Rogue becoming a lich?


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thenovalord wrote:

In this case cool kills Raw.

Being a Lich makes you a great assassin. You can patiently wait for days on end in all sorts of environments.
Would make a great solo adventurer, with conflicted morals maybe

Oh I agree. Just on that. All in favor?

*raises hand*

Might make a good 3pp mini adventure
Take 11 level martial type,
add a Lich template forced upon you by a scheming baddie.
Do his bidding while you plan how to get your hands on your phylactery

Someone please let me know where I'm misunderstanding the rules of Rituals... I thought the phrase "While anyone can attempt to cast occult rituals" was pretty bloody clear. And the rules for both Master Crafting and the Unchained Crafting BOTH allow the creation of Wondrous items through the "normal" crafting system, AS THOUGH you were a caster in equal level to your actual applied ranks.

It does not say WHAT spells are needed, so "casting spells" is one prerequisite that I don't meet, and by the rules as written I qualify as a level 11 caster, so that's a +5 to the DC of the crafting. Of a small metal box. Not exactly all that hard to do.

The Occult Ritual specifically states "anyone can attempt."

Someone please elaborate if I'm not quite getting this.

I'm still extremely sure that the ritual works. RAI (because occult rituals after meant to be accomplished by anyone regardless of casting ability) and RAW (there is no step in the process that the rogue cannot accomplish).

So it can only be stopped by a GM actively trying to hinder the rogue by citing unrelated rules as if they said no.

Liberty's Edge

Why not choose some other undead type that is not a spellcaster? There is a heck of a lot pf push to get that square peg through the round hole

Because the only other options, Shar, have inherent major weaknesses. This is a character I'm building to specifically face off with a same-level wizard, so I'm trying to cover up as many holes in my defense as possible. The ability to keep coming back to "life" is pretty bloody handy. Just tie your phylactery to a rabbit, go to a random spot on the planet, cast Imprison on the rabbit, and let it die. Boom. Irretrievable even to a wizard, short of a Wish.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The rabbit will never die, thanks to the temporal statis effect.

Zarius wrote:

I know this might seem like it should go nowhere, but I'd like a confirmation of the interpretation of the rules.

So, the RAW provides three requirements for becoming a lich:

1) "Each lich must create its own phylactery by using the Craft Wondrous Item feat."
2) "The character must be able to cast spells and have a caster level of 11th or higher."
3) "The phylactery costs 120,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of creation." (irrelephant, it's basically money)

Where are these rules from, 3.5? AFAIK, Pathfinder has no official one size fits all laid down process. Every lich in print materials that does have an origin laid out has gone through a unique route... the only thing in common, being a slaughter of a crapton of innocents along the way.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Zarius wrote:

I know this might seem like it should go nowhere, but I'd like a confirmation of the interpretation of the rules.

So, the RAW provides three requirements for becoming a lich:

1) "Each lich must create its own phylactery by using the Craft Wondrous Item feat."
2) "The character must be able to cast spells and have a caster level of 11th or higher."
3) "The phylactery costs 120,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of creation." (irrelephant, it's basically money)

Where are these rules from, 3.5? AFAIK, Pathfinder has no official one size fits all laid down process. Every lich in print materials that does have an origin laid out has gone through a unique route... the only thing in common, being a slaughter of a crapton of innocents along the way.



An integral part of becoming a lich is the creation of the phylactery in which the character stores his soul. The only way to get rid of a lich for sure is to destroy its phylactery. Unless its phylactery is located and destroyed, a lich can rejuvenate after it is killed.

Each lich must create its own phylactery by using the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The character must be able to cast spells and have a caster level of 11th or higher. The phylactery costs 120,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of creation.

The most common form of phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been transcribed. The box is Tiny and has 40 hit points, hardness 20, and a break DC of 40.

Other forms of phylacteries can exist, such as rings, amulets, or similar items

I mean it's literally from the first bestiary's lich entry so it's kind of hard to miss.

Yeah, I know. But there are alternate rules, involving the Unchained Crafting stuff, that allow you to substitute crafting ranks for caster level... you just add a +5 to the DC of crafting for each requirement you don't meet. If you're rank 20 in a crafting skill, with the unchained rogue having put his Rogue's Edge to Crafting, that means that you HAVE the craft wondrous item feat when crafting anything that your Crafting skill qualifies on. There's no specific spell list, so you don't have to meet the requirements of casting a SPECIFIC spell. TECHNICALLY, rules as written, your crafting level qualifies AS your caster level for making the phylactery (magical item creation rules), so technically you aren't even missing anything. As to the actual process of becoming a Lich, that's been covered by one of the occult rituals.

And a metal box ain't hard to craft. The only problem that you'd normally have is the time. Even crafting it yourself, 40,000 GP would take a long time. But, at the time of creation, it's assumed that that process would have been completed, so time isn't a factor.

The only question that I'd had was whether or not it COULD be done. The answer is "Yes, use the Occult Ritual."

Sorry, bad math. 60,000 GP, half for magical one third for non-magical.

Zarius wrote:
Yeah, I know. But there are alternate rules, involving the Unchained Crafting stuff, that allow you to substitute crafting ranks for caster level... you just add a +5 to the DC of crafting for each requirement you don't meet.

You've been told multiple times you don't get a caster level.

Your also looking at it as if it's a magic item from the DMG that will give you the Lich template once made, that is not the case, these are listed in creatures bio as a thing it has to be.

It is listed because the Lich is a magic user who became this thing, a DM can change these limitations if he wants but the DM could also have the template make you a floating skull if he thought that made sense.

There are no rules to overcome because there are no mechanical rules for players becoming Liches anymore than a PC controlled vampire, this is just what the book says a Lich is and does.

Costs 120,000 gp to create, not what it can be "bought" for.

Turin, my bad. I misunderstood that part. Thank you for the correction. The point that I can still simply throw money at the problem remains, though it's just more substantial.

NoTongue, I apologize. I appear to have slightly misunderstood the rules as written. You ARE correct, I don't get an effective caster level for this purpose, however... as the base DC for a phylactery is 16 (The DC to create a magic item is 5 + the caster level for the item)and the DC to craft it without meeting the requirement of having a caster level of 11 is an additional +5 (the DC to create a magic item increases by 5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet), the DC still only becomes 21. Which, if I have 20 ranks in a relevant crafting skill, I qualify as a level 0 caster for the purpose of making the item with the Signature Skill feat (either taken manually or through the Unchained Rogue) (and yes, I can claim a caster level of 0, since that is accurate - I have zero caster levels). And since I have to have 20 ranks in the skill to qualify on the top tier of the Unchained Crafting rules, I can still pass on a 1. If you want to say that I'm missing TWO requirements (casting spells AND CL 11), that's still only a 26. As long as I have masterwork tools, and my int is absolutely no lower than 5 on my initial roll, that's STILL a pass on 1 (+5 int tome and +6 item, coupled with a +2 bonus from the MW tools means a +5 extra bonus, minimum, never mind throwing a skill bonus enchantment at it at 100x(bonus^2) ). And since I'd still be using the occult ritual, which is inherently designed for classes that aren't actually capable of casting spells... yeah... Still a null issue.

Also, NoTongue, if there's no method for a PC to become a lich, maybe I'm misunderstanding the existence of the Occult Ritual mentioned previously in the thread?

Occult Rituals are templates for GMs to develop their own plot relevant rituals. They only appear because your GM gave them to you, you can't just buy them or craft/research them on your own like spells or items. So they are no more a PC option than an artifact abilities are. They could be, but only by GM fiat giving it to you.

Zarius the solution is easy.
Do it
Don't tell anyone on the message boards you have done it
Enjoy your creation

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
They only appear because your GM gave them to you, you can't just buy them or craft/research them on your own like spells or items.


Occult Rituals wrote:
If an occult ritual is taught or its secrets are explained directly, it takes at least 1 day per ritual level to learn the method of its casting. Learning a ritual from hidden clues or from scratch takes a week or a month per ritual level (GM's discretion). At the end of this period of study and contemplation, the person attempting to learn the ritual must succeed at an Intelligence check (DC = 15 + the ritual level if learning from clues or a coerced teacher, or DC = 10 + the ritual level if learning from an instructor eager to teach). Failing the check means the secrets of the ritual elude the learner's understanding, though she can start the process anew at the same rate of potential discovery.

There are precise rules for learning how to cast a given occult ritual. And, furthermore, it does not require a teacher as long as you spend the nine weeks/months studying it.

So, it actually is like researching spells or crafting items.

(And yes, this step of the process can be shut off by a GM, but, really, so can any step in the process, for rogues and wizards alike.)

@thenovalord There's actually a specific reason I'm asking people to poke holes in the idea. Saethori actually commented on my other thread that goes into specific details on the challenge, but if you're interested:

This was just one of the things that I was looking into to add as much as I can to my defensive capabilities.


For some reason, it never dawned on me that the writer of both posts were the same person.

Let's be honest, here, how many people would enter into a cockfight like this, AND come up with the random, off the wall idea of making a rogue into a lich withOUT busing out the Eldritch Scoundrel (was tempting, by the way).

That didn't occur to me either.

I'm afraid I tend not to inherit context from one thread to another, I try to approach everything with a clean line of thought. So I tend not to notice poster similarities unless it's a poster I haven't gotten along with.

Abraham spalding wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Zarius wrote:

I know this might seem like it should go nowhere, but I'd like a confirmation of the interpretation of the rules.

So, the RAW provides three requirements for becoming a lich:

1) "Each lich must create its own phylactery by using the Craft Wondrous Item feat."
2) "The character must be able to cast spells and have a caster level of 11th or higher."
3) "The phylactery costs 120,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of creation." (irrelephant, it's basically money)

Where are these rules from, 3.5? AFAIK, Pathfinder has no official one size fits all laid down process. Every lich in print materials that does have an origin laid out has gone through a unique route... the only thing in common, being a slaughter of a crapton of innocents along the way.



An integral part of becoming a lich is the creation of the phylactery in which the character stores his soul. The only way to get rid of a lich for sure is to destroy its phylactery. Unless its phylactery is located and destroyed, a lich can rejuvenate after it is killed.

Each lich must create its own phylactery by using the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The character must be able to cast spells and have a caster level of 11th or higher. The phylactery costs 120,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of creation.

The most common form of phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been transcribed. The box is Tiny and has 40 hit points, hardness 20, and a break DC of 40.

Other forms of phylacteries can exist, such as rings, amulets, or similar items

I mean it's literally from the first bestiary's lich entry so it's kind of hard to miss.

It describes only the crafting of the phylactory. That's far from the whole process of becoming a lich.

Well considering you must create your own and must be able to cast spells to do that and must have a caster level of 11 or higher then it is easy to say if you don't mean one of those steps then you can't be a lich.

It's a literal if then statement:

1. To be a lich you must have a phylactery
2. To have a phylactery to be a lich you must:
2a. Create it yourself
2b. be able to cast spells
2c. Have a caster level of 11 or higher
3. Other steps may apply to be a lich.

However part 3 doesn't preclude part two. Those are minimums to have a phylactery (as in the type the lich uses). You don't get to skip those with vague handwaving simply because there might be additional steps.

@Drahliana Moonrunner
Occult Rituals page. Eternal Apotheosis ternal-Apotheosis

The question was actually answered within a few hours of initial question being posted.

So I just realized, this doesn't work for a different reason. The skill unlock for Craft specifies that " You can craft magic armor, magic weapons, magic rings, and wondrous items that fall under your category of Craft using the normal Craft rules.". What Craft skill lets you make a phylactery? Craft (soul jar)?

Scarab Sages

I don't know enough about the lich to judge well. However startingout as rogue then taking lvls as either Alchemist or Investigator and getting eternal potion on some version of Undead anatomy might get you close.


"The most common form of phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been transcribed. The box is Tiny and has 40 hit points, hardness 20, and a break DC of 40.

Other forms of phylacteries can exist, such as rings, amulets, or similar items."

Box, ring, amulet, or something else relatively small that I could tie to the aforementioned rabbit before using Imprison on it.

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