Urban Bloodrager Switch Hitter?


Scarab Sages

I'm building an urban bloodrager with arcane bloodline, Str 16 and Dex 14. There are no other ranged characters in the party, so I'd like to be able to switch hit if needed.

I'm wondering if I can do it without sacrificing too much in melee. If I take only Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot can I get by if I'm not planning to shoot into melee?

Is that too much investment for what I'd be getting? I could invest no feats and just use rage for Dex and haste, would that be better?

Help me shoot well enough out of melee to matter with the minimal investment please!

I say 14 Dex and full bab are enough to shoot at something not in melee. So is hey an adaptive view and still rage for str

I think deadly aim is really a good idea for a switch hitter, at the end of the day you want more damage. PBS and Rapid Shot are ok on their own, sure, but a bit more damage is likely to be worth it imo.

I prefer Air elemental for Urban Bloodrager bow nonsense, the flight is so wonderful. Better than haste IMO.

The Exchange

If you don't mind switching class, rangers do it better. Otherwiae just keep the only melee feat as power attack(at lv 1), then take the following feats (point blank, rapid shot). Skip precise, cos if he's melee you should be in there.

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