state this in no way related to anything PFS i am aware of certain incidents of the past.
So onto my real question so can i reflavor a dog or wolf into a fox animal companion?
and that is the end of this conversation, thank you for coming, let me show you the door.

Archae |

Oncoming_Storm wrote:Archae wrote:You can if your GM says you can.So first thing to state this in no way related to anything PFS i am aware of certain incidents of the past.
So onto my real question so can i reflavor a dog or wolf into a fox animal companion?
and that is the end of this conversation, thank you for coming, let me show you the door.
Personally i've always been of the thought process that Rule 0 I.E. gm is always right isn't really an appropriate answer for things that could have actual answers. it's the the equivalent of a parent saying because i said so which imo is bad parenting...not the point however. i'd like to see what other people could have to say on the subject although i do understand that if the gm says you can then yes. That said thank you for contributing...

Sundakan |

Mulgar wrote:Personally i've always been of the thought process that Rule 0 I.E. gm is always right isn't really an appropriate answer for things that could have actual answers. it's the the equivalent of a parent saying because i said so which imo is bad parenting...not the point however. i'd like to see what other people could have to say on the subject although i do understand that if the gm says you can then yes. That said thank you for contributing...Oncoming_Storm wrote:Archae wrote:You can if your GM says you can.So first thing to state this in no way related to anything PFS i am aware of certain incidents of the past.
So onto my real question so can i reflavor a dog or wolf into a fox animal companion?
and that is the end of this conversation, thank you for coming, let me show you the door.
There is no actual answer to this though. You asked a Rules Question.
The only rule covering reflavoring is "Ask your GM".
Question closed.
If you would like to discuss whether reflavoring SHOULD be allowed, might be best to flag your thread to be moved to General Discussion or Advice.

![]() |

Heck there's a type of wolf that is almost indistinguishable from a fox it's called the Maned wolf, it's pretty cool cause apparently it's not any more related to wolves than any other type of canine it's something weird in the middle
It's roughly 75% coyote DNA, actually.
A result of early settlers displacing and isolating grey wolves hundreds of years ago.
A similar phenomenon is happening in New England. Those "coywolves" are roughly 25% coyote DNA.

Claxon |

There aren't rules for this and ultimately comes down to your GM making a decision.
If you simply want to call your dog or wolf animal companion a fox without deriving mechanical benefit from it otherwise as a GM I would be perfectly okay with that. I think most GMs would be okay with that as well, it's not mechanically any different than a legal option, you're just calling it something else.
With regard to PFS, it should be stated this is strictly not allowed in PFS. I know OP said this isn't for PFS, but just thought I would add this in while we're here.