Can Almemists and Investigators use wands?

Rules Questions

A small distinction is whether the Alchemist and Investigator alchemy abilities count as "spell lists" to fit the requirements to use wands.

If so its very useful. if not its going to be nearly useless to use wands in combat.

Liberty's Edge

Alchemists may use wands if the spell appears on their formula list but investigators need to use UMD. It was originally thought to be an oversight, but the developer behind the investigator has mentioned that it is an intentional change from the alchemist's abilities.

Alchemist wrote:
Although the alchemist doesn't actually cast spells, he does have a formulae list that determines what extracts he can create. An alchemist can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his formulae list, but not spell-completion items (unless he uses Use Magic Device to do so).

Alchemists can use spell trigger items, such as wands, without UMD checks, if they're on his class list.

Note that Investigators lack the bolded phrase in their Alchemy ability, so they can't use spell trigger items without UMD checks.

Well any class that could take care of its own healing would be very useful. That is very disappointing that is cant for quite a while.

The investigator will almost always have a high use magic device skill anyway. It's an odd thing to leave out of the class, but it's barely ever an issue.

Deighton Thrane wrote:
Alchemists may use wands if the spell appears on their formula list but investigators need to use UMD. It was originally thought to be an oversight, but the developer behind the investigator has mentioned that it is an intentional change from the alchemist's abilities.

And the Design Team seems to agree.

FAQ wrote:

Investigators and Spell Trigger: Investigators’ alchemy class feature is missing a sentence that appears in the alchemist allowing him to use spell trigger items. Does that mean the investigator can’t use spell trigger items?

Investigators cannot use spell trigger items. The omitted sentence was intentional.

Scarab Sages

The psychic investigator, which is a psychic spell caster, has a spell list and can use wands that way. No luck for the base investigator though.

Ruske Bell wrote:
The psychic investigator, which is a psychic spell caster, has a spell list and can use wands that way. No luck for the base investigator though.

As can the Questioner archetype since they are arcane casters using the Bard spell list.

I looked up the Investigator talents and one helps. Device talent allows you to use Inpsiration for free use Use Magic device, for a regular +1-6 bonus.

Its still not as good as as having wand use for free sadly.

Yeah, I'm not sure why they left it out for the investigator.

Seems like they would have explained it, but apparently that's not the case.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well, the empericist is guaranteed on wands by 8th level with a 22 INT and 1 success (+2 bonus). Skill focus gets you there by 6th level. Earlier with other feats or traits, though I'd be re-training before too long since there are better options than focusing on UMD, IMO.

taks wrote:
Well, the empericist is guaranteed on wands by 8th level with a 22 INT and 1 success (+2 bonus). Skill focus gets you there by 6th level. Earlier with other feats or traits, though I'd be re-training before too long since there are better options than focusing on UMD, IMO.

That is why its not my automatic first choice to specialize in it through a "wand build".

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

True, though I'd say being able to use wands is really secondary to why you'd take empericist in the first place, IMO. I play one as an additional PC for the GS campaign I'm GMing. He has never used a wand in combat, and only rarely out of combat. It's just worth noting that the lack of spell trigger usage is fairly easy to overcome without much expense (really just skill points).

as above.

For the Investigator the standard solution is to level dip into a class that has the spell list you want to use. Use the skill ranks in something other than UMD.

The Exchange

taks wrote:
Well, the empericist is guaranteed on wands by 8th level with a 22 INT and 1 success (+2 bonus). Skill focus gets you there by 6th level. Earlier with other feats or traits, though I'd be re-training before too long since there are better options than focusing on UMD, IMO.

Is the bolded part using "You get a +2 bonus on your Use Magic Device check if you've activated the item in question at least once before." from the UMD skill description? Because that's part of the "Activate Blindly" section of UMD. Which has a DC of 25.

Sovereign Court

Azothath wrote:

as above.

For the Investigator the standard solution is to level dip into a class that has the spell list you want to use. Use the skill ranks in something other than UMD.

Nah, you get too many benefits from sticking to full Investigator. Wands, especially from a single spell list, aren't worth dipping out for. You're better off keeping your Studied Combat high and advancing your Investigator spells.

Just ignore wands until you have the money to buy a Headband of Intelligence and pick UMD as the skill to get ranks in. Instant competence.

Ascalaphus wrote:
Azothath wrote:

as above.

For the Investigator the standard solution is to level dip into a class that has the spell list you want to use. Use the skill ranks in something other than UMD.

Nah, you get too many benefits from sticking to full Investigator. Wands, especially from a single spell list, aren't worth dipping out for. You're better off keeping your Studied Combat high and advancing your Investigator spells.

Just ignore wands until you have the money to buy a Headband of Intelligence and pick UMD as the skill to get ranks in. Instant competence.

yep. I'd agree that if all you want is wands then a headband is the way to go. Knowledge local is also popular (those wizards Frommer, Lonely Planet, and Rick Steve are rather busy...).

There are other benefits to class dipping(dimensional slide, cleric domains, will save, a pile of magic items become usable), so it's always a trade off. Many games are magic heavy so it's an overall gain. If your game goes to level 20 then it's a concern, not all make it.

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